Thursday, April 22, 2021



BAND NAME: Shekinah
GENRE: Unblack Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Russellville, Alabama

Nocturnal Servant - Everything



Apostasy (single)

May 17, 2019, The Bearded Dragon Productions (Digital)
May 17, 2019, Independent (Digital)

1. Apostasy 4:41
I am apostasy
Apostate rejecting my salvation

Save me from these chains
Sorrow fills my mind
The pain fills my heart
The burning chains choke out my soul

I can't
Bear to stand this apostasy
Any longer

Help me God

I am apostasy
Will I ever return
Or will I turn to death

Save me someone
Lead me out of this apostasy
I need a way out of this apostasy
Will I ever return to Your grace

Will I ever find my way
Back to my Savior Jesus
Save me from this apostasy
Take me back into Your arms of light

That wipes away all pain
And darkness

Deliver me from this apostasy
Rejecting my salvation

Jesus You have delivered me
From this apostasy
I rejected my salvation
But now I have returned

Unto my First Love
Unto You my King
Yeshua Messiah

You've taken away the pain
You've wiped away my apostasy
And have made me under Your Name
Once again

Thank You, thank You
I would have died in apostasy
If it wasn't for You

Spiritual Darkness (EP)

May 24, 2019, The Bearded Dragon Productions (Digital)
May 24, 2019, Independent (Digital)

1. Blasphemous Satanic Hypocrisy Crushed Once And For All 0:47
You cannot defeat me
And my legions of darkness
You cannot defeat me

I am the evil one

Something's wrong
No... not "Him"


2. Spiritual Darkness 4:55
Spiritually dark desires
Threatening the existence of humankind
Darkening the Scriptures
Void of light

Desecration of self-proclaimed death
We march against the enemy
Against the spiritual forces of the heavenly realms
Against the darkened abysmal hosts of wickedness
Against spiritual darkness, we ride

Deathly desire in the dark void
Spirits reside to torment your soul
Darkening the blackest of reality
Into a proven exclaimity of the damned

Desecration of self-proclaimed death
We march against the enemy
Against the spiritual forces of the heavenly realms
Against the darkened abysmal hosts of wickedness
Against spiritual darkness, we ride

Deadly desires purged by the only Son
Heavenly hosts from the Holy One
Desecration of the dark one abides in you
Destroying humanity in their wake

We take the war to them before
They have a chance to attack
We take our war to them before
They have a chance to attack, we ride
We ride...

We march
To their death
We ride
The hosts of darkness are now purged

Desecration of self-proclaimed death
We march against the enemy
Against the spiritual forces of the heavenly realms
Against the darkened abysmal hosts of wickedness
Against spiritual darkness, we ride

Against spiritual darkness, we ride

Destroy for the Holy Son of God
Destroy for the Holy Son of God
Destroy for the Holy Son of God

3. Apostasy 4:41
I am apostasy
Apostate rejecting my salvation

Save me from these chains
Sorrow fills my mind
The pain fills my heart
The burning chains choke out my soul

I can't
Bear to stand this apostasy
Any longer

Help me God

I am apostasy
Will I ever return
Or will I turn to death

Save me someone
Lead me out of this apostasy
I need a way out of this apostasy
Will I ever return to Your grace

Will I ever find my way
Back to my Savior Jesus
Save me from this apostasy
Take me back into Your arms of light

That wipes away all pain
And darkness

Deliver me from this apostasy
Rejecting my salvation

Jesus You have delivered me
From this apostasy
I rejected my salvation
But now I have returned

Unto my First Love
Unto You my King
Yeshua Messiah

You've taken away the pain
You've wiped away my apostasy
And have made me under Your Name
Once again

Thank You, thank You
I would have died in apostasy
If it wasn't for You

4. Under The Glory 6:16
Under the glory
Bright might of magnificence
Glory be to you oh King

Power of the Holy Spirit
Moves upon you
Dancing in the spiritual realm
Demons eradicated in the incomprehensible light

Life and liberty are yours for the taking
In His magnificent peace
In His presence there is power to destroy
The works of darkness

Without spiritual anointing your power is void
This is why situations in society never change

What is the anointing you seek
Holy Scriptures pre-tell of events
In the last days of an outpouring of His holy might
The Holy Spirit at work in our lives

It didn't have to end
And it has not

Without spiritual anointing your power is void
It is why society never changes

For once the temple of God held the glory
Now we hold the glory, we are the temple
Of the Holy Spirit
And He is at work in our lives
Every day

The shekinah was once contained
Within the temple of the Lord
But now we are the temple of God
The temple of the Holy Spirit
The shekinah resides in you

Those of you who are true believers
Who use your Christianity as a lifestyle
And not a title to show off to others
In your church, or use as political gain

Stop your hypocrisy, feel the anointing
Silence the blasphemy, bring back the shekinah
The shekinah is the glory cloud
The shekinah is the anointing

The temple once contained the anointing
For you would die if you came in the presence
With sin in your heart
But Jesus wipes away all sin and cleanses us
The shekinah is lost no more

Crucify your flesh daily
Crucify your flesh daily
Crucify your flesh daily
Crucify your flesh daily

Will you come back to Him

5. Trve Pentecostal Black Metal 5:29
Trve Pentecostal Black Metal
We burn every church to the ground
Holy Ghost fire consumes us all
Burns the fleshly nature
Sanctification cleanses our soul

Blood flaming
The dripping flame
Blood sacrifice
The great liberty

He cleanses us of our filth
He burns in us through other tongues
The Holy Spirit, He takes us from nothing
And makes us into something greater

For we are His children
For you too are His child

Take us from the muck
And make us into something greater
Make us into something new
Make us into something glorious
Something spectacular

Wonderful and make us greater

As we call on You
The Fire breathes on us
Dancing in the Spirit

Holy Ghost Fire
Burn us all
Burn us all

You have delivered us
From this evil
Of damnation

Your Spirit cleanses us

You have taken us from the miry clay
And made us into something great

Into something spectacular
Something spectacular from the Holy Spirit
Into something spectacular
From the Holy Spirit
Something spectacular

For the Holy Spirit
Shines upon you
Upon you, a child of the King

The blood, it is flammable
Flammable blood

Gift of tongues, gift of prophecy, gift of healing
Deceive us no more
You are a failure Lucifer

For God is glorious
And he is strong in executing His Word
Who turns everything around for our good

He makes us into something glorious
And spectacular
Into something amazing
Turns us into something great
That we could never be on our own

We must not trust our instincts
Of our fleshly nature
But trust in the Spirit
Not our intellect which comes
From fleshly minds

But from the glorious revelation
Of His Word and Spirit

Through Him alone
Is revelation from beyond

Gift of tongues, gift of prophecy, gift of healing
Deceive us no more
You are a failure Lucifer

For God is glorious
And he is strong in executing His Word
Who turns everything around for our good

He makes us into something glorious
And spectacular
Into something amazing
Turns us into something great
That we could never be on our own

We must not trust our instincts
Of our fleshly nature
But trust in the Spirit
Not our intellect which comes
From fleshly minds

But from the glorious revelation
Of His Word and Spirit

Through Him alone
Is revelation from beyond

6. Deus Vult (Outro) 2:02
Deus Vult...

Deus Vult...

Freedom (album)

December 20, 2019, The Bearded Dragon Productions (Digital)
December 20, 2019, Independent (Digital)
April 29, 2020, The Bearded Dragon Productions, Remastered (Digital)
April 29, 2020, Independent, Remastered (Digital)
April 23, 2020, Christian Metal Underground Records, Remastered (CD, Digital)

1. Disciples Of Truth 3:56
Disciples of Truth
Disciples of the Way
Disciples of discipline
Servants of the Eternal King


Servants of Truth
Servants of the Way
Slaves of righteousness
Warriors in the night

God's Truth is in us
Through the Holy Spirit
God the Father
Father of Light
Slavery has never been more satisfying

Disciples of Truth
Disciples of the Way
Servants of Truth
Servants of...


Servants of God!
Servants of God!

Disciples of Truth

Disciples of Truth
Disciples of the Way
Disciples of discipline
Servants of the Eternal King

Servants of Truth
Servants of the Way
Slaves of righteousness
Warriors in the night

Behold this righteousness within us
It is not our own
We are slaves of righteousness
We are disciples of the Way

Servants of Truth
Servants of the Way
Slaves of righteousness
Warriors in the night

Behold this righteousness within us
It is not our own
We are slaves of righteousness
We are disciples of the Way

Disciples of Truth!
Disciples of Truth!

2. Slavery Is Freedom 3:16
Slavery is true freedom

Freedom in slavery
Slaves of righteousness
Slavery is the true form of freedom

Slaves, beggars, poor in spirit
Slaves, beggars, poor in heart
Slaves, no longer poor, our Master is our God

Freely He gives and freely we receive His salvation
Purchased with a great price
The blood washes over our foreheads

Slaves to sin no longer
Slaves to righteousness we'll be
We'll be free, true freedom in the Most High

Slaves of righteousness
Slaves of righteousness

Righteousness we take
Righteousness we are
Righteousness enslaved
Righteousness in Christ


Slaves of righteousness
Slaves of God
Slavery is the true freedom

It never occurred to me that I am a slave
Because this slavery feels like freedom

Slaves of Christ
No longer are we slaves of this flesh
We have righteousness in Christ

Jesus the Messiah
How gladly are we to be obtained by You
Purchased by your blood
To set us free

Let the captives go now
Slaves of righteousness
Slaves in Christ Jesus

3. Fabricated Hatred 7:21
Outstanding hypocrisy
Before me stands the gate of the pure and free
Outlasting informality
Inside the gate of hatred and apostasy

Democrat, Republican... where did we go wrong?
Black, white, they hate us all
The demonic filth
Stench of all that is unrighteous

Stop your senseless bickering!
Don't you realize we've had it all wrong?
Stop your senseless whining and fighting
Or else this nation will fall
Into the lowest pits of Hell's fire

United States... land of the free
Divided States... land of the slave
Giving into every selfish desire
Giving into lust and fornication

Pride, pride the arrogance of all the wicked
Standing before me is a line I do not wish to cross
Land of the free, is not freedom
Land of the slave, is here in our midst to come
They hate us all

Stop this hypocrisy, stop fighting one another
Whether you're a Democrat or Republican or something else entirely
Senseless fighting, nothing but slaughter
Worthless intolerance, of another's skin color

Black, white, the demons hate us all
They don't care what race you are
Look at this principality as it claws
At our most beloved country

Digging trenches straight to the pit of Hell
Trenches of racial divide, in the spirit realm
Taking our minds as fodder
Bleeding on our cold dead hands

Break out of your box, those of you legalistic and lukewarm
Don't you see the demonic agenda in our midst?
We've missed the point entirely
Vote righteousness, save your nation from divide
You must not give in

Save your nation, don't divide amongst yourselves
And not for a petty sticker

I see the church at the door
Of execution... strip our rights away!
Communistic totalitarian rulers
Just like Venezuela, and countless others
Democide... the government has total control

Leaders are good, leaders are fine
Take everything as a grain of sand
Church divided... Satan has complete and total control!

Don't give in to the worldly agenda!
Don't give in to racial division!
Don't give in to self loathing or hatred!
Don't give in, we must conquer and win!

Together! We must stand tall
Together! Don't divide
Together! Don't hate another
Together! Don't compromise
Together! Whether you are left or right!

Worse than Hitler, you're stirring up hatred and racial division
Worse than Stalin, you're sending the poor to put the rich to death
Worse than Kim Jong un, the land of the brainwashed and slave
Worse than the Congo, where there were pools of blood staining the streets
And the nation fell because of racial divide

Who is responsible for this you say? Just look in the mirror!
It's me! It's you! It's our fault, we are responsible
You vote Democrat or Republican to suit your fancy
You stir up hatred on social media
And take your apostasy to share with someone else

And it's not about the man in the oval office now
This has been a long time coming... the great Racial Divide!

Through prayer and fasting send this demon of
Racial division back to Hell where it belongs!
The great Racial Divide!

4. Sickened, Appalled, & Gruesomely Mortified 4:48
Mortified, terrified
Atrocious rejection

Morality desecrated
Nothing good remains

I'm sick and appalled
At the lack of morality in mankind
Constant filth and degrading
Of all that is good and light

Constant evil, constant darkness
Orgies, blood and murder
Your immorality sickens me
I am appalled at this apostasy

Such a tragedy
How atrocious, so sickening
I'm disgusted by your heresy
Because of the Holy Spirit in me
With this clarity of morality

That you reject
You reject the Son of the Living God

I'm sickened, appalled, and gruesomely mortified

Gruesomely mortified at your lack of morality
Constant degrading off all that is good and light

Constant heresy
Apostasy has reached it's high rise
In this degenerate generation
And this foolish society

Your pride and your arrogance
Is your downfall
Watch as you bring world war three
From your lack of morality

5. All I See Is The Shining Night 5:23
I pray to the Night
For all I see is the Shining Night

I pray to the Night
This night shall ever end
Praying to the Night
The glorious Night

How beautiful it is
How beautiful it says I can be
Bow down and worship the Night
The Lord of Night, the moon, and stars

They shine of His magnificent glory
Glory to the King of Kings
And the Lord of Lords
He is the King of Night

"And He said 'Separate the darkness from the light.
The light shall be called day,
And the darkness shall be called night.'"

The darkness of the whole Earth
And it's blackened hemisphere
In blackness He is in glory
In light He is in glory forevermore

Behind the Shining Night
The King has come at the midnight hour
Behold the Shining Knight
Jesus Christ is the Lord of the nightly hour

I pray to the Night
For all I see is the Shining Night

I pray to the Night
This night shall ever end
Praying to the Night
The glorious Night
The moon, the stars shine of His glory

They shine of His magnificent glory
Glory to the King of Kings
And the Lord of Lords
He is the King of Night

How beautiful it is
How beautiful it says I can be
Bow down and worship the Night

The darkness of the whole Earth
And it's blackened hemisphere
In blackness He is in glory
In light He is in glory forevermore

Behind the Shining Night
The King has come at the midnight hour
Behold the Shining Knight
Jesus Christ is the Lord of the nightly hour

Nocturnal creatures rejoice
Behold the moon and the stars
Behold Yahweh's magnificence
Behold, the Shining Night!
Behold, the Shining Knight!

Nocturnal creatures rejoice
Behold the moon and the stars
Behold Yahweh's magnificence
Behold, the Shining Night!
Behold, the Shining Knight!

Jesus Christ is the Lord of the nightly hour
Jesus Christ is the Lord of the nightly hour
Jesus Christ is the Lord of the nightly hour

Nocturnal creatures rejoice
Behold the moon and the stars
Behold Yahweh's magnificence
Behold, the Shining Night!
Behold, the Shining Knight!

6. Hardened In Hellflame 6:05
Flame of God ascends
Fire from Hell is sent to trial

Job was a righteous man who prolonged days
Rich and powerful he became because of God's grace
Never once denied the Lord through His life
Satan sends fire of Hell, trial by flame

In the same way we are hardened
God purifies us in the blackest of Hell's fire
So that when the day of reckoning comes
We will stand firm... always!

Flame of Hell surrounds me
The darkness below my feet
Demons mocking as they seduce me
Into an altered state of reality

Flame of God begins to descend
Flame of Hell cannot prevail
Tried in flame I can stand firm
In the Word of God by the Holy Spirit
I am set free

I stand firm
I stand firm
I can stand firm now

Victory I can see in front of me
Victory and triumph over the wicked foe
No longer to be tested by fire
A new season begins

A new life begins now
Don't let the devil stomp out your victory
Don't put out the fire
But you must endure for a little longer
If you want to be free... in power
In victory

Hardened in Hellflame I burn in this trial
No longer

Trial by fire
Victory is mine

Victory I can see in front of me
Victory and triumph over the wicked foe
No longer to be tested by fire
A new season begins

A new life begins now
Don't let the devil stomp out your victory
Don't put out the fire
But you must endure for a little longer
If you want to be free... in power
In victory

Hardened in Hellflame I burn in this trial
No longer

Trial by fire
Victory is mine

Flame of God ascends
Fire from Hell is sent to trial

Job was a righteous man who prolonged days
Rich and powerful he became because of God's grace
Never once denied the Lord through His life
Satan sends fire of Hell, trial by flame

In the same way we are hardened
God purifies us in the blackest of Hell's fire
So that when the day of reckoning comes
We will stand firm... always!

Flame of Hell surrounds me
The darkness below my feet
Demons mocking as they seduce me
Into an altered state of reality

Flame of God begins to descend
Flame of Hell cannot prevail
Tried in flame I can stand firm
In the Word of God by the Holy Spirit
I am set free

I stand firm
I stand firm
I can stand firm now

Victory I can see in front of me
Victory and triumph over the wicked foe
No longer to be tested by fire
A new season begins

A new life begins now

7. Baphomet As The Sacrificial Scapegoat 4:36
Viewing the corpses of the fallen ones
I behold Your supreme might
Taken away from this destructive realm
For You Lord, I prepare a sacrifice
Behold the scapegoat

Driven away from mankind
Left to burn in the desert
Driven away in sin
Taken from his abysmal throne

Driven to burn amidst the desert sands
Northern dark lord no more
Forever inflamed by the scorching sun
All ice melts as the scapegoat is driven away

Send him away

Burn in sulfur, the scapegoat sacrifice
Burdened with sin, you are driven away
The scapegoat sacrifice far away in a distant land
Scapegoat sacrifice, the Baphomet is inflamed with sin

Send him away, let him bleed

Send him away, let him bleed
The unholy scapegoat drenched in the sin of the people
Burning amidst the desert sands of the unearthly flame
In Hell you burn in a wasteland worthy of thee

Driven to the desert sands, eternal damnation awaits you
Taken from his abysmal throne, shattered be your altar of distain
Filthy whorelings under our feet
Your distasteful ways burn in the desert's flame

Desert sands scorch your body, driven away from me
The sin you carry is too great for sympathy
Driven away from mankind is the only lot for thee
Driven away into sandstorms you are buried

No longer are you the frozen king of the northern hordes
Burn in the desert of the southland, let the ice melt (it fades)
In this desert you burn amidst the scorching heat
In this desert you are driven far away (to Hell)

To Be In Rebellion (single)

August 7, 2020, The Bearded Dragon Productions (Digital)
August 7, 2020, Independent (Digital)

1. To Be In Rebellion 4:42
Redeemer, come save me

There is one Son
He is divine
He has come and died
On the cross of Christ

One who can save
No man comes to the Father
But by His Name

Those in their arrogance
Who think they can see God
Without being washed by the blood
Of Jesus first

Who do they think they are in their pride
Who do they dare put themselves
Above the throne and knowledge
Of the Most High

Who do you think you are
You prideful, arrogant one
Aligning yourself
With Lucifer himself

You think you can take salvation
Through such minuscule means

You worshiper of the beast
Unknowingly sacrifice your own soul
Gaining the world but forfeiting your own
Temporary existence

For this vain
Sense of false morality
For you cannot save yourself you fool!

You fool!
You cannot obtain salvation on your own
What do you think the sacrifice was for
To begin with?

It was to save your soul

You claim to worship God
You claim to be under His blood
Hypocrisy contradicting
Salvation of His only Son

The Savior, yet God
Holy Trinity

You are rejecting the divine sacrifice
There's no hope for you

In your blasphemy and rebellion
You turned away

Before gaining knowledge
Before gaining wisdom

You turned away before He could teach you
Before He could even indoctrinate you

Thinking you know it all
That you know your path
Thinking that you have it all figured out
You don't know anything

Trve Pentecostal Black Metal (album)

October 31, 2020, The Bearded Dragon Productions (CD, Digital)
October 31, 2020, Independent (Digital)

1. Grave Rot Awakening 2:12
2. Flames Of Hell 6:26
Our God is a consuming fire
There is holiness about God
If you could go into the presence of God unsaved
He would literally annihilate you

You'd rather be in Hell in a heartbeat
Than come before a Holy God
Thrice Holy, Holy Holy Holy
Dare walk into the presence of God
Without the blood covering your soul

You'd scream for Hell
You'd beg for Hell
You'd cry for Hell

And I firmly believe Hell burns
Because of the holiness of God

I will take you and drag you down
To tread beneath the bloody snow
Pull you under and smother you
Choke you to death with sin and temptation

When I speak I lie
When I move I kill and steal your heart
To stab a dagger in your chest

I show no mercy
Some worship me
Others even show me sympathy
Disgusting mortals and their never-ending apathy

Impaled on the trees by my superiority
I'll mock you with my prideful glance
You think I'll sit idly by and ask for permission
To throw your life into a living hell?
If so you are a fool, humans like you are my favorite ones to eat
You can't escape

Even I know God exists and I tremble
But that won't stop me from killing you
And you never even fought back
I will surely have victory over your sweet tasting and rotting soul

Your blood is unique in that it overwhelms me
It sends me into a rage, a surge of wrath and anger
Passion and cries of pain, I savor the image of your dying dreams
As you burn in the lake of fire, you can wait for me in the afterlife

I can take away those whom you love and hold dear
Everything that is precious to you is mine to break and consume

Bigoted, disgusting, lusting mortals and hypocrites
I mourn in hopes to devour your souls
It's the closest thing I can get to killing God
You being born in His image, I dream of this fantasy
As I give you my carefully crafted nightmares

Just wait for me in Hell
For you I'll make all of those nightmares come true

Just wait for me in Hell!

Your blood is unique in that it overwhelms me
It sends me into a rage, a surge of wrath and anger
Passion and cries of pain, I savor the image of your dying dreams
As you burn in the lake of fire, you can wait for me in the afterlife

Just wait for me in Hell
For you I'll make all of those nightmares come true

Just wait for me in Hell!

3. Mystical Union Of Flesh 4:50
I fall down
My flesh cannot stand
On its own

The fire of the Holy Spirit surrounds me
He is so powerful
As on Mount Carmel

As when Moses' face laid bare
And glowed as the rays of sun do
Such immense Divinity

His sheer might makes my flesh weak
But my spirit and soul are overcome
With joy and happiness
Peace that surpasses all understanding

All of my sorrow melts away
And I am given strength
To fight another day

The chains break off
Depression is no more
"For a spirit of praise
For a spirit of heaviness"

"My yoke is easy and My burden is light
Come to Me all of you who are heavy laden
And I will give you strength"

Healing in my bones
Infirmities are nothing
Even cancer has become no more
In His presence

The darkness cannot bear the weight
Of His presence

The demons tremble
The evil spirits burn and flee

I see the angels
The glowing golden light
Of the glory of the King of Heaven
Jesus Christ

Holy Trinity I supplicate You, the Three
Come now into my life

Save me from the fires of Hell
And forget the sin I have done
Wash me, make me pure white

I hereby surrender to Your presence
And yield to Your anointing
Wash it all away and cleanse me
Wipe the slate clean

By Your power O mighty Holy Spirit
And by the salvation of Jesus Christ
Given to us by the Father of Light

Collapse ever so purely

4. Impaling The Succubus 5:31
I am so very desperate

Uncontrolled urges
Sexual sin devastates my mind
Chain me, hang me
Above this hellish land

Despair; I feel the despair

Sin controls me
But I want to be free
I hate this life
Bleeding away innocence

What is wrong with me
What I hate, I do
What I love, I don't do
There is no excuse

For the torment that
I have brought upon myself
Shadow figures surround me
And I finally realize

The blood drenching my teeth
The pain crushing my skull
The claws that peel the skin
Off of my back, tear out the lungs

The pain of sin and temptation
The struggles of this life
Why do I feel such apathy?
What is wrong with me?

Please kill me
Before this demon captures me

Please kill me
Before this demon possesses me

Please kill me
End my life
I don't want to be a slave

"I AM here
And I AM with you
And I have come

I will save you

I have come to make the demons
Beg for mercy

They shall fall at My feet
And burn beneath Me

You are My dwelling place!

I will impale the succubus
That haunts you
And I will devastate
The lust that tormented you

There is no excuse for your sin
But I forgave you
Surely you remember
The sacrifice was for you too"

My Lord, and my God
You've broken these chains of sin
Off my life again!

I praise Your Holy Name
You alone reign supreme forevermore!
Forever freed from sin
I will resist temptation through this deliverance

His name is God
I am His child
Blood poured out for me; sanctified


5. Death To Woden 4:34
Death to Woden,
Folly-shaper, illiterate seeker,
Weak beggar, aimless false god.
Death to he who clings,
To all foolishness tenfold,
Who is dung on the tree,
Who was gashed open by his own spear,
To tear a hole between his lungs.
Death to he, who lost many wars,
Who, burned by their fire,
Shrieked in pain,
And burned him altogether black.

Death to the unwise,
Weak, foolish, worthless false god,
Weapons broken and you are no lord.
Bestow not your folly upon me here tonight,
And may this blasphemy be torture to your soul.
Kill Woden.

6. Born Of Spirit And Fire 4:25
I enter into the presence of the Most High God
As I bask in His glory, I am overcome
I speak in tongues, as I see the onlookers mock

They know not what they do
Father forgive them
Grant us unity, lead us and let us learn to humble ourselves
And crush this division

Not everything is so cut and dry
You don't know everything like you claim

You arrogant

Such peace in submission
Amidst the presence of the Holy Trinity

I am entranced, though I could easily walk away
But why would I forsake this which is most precious
Merely because of how I appear
From the outside?

Why would I abandon this Holy Ghost manifestation
If He gives me such peace and humility, and wipes the blinders off of my eyes?

So let them come, and let them mock
I grow apathetic of your cursing
Let them come to "debunk" spiritual matters
Spiritual matters of which they do not understand

Nor can they comprehend
Because of their fleshly mindset that keeps them enchained
Worldly thinking is all that they have known

God will prove Himself once again
As He always has, and still does

As the last days and in the days of old
Yahweh was proven to be the true God
And Baal was proven to be a worthless idol

So I say let them come!
Let them mock

They'll see and finally realize
What we are truly really all about
Saving the lost

I do not see the Fruit of the Spirit
I see slander

I do not see a loving rebuke
I see cruel mockery
That results in spiritual injury

The gatekeepers of the Christian faith
Are always the least like Jesus Christ
Circumcised in flesh
Though uncircumcised in heart

Having a form of godliness
But denying His power

Stay away from such as these!

7. Illusion Of Progress 4:19
Illusion of progress
We take away your soul and mind
Your many dreams and your very own life
To take away

We break
We break!
Your destructive freedom
Taking away
Your lovely free will
We strip you of all choice
And we'll drag you down to Hell
For speaking out against us
To coat these lovely chains
In a bright blue plant
So mellow, so seemingly pure
They shine so brightly with beauty
Will you please wear these shackles for me?

Brace yourself you mortals
For the cries of free will is prevalent
You can't be trusted with choices or decisions

We'll take your free will
In the name of progress
We will create this illusion of progress

We'll use our fame to drown you out
And we'll scream and make you look full of hate
To take away your confidence
We'll strip you of all your self worth

If you are too persistent
We'll just kill you instead

Oh, this illusion of progress
Oh, the illusion of progress!

Divide, hate, slander, manipulate
Our weapons are many
To split apart your feeble minds
And provoke your thoughts
We have you wrapped around our middle finger

You are so easily controlled
We didn't even have to use any strings
You did this on your own
In the name of this illusion of progress!

Oh, this illusion of progress
Oh, the illusion of progress!

Behold our master scheme
You wanted this, didn't you?
Behold, we've put your hopes on hold
And there is nothing left
But to claw away at the despair

In the name of progress
In the name of success

Oh, this illusion of progress
Oh, the illusion of progress!

Behold, we've put your hopes on hold

8. Cessationist Obliteration 8:05
Weaken new convert's faith in God
Damn those further who have already forgotten

Cessationist obliteration
Remove this cult from our eyes
The crypt of damnation
Take this feeble imposter theism
And break it 'til nothing is left

Poser "Christians"!
The cult of fabled belief
And the grave of acceptance
Willing ignorance is bliss
Until you are given wisdom
Within the depths of Hell

False prophets swearing falsely
Accusing the brethren
As if they were Satan the accuser himself

Break your oath, there is no power in it according to you!
Burn the book you claim to believe
Might as well, sense it's all allegory to you
In your heart you see only fabled stories

You say you have a form of godliness
Yet you deny His power

You say that we are possessed
I say you are blinded to the truth
The truth of God's Word

"False signs!" they say
And yet you wonder why the atheist
Turns his or her belief
Away from God on High

You mortal fleshly minded
Demented cowards!

Obliterate cessationism
And kill fleshly thinking and the carnal mindset

Destroy their false teachings
What I've beheld is surely divine

You are the direct incarnation
Of the modern Pharisee and Sadducee
But you are worse off than even they
Because you've been given signs
And still do not believe!

You mock, you talk like you know it all
You damn us all to Hell
And laugh with a crooked smile on your face

I pity your cult, you foul group of snakes
A brood of vipers washed away
You've built your house upon the sand!

The cult of cessationism
Will forever perish away, far from the light of Jesus Christ
Because inwardly you even deny His sacrifice for us
Though you'd never admit it outwardly

Repent of your ways
Of your condemnation and arrogance
Cast off your golden image of pride
Begin to humble yourselves
It'll be the one thing you never regret

The veil was torn for this purpose
Embrace the Divine encounter
Of the fire of the Most High God

Your title doesn't make you saved
You must first turn from your evil deeds and wicked schemes

Embrace this fiery anointing
And He will help you to become holy and sanctified
This is the power to set your free, the Holy Spirit

Do not be a coward
Let the demons fall at your feet

Embrace humility and become wise!

What cessationists believe
Helps to stoke the fires of Hell

9. Trve Pentecostal Black Metal Pt. II 5:22
Speaking with other tongues
Prayer of faith to raise up the dead
Witness the demonic exorcism
I am a freed man!

Behold! The saved souls
Condemn us to your own demise

Broken homes and families
Are being completely restored

Begin to show love with a kind-hearted smile

There is the most gentle breeze
That you will ever experience
Let Him blow amidst the trees
As you pray to Him
The rustling of the leaves
And the stirring of the wind
The cold wind, the still small voice
Speaking from within the depths of your soul

This is His Holy Spirit
The fabric of creation itself
Is imbued with His very presence

Behold! The King of Kings and Lord of Lords
Jesus Christ is still working through us

Trve Pentecostal Black Metal
Embrace His presence

A time for peace, and a time for action
A time for dancing, and time for praise
A time for singing, and a time to be still
A time to remain silent, and a time to shout

God works in many ways
And I want to witness them all
To behold His many great mysteries
To embrace His wisdom, and to become filled with His humility

Be endured with power from on High
And embrace His great and overwhelming
Love and mercy

The loving kindness of our Friend and Lord, Jesus Christ
For He is the Fountain of Life


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