Friday, April 30, 2021



BAND NAME: Nocturnal Freeze
GENRE: Symphonic Unblack Metal
STATUS: Split-up
LOCATION: Santa Maria da Vitória, Bahia, Brazil

Roberto Castro - Vocals
Nobody - Keyboards
Mystery - Bass
Mortem - Drums



Transylvania (album)

October 1, 2013, Martyrdom Records, Limited Edition (CD-R)
May 17, 2018, Christian Metal Underground Records, Limited Edition (CD-R, Digital)

1. The Burning & Curse Of The Witches 7:31
In middle dark ages begins the persecution
Beginning of pain and Catholic corruption
Persecuting those accused of sorcery
From Hell those hypocrites will never be free
Witches and wizards were burned in pyre
Tortured and hanged, condemned to death
Winds of death blows in their pale face
Their cruel blood thirst stood out of control...

The burning and curse of the witches
Searching for a supposed reason to kill
The burning and curse!
Diabolical men, rotting the name of Christ...

Many innocent died in those dark days
Tortured and burned, a high price to be paid
Loud shouts came from the masses:
"Burn the evil witches, we want to see the blood!"
Priests: "Even the innocents, we wish their richness!"

Horripilate screams came from the stakes
The possessed priest accomplished his rules
Sending many souls to the gates of Hades...

Losing their heads by guillotine's blade
The witches dying agonizing in pain
Spitting blasphemies and curses again
Their damned mouth hurts with many plagues
Beautiful white fleshes are melting in fire
Full of vanity, lust and carnal desires
Too much beautiful women burning in flames
I think is real, their beauty is corroded...

Is a darker time than all days before
Is a colder age than all ages before
Their bodies burn like an ancient forest
Reduced, diminished to ashes and dust...

Leaded by corrupted black church
The clergy don't accepted other religion
No one could quest the autonomy
And supremacy of the putrid church!
Heresies, impiety, injustice
Of the infernal eyes of the opportunist Pope
They are so putrid, sinners
Lying, sayings have no sins
Full of malice, lust, and delight
Dressed in gold, while poor ones starve
They want to be better than God
But they are putrid rotting flesh!
They raised a darkness empire
Full of demons of cruelty
To unleash the name of the beast
Diabolic, putrid, Catholic church!

2. Carpathian Forest Witch 5:45
Riding through Carpathian forest by night
Whispers and screams I hear through the woods
There lived a malefic and cruel
She lived in a cursed castle among the pines
Launched her spells in the peasants of woods
Her blood-thirst was insatiable
Drunk and bathed in pure blood of virgins
Her pact with Satan don't let she grown old

A beast in a beautiful body
Sensual Gothic black dress
Possessed, malign, killer, libertine
Beware, protect your throat
She descended of vampire's family
Great black lords of Romaine
Those were under a black curse
Damned Transylvania vampires

In a full-moon night, a shadowy night
She done sacrifices of bodies and blood
Killed and killed again in the name of Satan
Her white skin was red by the blood
Her eyes turned into eyes of vampire
Her teeth grown up, like a wild beast
Horrible, horripilate transfiguration
"This is what Satan does to his slaves!"

The Countess thought, "I need your pure blood
To still alive in delights
The hot blood that runs in your veins
Is my wine to the eternal life!"

The vampires hunter, "I pray for your soul
Poor creature of darkness
Arrested in deepest abyss
Only He can save your soul
Only He can set your free
From this evil curse of generations
Break the ice of your black heart
Elohim can save your soul
Only Lord Ieshua can set you free!"

(Go out of hell, go out of the dark mistress Bathory)

3. Ceremonial Sacred Ritual 4:50
We praise the God who resurrected
Thy glory be eternal
Oh supreme Christ, all kneel before Thee
In Gloriam Diem they'll bow
And ask for mercy at Your face
And Thy face will blind them forever
Before Thee, the dead will rise from the grave...

In ceremonial sacred ritual
We'll worship and praise Thy holy name!
Worshiping Your sovereign holy name
The shadows go away in majestic sky
Thou art so high, the aurora boreal
The fire that hits in my lonely soul
In cold nights of winter
Nordic winds freeze
But my soul prevails hitting by fire
Oh, Saint Lord of justice
We're part of Christ's body
In ceremonial sacred ritual

In ceremonial sacred ritual
We'll worship and praise Thy holy name!

I am Thy word messenger and servant
And for thee I live in hard sacrifice
This is the true sense of life in this world
The mortal fools will never understand

Ceremonial sacred ritual
Ceremonial sacred ritual

4. Fanatic Ceremony Ritual 7:08
We praise the supreme majesty of Christ
Worship and glory to His holy name
We'll drink the blood in a sacred ceremony
To turn in eternal creatures

Your words are written in the book of wisdom
Hit our souls and free us from spells
Of the dark and cold eternal night
Nocturnal winds blow the unfaithful ones

Fanatic ceremony ritual
Fanatic ceremony ritual
Glory to the Lord!
All glory be given to the Lord!
Only the fanatics that inhabit in Thee
Will always prevail, eternally
The blood of Christ purifies my soul
For this we glorify the Master Lord
In a cold and dark tenebrous time
The perverted creatures rot away
Controlled by darkness, spell of the witch
The world dies and only fanatics will win

Fanatic ceremony ritual
Fanatic ceremony ritual
All glory be given to the Lord!

In the great cathedral
In tomb we carry Your name
Oh Lord, how many are the weak
But from Thee flows the force of life

"We worship the almighty Lord
Because He lives and reign
For centuries and centuries
Before the bastard, traitor surge."

5. Hosannas In Extremis 4:18
Ave Christ, Hosannas in Extremis!
Ave Christ, Hosannas in Extremis!

I'm not alone since I have turned to Christ
Then He had took me out of the darkness
In the night I saw the light in shadows
The Book of Life is eternal like the Nordic night!

I turned to Christ... He gave me the sense of life
I would had died in suicide with the sadness inside
He sets me free from the sorrow in mind, and my heart
From disturbs and pain...
Now I'm a new creature and liberated from Hell's way
Thanks, my Supreme Lord, immortal, for His grace, to my soul!

I praise the Lord... Alone in the dark, I walked through the night
But my Lord heard my cries in the shades of my painful dark paths

Thanks to my Lord! For liberated me from diabolical shadows!

I'm not alone since I have turned to Christ
Then He had took me out of the darkness
In the night I saw the light in shadows
The Book of Life is eternal like the Nordic night!

I turned to Christ... He gave me the sense of life
I would had died in suicide with the sadness inside
He sets me free from the sorrow in mind, and my heart
From disturbs and pain...
Now I'm a new creature and liberated from Hell's way
Thanks, my Supreme Lord, immortal, for His grace, to my soul!

I praise the Lord

Hosannas in Extremis!
Hosannas in Extremis!
Hosannas in Extremis!
Hosannas in Extremis!

6. Transylvania 1:33
7. Inside The Darkness 5:34
Candles are burning, Messiah's returning
Feeling cold fears, the shadows around
The man in black is there, my black eyes stare
With the forces of evil I am aware
I hear a tenebrous and macabre sound
Coming straight the underground
The castle is haunted, cemeteries found
Below the castle that is in damnation

Inside the dark castle I fear no more
I saw many bathtubs filled with corpses, gore
The place were countess bathed
But she is no more here
Searching virgins yet innocent
She's so malign, cruel and dement
Inside the dark castle
Inside the dark castle of the witch!

But I know, the dead can't come back
Is thing of the devil, the demons attack
I sleep alone in the dark of my home
Inside a dark coffin full of putrid bones
But I'm not alone, my fears have gone
I see the stones of the catacombs
Place of the corpses where sleep my parents
Frozen bodies who knew no regret
Inside the darkness
Inside the castle of the witch
I am the light that shines in the dark
The evil one can't touch my soul!

Inside the dark castle I fear no more
I saw many bathtubs filled with corpses, gore
The place were countess bathed
But she is no more here
Searching virgins yet innocent
She's so malign, cruel and dement
Inside the dark castle
Inside the dark castle of the witch!

Angels of darkness, angels of light
Begun a battle
Sawn in spiritual eyes
They take a war for my lost soul
Demons of darkness want to keep control
But I could not slumber in peace
I invoked the powerful Name!
I saw angels falling in flames
Wishing accuse, but I'm not to blame
My soul will not burn in eternal flames
I called the name of the Lord!
Ieshua, Christ, Lord of the sky!

8. Into The Dark Forest Of Shadows 5:24
As I am lost through dark paths of the night
There is so black, tenebrous, dark and cold
Man are my fears and I cry black tears
No one but an angel by my side
Holy Ghost as my guide
Without choose I am forced
To enter in dark castle and there begins
My spiritual battle among the dark side
Beyond the dark diabolical forest

Among the dark forest of shadows
Among the dark forest of shadows

Among the dark forest
Through valleys of night
Beyond the dark forest of shadows
The place where I'm lost my soul
Among the dark forest of shadows

Whispers in shadowy night call my name
Saying, "Welcome, thank you for came"
Beyond ancient forest, the bastard said
Passing the forest, soon comes the graveyard
Through graves and tombs I started my long walk
Cold is blowing my face and the snow falls
I stepped in a grave, my foot gone down
Desperate I cried and hold in a cross

Dark forest of shadows
Dark forest of shadows
The dark forest of shadows

Symbol of Christ's sacrifice
I've felt His hands holding me
From that devil's trap I could flee
I could see those red eyes upon me
Watching me behind the trees
Wishing to kill and devour my soul
But guarded under the spell
The Holy blood of Jesus protected me

And nothing can touch my flesh
Nothing can touch my spirit
No even the wild beasts
That inhabit the forest

"The dark forest I have to across
To arrive in the dark castle
I have to face the fear and the frost
Crossing the cemetery and its tenebrous gates"
(There beyond the graveyard
The haunted castle waits for me)

9. Darkness Way 0:51
10. Vampire 4:50
Hallowed be Thy blood, oh, my Lord
Hallowed be those that praise Thee
Hallowed be the faithful ones
Long live to our immortal Lord
The nocturnal freeze of the creatures
That worship and praise Thy name
Oh Lord, take care for my soul
The realm of vampires wants to take the world

Vampire, to carry on
Hidden in the dark
Live undead, cursed creatures!
I'm a vampires hunter at night
They fear the light of my holy soul
My crucifix burns and hurts their flesh
My stake pierces their heart
And brings them to death
With my deadly sword of justice in hand
I kill them and cut out their head
These malignant creatures can't touch me
Because the son of my Lord

Vampire, to carry on
Hidden in the dark
Live undead, cursed creatures!

They sleep in coffins by day
And by night they go out to hunt
They leave their dark castle in mountains
To search for innocent victims to bite
They bite their neck, sucking the blood
Turning others also in vampires
Young virgins are their better prey
Only Jesus can free the condemned souls!

11. Beyond The Cemetery Gates 4:52
I pass beyond cemetery shadows
Haunting me, steps, following me no more
I feel not fear, demons can't touch me
The sleep of the dead, I know they can't come back
I look to the tombs of a Christian cemetery
Where a noble family was buried
Vermin can't corrode the frozen corpses
Takes of a little girl from that rich family...

I walk through the garden of sorrow and sadness
Beyond those wall where the shadows haunt
Many were dead for the name of Christ
Their bodies are dead but their soul still alive!

(I search for you in my dreams
But now you are a cold corpse
Beyond the cemetery gates)

Beyond the cemetery gates
Beyond the cemetery gates

The tale tells that she grown in cemetery
Full of sadness and sorrow, endless pain
An empty hollow, she revolted and hate grown
Black was her heart, always in bereavement
A man in black offered his help (and richness)
Just to serve he, so she gone dwell
In a castle, inheritance of her parents
And then she was not seen never more

Beyond the cemetery gates
Beyond the cemetery gates

"And so I reflected
This shall be just a tale
A sad history of villages
Beyond the frozen mountains
And funeral forests
From the mild people of village
That lives in distant lands
Beyond cemetery gates"

Passing through the torment
Of the ancient cemetery
I left behind sad histories
Graces to God, He sets me free
From the wild beasts of the forest
From the deadly devil traps
That almost buried me alive
But the Man of the Cross saved me
He had mercy for my soul

12. Diabolical Illusion 6:02
I live in an endless putrid world of pain
Full of darkness, rottenness, growing evil and hate
Proud people without feelings of love for themselves
Libertines full of greed, malice and perversion
Controlled by Satan, puppets on strings
They dance the dance of death so blind
Following the cruel, eternal path to Hell
They don't know the truth behind the lies...

They live in a dark diabolic illusion
Thinking the world will become better days
Hypnotized, alienated and blind
Arrested in cages of flesh and delights
They just pleasures and richness in their lives
They denied the Biblical rules of the Lord
Chosen to follow their own Satanic rules
The human being thinks to be above the Lord...

In dark illusion they live and need
To find the eternal truth!

But one day they will be judged, forever
Condemned for their own abominable deeds
The eternal laws of God never change
The man wants to be himself god in his own
We are just little creatures made by God
Created to serve and exalt the Lord
The original sin was ended on the cross
By the sacrifice of Lord's son, Jesus Christ...
Thanks very much, for know the truth
For not be blind like the others
I worship and praise Thee, for my salvation
I once was a slave, now I'm free

The Count's poem:
(For His grace and love for my soul
Lord, I cannot thank you with simple words
This world will rot and pass away forever
And I go to Heaven, without sorrow, death and pain)

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