Saturday, April 10, 2021



BAND NAME: Goatscorge
GENRE: Raw Unblack Metal
STATUS: Split-up
LOCATION: Russellville, Alabama

Nocturnal Servant - Everything



Lacerate The Goat (single)

May 10, 2019, Independent (Digital)
May 10, 2019, The Bearded Dragon Productions (Digital)

1. Lacerate The Goat 2:33
Laceration, corpse dissection
To be humiliated and shamed
Lacerate the goat

Stripped naked in the wilderness
Broken off its horns
A swift slice to its back
A thousand times

Burning in the ethereal flame
Bleeding naked and alone
Lacerated in the pit
The goat in boiling excrement

Taking its throne to shatter
Into worthless rubble
Its worshippers now apostate of the apostate
Even the blood yearns for more destruction

Goat laceration
Goat lacerated
Lacerate the scum
Lacerate the evil one
Lacerate the goat

Taking its head
For my collection of demonic skulls
Carve into its flesh with the whip
Carve into its face with a knife
Take its corpse and burn it publicly

Its eyes melt into the sockets
But still I am unrelenting
I continue to lacerate this goat
A million times over cruelty, uncompassionately
As I stare down at its burning, rotting, dying face

Awaiting The Apocalypse/Demo I (demo)

June 7, 2019, Independent (Digital)
June 7, 2019, The Bearded Dragon Productions (Digital)

1. War Of All Wars 1:31
2. Awaiting The Apocalypse 2:20
Killing as many as we can
Before that dreadful day
Scum rulers of death
Demonic corpse mutilation

Spraying the astral plain
In bullets
Holy anointing crushing demonic filth
Bombing the gates of Hell
As we wait the apocalypse

Heavenly arsenal of weapons
Holy sword and nuclear might
In the spirit world we war
In the spirit world we kill
They die

As we await for the apocalypse
As we wait the apocalypse

Crushing demonic filth
Weapons of war crafted from the Spirit's flame
Crushed in everlasting torment Satan still burns
Satan's demise is inevitable
Weapons crafted in Heaven's forge
To wipe away all demonic scum
We wait for the apocalypse

We wait for the apocalypse

The terrible day of Yahweh
Woe to those who long for it
A terrible day it will be
Save yourself while you can

And war!
And war!

3. Fallen Angel Corpse 2:39
Darkened one fallen
A stray angle in the midst of bleak destruction
Death awaits him as I desecrate his temple
Taking what sackcloth I find in the midst of the ash
Force him into submission

The Lord repays evil for justice
Victorious triumph will be the last thing Satan sees of God
Once a bright cherubim in the northern sky
Now brought to nothing, alone and afraid

Taken out of the Heavenly Kingdom to rot and burn and die
Forevermore he shall suffer as his satanic offspring feast on his bones
Desecrated in eternal death he burns in eternal fire and darkness
Blackened flame of destruction surrounds this corpse

Blackened flame of oppression overtakes this fallen angel corpse

The corpse of the fallen, fallen rotting into submission
The corpse of the fallen one, taking away his high rank
And made him into a fool of his own likeness and a coward
Taken away from the Heavenly Kingdom to earth
To rot and burn and die and suffer
Sulfur, brimstone

Fallen angel corpse, many are the fallen
Many are the desecrated, many are the dead
This blood flows, from the corpse of the fallen one

Fallen angel corpse, many are the fallen
Many are the desecrated, many are the dead
This blood flows, from the corpse of the fallen one

4. Lacerate The Goat 2:33
Laceration, corpse dissection
To be humiliated and shamed
Lacerate the goat

Stripped naked in the wilderness
Broken off its horns
A swift slice to its back
A thousand times

Burning in the ethereal flame
Bleeding naked and alone
Lacerated in the pit
The goat in boiling excrement

Taking its throne to shatter
Into worthless rubble
Its worshippers now apostate of the apostate
Even the blood yearns for more destruction

Goat laceration
Goat lacerated
Lacerate the scum
Lacerate the evil one
Lacerate the goat

Taking its head
For my collection of demonic skulls
Carve into its flesh with the whip
Carve into its face with a knife
Take its corpse and burn it publicly

Its eyes melt into the sockets
But still I am unrelenting
I continue to lacerate this goat
A million times over cruelty, uncompassionately
As I stare down at its burning, rotting, dying face

5. To Tolerate Evil 2:38
Toleration of wickedness is futile
Destroy the demonic offspring
Take the head of Satan
And hang it on this rusty pole

Would you tolerate Hitler walking your streets?
Why then do you tolerate sin and evil?
You wicked people of a generation of snakes
Crush Beelzebub under your boot and tear his flesh

Genocide of demonic spawn
The blood, organs, brains spewing
The intestines of Lillith pouring
The humiliation of Set as he is shamed
And burned at the stake

Blood and violence as the angels pour out God's wrath
Upon this generation of wickedness and evil
They kill each other without relenting
The apocalypse is here because of your tolerance of evil

The streets are soaked in innocent blood
Cries of disembodied voices weep horrifically in terror
Demons scorged and humiliated in the unearthly flame
Death cries out in pain as it can't hold much more of its victims
Babylon forever broken and defeated

The temple of Baal is destroyed
The temple of Ashtaroth is completely eradicated
Hell itself wishes it could implode
At the number of lost souls it must bare

You tolerate evil and shun the Holy Spirit's conviction
In order to please your filthy flesh
Behold the Antichrist has risen
You are too late, you've accepted the mark unknowingly
The cost of evil, the cost of your soul

6. Demonic Offspring Genocide 3:48
Nephilim punisher
Demonic offspring genocide
Slaughtered by the millions
Buried in their own blood

Taking their heads
As in David's time
Place them on a pike
On this rusty pole

Let the nephilim blood flow
Neither demon nor man
Let the demonic blood flow
As they watch their children die

Fallen angels
Raping human women
Satan's seed
Shall forever perish and die

Nephilim desecrator smash their heads in
Nephilim eviscerator watch the brains flow
Gore excessive dead demonic abomination
Crimes against creation
They reproduce no more

Total demonic extinction of unholy offspring
Extreme might powerful enough
To cripple the largest of armies
Bullets tearing through the demonic offspring flesh

In times of old swords slicing wicked offspring skulls
Destroy the demonic offspring
Take a blade and a knife
Take your bat and your club

Kill them all
Goliath rots
Kill them all
Goliath rots forever

All enemies of God shall perish
All demons shall be scorged
The goat shall be eviscerated
Satan shall watch his kingdom crumble
And the Antichrist shall burn alive forever

Kill them all
Goliath rots
Kill them all
Goliath rots forever

All demons
All demons die

All enemies of God shall perish
All demons shall be scorged
The goat shall be eviscerated
Satan shall watch his kingdom crumble
And the Antichrist shall burn alive forever

7. Sodom, Gommorah, And Sodomy 4:21
Unholy sodomy, giving into the flesh
Taking a God-given natural instinct
And turning it into a perversion
Marriage now optional to give into your whorish lust

God promised never to flood the Earth again
Yet you mock Him by blaspheming a symbol of His grace
Unholy legions swarm down to the Earth to kill
To destroy, to steal your worthless cities and streets

Yet the fire and brimstone awaits being sent
Because of His mercy He gives you a chance to repent
How uncomfortable are you now?
Take such a matter lightly?
Or do you conform to the world out of fear and disgraceful negligence?
You coward!

The war is begun, the war is here
Destroy the astral realms of darkness with truth and light
Do not conform to fear, the words of the people are worthless
Idols are nothing more than silver and gold and cannot speak
Their day of reckoning shall come in time and be made to rubble

Sodomy, fornication, lust, it's all the same
Unnatural instinct of fallen fleshly nature
Having sex with whatever you please
You even go as far as to rape the forest
God's creation

Scum desecration
Demonic horde surrounds you
As you die and breathe your last breath
With a mouthful of semen you swine
Lust, it's all the same
Lust, it brings death

This is the truth, whether it is good or not
Even if you're offended, truth does not care
It is here, truth will always prevail
You swine and demonic offspring
Lucifer the goat in flame

Like Sodom and Gommorah, Satan shall burn forever

8. Eternal Triumph Of The Holy Kingdom 1:07

Angel Of Death (single)

September 6, 2019, Independent (Digital)
September 6, 2019, The Bearded Dragon Productions (Digital)

1. Angel Of Death 3:45
Angel of Death torments the wicked soul
Angel of Death crushes the antichristial throne
At the word of the Lord he slays demonic princes
In perfect timing he is the instrument of God's wrath
Upon a wicked people and the blackened abysmal snake

He rides forth to carry out God's wrathful vengeance
Angel of Death the tenth plague
Angel of Death the tormentor of wicked souls
And the slayer of all that is unrighteous
Demonic principalities bow before the Baphomet's throne

Angel of Death slaughters all wicked hosts
And crushes the Baphomet's throne of stench and filth
Worthlessness is what awaits the demonic hosts of evil
To be slain is now the purpose of Satan's existence
Satan's demise will make onlookers to behold the throne of Yahweh

All wicked foes shall be slain that dare stand against God's Almighty Majesty
As the throne of God is giving off beams of purifying light
Casting out and charring the wicked souls and spirits of evil
Demonic princes bow before the throne of Yahweh
Before they are cast into the utmost depths of Hell

Angel of Death
Committing genocide against the unrighteousness of this modern age
Against the evil hosts of demonic power in the day of God's wrath
Satanic uprising diminishing before our eyes
The righteous are slain no longer

Angel of Death

Marching Against The Evil One/Demo II (demo)

November 15, 2019, Independent (Digital)
November 15, 2019, The Bearded Dragon Productions (Digital)

The bottom artwork replaced the top one in October 2021.

1. An End To All That Is Unholy 1:46
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty
His vengeance rains blood

2. Marching Against The Evil One 3:20
Marching against the evil one
Desecrating the fallen
Crushing the serpent beneath our heels
Stepping on his back as he cries in pain

Wiping the walls of the satanic temple
With hte blood of a thousand scourged
Demons bleeding in agonizing pain
Swords pierced through the hearts of man

Conviction flows in the desolation of war
Holy Spirit resides on the frontline
Demonic uprising perishes before me
Legions of angels swarm to protect the innocent

Warring angels stand guard ready for a firefight
Marching into the enemy's camp desecrating what's left
Of demonic idol statues and satanic cult witch spells
Legions of angels fight along side the warriors of Christ

Satanic uprising diminishes beneath my feet
Luciferian cult overlord perishes as he breathes his last breath
Satanism shall perish forever in the eternal fire
Luciferianism shall have its unholy texts trampled upon by swine

March forth into oblivion
Satan you have breathed your last
Headless swine decapitated in the fire
Luciferian dogs demonic forces eradicated

Jesus our master stands ready at the gate
To unleash His warring angels of God's wrath
Upon the demonic forces of the heavenly realms

3. 10,000 Fake Christians In Hell 4:20
Ten thousand fake "Christians" burn
In the depths of hell
Burning in the depths of the unholy pit of flame
Pretend and namesay only, they reject the Anointed One
Slaying the true righteous, blood soaks their hands

A mask hides their face, the enemy roams within
Demonic possession and manipulative kindness
Hiding their true nature of torment and sorrow
Grief stricken guilt they do not feel
They feed on sorrow and death

Prideful and haughty they stand in arrogance
With a gleaming lustful eye they fornicate
And commit many abominations and reject the true King of Glory
They lick the blood of the innocent and drink demonic excrement
In Hell they burn for their rebellious ways

Heaven they cannot see, God they will not hear
Ten thousand fake "Christians" plagued with sorrow and death
They burn in the lowest pits of Hell's fire
Rotting abysmal flesh falls off their spirit bones
They truly do rot in Hell

Violence they praise as they slaughter all that is good
Encouraging the death of others to the point of suicide
Satanic uprising, behind closed doors they commit evil
Namesay only they burn forever in the death ridden flame
"Look at my fancy house and car! You must be a sinner you poor sad man"

Ten thousand fake "Christians" in Hell
Woe is they that use Christ's sacrifice as a means to torment others and to cause suffering to one's fellow man
They will never enter the Kingdom of God unless they repent of their sins
Burn in the depths of Hell you swine and wolves in a sheep's disguise

4. Angel Of Death 3:45
Angel of Death torments the wicked soul
Angel of Death crushes the antichristial throne
At the word of the Lord he slays demonic princes
In perfect timing he is the instrument of God's wrath
Upon a wicked people and the blackened abysmal snake

He rides forth to carry out God's wrathful vengeance
Angel of Death the tenth plague
Angel of Death the tormentor of wicked souls
And the slayer of all that is unrighteous
Demonic principalities bow before the Baphomet's throne

Angel of Death slaughters all wicked hosts
And crushes the Baphomet's throne of stench and filth
Worthlessness is what awaits the demonic hosts of evil
To be slain is now the purpose of Satan's existence
Satan's demise will make onlookers to behold the throne of Yahweh

All wicked foes shall be slain that dare stand against God's Almighty Majesty
As the throne of God is giving off beams of purifying light
Casting out and charring the wicked souls and spirits of evil
Demonic princes bow before the throne of Yahweh
Before they are cast into the utmost depths of Hell

Angel of Death
Committing genocide against the unrighteousness of this modern age
Against the evil hosts of demonic power in the day of God's wrath
Satanic uprising diminishing before our eyes
The righteous are slain no longer

Angel of Death

5. Wrathful Vengeance 3:40
Those done wrong by the unrighteous and demonic filth
God will repay sevenfold in His wrathful vengeance
Upon the demonic hordes and upon the faces of the wicked
On their own heads He shall turn your grief into their nightmare
Fear not for they will know true pain and torment
While they are still on the Earth

God's wrathful vengeance is the nightmare of all that is unholy
God's uprising is immanent to make your enemies beg for mercy
They forsake the love and kindness you shown them on Earth
They killed you instead, and now they prepare in vain
For their eternal nightmare

It will not end, for some they will repent
Those that do not turn away from evil are in for a reckoning
The ones who refuse to acknowledge the wrong they have done
Will suffer greatly at the hand of the Almighty Shepherd
What a terrible thing it is, to fall into the hands of the Living God

So wipe the dust off your feet in protest at the wickedness
Torment not those who torment you, just wait for God's wrathful vengeance
Pay no heed to the signs in the sky, they are worthless
Do not fear their idols, the people are senseless, weak in cowardess
Do not wish for their demise or with a haughty eye say "Ha! I told you so!"

For if you do He, the God of all things, will pour down
His burning wrath on you and turn it away from those
Who He originally intended it for
Look not on your foes with pride or disgust
But look at them with grief, pity, sorrow, and sadness
For the wrath that is to come upon them

God's wrathful vengeance

6. The Shattered Grace Of God 4:19
Apostasy, filth, and unrepentance is your lot
You praise everything that is unholy and bask in unrighteousness
Evil you tolerate to the point of blackening all that is righteous
Lapdogs you entrust to commit abominations alongside your manipulative ways
Filthy political discussions of so-called peace turned into heresy
Where is your prideful "I am a god" attitude now?

Surely your right hand can clothe you in splendor, grace, majesty and divinity!
Surely your divine self-righteousness can save you from the Almighty's grasp!
Would you not win against Him in a duel of the "gods"?
Do you not call yourself a "god"?
Why then do you sit back and kill the innocent
For certainly you are a so-called "god" as you proclaim to be!
You fool!

Rotten flesh on earth for you did not give the true God of Heaven the eternal glory as He rightfully deserves
Puffed up in your arrogant pride and your ignorance, a self-proclaimed "god"
If you are a "god" then make your enemies weep in the nocturnal realms
But you are no "god" at all, the true God of Heaven and Earth, and all of creation
Shall make a footstool under the feet of the only begotten Son of God
For eternity you shall beg for mercy, you will not find any

In Hell you belong as with every idol fool that dares to claim God's rightful position
As God on High

You coward, you fool
You coward, you fool

You are no "god" at all
But a scrawny weakling ready to die!

7. Casting Out Demonic Filth 5:05
Contorting and twisting like a snake the possessed man bleeds
He cannot control his movement or even hear himself breathe
Foaming at the mouth he cannot think for himself any longer
To take authority over such evil requires the Holy Spirit anointing
Casting out demonic filth, I look upon the demons in disgust and shame

The man I show mercy for it is not his fault what he brings here to me
Prayer of faith taking authority over the demonic scum contorting his body
Demonic isolation, they keep him at the brink of suicide at all times
Demonic filth, realizes they can't torment him any longer, they despise me
Angelic warrior begins tearing out demon after demon from the man's body

In the spirit realm the filth begins to spew out as the man vomits on the floor
Spilling out what demon scum are left tormenting his weakened suicidal soul
Prayer of faith and submission to the Most High in realizing His authority
He gives you the authority to cast out demons, heal, and to raise the dead
Demonic filth does not stand a chance, a grain of faith can move mountains

You must not fight within yourself but in the Spirit not the fleshly nature
You can do nothing but what God has ordained as His will and what He allows you to do
Take authority over the demonic scum in your life catastrophes can be prevented
If you would take heed and begin seeing through spiritual eyes instead of eyes of flesh
Take authority of the filth in your life and command the bondage of darkness to be broken

Don't take it lightly, this is war

8. Laying The Foundation Of Eternity 3:40
I hope you're ready for this...

Giving into falsehoods and disillusion shattering the Almighty's respect as Creator
Giving into heresy at every turn resulting in misconceptions
Do you not think that a lifestyle of sin would bring upon you a false reality?
The very foundations sing of His glory and you choose to turn Him away
And do not give Him the rightful credit He deserves as Creator of all things

Why would I emphasize such a point that does not effect salvation?
Could it be to show your weakness in doubt as a believer to give into this lie
Evolutionary theory has so many holes
Even the scientific principals on which it is founded contradicts itself
Don't you know that the God who made Heaven and Earth founded math and science to begin with

He does not exist within this physical reality, reality of flesh
He can bend matter to His will because He always leaves a backdoor in His creation
It is utterly impossible for Him to be wrong or to commit sin and He cannot lie
It is not made clear that He exists knowing that we ourselves exist?
Surely something this grand cannot happen on its own

Sure you can believe the way you do and still go to Heaven if you're a true believer
But why give into the world and be unwilling to risk your reputation to stand firm
On the truth that He is and has given to us from the dawn of time
Demons burn in Hell as we speak and angels fight the evil one
Yet you spend your time in constant debates with other Christians

Don't let your personal beliefs override what the Most High has said
Don't let your opinion root out the truth that was once first planted in you

Laying the foundation of eternity
God knew that we would believe lies
Still His mercy endures forever, may Your Kingdom come
Crush Satan before our very eyes show him no mercy
Even now is the beginning when everyone will see Your power on Earth

Restored be Your temple and slay the antichrist
He will set up an idol, the image of the beast
I will never bow to that idol, I will watch it fall

9. Tearing Apart False Doctrine 4:10
False doctrine torn to shreds and burned in the fire
Those deceived by every idol word of man shall perish
Burning hellfire wind of false doctrine consumes all
Those that give way to this illusion shall fall a thousand times
Fake "Christians" pretending to love their fellow brother in Christ

On the inside they writhe with hatred for their fellow brothers and sisters
They take a God-given Holy text and twist it to their liking to perform heresy
"Kill for God, kill for the Son, murder for Satan, bow before the antichrist"
"Jesus was just a man" they say "He was merely an illusionist with great wisdom"
"The 'real' Jesus would accept everyone's sinful ways and abide in filth with them"

How you are deceived you hypocritical bastard without a Heavenly Father
Bastardized for rejecting the true Father of Light and teaching deceptions
Heresy and hear say you take your filth and spread it to the masses for consumption
Hypocrite, you are a hypocrite and a coward and and a false shepherd, you swine
Hatred is all that you see, dishonesty is all that you know and you breathe lies

Kill for "God", murder for the "Son", you bow before the antichrist's throne
Lie until you run out of air, you're only human!
Fornicate and commit unnatural sodomy, it's only "natural"
"You can't help how God made you, He doesn't see your sin"
God didn't make anything to sin you filth, He creates and His creation chooses

Not all that seems good is from above, and only those who weep and sigh at the evil will be spared

The order to carry out judgement against the house of God has commenced

10. War Cult Armageddon 3:36
11. Bones Of The Unrepentant 1:32

Uncertain Demise (single)

April 17, 2020, Independent (Digital)
April 17, 2020, The Bearded Dragon Productions (Digital)

1. Uncertain Demise 4:10
Satan bludgeoned by God
In the depths of the Earth

Lucifer castrated
His work has been undone

Sinless and Holy
Your supremacy brings forth
Judgement on the ashes of death
Of Hell itself
Torn apart

Almighty God is enthroned on high
Taken from me
This sin and decay

Skinless, malnourished
From the fear you can't obtain
Unable to oppress
You are slain before all mankind to see

Taken from me this impure image
Taken from me this face of me
Almighty God I don't want to witness
My wicked deeds cause me to die
Don't cut me short, don't cut me off
Of Your glory, glory and grace

Glory to God!

Don't cut me short, don't cut me off
Of Your glory and grace

Take heed you heathen
Only one God remains and has ever been
His wrath poured out
Upon the idols of the human race
Guts spewing out, flesh decaying
You can't comprehend what is done to you

Or else suffer
An eternity in Hell
Revoke your evil ways
And turn to Him for guidance and restoration right now
Death and life, decay demise
Will you let yourself be your own undoing?
Repent or else
Deny yourself
And crush the demonic offspring
Unrepentant sinner
The debt of sin has been paid with your own blood
Choose which this day is the worthy sacrifice
Your sin or your soul

..."Come into my heart oh Lord
Slay these demons beneath my feet
And make them bleed and suffer in pain"

Prayer of faith has just been uttered
The power of Satan has just been shattered

Behold! The unrepentant sinner has just repented

False Sabbath Of Heathen Scum (album)

November 24, 2020, Independent (Digital)
November 24, 2020, The Bearded Dragon Productions (CD, Digital)

1. Bloodlust (Homicidal Ideation) 4:36
Hundreds of lies and hatred
Hundreds of lies and hatred
Hundreds of lies and hatred
Slavery to all mankind

The enmity of man is about to crumble before the almighty throne of the Most High Yahweh

I don't care if I'm your enemy
I don't care if you hate me
I don't care if you lie behind my back
I don't care about myself

But you better not touch my family

Or I will bash your head in
If the Lord does not stop me first
He will have to help me resist
Slitting your brain open

Cutting your throat in my imagination
Help me God these desires are not of You
But they are being so cruel to my loved ones
Will I even resist this temptation to murder?

Will I stumble before the throne of Yahweh with blood-soaked hands?

Slitting the throats of thousand swine
I will crush the demons
Resisting this urge to murder man
Instead I destroy sin

I refuse to react in anger to my fellow man
I deprive my flesh of this bloodlust

I am not a slave to mankind
I am not a slave to their lies
I will not allow their actions to control mine
I will not be a murderer

But instead strive to be a Saint
Thought I am so wretched
I will strive for the cause of Jesus Christ

Kill me before I kill them
Oh God, kill me before I murder
Oh God, please kill me
Before I kill the murderer

Vengeance is not for my own hands
But let Your justice do what it will

"Vengeance is mine", says the Lord of Hosts
"I will scatter their corpses on the ash filled plains"

Hundreds of lies and hatred
Hundreds of lies and hatred
Hundreds of lies and hatred
Vengeance is not within these mortal's hands

Hundreds of lies and hatred
Hundreds of lies and hatred
This vengeance is not for me
My bloodlust will not be fed by murder

Hundreds of lies and hatred
This vengeance is not for me
Mankind will witness ultimate and supreme salvation
No longer craving the blood of the murderer

Hundreds of lies and hatred
I have thus repented

My bloodlust is now fed by communion in the most purest of ways

2. Uncertain Demise 4:10
Satan bludgeoned by God
In the depths of the Earth

Lucifer castrated
His work has been undone

Sinless and Holy
Your supremacy brings forth
Judgement on the ashes of death
Of Hell itself
Torn apart

Almighty God is enthroned on high
Taken from me
This sin and decay

Skinless, malnourished
From the fear you can't obtain
Unable to oppress
You are slain before all mankind to see

Taken from me this impure image
Taken from me this face of me
Almighty God I don't want to witness
My wicked deeds cause me to die
Don't cut me short, don't cut me off
Of Your glory, glory and grace

Glory to God!

Don't cut me short, don't cut me off
Of Your glory and grace

Take heed you heathen
Only one God remains and has ever been
His wrath poured out
Upon the idols of the human race
Guts spewing out, flesh decaying
You can't comprehend what is done to you

Or else suffer
An eternity in Hell
Revoke your evil ways
And turn to Him for guidance and restoration right now
Death and life, decay demise
Will you let yourself be your own undoing?
Repent or else
Deny yourself
And crush the demonic offspring
Unrepentant sinner
The debt of sin has been paid with your own blood
Choose which this day is the worthy sacrifice
Your sin or your soul

..."Come into my heart oh Lord
Slay these demons beneath my feet
And make them bleed and suffer in pain"

Prayer of faith has just been uttered
The power of Satan has just been shattered

Behold! The unrepentant sinner has just repented

3. Crushed Unholy Rule 3:41
The wickedness lurks beneath the sky
Its darkness may rise
As I grit my teeth, my mouth bleeds
Blood runs down my face

Testimonies fulfilled, darkness overcome
This is true power, may Satan's demise be forever
Prophets and wickedness
The truth that all despise

Help me despise the works of darkness
Never to be fulfilled again
The lust of my flesh

The strings behind the scenes
Let them be knotted so
Satan's puppets, slaves of my enemy

Evil lurks at night, looters kill
The heathen fight God on high
To no avail

Fascism, racism, anarchy, factions begin to slaughter
Utter chaos and everything decaying
I will not stand for this anymore
The church has become like a crippled daughter

But we shall wage war in the spirit realm
Crush every demon, pull them to the ground
Their brains bust open, dump their remains in Hell
Spirit-corpses of the fallen, in the other realm you bleed; you die

May the puppets crumble, and the corruption be crushed
May this wicked rule be abolished and replaced
By one submitted to the Most High God no longer in defiance
To our Master, our Lord Jesus Christ

Our souls reign supreme in Jesus Christ
His Majesty I will not despise
Though I have hatred
For every evil around me

False prophets shall be eradicated
Only the holy shall remain
In triumph with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
HaMashiach has overthrown your rule

4. Presumed Human Casualty (Bloodlust Pt. II) 5:41
Lodge the knife deep into my throat
Let the blade act as a catalyst for my blood
The arteries severed and membrane torn
Skin peeling back as I pull down

Darkness and blackness mirroring my demise
Satan is laughing at my cold and dead mind
Driven to insanity ever so blasphemously
I hereby sentence myself to death

Spirit pulled out of my body by my own two hands
Tearing my body, flesh is spraying blood
My life flashes before my eyes

What was it all for?
Why was I even born to begin with?
Decaying mind as soon as I step foot on the surface
Of this God-forsaken cold, blackened earth

It's like I have amnesia
I can't remember who I've become
And why

I've forgotten what I have been
Who am I now, and what do I have to become?
Tell me God in Heaven, speak in your wrath if only
To answer my heart-chilling call!

I just want answers, I just want to know when
I can see my face in the mirror
I do not understand who I am
I do not know what I am, when I am

Why was I even born?
And what led me to this awful day to begin with?

If only I could die a little while longer
But my thoughts leave me, the knife no longer exists
The blood isn't on the floor anymore
It was all in my imagination

Once again my fantasy is taken away from me
Just leave me to die already, I can't take this pain
Just let me suffer violence at my own hand
And be done with it from beginning to end

Just let me die in anger
Just allow me to suffer
If you won't let me take my own life
Then do it for me right this very moment

Just answer my call, oh God
I beg you to answer in the thundering rain
From Heaven right here on the altar
Hear my screams, hear my cries, and save me!

Reverse the damage done to my mind and help me see Your supreme salvation
And crush these demonic oppressors underneath my feet and make them scream

Tremble and scream!
In the name of Jesus Christ
Fill me with Your presence
And show me Your mercy

I'm so very sorry
Come and save me
From the torment that surrounds me
And that is plaguing the inside of my mind right now

5. Killing My Way Up The Demonic Hierarchy 4:59
In Jesus' Name I command
The legions of Rege and Jah to be slain
I beckon all angelic warriors to fight alongside me
I command all soldiers of Apollyon to be burned to ash

Abraxas, you are nothing more than a scheming scoundrel ready to be slain
Set, you are worthless, a dog begging to be put out of your misery
Lillith, you're the queen whore of lust and rebellion
Bleeding from your filthy, rotting maggot-filled wounds

I pray for the power of Your Holy Spirit to infill me
As I slay my way up the demonic hierarchy

As I kill my way up the demonic hierarchy!

Amun, demonic abomination of sun worship impaled
Belphegor, you who led Israel away into perversions
Your acts have not gone unnoticed, you shall perish
Amon, instead of vomiting flames you will begin vomiting your own blood

Filthy Baphomet skinned alive
And Satan, you who are perverting the Trinity
Antichrist, and false prophet
Beast, evildoers among demonic worthlessness
You shall all be laid to waste

6. False Sabbath Of Heathen Scum 5:53
Nuked from orbit
Belonging to Hell
False sabbath eradicated
By holy supreme might

False sabbath of heathen scum
Baphomet ascendance
Impaled infants and burning children
Prepare for obliteration
Take up your swords
And spears of the mightiest of angels

The antichrist is here, slaying all of mankind
Humanity is crushed and paralyzed
Faces pummeled bust wide open
Skulls split in half by the heathen's axe
This is the result of God's wrath

Flesh diced into pieces
Skinned and flayed alive
Demons and heathen submit
They cannot be saved
It is too late, the beast has been worshiped

The ark door has been closed
The day of God's wrath is here
The great and terrible day of the Lord
Woe to those who long for this

Dark will be that day
There will be no light in it
Only death will reside there
Blood deep enough to reach the horse's bridle

Blown into chunks of meat
With grenades and pipebombs
Chaos and anarchy
Lawlessness and godlessness

Brains scrambled on the floor by the shotgun
A murderous frenzied rampage
Terrified families brutally slaughtered and mutilated
Mass genocide the antichrist approaches
With crazed blood-shot eyes
It is too late
...For him

Angels begin to come forth
Tearing his servant's arms off
Loved ones avenged by God
Jesus Christ accompanied
By tens of thousands of His saints
As His promise foretells...

"Then you will trample on the wicked;
They will be ashes under the soles
Of your feet on the day when I act,"
Says the LORD Almighty

Antichrist dropped into Hell alive
The lake of fire reserved for him
The blood on his hands multiply heat
Of the flame that angrily rises

False sabbath of heathen scum
Evil has been vanquished
Those who would repent
Shall witness the antichrist being eradicated
May he boil alive in the pit's molten stone
Choked to death by sulfur

7. Corruption Reversal (Closing) 3:12

8. Breaking Your Nihilist Sigil 3:58
Breaking the backs of nihilists
Their self hatred is pulling me down
Into the realm of despair, they feed on my bones
I will not be overcome by grief and regret

I will break your sigil
I will break your nihilism
I will eradicate your feeble worldview
All of Creation shall tremble before Him

I will break all that you stand for
I will destroy your works, by which you betray

Oath breaker, backstabber
Pretender, aggressor

My enemy on the Earth

Revenger, hope destroyer
Panic inducer

Using your self loathing and hatred
As an excuse to torment everyone else


My friend is no more


Aggression is all that is left

I will break your sigil
I will break your nihilism
I will eradicate your feeble worldview
All of Creation shall tremble before Him

Break the nihilist sigil by which Satan destroys many lives
Remove the betrayer from our midst
Bring hope back in our minds and hearts

Burn in our heart, the passion to kill this worthless ideology

Nihilism shall be eradicated
I shall not live in misery

Break the nihilist sigil!
Break the nihilist sigil!
Break the nihilist sigil!
Break the nihilist sigil!

Thou Art Doomed (single)

December 18, 2020, Independent (Digital)
December 18, 2020, The Bearded Dragon Productions (Digital)

1. Thou Art Doomed 4:43
Fallen to Hell, burning alive
In flames, tormented
Satan, watch your kingdom fall into ruin and crumble

Lacerated demons, gouging obsession
Impaling Hades, within holy torment
Spine torn out, ashes on the plains

Kingdom of evil
Trapped within the valley of the shadow of death
Forever belonging to pain

I scream your name
Laughing, mocking
As you mourn and weep
Gnashing of teeth, no hope for you
Prepare to suffer an eternal misery

Daemons, impure spirits
Fallen angels, unwise cult
Slicing into your weak ribcage
Your corpse, though spirit...

Shall burn forever like weak paper

Thou art doomed
Awaken to tears

Hymns Of Annihilation (compilation)

January 1, 2021, Independent (Digital)
January 1, 2021, The Bearded Dragon Productions (CD, Digital)

Includes 7 newly-remastered tracks taken off of "Awaiting The Apocalypse", an interlude taken from the intro off of "Marching Against The Evil One", all six main tracks from "False Sabbath Of Heathen Scum" (excluding its outro track), as well as the single "Thou Art Doomed".

1. War Of All Wars (Remastered) 1:32
2. Awaiting The Apocalypse (Remastered) 2:22
3. Fallen Angel Corpse (Remastered) 2:40
4. Lacerate The Goat (Remastered) 2:36
5. To Tolerate Evil (Remastered) 2:41
6. Demonic Offspring Genocide (Remastered) 3:52
7. Eternal Triumph Of The Holy Kingdom (Remastered) 1:14
8. An End To All That Is Unholy (Remastered) 1:46
9. Bloodlust (Homicidal Ideation) 4:36
10. Uncertain Demise 4:10
11. Crushed Unholy Rule 3:41
12. Presumed Human Casualty (Bloodlust Pt. II) 5:41
13. Killing My Way Up The Demonic Hierarchy 4:59
14. False Sabbath Of Heathen Scum 5:53
15. Thou Art Doomed 4:43

Triumphant Upheaval Of Holy Victory (single)

January 22, 2021, Independent (Digital)
January 22, 2021, The Bearded Dragon Productions (Digital)

1. Triumphant Upheaval Of Holy Victory 7:22
You scream that we have lost
As you tear gaping holes in our names
Oh but how weak you will be
And already are

Disgraceful demonic prince of destruction
Prepare for an upheaval of holy supreme might
Obliteration of your unsanctified kingdom awaits
Within the very depths and pits of Hell itself

Burn alive as we gloat our victory in Christ
Into the arms of suffering you are pulled
Ripped apart by your own sorrow
Re-infliction of pain, reap what you have sown

You worthless piece of filth
Substance makes up my body
And pain will make up your spirit-corpses
Fear God, for you are shown no mercy!
And have only failure, no victory for you

Fear me, fear us
You will fear the children of God on High
In the Name of Jesus Christ

Blackened to a crisp by the unearthly flame
Ov Heaven

Completely overtaken by grief and regret
The moment you fell from Heaven
Eternally burned alive by the Holy Ghost

The time has finally come
Prepare for annihilation
We sing hymns of your death

Dung in the fire
So inconceivably low and weak
Fear the God that created you, filth!
No hope for you, as you finally
Feel pain as I have, but even worse so

Attempting to make me commit suicide
To prevent the inevitable
In order to torture us
You make us regret being born

Therefore God says "You will surely die"
To the demonic filth

Behold! The eternal triumph of the Holy Kingdom
The supreme upheaval of glorious supreme holy might

Prepare for annihilation, we sign and scream hymns of your demise
Hymns of annihilation

Prepare for the triumphant upheaval of holy victory!

Awaiting The Apocalypse, Phase Two (album, May 15, 2021, Independent) (CD, Digital)

1. Phase Two (The Apocalypse) 2:53
2. Destroyed Satanic Imperialism 5:23
Worthless Satanism
Obliterate their rituals
Restore the broken hearts
To impale the dark ones

Killing the demonic foes
Destruction of death itself
Lord Yahweh resides
In Heaven above, I hear His war cries

Let Lucifer be trampled
Into the dirt on the ground
As we save mankind's souls
Christ's redeeming power

By the Spirit be drawn
Out of darkness enslavement
Into the light of angelic hosts
The abode of the Holy Ghost

Blood of Jesus Christ
Wrecking havoc
Against demonic powers
They are weaker than flies

And by Christ's Blood, sin's power is removed
Fallen angels have been completely annihilated
Satan, your empire has been destroyed--forever!

Worthless Satanism
Obliterate their rituals
Restore the broken hearts
To impale the dark ones

Killing the demonic foes
Destruction of death itself
Lord Yahweh resides
In Heaven above, I hear His war cries

Let Lucifer be trampled
Into the dirt on the ground
As we save mankind's souls
Christ's redeeming power

Worthless Satanism
Obliterate their rituals
Restore the broken hearts
To impale the dark ones

Killing the demonic foes
Destruction of death itself
Lord Yahweh resides
In Heaven above, I hear His war cries

Let Lucifer be trampled
Into the dirt on the ground
As we save mankind's souls
Christ's redeeming power

Worthless Satanism
Obliterate their rituals
Restore the broken hearts
To impale the dark ones

Satan, your empire has been destroyed


3. The New Gomorrah 6:23
Sodomy, lust, rebellion
Evildoers murder the innocent
Children of God torn apart
We await our final desecration

As our families are slaughtered
Before our very eyes, we see
The apocalypse unfold
May God in Heaven have mercy
Upon us all

Skinning demons we stand victorious
Crucifixion of abominable fallen angels
This new Gomorrah shall fall
This new Gomorrah shall not last

Purify the land of mayhem
With holy flames
Destroy the oppressor
Satan, he is weak

This new Gomorrah shall fall
This new Gomorrah shall not last
This new Gomorrah shall burn
With Holy Ghost anointing and power

Purge the land of sin with His Blood
Sacrificial Blood and anointing flames
Holy Spirit shall burn the devouring demons
To dust

As they scream out in pain
I see the weak and feeble
In revolt against the evil one
And in Christ's Name

They commit insurrection against damnation

They see the Light, and join His side
They take what's left in them, and rise above
They rise above the death and destruction
Given a heart anew, they take back their souls

They kill
They kill the murderous daemons
With the holy anointing and Spirit sword
Tearing through demonic skulls
Decapitating the legions of darkness

The kingdom of darkness has been abolished
Lucifer has been slain, the new Gomorrah has fallen
The new Gomorrah burns
This new Gomorrah is broken

Purge the land of sin with His Blood
Sacrificial Blood and anointing flames
Holy Spirit shall burn the devouring demons
To dust

4. Christial Dominance 5:59
Sacred annihilation of death's existence
Demonic oppressors completely devastated
Killing reversal, damnation eternal
Resurrection of the body, I am now immortal

Like Him

We have always been far greater than you

Repugnant devils
You were created to bow to God and to us

Wretched and putrid, worms of the fallen
Disgusting maggots, they are worthless
The evil one, Lucifer and his dark angels
Are lower than the dirt on the ground

Satan, your continued existence
Causes me to be sick, you being sentient
Is a disgraceful embodiment of all that is meaningless
The mere sight of you is a shame that makes me vomit

Accept your punishment and burn

Lucifer's presence is an embarrassment
To all of creation, just knowing that you
Waste empty space is reason enough
For me to protest you being allowed to remain

Such a low creature, so incomprehensibly weak
Your continued existence is a shame in my eyes
Wicked spirits of Hell, feces is worth more than you
Your existence subsistence is an ignominy

Insurrection is now impossible

5. Collection Of Demonic Skulls 5:17
I collect demonic souls
I burn them in hellfire
I take their bones
And use them as toothpicks

Eradication of daemons

Impaling the fallen ones
We die to self to live
We live and so they die

God has not forsaken us
He is lofty upon His throne
In Heaven

We kill every demonic prince
We drown them within the molten stone
Of the pit

I collect demonic skulls
They are my trophies
Of the many victories
Of which through Christ I have won

You shall reap what you have sown
And we shall kill the one of evil
The prince and power of the air

He has reaped an eternal harvest of damnation
There is no turning back for him

Disgraceful fallen angel
Though immortal as you may be
You shall not live, you shall burn forever
To make up for your eternal consciousness

I collect demonic souls
I burn them in hellfire
I take their bones
And use them as toothpicks

Impaling the fallen ones
We die to self to live
We live and so they die

Eradication of daemons

God has not forsaken us
He is lofty upon His throne
In Heaven

Blood of Christ is glowing red
And is full of redemption

6. Triumphant Upheaval Of Holy Victory 7:21
You scream that we have lost
As you tear gaping holes in our names
Oh but how weak you will be
And already are

Disgraceful demonic prince of destruction
Prepare for an upheaval of holy supreme might
Obliteration of your unsanctified kingdom awaits
Within the very depths and pits of Hell itself

Burn alive as we gloat our victory in Christ
Into the arms of suffering you are pulled
Ripped apart by your own sorrow
Re-infliction of pain, reap what you have sown

You worthless piece of filth
Substance makes up my body
And pain will make up your spirit-corpses
Fear God, for you are shown no mercy!
And have only failure, no victory for you

Fear me, fear us
You will fear the children of God on High
In the Name of Jesus Christ

Blackened to a crisp by the unearthly flame
Ov Heaven

Completely overtaken by grief and regret
The moment you fell from Heaven
Eternally burned alive by the Holy Ghost

The time has finally come
Prepare for annihilation
We sing hymns of your death

Dung in the fire
So inconceivably low and weak
Fear the God that created you, filth!
No hope for you, as you finally
Feel pain as I have, but even worse so

Attempting to make me commit suicide
To prevent the inevitable
In order to torture us
You make us regret being born

Therefore God says "You will surely die"
To the demonic filth

Behold! The eternal triumph of the Holy Kingdom
The supreme upheaval of glorious supreme holy might

Prepare for annihilation, we sign and scream hymns of your demise
Hymns of annihilation

Prepare for the triumphant upheaval of holy victory!

7. Perversion Obliteration 4:03
Perversion obliteration
Purity obsession
Cleansing of demons
Blood, guts, kill Asmodeus

Prepare My chariot

Jehovah, Lord God Yahweh
Yeshuah, the Messiah
Holy Ghost, mount on fire

Slaying, amputation
Rejuvenation, regeneration
Blood spilled, poured out
Sin gone, Lucifer is weak

Creator of Earth
From Heaven sends down flames
Made white as snow
Fallen angels are burned black char

Use their spirit-corpses as coal
To fuel Heavenly arsenal
Darkened Kingdom abruptly shaken
Utter nuclear eradication by God on High

8. God Of Chaos 4:18
War, smoke, pillars of black
Death, desecration of unholy might
Lucifer, Beelzebub, you doth He smite
Princes and kings of Hell, He hath shred to pieces

Slaying the worthless and weak

Demonic legions erupting into disaster
Their ranks are laid bare and turn against each other
Because of the Lord God Jehovah
And Jesus Christ, Son of the living God

Satanic armies
The legions lay desperate
Because of the Holy Trinity

Because of the God of Chaos

Skinned by the multitudes
Holy angels making the evil ones distraught and confused
Son of perdition overthrown
Antichristial dominance completely annihilated

Wrath from the God of Chaos!
Demonic legions shaken
Wrath from the God of Chaos!
Evildoers overtaken

Bow before the Holy Trinity
This is the God of Chaos
He is the God of Chaos

Worship the God of Chaos!

Hail the Son of Chaos
Hail the Father of Chaos
Hail the Ghost of Chaos

Hail the God of Chaos!

Worthless Witchcraft In The Presence Of The Holy Anointing/Demo III (demo, May 17, 2021, Independent) (Digital)

1. Vain Feeble Spell Of A Powerless Old Woman 1:32
2. Worthless Witchcraft In The Presence Of The Holy Anointing 5:26
Worthless witchcraft
Broken spell
Obliterated antichrist
Spirit of deceit now burns

Decapitation of Death's angels
Fallen angels of terror now destroyed

Lay hands on the sick
Anoint them with holy oil
Demon infirmities now burns
It falls off of them like scales

Nuclear pit
Demon's den
Shall be abolished
As Hell boils into their bones

Lucifer shall be eviscerated
His throat shall be severed

I have spent day and night
Preparing for this hour
Preparing for this day
To prepare for war

War in the spirit realm

Holy Spirit
Help me slaughter all fallen angels
All daemons blood flows from my flaming sword to shred your flesh with, Satan

The tangible presence of the Most High God breaks all witchcraft

It is overpowered, it is infinite

Their spells are meaningless
They serve no purpose
Now reverse back to them

For their foolish arrogance

You dare challenge God?
You dare challenge His power?
Now the devils are cast out of you mercilessly
Now your witchcraft is broken forever

Your vain power of witchcraft is no more!
You've become more feeble than maggots

Now repent
To receive true power from on high
The Holy Spirit

3. Invocation Of The Wrath Of The Holy Spirit 2:46
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit


Destroy our enemies
Satan and his legions

Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit


Destroy our enemies
Satan and his legions

In the Name of Jesus Christ
May God be glorified forever

The God Of Both Evil & Good (single)

October 2, 2021, Independent (Digital)
October 2, 2021, The Bearded Dragon Productions (Digital)

1. The God Of Both Evil & Good 4:41
"I form the light, and create darkness
I make peace, and create evil
I the Lord do all these things."

The Lord brings prosperity
The Lord brings ruin
The Trinity brings wrath
The God of the Heavens

God raises up and destroys
Christ rewards and punishes
Holy Spirit infills us

Behold, the evildoer
And the righteous sower
Bring upon the judgement
Bestow the rewards of eternal life
Our Heavenly Father sustains us

God is the Vindicator
Punishing the wicked
God is our Master
I am astounded by His prowess

Such magnificent judgement
Such beautiful light
Such immense darkness

My God brings forth
Both light and darkness

"I form the light, and create darkness
I make peace, and create evil
I the Lord do all these things."

The Lord brings prosperity
The Lord brings ruin
The Trinity brings wrath
The God of the Heavens

God raises up and destroys
Christ rewards and punishes
Holy Spirit infills us

Behold, the evildoer
And the righteous sower
Bring upon the judgement
Bestow the rewards of eternal life
Our Heavenly Father sustains us

God is the Vindicator
Punishing the wicked
God is our Master
I am astounded by His prowess

Such magnificent judgement
Such beautiful light
Such immense darkness

My God brings forth
Both light and darkness

"I form the light, and create darkness
I make peace, and create evil
I the Lord do all these things."

Promo 2022 (February 17, 2022, Sneeuwstorm Produkties) (CD-R, Digital)

1. Slithering Serpent Deathstrike 4:44
2. The God Of Both Evil & Good 4:43

Wrath Of Heaven (album, August 1, 2022, Sneeuwstorm Produkties) (CD-R, Digital)

1. Paul The Apostle Speaks, Part I 2:05
2. Hellshrine Desecration 4:51
3. Crushed Underfoot By The Triune War God 4:00
4. Slithering Serpent Deathstrike 4:42
5. The God Of Both Evil & Good 4:42
6. Killed By Eunuchs, Trampled By Horses, Eaten By Dogs 5:03
7. Paul The Apostle Speaks, Part II 2:12

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BAND NAME: Spiritual Strength GENRE: Unblack Metal STATUS: Active LOCATION: Norway (Holkeheim) / USA (Cole) Lineup: Holkeheim - All Instrume...