Tuesday, April 13, 2021



BAND NAME: The Synics Awakening
GENRE: Symphonic Unblack Metal (early), Death Metal (later)
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Goukr - Vocals
Jesse McKinney - All Instruments



The Dawn Of Vengeance (album)

April 21, 2010, Independent (CD)
August 20, 2010, Sullen Records (CD-R)
January 5, 2011, Independent (Digital)
2011, Unblack Metal Scene Records (CD)
January 30, 2015, SkyBurnsBlack Records (Digital)

1. The Day Knoweth No Man 1:38
For the day an hour knoweth no man,
Not even the angels or the son himself.
But only the Lord Father knows.

Get thee hence Satan for it is written.
Thou shall worship the Lord thy God,
And Him only thou shall serve.

2. Spellbound 4:54
The spoils of treason, spreading like a black plague,
Within our hearts, becoming enthralled through his every deceit.
Infected by the invalid one, he laughs at the cries of our defeat.

Do you still want to argue with the almighty?
You are God's critic, but do you have the answer?

His deception reigns down like total chaos,
Leading us down his crooked trails.
Our faith in God will be our only way out,
Our only way from becoming spellbound.

His terror rules the soul, haunting lives through his torment,
For murder is yearning, to take this world.
But is his jealousy enough to break the true and faithful?

From out of the mist calls the great one,
Speaking his vengeance through the whirlwind.

Who is this that questions my wisdom,
With such ignorant words?
Brace yourself like a man,
For I have some questions for you.

Beware, el Diaboli!

Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?
Tell me if you know so much,
For the serpent is out to curse, and to fool mankind.

His deception reigns down like total chaos,
Leading us down his crooked trails.
Our faith in God will be our only way out,
Our only way from becoming spellbound.

We have been spellbound...

3. Bringer Of Light 3:36
As I lie, clinging to you on my deathbed,
Thoughts speak out like chaos.
I ask Lord, why do I feel like everything's so lost,
And yet so cold?

Yet so cold...

Taunting of razors, yearning to breach thy temple,
Bringing in pain, my echoes cry out.
Save me...

Oh God, bringer of light, save me.
Oh God, show me the light, before I die...

As darkness surrounds me throughout every corner,
Somehow your love destroys all evil...

Oh Lord, my heart is calling out tonight.
Deliver me from evil, destroy all with your everlasting light.

Oh Lord, let your grace deliver me from evil.
Destroy all with your everlasting light

Oh God, bringer of light, save me.
Oh God, show me the light, before I die...

4. A Thief In The Night 1:34
The day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief in the night.
In which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise.
And the very elements themselves will disappear in fire.
The earth and everything on it will be found to deserve judgement.

5. Thus I Have Spoken 4:32
Beware the claiming of prophets,
Yearning to deceive you with my name.
Kingdoms will lead into warfare,
Nation against nation, the blood will spill.

For sin will rampant throughout the lands.
The love in the world will grow cold as stone.

The quakes will shake the surface,
Poverty will sicken the lives of mankind.
Gatherings of vultures will feast,
Off the remains of flesh, that plagues the land.

For these are the signs of the end of it all,
And yet to come.

The sun will fade to black.
The moon will shine no light.
Stars will fall from the night.
And the heavens will be shaken.

For thus I have spoken,
These warnings at the temple.
Lightning will flash throughout the skies,
When the Son of Man returns.

For the day of the Lord,
Will come like a thief in the night,
Which the heavens shall pass away,
With a great noise...

6. A Hail To Christ 5:14
You can hear his whispers,
Throughout the skies of night.
With pure gratification,
Tranquilizing your soul.
He is the bringer of light,
The destroyer of darkness.

God of life.
Cleanse my soul.
Bring me the light.
Hail to Christ.

There's nothing left for me my Savior,
Deliver me from this world,
To the heavens.

These blackened days are growing short.
For Satan is alive.
Chaos, destruction,
The silencing of all existence.
The cries of innocent beings,
Shall bow before the Savior.

God of life.
Cleanse my soul.
Bring me the light.
Hail to Christ.

Death is near.
Time is short.
Only one way out.
Hail to Christ.

7. Whispers In The Dark 1:50
8. The Return 2:13
The Lord has come to make his return,
With power and glory His voice surrounds the Earth,
As angels descend, gathering the ones of His chosen.

Behold he cometh with clouds,
And every eye shall see Him.

Clothed in greatness, for every eye shall dwell.
Bow before the king, for He has returned.

He will send out His angels,
With the mighty blast of a trumpet.
And they gather His chosen ones,
From all over the world.
The Lord has returned.

9. Tribulation Of Mournful Souls 5:38
Satan's arrived, his vengeance is rising.
The countdown of destruction has begun.
His plot for Christians is to meet their demise.

Let the one with understanding,
Solve the meaning of the number,
For it is a human number, his number is 666.

Before the council, this is the test of time.
Beheaded or be marked with the number of the beast.
The cries of beings will reign throughout the world.

Perplexed by the roaring of seas,
Nations will live in turmoil.
With Satan enthroned and chaos alive,
This world is sure to meet its doom.

Then Satan surrounds the city of Jerusalem,
Forcing the people of Judea to flee to the hills.
For a period of time the city is trampled down by the gentiles.
For these are the days of God's vengeance.

From the skies came the armies of heaven.
The Lord has returned.
An angel called to the vultures,
To feast off the flesh of the wicked.

Satan, I bound you in chains,
And throw you in contempt for a thousand years.

The angel threw him into the bottomless pit,
Which he locked so Satan could not deceive the nations any longer,
Until the thousand years were fulfilled.
After that he'll be released for a short season.

10. Kingdom Of Light And Glorification 1:03
11. The Dawn Of Vengeance 3:32
Satan has fled to nations,
The final battle has come.
His army of darkness descends,
Towards the beloved Kingdom of God.

As fire rains down, from the heavens,
Devouring evil,
Satan stares and wonders,
As he accepts his own defeat.

Covered in his flesh of burning sulfur,
He'll reign,
Dwelling his eternal torment,
Forever til the end of time.

Sinners of earth, it's time,
For the judgement has arrived.
Stand before his majestic white throne,
The book of life is open.

The end has come.

Death has come for the earth.
As cataclysmic storms,
Rain down like thunder.
At the roaring sound of his voice,
He speaks with wrath,
"For I am the Alpha and the Omega."

He descends upon them with fire.
For the world and its sinners,
Are left to meet their doom.

12. At The Gates Of Immortality 1:47

13. Prelude (Demo) 1:28
14. Spellbound (Demo) 4:46
15. Bringer Of Light (Demo) 4:12
16. A Hail To Christ (Demo) 4:35

13. Pure Eradication Of Immoral Flesh 5:23
14. Prelude 1:27

No Pity For A Coward (album)

July 7, 2011, InChrist Records (CD, Digital)
January 1, 2015, SkyBurnsBlack Records (Digital)
March 2, 2015, SkyBurnsBlack Records (Digital)

Track 2 is mistyped as "From Life To Death" on the SkyBurnsBlack version's Bandcamp page.

1. The Eternal Absence Of God 5:05
Into the outer darkness
In the realm of the dead
Heaven loss, cowards suffer
Ensnared by the work of their hands
For many are called, but few are chosen
Within this dying age
Guilty is the lake of fire
This is the second death

Down into the land of death
The wicked's grave for rest
No repent to save your soul
The eternal absence of God

Cowards are cut to pieces
Assigned to reign in fire
Drive, sin-filled heretics
Tortured for their acts of heresy
There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth
This is the second death

Down into the land of death
The wicked's grave for rest
No repent to save your soul
The eternal absence of God

The chosen will be recorded in the book of life
Those not saved on Judgement Day
Will be thrown into the lake of death
And every eye shall weep the dying price

Down into the land of death
The wicked's grave for rest
No repent to save your soul
The eternal absence of God
The eternal absence of God

2. From Death To Life 3:33
Jesus, the Messiah, God's only begotten Son
The blood that covers all sin
Struck down, whipped and nailed
For the salvation of us all

From death to life came the Son of Man
For His Spirit's alive
Glory be Thy name

As darkness fell, He died upon the cross
Only to rise again
Blood-drenched, crowned in thorns
This man truly was the Son of God
As He rose from the dead
The ground, it trembled with divine greatness

From death to life came the Son of Man
For His Spirit's alive, glory be Thy name
For His Spirit's alive, glory be Thy name

From death to life
I am the way, the truth and the life
I am the first and the last
Behold, I am the living one

3. No Pity For A Coward 4:52
Those deserving to die
Must be put to their death for their own crimes
To death!

The dead will bury the dead
The dead will bury the dead

One life, and it's only you
Feast for the love of Christ
Dig deep to save your life, you'll serve the dying price
Demons awaiting to kill, driving for weakened soul
Rise up and seek the light, and be saved from the dead

Sin will kill
No pity for a coward

Cowards, like blinded fools, stagger into the flames
Momma's boy plays heretic, burying his life into the grave
Once alive, now dead in sin
All hope is denied

Sin will kill
No pity for a coward
Dead will bury the dead
No pity for a coward

"For the wages of sin is death
But the free gift of God
Is eternal life through Christ Jesus"

Sin will kill you!

4. Face The Serpent... Crush And Kill (Pt. 1) 1:25
Behold, serpent of darkness
Get thee hence now, for it's written
"Thou shall only worship the Lord thy God
And Him only I shall, I shall serve..."

With the Word of God as my sword
I will cast you down unto your grave

Fear now, you deceiving false prophet of lies
By God I'm given all the power over you
And with said, I shall crush you
And send you to your death
Death! To your death!

5. The Divine Judgement 3:28
Floods of corpses pile by the numbers
At the commands of His will
His rage blazes like fire
The mountains, they crumble
To dust within His presence
What sorrow awaits who's guilty of sin

As judgement reigns down, the earth begins to tremble
And its people are destroyed
He shall take revenge on all who oppose Him
With vengeance and wrath

To the hearts of murder and lies:
Why are you scheming against the Almighty God?
He will destroy you with one blow
He won't need to strike twice

By the sword of justice, many will be cast down
His chosen are free, but the lost will suffer the divine judgement

6. Deserving To Die 4:23
Blinded, bound in sin
Laying in the bed of death
Foolish, evil hearts
Serving the creature in place of God
Perverted, immortal souls
Trading the truth for a lie
You will suffer for your ways
To those deserving to die

Blinded, bound in sin
Laying in the bed of death
Foolish, evil hearts
Serving the creature in place of God
Perverted, immortal souls
Trading the truth for a lie
You will suffer for your ways
To those deserving to die

You fools, haters of God
You'll pay the sinful price
Abandoned free will to die for shameful desires

Burning for lust
Dark mind and confused
Deserving to die, turn now and run
Repent before the time or be destroyed!

"Flee from sexual immorality
No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does
But whoever sins sexually sins against their own body
Do you not know that your bodies
Are the temple of the Holy Spirit
Who is in you, whom you have received from God?
You do not belong to yourself

Captive, slave to sin
Chained from eternal light
God's justice will require
Casting the wicked to their doom
Perverted, immortal souls
Trading the truth for a lie
You will suffer for your ways
To those deserving to die
You will suffer for your ways
To those deserving to die

7. Hallucinogenic Regrets 4:20
"Well, I want to say to you, if you are not a Christian, and you're feeling that you're doing pretty good right now, don't be too easy on you: the devil's not finished with you yet!"

This time you'll regret
You'll regret!
This time you'll regret
You'll regret!
This time you'll regret
You'll regret!
This time you'll regret
You'll regret!

Feel the rush of sin devour
The temple of the Lord
Lay your head back and witness
The nightmare of regrets
No life, no future

So how do you feel inside
As the poison fills your soul?
Now repent, for the deathclock has begun
Hallucinogenic regrets!

Staring down upon an empty glass
Suffering the bite of a venomous snake
Behold this vision of self-condemning sin
For all shall perish a hopeless death

The coward's path to a dead-end grave
Led astray by the serpent's lies
This time you'll regret
You'll regret!
This time you'll regret
You'll regret!
This time you'll regret
You'll regret!
This time you'll regret
You'll regret!

"The wicked foster rebellion against God
But the messenger of death will be sent against them"

"For the evildoer has no future hope
And the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out"

Death has come to the cliff edge
Intoxicated cries, self-annihilation
Faced with wages of your sin
And a grave of regrets
Repent or die

So how do you feel inside
As the poison fills your soul?
Now repent, for the deathclock has begun
Hallucinogenic regrets!

This time, this time you'll regret!

8. We Will Be Hated 3:34
I will speak the truth 'till the day I die
Day I rise
I will rebuke the sin that condemns my soul
That takes control
With the world coming down, against me they judge
Judge not they shall
Reap what they have sown
For this is my life, so hate if you will
For I am the Lord's, so hate if you will

We will be hated
We serve Jesus
We will be hated, but in Christ we'll rise

I will follow my Lord
And worship His name
Serve Him 'till death
For when evil is near
I crush it to dust and lay it to rest

You hate the words I preach
Yet you live upon lies
So you despise the truth that I prevail
So say as you please
Nothing will stop me
We will be hated

We will be hated
We serve Jesus
We will be hated, but in Christ we'll rise
The Word speaks all truth!

9. Face The Serpent... Bury And Repeat (Pt. 2) 3:38
And with said, I shall crush you
And send you to your death!

Satan, tempter of sin
The shrewdest of all the wild
Rise up, devour, repeat
Against the prince of deceit

Behold, serpent, your time has come
No more will you defeat my soul
I will only repeat to crush the sin
In God only I shall destroy you

Face the serpent
Face the serpent
Face the serpent
Face the serpent

10. Through The Shadow Of Death 1:44
11. The Doom Of Satan 3:44
Behold, Lucifer, the master of darkness and lies
The Lord of your defeat has come for your evil ways
You're doomed!

Guilty of deceit
The next stop is the lake of death
Bounded by chains before the God of judgement
"Vengeance is mine" thus saith the Lord
This vengeance is mine!

Satan, prince of hate
You'll pay for what you've done
It will soon be over
For all who has hated the Son
Now condemned and thrown alive
Into the pit you go

Behold your defeat
As you're chained in the bottomless pit
Forsaken with no escape, left for a thousand years
You're doomed!

Shortly after this, forever will be in flames
In flames

As fire rains down from the heavens
Your face will read defeat
Witness this doom with sorrow
As you're thrown into the lake of death
Tortured through night and day
In burning sulfur you'll reign forever
This will be your doom
Your doom!

12. My Lord, Jesus 5:26
"Our Father which art in Heaven
Hallowed be Thy name
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done
In earth as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our debts
As we forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For Thine is the Kingdom
And the power and the glory forever, amen..."

Lord, give me strength
Lord, deliver me
You are my life and my passion
My Lord Jesus

My Father, build me strong in Your almighty power
Let salvation be my helmet
And the Word of God be my sword
In this fight against evil
Lead us to our victory, to Your Heaven
With all peace forever...amen

Lord, give me strength
Lord, deliver me
You are my life and my passion
My Lord Jesus

Nothing will stop me from worshiping You
My Lord Jesus

13. A Hail To Christ (Remix) 5:26
14. Face The Serpent (Full Version) 4:58
Behold, serpent of darkness
Get thee hence now, for it's written
"Thou shall only worship the Lord thy God
And Him only I shall, I shall serve..."

With the Word of God as my sword
I will cast you down unto your grave

Fear now, you deceiving false prophet of lies
By God I'm given all the power over you
And with said, I shall crush you
And send you to your death
Death! To your death!


Satan, tempter of sin
The shrewdest of all the wild
Rise up, devour, repeat
Against the prince of deceit

Behold, serpent, your time has come
No more will you defeat my soul
I will only repeat to crush the sin
In God only I shall destroy you

Face the serpent
Face the serpent
Face the serpent
Face the serpent

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