Sunday, April 11, 2021



BAND NAME: Lucifer Impaled
GENRE: Unblack Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Chatham Kent, Ontario, Candada

Jarl "Goat Desecrator" - Everything



Blood, War, Supremacy (single, August 8, 2018, Independent) (Digital)

1. Blood, War, Supremacy 3:53
Guarded by blood
Supremacy, we slaughter and kill
Waging war with demons
"Descend, to the gates of hell!"
Blood-soaked blade
A will of iron
I cannot die
My strength in weakness
Weeping and gnashing of teeth
As my blade rips through their flesh

River of gore
Warfare, knee-deep in blood
Inferior legions must bow
Before our king
Unblack hordes
Merciless onslaught
Crushing their rebellion
Destroying the weak
Forces of Satan
Fall to ruin
Victorious death march
We trample the serpent's head

Blood, war, supremacy

Flash of my blade
None will escape holy might
Demonic filth slaughtered
Eradicated by His will
Blood-soaked blade
A will of iron
I cannot die
My strength in weakness
Weeping and gnashing of teeth
As my blade rips through their flesh

Nuclear Desecration Of Satanic Might (single, November 11, 2018, Independent) (Digital)

1. Nuclear Desecration Of Satanic Might 2:34

Towards the kingdom of hell
No filth shall be spared
The sign of ancient blood
Goat pigs
Shall fall before our knees

I prey on their blood
The weak hide in
Shadow realm
I've come for your lord
Goat pig!
Victory reigns supreme

In flames you will burn

Blood has been shed
We rule
War hordes we prevail

Blood. War. Supremacy. (EP)

July 12, 2019, The Bearded Dragon Productions (Digital)
April 21, 2020, Independent (Digital)

The independent version has more of a finished mastering than the Bearded Dragon version.
The artwork was also later changed to the bottom one in late 2021.

1. Armageddon 0:59
2. Legions Of The Cross 4:14
Legions of the cross
War breed raised in fire
Purified through blood
Hammer of God
Slayers of infernal death
Rulers of the night
Crushing satanic ranks
Servants of the light

Demonic forces crumble
As our hate paves the way
To a new beginning
Risen with the blood messiah
Marching with the flame
War machine of victory
No one shall stand in our way
Bring forth the new Jerusalem

Vomit forth the truth
Keepers of the faith
Iron which does not yield
Triumphant victors of life

Holy force of wrath
Warriors of blood
By Spirit we are possessed
Legions of the cross

Unholy ones we dominate
Unvanquished victors we rise
Iron fist of war and hate
Conquerors of the spirit realm
Fearless bringers of the light
Vomit forth the words beyond
Binding deeds of the fallen ones
With power from the Holy Ghost

3. Winds Of Lust 3:07
Chaostorm of flesh
Sent from hell below
Destruction of the soul
Tearing saneness apart

Drink the venomous bile
Baptized in filth
Hail the call of darkness
Risen in shame
Forces of perversion
Warping the soul
Giving into flesh
Existence of sin

Feeding on salacity
Burning lust desire
Deeds of filth and hate
Christ design perversion
Falling into void
Drowning in transgression
Shadows of the goat
Black winds of lust

Taste the blood of vice
Fall into abyss
Realm of emptiness
Euphoric division
Slave to the compulsion
Darkness of the mind
Visions of damnation
Bullets of Baal

Storm of

Chaostorm of flesh
Sent from hell below
Destruction of the soul
Tearing saneness apart
Slave to the compulsion
Darkness of the mind
Visions of damnation
Bullets of Baal

4. Nuclear Desecration Of Satanic Might 2:33

Towards the kingdom of hell
No filth shall be spared
The sign of ancient blood
Goat pigs
Shall fall before our knees

I prey on their blood
The weak hide in
Shadow realm
I've come for your lord
Goat pig!
Victory reigns supreme

In flames you will burn

Blood has been shed
We rule
War hordes we prevail

5. Blood. War. Supremacy. 3:53
Guarded by blood
Supremacy, we slaughter and kill
Waging war with demons
"Descend, to the gates of hell!"
Blood-soaked blade
A will of iron
I cannot die
My strength in weakness
Weeping and gnashing of teeth
As my blade rips through their flesh

River of gore
Warfare, knee-deep in blood
Inferior legions must bow
Before our king
Unblack hordes
Merciless onslaught
Crushing their rebellion
Destroying the weak
Forces of Satan
Fall to ruin
Victorious death march
We trample the serpent's head

Blood, war, supremacy

Flash of my blade
None will escape holy might
Demonic filth slaughtered
Eradicated by His will
Blood-soaked blade
A will of iron
I cannot die
My strength in weakness
Weeping and gnashing of teeth
As my blade rips through their flesh

Perverters Of The Holy Truth (single, June 4, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

1. Perverters Of The Holy Truth 3:19
Perverters of the holy truth
Mockers of the faith
Satan laughs because you're damned
A puppet and a slave
You do his work and speak his name
Deceived by all his lies
Brainwashed by the fallen pig
Your kingdom waits in hell

Make your stand of freedom
Supremacy and pride
Your rituals and knowledge
Useless in the end
You hate the church because you're blind
You blame hypocrisy
We do not war of flesh and blood
The truth will set you free

Disciples of the putrid goat
Writhing in your blasphemy
Parading all your hate
Living just to die

Shooting off your mouths
Proclaiming knowledge
Let your hatred fall to me
I relish in your cries

I smite all your hate
Bind thee
Satan scum
Crucify your deeds
The bloodline
Surrounds me
None may stand against
Perverters of the holy truth
Your efforts are in vain

Servants of the fallen one
Your pride will die with you
Live your life
Satan's sons
For time is drawing near
Mockery, debauchery
Blasphemy and hate
Curse my name
With falsities
I'll be standing in the end

Fallen. Scum. Eradication. (EP, November 21, 2021, Independent) (Digital)

1. Hell Gate Descension 1:00
2. Barbaric Schizophrenic Onslaught 1:44
Terror of the mind
Voices from beyond
Compelling me
"Take this knife and kill thyself"

"You belong to me"
"Yield your life to me"

Festering in the mind
Of death and murderous rage
The knife to my own throat
Sent from hell's domain

Shots fired
Voices leave the mind
Death has finally come
From the narrow path
Deception, life is through

3. Infinite Infernal Regions Of The Blasphemer 2:06
Kingdom of the eternal flame
Dwelling of fallen angels reign
Demonic realm of everlasting pain
Deniers burning in their shame
Dark beings ripping out their eyes
Slashing stomachs exposing insides
Wretched bile spewing from the mouth
Screaming torment, unholy hell

Perpetual whore bestial rape
Worm and flame, there is no escape
Satan sons writhing in pain
Addicts dead before their time
Demons mocking night and day
Ripping all your flesh away
Entities of the eternal pit
Laughing as you rot

Divided cut off from the love of God
Goat pig hell death reigns supreme
The fallen ones laugh as you burn
One life, drink eternal blood of Christ
Pass into everlasting life
Beyond the realm of flame

Infinite infernal regions
Blasphemous unholy hate
Descend into obscurity
Repent before its too late
Black goat, fallen one, deceiver
Ruler of the world and hell
Your time is upon you now
Hail Christ victory!

4. Beyond Heaven's Gates 2:56
Servant of the unholy one
In loyalty you stand
"It's better to reign
In hell than to serve
Beyond Heaven's gates"
"Better a wolf
Than a sheep on my knees"
Lies that you believe
The father of lies
To him you are slave
Blind and deceived

Gaze into the eyes of death
Where darkness always reigns
Blood and vomit
Stench of decay
The smell of rotting flesh
Mutilation screams in the dark
Demons mock as they maim
Hellfire bestial black abyss
With pride comes the fall

You live your life in the darkness
Consumed by all your hate
Your lust and sin betray you
When you meet your end
Laying on your deathbed
Your pride will die with you
Only death awaits the one
Who mocks the son of God

Servant of the unholy one
In loyalty you lay
"It's better to reign
In hell than to serve
Beyond Heaven's gates"
Life now leaves your body
The world growing dim
Sin and pleasure bury you
Another spirit mislead

5. Anti-Luciferic Carnage 1:02
6. Perverters Of The Holy Truth 3:14
Perverters of the holy truth
Mockers of the faith
Satan laughs because you're damned
A puppet and a slave
You do his work and speak his name
Deceived by all his lies
Brainwashed by the fallen pig
Your kingdom waits in hell

Make your stand of freedom
Supremacy and pride
Your rituals and knowledge
Useless in the end
You hate the church because you're blind
You blame hypocrisy
We do not war of flesh and blood
The truth will set you free

Disciples of the putrid goat
Writing in your blasphemy
Parading all your hate
Living just to die

Shooting off your mouths
Proclaiming knowledge
Let your hatred fall to me
I relish in your cries

I smite all your hate
Bind thee
Satan scum
Crucify your deeds
The bloodline
Surrounds me
None may stand again
Perverts of the Holy Truth
Your efforts are in vain

Servants of the fallen one
Your pride will die with you
Live your life
Satan's sons
For time is drawing near
Mockery, debauchery
Blasphemy and hate
Curse my name
With falsities
I'll be standing in the end

7. Fallen. Scum. Eradication. 3:16
Black forces rising again
Spiritual dominance attack
Maelstrom of demonic hate
Blasphemous unholy swarm
Divided soul, nebulous abyss
Siphon on the power of God
Speaking forth heavenly truths
Fallen scum eradication

Warfare of the spirit world
Bullets of the fallen one
Gaze upon the Son of God
White flame immortal might
Putrid lesser beings cower
Holy blood, barbaric onslaught
Darkened powers flee from the light
Christ given authority command

Elder ones, Satan filth
Fiendish hordes of hell
Kneel before the might of the light
Binding power
Cast into the pit
Demonic putridity denied

Crucify the flesh
Cleanse the house of God
Slaughter the deeds of old
Enter into rest

8. Stabwound 3:04
Riding the line
Darkness and light
Trying to play God
Divided I cannot stand

Life flashes
Before my eyes
A brush with death
Before my time
I cry unto God
Don't let me die like this


Of death


Out to

Numbs the


Life and death

Those who
Believe shall not die

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