Tuesday, April 13, 2021



GENRE: Various
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Louisville, Kentucky

David Napier - Vocals, All Instruments
Courtney Napier - Vocals



Afraid Of The Light (EP)

January 25, 2006, Independent (Digital)
May 5, 2017, Independent (Digital)

1. Baptism 2:24
2. Blue Lark 9:25
3. Enclosure Canonical 6:46
4. Throughout The House 3:42
5. Thoughts And Dreams 6:42

Signs & Places (EP)

February 2, 2009, Independent (Digital)
May 5, 2017, Independent (Digital)

1. Signs 5:48
2. Places 6:32

Black (EP)

June 26, 2014, Independent (Digital)
July 10, 2014, Independent (Vinyl)

1. Of Human Bondage 3:56
What is this death?
Spreading through the people
The corruption of the air

Light your fires and ward off the evils
Pray to God to heal the flesh, blackened and bruised

Oh my brothers... Oh my sisters... Why do you suffer in torment?
Oh my father... Oh my mother... Start your praying and repent

What have we brought upon ourselves
So we sing and scream and cry to the one up on high
Red skin and darkened lungs weep the sorrow of the ages

What is this death?
Spreading through the people
The corruption of the air
Has made us soft to weakness
And we shall fall on our knees

Who is He? Who is He?
Who can save us?
Jesus Christ the Son of God
Call upon His name!

The corruption of the air
The corruption of the air

So we sing and scream and cry to the one up on high
Red skin and darkened lungs weep the sorrow of the ages

Who is He? Who is He?
Who can save us?
Jesus Christ the Son of God
Call upon His name!

Call upon His name!
Call upon His name!

2. Eternal Loss 5:29
The pain of living in this place
The Great Mortality, The Pestilence
There is no safety for Kafla Serlaro

My family dies with fear in their eyes
Please Lord God take this away from me
Take it away to the furthest seas

Please don't test me in this way
How could I make it through
Please give me a chance to redeem myself in you

I trip on these mountains trying to find my footing among the sharp rocks
That pierce my flesh and bleed my soul dry
How could a God do this to His people?
How could He truly love me?

Holding my tongue I desire to curse your name
Who has safety for Kafla Serlaro

My family cries with this fear in their eyes
Please Lord God answer me this question
Why have you done this to me?

Please don't test me in this way
I cannot make it through

Demons now holding my mind in contempt
Butchering my dreams in the night
The solace I once had now completely gone
How could a God do this to His own people?
How could He truly love me?

Holding my love I can do nothing for her
The Great Mortality, The Pestilence
There is no love for Kafla Serlaro

I look up to the heavens clutching her with my arms
Please Lord help me in my grief and sorrow

The land is dark as the sickness continues to breed
Everyone that I loved
Everyone that I cared for is now gone

Death (EP, November 4, 2014, Independent) (Digital)

1. Confrontation Of The End 3:56
I have become too numb to find
My whole life in a line
There must be a reason for what my God has sent before me

If this is who I am
Nothing but a filthy man
I don't deserve to live

I have nothing in my life to live for
I have nothing in my life to die for
I have nothing in my life to live for
I have nothing in my life to die for

Would it be better to die?
To just douse my soul in fire
Just to take a blade through my own flesh

My mind races with thoughts
But wait, who is that who approaches
A shadow, a figure, a void of emptiness

Fingers extend just to meet with my face
Pulling back with ghastly terror
Maggots crawl from his side

I linger as I try to comprehend
The air is stale and cold
He calls to me "I can take your pain away"

The meat of his hand is rotting away
Dry and lean he reaches to touch me
Let me help you and you'll see
I try to resist with everything in me

I have become too numb to find
My whole life in a line
There must be a reason for what my God has sent before me

The rats crawl through the naked streets
The stench clouds with festered heat
Could this man really take it all away?

I... MUST... Know

I, Kafla have nothing in this wretched land
All my family has been taken away
Could it really be worth it without my love?

Something deep inside of my heart tells me
This man is something to beware
The light is thin just as all the air

I just can't move my feet to know
Take the hand of he who wants me to go
To some foreign land away from everything I know

Patiently the man holds out his hand
I start to reach but the voice inside of me
Pulls me away as I fall on my heels
Disappointed he falls back as well
The figure disappearing into the haze

2. No One Left 4:17
Stumbling throughout the streets
Nothing quite makes sense to me
A child cries in despair
No one left for her anywhere
As I come to approach her I ask her why

Have you come for me o' death?
Like you've taken those close to me
I welcome your sweet release
Please just let me see them again
I can't believe these words come from the mouth of a child

The beat of the heart like an endless drum
Can't soften the heat of this endless sun
But why is this child so lost in despair
What can I do?

Come to me little child
I am not stricken
With this sickness

Fear permeates her face
As she looks at me with unending grace

My mind still in a haze
I've already lost too much
Why should I care for this child?
She has no one to call
Is this a test from God?
Please tell me oh Lord, please tell me

Choking back the pain I
Extend my hand, she cowards
In fear with great hesitance
I know that loss in her eyes
A voice inside it tells me
She stands up her hand in mine

Why... help me she softly asks with innocence
Because... you are the same as me with no family
I... know the pain and great tragedy that comes with being me

Do not cry, just take comfort and dry your eyes

Down inside
The loss still eats at me

God guide me

My Starshine (single)

January 17, 2015, Independent (Digital)

There was also a vinyl version, in which David wrote and recorded the song and played the vinyl to propose to Courtney.

1. My Starshine 6:21
The joy you bring me
Brightens my whole world
The joy you bring me

You are the star that guides me home
You are the star that warms my soul
You are the star that guides me home
You are the star that warms my soul

You... Are...
My... Shine...
You... Are...

Let's get close and lost
In the years to come

This life is so...
This life is so... precious

Call on my name
I will always be there for you

Oh... Will... You...

Doom (EP, March 21, 2015, Independent) (Digital)

1. Slumbering Vision 7:08
The years are rolling
Tripping over themselves
In the twilight
I lay my head down
Counting all as lost
And dream of you

Oh, my love
Wrap your arms around me
Fill my soul with yours
Don't dwell on the sorrow
Don't be burdened
Know that I am with you
Watching and waiting
He has plans for you
He has plans for you

I wake with memories of you

Driven to continue
I love you
I miss you

Burning with new purpose
I love you
I miss you

You are with me, always pushing
You are inside of me, always growing

This child, it grows in this world without you
All I can do now is continue to dream

Oh my love
Wrap your arms
(Oh, how I miss you)
Oh my love
(Oh how I love you)
Don't dwell on sorrow
He has plans for you

My dreams may end but the memories remain

Filled with vision, filled with purpose

I'll see you again, my love
I'll see you once again

Death knocks at my door
Death extends his hand
But I quickly refuse

2. Realization Of Purpose 6:40
This life means everything to me
The world is lost, without its King
With the crushing weight of this sound
Please of Lord, send my dreams by angel light
The child has grown, furthering in love
Your power shows through, my peace improves

Days, upon days, upon days... waiting

Your love, shines through
Your servants, stay true

My love, I'll see again
For now I have been trusted
To guide and protect

The times always seem to be changing
Changing, always changing
Changing, always changing
Changing, always changing
The times always seem to be changing
Changing, always changing
Changing, always changing
Changing, always changing
Changing, always changing
Changing, always changing
Changing, always changing
But they never really do

You my God, never change
The sins of man have broken all our homes
But, Your love has formed our souls

The mountains and the seas speak of your beauty and your power
God, give me strength

Grind (EP, May 7, 2015, Independent) (Digital)

1. Questions 0:52
The fool said with his heart that there is no God
But, father
Don't be corrupted by those who want to destroy you and take your blood
God looks down from the heavens
God looks down from the heavens
Upon His children
Fallen then forgiven
Those who lead me to my death how no way to save me
Save me
Child, you must go and prosper
I have loved you as my own

2. Coming Into Her Own 0:48
To Christ He holds the truth
To life He now leads the way
Judgement, it comes to all
Kafla, father, help me please
Child, what do you need of me?
The world crumbles beneath my feet
Trust in the Lord to save you from this wicked world below and its unrighteousness

3. Father 0:39
She is now dreaming
Blotted in memory, let the water flood my soul
Lord, please fill this gnashing, gaping hole
She wakes
Father what does it mean
Don't cry, just come, to me, sweet child
The loss, of those, I love, pains me
A knock at the door
Who could it be?
Who could it be?

4. New Love 1:10
The door opens as a man just stands asking for her
What do you want?
I saw you earlier and just had to know
Your beauty is remarkable
Your beauty is amazing
I must know, what is your name?
My name is Lucia
I am Simon
The lamplights warm the night
The streets pale and glistening white
Her hand in his as nothing passes their sight

5. Winding Down 1:37
My life rides on wings
As we walk down the street gazing in each other's eyes
The peace of the Lord came upon them
I know now that I do not have long in this world
I just can't wait to go home

6. Deathbed 1:09
Father don't go please
I must go child, my body is not meant for this world
Panic sets in like a knife
I've lost too much in this world
You've met a good man
Now, go with God
I will always love you for what you have done for me
Child, I have done nothing, for the Lord, He saves

7. Kafla's Soul Leaves His Body 0:20

Reverentia (album)

March 31, 2017, Independent (Digital)
April 1, 2017, Independent (Digital)
June 6, 2017, Christian Metal Underground Records (CD, Digital)

Instrumentals only were released independently on June 8, 2017.

1. Weight Of The World 7:00
The cancer of this world
Transgresses against the one true God
The eyes are growing dim
As we watch our own hearts sin
But the true fountain of life is found
In Your grace and Your abounding love Lord
You shared Your love with us

You make the crooked path straight
Your Son sent to bear our burdens
We lift up Your Holy name, Lord
You make these torn, dry bones new

The weight of this cruel world breaks our spines in two
With a mighty crack
We cry and beg for You great Lord to just
Please take it all back

You make the crooked path straight
Your Son sent to bear our burdens
We lift up Your Holy name, Lord
You make these torn, dry bones new

The chaos of this world
Blasphemies against the one true God
The souls are wearing thin
As we feel our own minds bend
But the true love of eternity
Is in Your Word forever clear
Through Your great love we will follow You
Because You shared Your light with us

You make the crooked path straight
Your Son sent to bear our burdens
We lift up Your Holy name, Lord
You make these torn, dry bones new

2. Mere Symbols 7:16
We must not cling to a symbol
Our hope cannot rest in steel or wood
We cling to the One who made us
Having faith, trusting in His truth and mercy

Won't need these "Christian" symbols
To help us worship and pray
We just look inside to see
What is truly there upon the throne of our hearts

Our crosses and our jewelry
With our Christian flags
They're only reminders of who we
Truly praise and worship in His glory up on high

We look at where our hope lies
It's not with something in our hands
Or something that we place around our necks
We don't show our faith through trinkets

We focus on You
We live for You

We must not cling to a symbol
Our hope cannot rest in steel or wood
We cling to the One who made us
Having faith, trusting in His truth and mercy

We focus on You
We live for You

We must not cling to a symbol
Our hope cannot rest in steel or wood
We cling to the One who made us
Having faith, trusting in His truth and mercy

3. Communion: The Bread 9:00

4. Communion: The Cup 7:02

5. In Christ Alone 6:42
In Christ alone, my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my son
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand

In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
'Til on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live, I live

There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious day
Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
'Til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand

I will stand
I will stand, all other ground is sinking sand
All other ground, all other grind
Is sinking sand, is sinking sand
So I'll stand

6. Amazing Grace 6:37
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
Was blind, but now I see

T'was grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace, my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed

Through many dangers, toils and snares
We have already come
T'was grace that brought us safe thus far
And grace will lead us home

The Lord has promised good to me
His Word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures

When we've been here ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Then when we've first begun

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
Was blind, but now I see

7. Leave It There 8:49
Leave it there, leave it there,
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.
If you trust and never doubt, He will surely bring you out.
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.

If the world from you withhold of its silver and its gold,
And you have to get along with meager fare,
Just remember in His Word, how He feeds the little bird;
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.

Leave it there, leave it there,
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.
If you trust and never doubt, He will surely bring you out.
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.

If your body suffers pain and your health you can't regain,
And your soul is almost sinking in despair,
Jesus knows the pain you feel, He can save and He can heal
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.

Leave it there, leave it there,
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.
If you trust and never doubt, He will surely bring you out.
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.

When your enemies assail and your heart begins to fail,
Don't forget that God in Heaven answers prayer;
He will make a way for you and will lead you safely through.
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.

Leave it there, leave it there,
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.
If you trust and never doubt, He will surely bring you out.
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.

When your youthful days are gone and old age is stealing on,
And your body bends beneath the weight of care;
He will never leave you then, He'll go with you to the end.
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.

Leave it there, leave it there,
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.
If you trust and never doubt, He will surely bring you out.
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.

8. Weight Of The World (Instrumental) 7:00
9. Mere Symbols (Instrumental) 7:16
10. In Christ Alone (Instrumental) 6:42
11. Amazing Grace (Instrumental) 6:37
12. Leave It There (Instrumental) 8:49

Compass (collaboration, April 19, 2017, Independent) (Digital)

A collaboration of TIMŌRĀTUS and Weapons Of Indignation.

1. Voice Of The Lion 9:24
O lords of Tyre, princes of Babylon
The principal ones of the earth
Woe is you!
For a banner is raised on a bare hill
Can you hear it?
A trumpet is blown
Can you see it?
For the LORD and the weapons of His indignation, behold, they come
Against the walls of Babylon they go, those skilled in lamentation
For all the towers will fall that day
O woe is you!
The principal ones of the earth
The princes of Tyre
Against you is this raised!
He comes riding on the darkness and the clouds
What is raised up will not be trampled down
What is raised up will not stand
We will trample your shells beneath our feet and grind you into powder
And you will be no more!
For this is the heritage of the saints
Woe is you

2. Gaze 7:32

Christmas Present Crisis (David's Conundrum) (single)

December 18, 2017, Independent (Digital)
December 18, 2017, Vision Of God Records (Digital)

1. Christmas Present Crisis 4:09
*Christmas Eve*

Bryan: "Hello?"

Oh, no!
What am I gonna do?!
I waited too long
I can't find anything

Bryan: "What?"
David: "Sorry dude, you've gotta help me, I can't figure out what to get my wife for Christmas."
Bryan: "Okay, calm down man, I'll help you out. What does she normally like?"
David: "I don't know, girl stuff I guess."
Bryan: "Ah... okay, well you could head to the mall, see if you can find something you think she'd like."
David: "That's a good place to start, thanks man!"

I got a crap car and not a lot of money
I just wanna find something nice for my hunny
I don't wanna be seen as a loser chump
Giving to her some weird ugly lump

I'm so lost I have no idea
What to get as the ultimate present
Gaining my footing
As I enter the gates of the mall
On a quest for a thoughtful gift

Bryan: "Hey, you get there yet?"
David: "Yeah, I just got here."
Bryan: "Okay well... While you're there would you mind picking up a hot candied pecan bag for me?"
David: "Uh... Alright."

Anyway, I could get her that weird smelling candle
What's it called?
Oh that's right, Bandlands National Park
No, I can't stand that scent
I don't want it 'round
Tainting my nostrils

Looking around the center
Finding all sorts of wares
Maybe the classic fruitcake
What about a fancy gun rack
I could look around a home decor store

David: "She likes those Pop figures."
Bryan: "There's so many of those dang things."
David: "I know, right?"
Bryan: "What does she nerd out over?"
David: "Well..."

There's DuckTales, Sailor Moon and Batman too
There's Blade Runner, Princesses and Five Nights too

With so many toys to get
Can it really be this hard
To find the perfect gift?

They tell me how to love her
To buy her shiny things
I really really really like this pink diamond ring

Cute cat ear headphones
I could go in another direction
Get something for myself that would also be for her

Bryan: "That sounds like a good idea, like what?"

Get a nicely tailored suit
Try on some nice gurl pants
Pic with me and Santa
What am I going to get
What am I going to give
What am I going to gift
For my

Mall Loudspeaker: "The mall is now closing, please take your final purchases to the counter and get out."
David: "No! There's gotta be more time!"

*Christmas Day*

Courtney: "I love you hunny bunny and I'm so happy to spend Christmas with you."
David: "Hunny... I've gotta confess... I didn't get you anything for Christmas. I couldn't find anything you'd like..."
Courtney: "Oh hunny, I couldn't find you anything either."
Courtney: "So... what'd you get your parents?"

2. Christmas Present Crisis (Instrumental) 4:09

7 Deadly Sins (EP, February 1, 2018, Independent) (Digital)

On October 10, 2019, all tracks were re-recorded and remastered.
The remastered versions alone were released independently on November 15, 2019.

1. Pride 1:07
Deep rooted glory attached to triumph's conceit
Ego, vanity, narcissism
Spread out amongst the facade of society
I'm a balloon steadily growing
I will never burst
From the self-love that is constantly justified
Constantly filling
I feel as if I will live forever
I will never die
I am a mountain looking down on all others
Viewing the lives
Of those worth so much less
I will find my end
For it indeed draws near
Lies I've told myself crumble into the dirt
My pride scatters like ash in the wind
Never to be seen again
No more legacy

2. Lust 0:43
Burning desire
Grows from within
Visions of bodies, twisted together
As I grapple with this sin
You are not just a person
You are the object of my eye
Taking advantage
Take, take, take, take
Rape, molestation, infatuation, violation
Pulsing injections oozing from every orifice
Gnawing and throbbing in anguish
Grinding and churning the bowels
As the sludge slowly excretes

3. Greed 1:21
The endless desire of wanting more
Compare your life to another
Don't you find it just so sad?
Constantly pushing the shore for
You to see your neighbor with their life
So much better than yours
So you just sit and ponder for hours
How you can make what's theirs, yours
You have to grow your shining pile
Steal and plot in hate to score
As you continue to picture their life
So much better than yours
Never content with what you have
Never content with what's been given
Always, wasting your life inside your own mind
Instead of living out in the world
"Things" will never make you happy
You need to make this clear
Before you can finally lift greed's curse

4. Gluttony 0:53
Gulping down the slathered excess
Force it through your gaping maw
Choke on every single morsel
Head first in your thick gullet
Over indulgence
Consume that feed
You stuff yourself to mountainous stature
You gulp up your needless brew
You live your life in fat squalor
To the point of waste
Might as well take from the needy
Just to stuff your greasy face
Deny to live a life of sharing
In the end a bloated waste

5. Envy 0:58
 Comparing to others
They have what I want
Inwardly, angrily
Wanting their life
Wanting their house
Wanting their car
Wanting their spouse
Why not me? Why them?
The appetite, longing, craving, desire
Seeing people for what they have, than who they are
Manifesting insidiousness of sin and human depravity
Rotting my mind of what I don't have
Gnawing my innards
Lives destruction, remorse
Turning to healing of animosity
Realizing life's not fair
Taking solace in the truth

6. Wrath 1:07
The anger that builds inside you
Presses against the walls
Never ceasing in your hatred
Can't conceive your life at all
Violent feuds explode in your wake
As you injure all who cross your path
You can't cope with changes 'round you
Hate just boils in your heart
Murder, death, wrath
Seem to be your only friends
Mind can't take the never-ceasing hole
Collapse in heated hatred
Your wraith a steaming coal
It ends in your destruction

7. Sloth 0:51
Growing old
Still afraid
Yet, I fall
Waste away
Choking back
The bitter pill
To haste the day
You see me lying here
Won't do anything at all to get my fill
Can't seem to move my limbs
My eyes just seem to dim
Fixed upon a gazing prize
Can't do
Won't do
At all

8. Pride (Remastered) 1:07
9. Lust (Remastered) 0:43
10. Greed (Remastered) 1:21
11. Gluttony (Remastered) 0:53
12. Envy (Remastered) 0:58
13. Wrath (Remastered) 1:08
14. Sloth (Remastered) 0:51

The Great Mortality (compilation)

May 15, 2018, Independent (Digital)
May 15, 2018, Christian Metal Underground Records (CD, Digital)

A compiled re-recording of all four EPs surrounding the life of Kafla Serlaro.

1. Of Human Bondage 4:00
2. Eternal Loss 4:27
3. Intermission (2 Years Later) 1:12
4. Confrontation Of The End 3:56
5. No One Left 4:29
6. Intermission (4 Years Later) 1:00
7. Slumbering Vision 6:58
8. Realization Of Purpose 6:36
9. Intermission (8 Years Later) 0:38
10. Questions 0:51
11. Coming Into Her Own 0:47
12. Father 0:40
13. New Love 1:10
14. Winding Down 1:37
15. Deathbed 1:09
16. Kafla's Soul Leaves His Body 0:16

Screen Attack (single, June 7, 2018, Independent) (Digital)

1. Screen Attack 3:19
Just turn on the screen

Melt to your seat
Let your hand wander
Checking the door
Give me your lust
Leave me alone
Don't move your gaze
Click of the heart
Eyes back and forth
Scanning the next thrill
Making you shutter
Brain erased
Can't hold on
To what's normal

Who am I?
Who are you?
What am I?
What are you?

Why do I look to you?
What have you ever done for me?
You make me feel so incomplete

Why do I look to you?
What have you ever done for me?
You make me feel so incomplete

I hate you, I will destroy you
You are dead to me

Come on
Look at me
Work it up
Play me a song
I can make you feel good
I can make you tingle
Just look at my eyes
Lose yourself in my glare
No one's around
You can choke me
You can rape me
You can do what you would want me to be
Touch me
Love me
Hate me

Come now
Why wait?
Just recline yourself
I would never lie to you
Why would I deceive
With something that feels so good
I am here for you
I'll make anxiety cease
I'll help you sleep
I'll give you what you want
You can't deny
What's inside of you

Search and enter
Type and click
I've got so many categories
Something for everyone
Direct your lust here

No, this is all hollow
You're just a fake
You have no warmth
All you do is take
You are not close
You can't compare
To the love set out by my Father

Screen attack!
Screen attack!
Screen attack!
Screen attack!
Screen attack!
Screen attack!
Screen... attack!
Screen... attack!
Screen... attack!
Screen... attack!

For We Are Not Beasts (EP)

July 30, 2018, Independent (Digital)
July 30, 2018, Vision Of God Records (Digital)
July 31, 2018, Independent (Digital)

1. Screen Attack 3:19
Just turn on the screen

Melt to your seat
Let your hand wander
Checking the door
Give me your lust
Leave me alone
Don't move your gaze
Click of the heart
Eyes back and forth
Scanning the next thrill
Making you shutter
Brain erased
Can't hold on
To what's normal

Who am I?
Who are you?
What am I?
What are you?

Why do I look to you?
What have you ever done for me?
You make me feel so incomplete

Why do I look to you?
What have you ever done for me?
You make me feel so incomplete

I hate you, I will destroy you
You are dead to me

Come on
Look at me
Work it up
Play me a song
I can make you feel good
I can make you tingle
Just look at my eyes
Lose yourself in my glare
No one's around
You can choke me
You can rape me
You can do what you would want me to be
Touch me
Love me
Hate me

Come now
Why wait?
Just recline yourself
I would never lie to you
Why would I deceive
With something that feels so good
I am here for you
I'll make anxiety cease
I'll help you sleep
I'll give you what you want
You can't deny
What's inside of you

Search and enter
Type and click
I've got so many categories
Something for everyone
Direct your lust here

No, this is all hollow
You're just a fake
You have no warmth
All you do is take
You are not close
You can't compare
To the love set out by my Father

Screen attack!
Screen attack!
Screen attack!
Screen attack!
Screen attack!
Screen attack!
Screen... attack!
Screen... attack!
Screen... attack!
Screen... attack!

2. The World... 1:33
In a world of endless sparks and whirs
I see the head of its entrance

In this world the pleasures never cease
I feel the warmth around me

Its legs neatly folded
Its arms cleanly tucked
Its eyes ever opened
Its mind never shut
Its fingers at constant reach
Its chest always out
Its lips eager to teach
Its sex never in doubt

3. ...And The Addiction Machine 2:40
Can you find my spot
Can you make me smile
Can you rip apart my flesh with your acrid bile

The ever-changing part of me
This ever-changing pit
Can it truly set me free
Or am I just stuck with it

You scar me with an invisible mark
I'm nothing but a slave to you
I've been here before, I've seen this arc
Yearning for something more to be true

I was made for more than this
For more than just this shallow bliss
I pray, please God, help me overcome
This putrid, aching, vile scum

This dark manmade machine
With its ceaseless gaping hole
Feeding me endless dopamine
Does nothing but poison my very soul

The feeling of pain from crashing down
Looking around groping the air
Can't keep together this cracked, warped crown
Trying to mutter a broken Lord's Prayer

Nothing's working
Why must you make me feel so small
Nothing's right
How'd you attack what was so tall

The naked soul
The empty mind
The hateful heart
The broken buldge

In this world of pleasures and lies
I know the way that I need to go, His truth
Its heart always gazing
Its life never much
It's often misleading
Its design, a soft touch

I was made for more than this
For more than just this shallow bliss
I pray, please God, help me overcome
This putrid, aching, vile scum

4. Two Flesh (Become One) 4:21
You can see through me
You're always with me
You just flow right through me

When you look at me
Hiding beneath my skin
Wrecking me within
Is it beauty, normal, delusion, moral?

I'm so confined I have to get out of here
I need to have some space on my own again
Her company is wonderful and I love her
But I need a chance to be myself again

Christ-centered marriage
Means Christ, you, then me
This is the model of true love for eternity
Two hearts learn to live as one
Praise to God for my love
Joyfulness within
This is righteous, pure, blissful, secure

I'm suffering from irritation
He isn't here when I want him to be
I deserve his complete undivided eye
So tell me why is he somewhere else
When I'm home by myself

You make me see
The one I need to be

Married life is so amazing
My spouse is so charming and beautiful
Everyday is just paradise with them
Every moment could be like this

I will always be in love with you
You will always be with me
I will let you down in so many ways
But my love isn't far away

Let me stay true to you forever
(May God bless us)
I know this promise is hard to keep
(We are only human)
I always choose you
(I treasure you)

Now two flesh become one

4-Way Grind Split (September 8, 2018, Christian Metal Underground Records) (CD, Digital)

16. TIMŌRĀTUS - Pride 1:07
17. TIMŌRĀTUS - Lust 0:43
18. TIMŌRĀTUS - Greed 1:21
19. TIMŌRĀTUS - Gluttony 0:53
20. TIMŌRĀTUS - Envy 0:58
21. TIMŌRĀTUS - Wrath 1:07
22. TIMŌRĀTUS - Sloth 0:51

Christmas Present Conundrum (Courtney's Crisis) (single)

December 18, 2018, Independent (Digital)
December 18, 2018, Vision Of God Records (Digital)

1. Christmas Present Conundrum (Courtney's Crisis) 4:39
Crap! I forgot to get him something this year!

How fast does Amazon ship?

What do I do?
Where do I start?
Maybe this CD?
How 'bout this color chart?
Maybe this stupid stamp so he can cover his stuff in wax bees!
No, I've got to go deeper
I've got to think smart
What was it he was saying
I should know it by heart

If only it was so easy
If I wasn't so busy
It wouldn't have slipped my mind
And I wouldn't have fallen so far behind
Look, look, look, there's got to be something

Can I have some more cream?
And an extra shot of caffeine
It would really mean a lot to me
It's been a long day

Allison: "Hey weirdo, how's it going?"
Courtney: "Not awesome, I totally forgot to get my hubby something for Christmas."
Allison: "Geez, why'd you wait so long?"
Courtney: "Well..."

I had so much going on this year
Too much of people wanting their fill
Birthdays, weddings and baby showers too
I totes forgot about my him

Allison: "Oh! You could cook him a nice dinner!"
Courtney: "Yeah!"

Sit him down at the table
Go to the kitchen and pull out the meal from the oven
Whisk it out gently
Place it on his plate
Then just take it to him
With a smile
On my face

Courtney: "He's not a 'foodie'. He'd be totally fine if he could eat cereal for every meal."
Allison: "Oh, well, that sucks... you could get him a gift card?"

Gift cards, nothin' but plastic
Don't know what he wants, what he needs, what'll make him complete
Rollin' to the store, near in the front, next the checkout
GameStop (for dem games)
Barnes and Nobles (for dem books)
I could get him a 50 dolla Starbucks card, but he'd only spend it on hot chocolate
What 'bout a Wal-Mart card (shop dem groceries)
Pack da bag full of dranks
Side of chips
Full of swag
Nah, these plastic cards are not the best for expressing what's close to chest

"What are you gonna do?"
"Are you really gonna mess this up?"
"You should be able to find something he'd love"
"He's not that hard to pick for"
"You're so stupid for forgetting this year!"
"He's gonna hate you!"
"No he won't"
"He loves making music!"

David: "Okay hunny, I know I didn't really get you anything last year, but THIS year I really thought outside the box. I got you the gift, of song!"

Merry Christmas Hunny
Merry Christmas babe
I love you so stinkin' much
It makes my belly ache

Courtney: "Wow... Awesome. Anyway, I know how much you love music and love playing with new toys. So, I got you this foreign speak n' spell. But, for some reason they spelled it with a 'G'."

David: "Tha... that's a glockenspiel... but, sweet!"

Body Of Christ (split)

March 19, 2019, Independent (Digital)
July 4, 2019, Independent (CD)

TIMŌRĀTUS released only their tracks independently as a separate release on April 2, 2019.
Track 7 is a collaboration track by all three featured artists.  It was originally exclusive to the CD release but was eventually added to the digital release as well.

1. TIMŌRĀTUS - Brothers, You Are Not Alone 5:41
We try to push this mountain into the sea
We try to fly high in the sky, without wings

Our hexes bring us no closure
The lines just tell us to divide

Needlessly sputtering inward
The mind thinks only of itself

Built for so much more than just the one we see inside
Collecting the workmanship of the true One outside

Inspecting our brothers who have so little to hide
Connected by the crimson Blood of the Holy One

Can you see the greatness
Can you feel its pulse

Have you realized its purpose
What do you know about true service

Let not the mourning haze choke your light from you
But, be lifted by your earthly brothers in Christ

I am not alone
I am not just this deep cut

Waves washing over bring us together
Waters diving into each other pulling for every endeavor

Every endeavor
Every endeavor
Every endeavor
Every endeavor

This is no illusion of the desperate heart of man
Churning to empty aether and desperation at the empty hand

Any wound that's fresh
Let your brothers care for you

Caustic world that meets your breath
Let your brothers lift you in love too

Don't let this tunnel vision obscure your light
Don't let your shallowness bury your might

I am the eternal
You are the supernatural
We complete this circle

Know you are, you are
Part of something much greater than just yourself

We are the brotherhood

2. TIMŌRĀTUS - The Root Of Unity 6:14
Strive for oneness sisters
In the binding power of mercy, peace and love
Eager to live in harmony

A single tree cannot thrive in a forest alone
Therefore how can we bear worries and strife on our own?

Unite, dear sisters, in resilience and courage
The Lord is our foundation
The Earth beneath our feet
Let our roots grow deep
Let prayer and praise
Bloom with beauty throughout our lives

Render humility
Guide with gentleness
Demonstrate patience
Radiate love
Emerge as stunning foliation
Standing firm in an unrivaled Creator

Building one another up in
Building one another up in
Building one another up in
Building one another up in

Stand strong and full of grace
Enriching our lives with His Word
Grow our branches from the vine

Let the Son's light reign down
Peace and comfort in our lives
Let His light grow us together
May our branches intertwine
With each other, through Him

7. TIMŌRĀTUS / Symphony Of Heaven / Bismoth - We Are The Body Of Christ 4:26
Stand strong my brothers
Stand strong my sisters
All in the mighty fortress
The Lord is our refuge and strength
His mighty hand binds us together
Put on the armor of God
Mighty soldiers stand your ground
Make the enemy tremble with your battle cry
Hear our prayers oh Lord
Lead us from darkness
Our hearts are set ablaze with Your love
Your peace reigns to all nations
When one weeps
We comfort
When one hurts
We love
When one falls
We offer our hand
Raised up in oneness
We are the same
We are the Body of Christ
Body of Christ
Like water in the seas
We are united
Let us purify one another
Be not ashamed
Walk in the light
Cling to the Lord
Join with the Father
Unite with heavenly hosts
We are baptized into Your flesh
And resurrection in Your death
We stand as Christ's cornerstones
We are the adopted
We are the redeemed
We are the adopted
We are the redeemed
We are the Body of Christ

Christmas Present Chaos (Bandmate's Confusion) (single)

December 12, 2019, Independent (Digital)
December 13, 2019, Independent (Digital)

1. Christmas Present Chaos (Bandmate's Confusion) 4:08
Can I get a hot minute thinkin' 'bout Mason
Sittin' at the drums 'bout to make me crazy
What would he like to be opening on Christmas day
Hoping he likes what I get him either way
I know Halo is his favorite gaming FPS
Crushing those noobs brings him joy in great excess
He may be young and lacking in experience
But he's a cool dude despite his clumsiness

David, my beloved friend and soulmate
Why is it so hard to get you a gift you don't hate
Luke a mug that says you're my Jr. Featherweight (campion)
What's something he would use every day
I feel like the same thing happened on his birthday
Socks are too cheesy
Food isn't his thing

Place it in a box
Tape it all around
It's not like it's smallpox
This should be my playground
Can't seem to find the right thing
For my friend the drum machine

Molder of young minds
Step to the side
Break it all down
I'm sure there's something owl-related
I can get for her classroom

Gotta grind it out
Make it loud
Crank it up
I know he's got kids
I know he's got a wife
What could I get to make his life EASIER?!
I know what I can do
I know what I can get
Craft supplies and some paper clips
Gonna MacGyver something good
That he'll never forget

It's all doom
Light is all gone
Missed my window
To get David something on Amazon

Why, why is it so hard to buy a gift
For a teen with some sick skill
I don't want him to think I forgot
Every year it's something new
Just a matter of which who
I could get him a decal that says "bands without drummers suck"

He's a good brother and a friend
What could he use to see him through the bitter end
We're at the age of practicality
And it must reek of brutality

My Life In A Mediocre Metal Band (album)

Part 1 of 2 in a 2-part parody album series.

July 29, 2020, Independent (Digital)
June 1, 2021, Independent (CD-R)

1. Best Show 3:45
Best show
I can't believe we're all here at our best show
Making all your dreams come true at our best show
You could win one million dollars at our best show
People bring their kids to be blessed at our best show
The audience was all high fiving at our best show
The music made the flowers bloom at our best show
Cowabunga pizza party at our best show

Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start
That is the code for the best show in the world
Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start
That is the code for the best show in the world

Put your left hand
Up in the air
Now do your right
Clap along with this rad beat with all of your might
Then you will see
You've created the very best show with just you and me

Yeah, I don't know about you, but I think we're ready to get back to our best show

Teachers bring their kids on field trips to our best show
You can have ice cream for breakfast at our best show
Your dad comes home from getting smokes at our best show
Promises never break at our best show
Lovers never quarrel at our best show
All your student loans are paid at our best show
Coke and Pepsi pale to RC at our best show
No one harshes your mellow at our best show

Dude that hat is sick
Come on everybody, let's see some movement
Heh, hahaha, you know it is

But, wait
Can this really be
The best show it can be
Doubt sets in deeply
Palms begin to sweat
Butterflies fight in my belly
Yeah, it's pretty much a knockout

No, everybody in the crowd
Seems to be having the best time of their lives
Why this is the best show ever in the world (in the world)

Now you will see
What you can be
If you just follow these steps and mimic me
Jumping in place
Getting exercise
We will all be so super ripped together

Oh yeah, what was this, yeah it was our best show

The bassist actually matters at our best show
Shades inside are always cool at our best show
Everyone was hearing color at our best show
Your Tomagotchi still lives on at our best show
Lisa Frank is still so rad at our best show
We're always 4K Hi-Res at our best show
We all do the robo boogie at our best show
Contra's always easy at our best show
Our pants stay dry at horror movies at our best show
We all read Nintendo Power at our best show
Everyone can stay up late at our best show
You can help us write the song at our best show

2. Are We There Yet? 4:18
Are we there yet
'Cause my butt is starting to fall asleep
Are we there yet
This van is a loud broken down junk heap
Are we there yet
Somebody really needs to take a shower
Are we there yet
This cramped can is starting to smell really sour

That's just the metal band life on the road
Travel from one place to another zip code
Going from one gig to another show
Just to become a metal commando

Are we there yet
'Cause my butt is starting to fall asleep
Are we there yet
This van is a loud broken down junk heap
Are we there yet
Somebody really needs to take a shower
Are we there yet
This cramped can is starting to smell really sour

Rolling down the road with nothing in our guts
Would give anything for some sweet donuts
We guess it's more fasting for our trim figures
Stomach just gurgles like we are all killers

Are we there yet
'Cause my butt is starting to fall asleep
Are we there yet
This van is a loud broken down junk heap
Are we there yet
Somebody really needs to take a shower
Are we there yet
This cramped can is starting to smell really sour

We made enough to rent a motel room
Morning arrives, we all wake up and put on our perfume
Who's got the keys, we need to get a move on
The horror sets in as we stair inside of the van

Panic sets in
What are we gonna do now

Guess we need
To find some way to break on in now

Are we there yet
'Cause my butt is starting to fall asleep
Are we there yet
This van is a loud broken down junk heap
Are we there yet
Somebody really needs to take a shower
Are we there yet
This cramped can is starting to smell really sour

Drool drips down the face of that one band member
Snoring so loud is it sounds like the chainsaw from that one December
All you can do is crank up your headphones
Blast into your skull your ambient song drones

After drifting off you feel the need to pee
Shouldn't have had that really big cup of calming hot tea
The van comes to a stop on the side of the highway
You rush out, relieve yourself and do a wondrous pee ballet

Back on road
Almost there
I can see the lights
Our name on the marquee
People lined up at the door

We wouldn't trade it for anything in this world
You are the reason we all do it

We are here now
Load in the gear from outta the back
We are here now
Time to stretch, warm up our fingers and toes
We are here now
Hopefully none of us have heart attacks
We are here now
Now we're on stage we'll see how it goes

3. Biggest Fan 2:04

4. Day Jobs 4:43
This helps us pay our bills
It's not very big on thrills
Not a metal life
But it's big on needless strife
We slave away at our day jobs
We are above you slobs
9 to 5 we're nothing but pigs
Are we gonna make it big

Wake up
Apply my makeup and get dressed
Put on my pants and get psyched up
Head out the door and I'm at work
Helping old ladies just squeeze in
Into a dress that is too small
Listen to a boss that's just dumb
Try to explain to me base things
I'm just not some stupid air head

I just want a mic in my hand
Headbanging, screaming with all my band
Style just tries to take it all from me
Fashion is just so much fun can't you see

This helps us pay our bills
It's not very big on thrills
Not a metal life
But it's big on needless strife
We slave away at our day jobs
We are above you slobs
9 to 5 we're nothing but pigs
Are we gonna make it big

Wake up
Stumble on into the kitchen
Clean all my guns with the safety's off
Dress up in all of my camo
Get in my truck and I start to drive
Adjusting my CB I listen in
Make sure I've still got my trailer
Start to drift off and I fall asleep
Wake back up in a stunned daze

I just want to have my guitar in my hands
Play those heavy riffs for my awesome metal band
The redneck life takes a lot outta me
Maybe I should go back and get a degree

This helps us pay our bills
It's not very big on thrills
Not a metal life
But it's big on needless strife
We slave away at our day jobs
We are above you slobs
9 to 5 we're nothing but pigs
Are we gonna make it big

Wake up
Check the fridge for pizza
Wash out all of the party
Throw on my smock and I'm at work
Flipping those patties like SpongeBob
Trying too hard to be funny
I'm only here 'cause I need money
Disco ball on my key ring
'Cause bringing the party is all me

I just want to party through the night
If there's pizza you can bet I'll get a bite
Only need this job to make ends meet
Wish there was some kind of life cheat

This helps us pay our bills
It's not very big on thrills
Not a metal life
But it's big on needless strife
We slave away at our day jobs
We are above you slobs
9 to 5 we're nothing but pigs
Are we gonna make it big

Wake up
Roll outta bed around high noon
Parents be wiggin' like, hey now
School doesn't start until midday
Lay on the couch like a beach bum
Go online for all my classes
Gotta work for that big degree
Why's school gotta be so lame
It's always gonna be the same

We suffer for you
We know you suffer too
Our day jobs bring us pain
Our fans help bring us fame

Are we gonna make it big

5. Chasing Trends 4:08
We've gotta chase that fame
And chase that trend
We're always one step behind
One step behind
We gotta grow our audience
Become notorious
Find out who we are

Posting content
Making merch
Gotta be frequent
Can't be a lurch
Marketing our sound
Genres all around
This is the artist's plight
To make it in the spotlight

Social media algorithmic breakdowns
Giving us a headache but we're not gonna back down
Craving the attention of all the masses
Trying not to fall in unknown crevasses

Maybe if we buy some ads
Boost that post

We've gotta chase that fame
And chase that trend
We're always one step behind
One step behind
We gotta grow our audience
Become notorious
Find out who we are

Profiles of our distinctive faces
Showing up in everyone's digital spaces
Chirping some important band updates
Snapping some original insta-greats

So many different applications
Trying to make our public declarations
Social platforms causing so much chatter
Trying to juggle all this subject matter

Fresh new faces are what we're targeting
That's why we work so hard at all of our marketing
Trying to be out in front of the curve
Also giving the fans what they deserve

We've gotta chase that fame
And chase that trend
We're always one step behind
One step behind
We gotta grow our audience
Become notorious
Find out who we are

Sorting through all of these social networks
Implementation just brings out the waterworks
Trying to achieve a genuine connection
Brings about an attitude of reflection

Chasing those greasy social media issues
When we don't succeed we may need our tissues
Cranking out those posts to get some engagement
All from the comfort of your mother's basement

We have found the ultimate answer
What will make our stats move like dancer
Social media won't give us the hot sweats
As long as we show you pics of our awesome pets

6. Band Meeting 5:22

7. Creative Control 3:39
You can never have it
Achieve the heights of what I have
I need complete control
You think you can do better than me
I'd like to see you try

Creative control
We all want it
We all need it
Creative control
We all want it
Only I deserve it

You guys never listen to me
I have so many ideas
Ideas, notions to change the industry
Makeover this truly negative male masculinity

Give me a shot
Let me have my break
I'm like food for thought
I can be give or take
Don't undermine this female entity

Come on guys
Can't you see
We're all in this eternally
Beat for beat
Riff for riff
We all need to just settle this
Give it to me
Give it to me
All the control
Give it to me
Give it to me
Give it to me
All to me

Creative control
We all want it
We all need it
Creative control
We all want it
Only I deserve it

You all need to stop being stupid
I'm over here startin' to feel all excluded
You all starting ruining our music
It doesn't matter what the heck you all did
Don't ruin the music
Don't ruin all that I did

Creative control
We all want it
We all need it
Creative control
We all want it
Only I deserve it

8. (Don't Be) That Guy 3:49
We all know that guy
Who is in every band
Who wishes he were somewhere else when the task is at hand

We all know that guy
Who is never around
To help you carry your gear in
To help you not have a breakdown

Don't be that guy

Then they just do the totally unthinkable
Acting like they're so great, like they're just so invincible

Loses their place in a blinding might of fury
They don't seem to have a care or even the slightest worry

Bottling our anger we look their direction
They just look off the stage, you can see their disconnection

Don't be that guy

Sleeping in the van with their mouth wide open
Snoring so loud no one can ignore it

They offer to help pay for gas on the way to the show
Only to "forget" their wallet back at home

Don't be the guy who thinks he is the best
Don't be the guy who falls like all the rest

We all know that guy and think he is the worst
We all know that guy who goes in head first

You're a valued member of this musical adventure
And we don't want you to feel all this pressure

We're all in this whirlwind metal music jamboree
Move from side to side together in synced harmony

Don't be that guy

Open your eyes and you can plainly see
You are that guy, you're the absentee

You flood the room with your signature stink
From never bathing on the road
You smell like a clogged kitchen sink

We know that times are tough and things can be hard
But, we feel you've got potential even though values aren't your calling card

We would have kicked you out
If we really wanted to
But you make us all laugh
And it wouldn't be the same without you

9. Christmas Present Chaos 3:18
Can I get a hot minute thinkin' 'bout Mason
Sittin' at the drums 'bout to make me crazy
What would he like to be opening on Christmas day
Hoping he likes what I get him either way
I know Halo is his favorite gaming FPS
Crushing those noobs brings him joy in great excess
He may be young and lacking in experience
But he's a cool dude despite his clumsiness

David, my beloved friend and soulmate
Why is it so hard to get you a gift you don't hate
Luke a mug that says you're my Jr. Featherweight (campion)
What's something he would use every day
I feel like the same thing happened on his birthday
Socks are too cheesy
Food isn't his thing

Place it in a box
Tape it all around
It's not like it's smallpox
This should be my playground
Can't seem to find the right thing
For my friend the drum machine

Molder of young minds
Step to the side
Break it all down
I'm sure there's something owl-related
I can get for her classroom

Gotta grind it out
Make it loud
Crank it up
I know he's got kids
I know he's got a wife
What could I get to make his life EASIER?!
I know what I can do
I know what I can get
Craft supplies and some paper clips
Gonna MacGyver something good
That he'll never forget

It's all doom
Light is all gone
Missed my window
To get David something on Amazon

Why, why is it so hard to buy a gift
For a teen with some sick skill
I don't want him to think I forgot
Every year it's something new
Just a matter of which who
I could get him a decal that says "bands without drummers suck"

He's a good brother and a friend
What could he use to see him through the bitter end
We're at the age of practicality
And it must reek of brutality

10. Record Deal 5:06

Bleed American (Metal Cover) (single)

September 11, 2020, Independent (Digital)
September 23, 2020, Independent (Digital)

1. Bleed American (Jimmy Eat World cover) 3:04

Christmas Present Series (compilation, November 22, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

1. Christmas Present Crisis (David's Conundrum) 4:09
2. Christmas Present Conundrum (Courtney's Crisis) 4:39
3. Christmas Present Chaos (Bandmate's Confusion) 4:08
4. Christmas Present Chaos (Bandmate's Confusion) [Alternative Version] 3:18

Too Famous (single, June 29, 2021, Independent) (Digital)

1. Too Famous 3:39
Too much fame
Can't enjoy my stacks of money
Didn't think this'd be so funny

It's a shame
People always gunnin' for me
Thought it would be so carefree

We've got everything we ever wanted
But now we simply can't enjoy it
We have everything we ever wanted
But now they won't leave us alone

Can you see that
All this fame and fortune
Will make you
The center of attention
Gotta hop aboard
Our million dollar jet
Then take a fully
Restored 1979 Chevette

Friends becoming the worst of all
Ask to borrow some cash (you know something small)
You will become nothing more than just as bank
Filled with all their crap just like a septic tank

Suffer for all
The grinding time that I have wasted
On my craft to become famous

I'm so great
Pride isn't part of my language
This life creates so much anguish

We've got everything we ever wanted
But now we simply can't enjoy it
We have everything we ever wanted
But now they won't leave us alone

Can you see that
All this fame and fortune
Will make you
The center of attention
Gotta hop aboard
Our million dollar jet
Then take a fully
Restored 1979 Chevette

Too famous to even enjoy it
Armored fences gotta deploy it

People crowding me
I think I need to get a breath
Elevate above you all
With my sweet jetpack

Have we sold out
Have we made it
I can't tell
From the top floor
Downside to becoming famous

Can you see that
All this fame and fortune
Will make you
The center of attention
Gotta hop aboard
Our million dollar jet
Then take a fully
Restored 1979 Chevette

We Made It (single, August 31, 2021, Independent) (Digital)

1. We Made It 3:58
We made it
We took the test
We made the grade
We leveled up
We paid our dues
We got the pass
We got the call
We got hooked up
We took the chance
We look the part
We are the best
We got it all
Now we are no longer... mediocre

Cannot believe
That we now have it all
Dreams do come true
When you play your cards right

Cannot believe
That we now have it all
Dreams do come true
When you play your cards right

No more dumpster diving through the trash on Friday nights
Now it's all silver platters with a festival of shining bright lights

No more riding in our van on nothing but old spare tires
Now we cruise the streets on gold rims fulfilling all our deepest desires

We made it
We took the test
We made the grade
We leveled up
We paid our dues
We got the pass
We got the call
We got hooked up
We took the chance
We look the part
We are the best
We got it all
Now we are no longer... mediocre

Cannot believe
That we now have it all
Dreams do come true
When you play your cards right

Now that we made it
We can do anything
Do whatever we want
Without a consequence

Dark times are all over
Throw away your 7 leaf clover
Wallets so full we sit lopsided
We welcome you, you're invited
Bask in the glow of our brightness
Warm yourself in our greatness
We've seen in all
Bills late to be paid
End all the nights
Start all the days
Work all our jobs
Do it all again
The next day

But then...

We made it
We took the test
We made the grade
We leveled up
We paid our dues
We got the pass
We got the call
We got hooked up
We took the chance
We look the part
We are the best
We got it all
Now we are no longer... mediocre

Cannot believe
That we now have it all
Dreams do come true
When you play your cards right

Now that we made it
We can do anything
Do whatever we want
Without a consequence

Better Than You (single, September 30, 2021, Independent) (Digital)

1. Better Than You 4:27
We pass you on the street and look down
See your face all mad and scrunched up
Bells are ringing in your fat head
As you realize we're better than you

It's been proven
We have moved in
The people have spoken
Records were broken

Can't you see
That there's no point to disagree
We are here
So give us everything that is dear

We're just better than you
At just about anything
We're just better than you
Just sit back and listen
We're just better than you
We know this might come as shock
Just know that when it's time to rock
We'll be right here

Put you in your place
Take your cheap gear and beat it
We need your space
Your just a feeble counterfeit

End it all here
Hang your head low, you are defeated
Bow to your champ
Don't make us have to repeat it

Time has spoken
You're heartbroken
Our pocket books bursting
We are deserving of all this fame

Can't you see that we are deserving of all this fame that we have
Rolling around on stacks of money as tall as the highest ceiling

We're just better than you
At just about anything
We're just better than you
Just sit back and listen
We're just better than you
We know this might come as shock
Just know that when it's time to rock
We'll be right here

It's not all lost
You could try to take on the boss
Just know the cost
In the end you're squished like apple sauce

If you think you can even make a dent
Try your best
We'll prepare the crowd for a quick event

We're just better than you
At just about anything
We're just better than you
Just sit back and listen
We're just better than you
We know this might come as shock
Just know that when it's time to rock
We'll be right here

We are so much better than you
So much better than you
We are so much better
Better than you
So much better than you

Lonely (single, November 12, 2021, Independent) (Digital)

1. Lonely 4:35
I am so lonely
Stand on my balcony
No one understands me
As I overlook the sea
Dry my tears with all my money
I'm lonely

Lonely at the top
Just want it to stop

No one told me that getting everything
Would leave me so empty
Solid gold statues peer into my soul
Everyone tells me that fame and fortune should be my goal

The empty pit in my mind
This hollow tomb has made my eyes so blind
Cash comes out of every maw
Go to my chambers and withdraw

Ending every moment the same
By myself I'm getting tired of this game
People only want to get to know me
So I can give them everything for free

I am so lonely
It's not like I'm unapproachable
I just feel invisible
You only need to kiss the ring on my toe
And put on an entertaining floor show

I'm not vain, I'm just really choosy
You would be too in a gold jacuzzi
I'm actually quite very nice and super humble
Charitable, beautiful and good natured is where I struggle

The empty pit in my mind
This hollow tomb has made my eyes so blind
Cash comes out of every maw
Go to my chambers and withdraw

The pain of this isolation
Leads me to intense frustration

The last friend date I went on had them laughing at everything I said
Even though it wasn't funny
I just want a genuine friend, someone I can tell my innermost secrets to
Like I'm just really awesome

The empty pit in my mind
This hollow tomb has made my eyes so blind
Cash comes out of every maw
Go to my chambers and withdraw

This must be what it's like at the top
The flame rages in my million dollar fireplace
I guess there is no normal person who I can relate to
I've got all this fame and money so I guess I'll make do

I'm lonely
I'm so lonely
I'm lonely
I'm so lonely
I'm lonely
I'm so lonely

Sorry (single, January 21, 2022, Independent) (Digital)

1. Sorry 3:28

We're sorry

It's been a long road
Mistakes were made along the way
We've hit the bottom
And we are sorry that we strayed

We didn't mean to get a big head
Hopefully you can forgive us for being brain dead
We just want to connect with our fans
Instead of the worst music scams

This goes out to all the people
Who were fans of our old stuff

It's been a long road
Mistakes were made along the way
We've hit the bottom
And we are sorry that we strayed

Getting used to how life was
Missing all the roaring applause
Back to the everyday struggle
Playing in clubs, only local

From the bottom of our hearts
In association with the arts
We're gonna have a fresh start
Please forgive us for what we'd become
Acting so strange and living so dumb

It's been a long road
Mistakes were made along the way
We've hit the bottom
And we are sorry that we strayed

We are sorry that we took you for a ride
With our comedic side
In the end we hope that we could make you smile
At least for a little while

Anteeksi (Sorry)
Izvinite (Sorry)
Dispiaciuto (Sorry)
Gomennasai (Sorry)
Ignosce (Sorry)
Bào qiàn (Sorry)

My Life In A Made Metal Band (album, June 10, 2022, Independent) (CD, Digital)

Part 2 of 2 in a 2-part parody album series.

1. We Made It 3:59
We made it
We took the test
We made the grade
We leveled up
We paid our dues
We got the pass
We got the call
We got hooked up
We took the chance
We look the part
We are the best
We got it all
Now we are no longer... mediocre

Cannot believe
That we now have it all
Dreams do come true
When you play your cards right

Cannot believe
That we now have it all
Dreams do come true
When you play your cards right

No more dumpster diving through the trash on Friday nights
Now it's all silver platters with a festival of shining bright lights

No more riding in our van on nothing but old spare tires
Now we cruise the streets on gold rims fulfilling all our deepest desires

We made it
We took the test
We made the grade
We leveled up
We paid our dues
We got the pass
We got the call
We got hooked up
We took the chance
We look the part
We are the best
We got it all
Now we are no longer... mediocre

Cannot believe
That we now have it all
Dreams do come true
When you play your cards right

Now that we made it
We can do anything
Do whatever we want
Without a consequence

Dark times are all over
Throw away your 7 leaf clover
Wallets so full we sit lopsided
We welcome you, you're invited
Bask in the glow of our brightness
Warm yourself in our greatness
We've seen in all
Bills late to be paid
End all the nights
Start all the days
Work all our jobs
Do it all again
The next day

But then...

We made it
We took the test
We made the grade
We leveled up
We paid our dues
We got the pass
We got the call
We got hooked up
We took the chance
We look the part
We are the best
We got it all
Now we are no longer... mediocre

Cannot believe
That we now have it all
Dreams do come true
When you play your cards right

Now that we made it
We can do anything
Do whatever we want
Without a consequence

2. Too Famous 3:42
Too much fame
Can't enjoy my stacks of money
Didn't think this'd be so funny

It's a shame
People always gunnin' for me
Thought it would be so carefree

We've got everything we ever wanted
But now we simply can't enjoy it
We have everything we ever wanted
But now they won't leave us alone

Can you see that all this fame and fortune
Will make you the center of attention
Gotta hop aboard your million dollar jet
Then take a fully restored 1979 Chevette

Friends becoming the worst of all
Ask to borrow some cash (you know something small)
You will become nothing more than just as bank
Filled with all their crap just like a septic tank

Suffer for all
The grinding time that I have wasted
On my craft to become famous

I'm so great
Pride isn't part of my language
This life creates so much anguish

We've got everything we ever wanted
But now we simply can't enjoy it
We have everything we ever wanted
But now they won't leave us alone

Can you see that all this fame and fortune
Will make you the center of attention
Gotta hop aboard your million dollar jet
Then take a fully restored 1979 Chevette

Too famous to even enjoy it
Armored fences gotta deploy it

People crowding me
I think I need to get a breath
Elevate above you all
With my sweet jetpack

Have we sold out
Have we made it
I can't tell
From the top floor
Downside to becoming famous

Can you see that all this fame and fortune
Will make you the center of attention
Gotta hop aboard your million dollar jet
Then take a fully restored 1979 Chevette

3. Fan Trouble 3:28
4. Better Than You 4:09
We pass you on the street and look down
See your face all mad and scrunched up
Bells are ringing in your fat head
As you realize we're better than you

It's been proven
We have moved in
The people have spoken
Records were broken

Can't you see
That there's no point to disagree
We are here
So give us everything that is dear

We're just better than you
At just about anything
We're just better than you
Just sit back and listen
We're just better than you
We know this might come as shock
Just know that when it's time to rock
We'll be right here

Put you in your place
Take your cheap gear and beat it
We need your space
Your just a feeble counterfeit

End it all here
Hang your head low, you are defeated
Bow to your champ
Don't make us have to repeat it

Time has spoken
You're heartbroken
Our pocket books bursting
We are deserving of all this fame

Can't you see that we are deserving of all this fame that we have
Rolling around on stacks of money as tall as the highest ceiling

We're just better than you
At just about anything
We're just better than you
Just sit back and listen
We're just better than you
We know this might come as shock
Just know that when it's time to rock
We'll be right here

It's not all lost
You could try to take on the boss
Just know the cost
In the end you're squished like apple sauce

If you think you can even make a dent
Try your best
We'll prepare the crowd for a quick event

We're just better than you
At just about anything
We're just better than you
Just sit back and listen
We're just better than you
We know this might come as shock
Just know that when it's time to rock
We'll be right here

We are so much better than you
So much better than you
We are so much better
Better than you
So much better than you

5. Best Show Pt. 2 3:06
Prepare yourself for the best show ever
Part 2
Best Show

Welcome back to all the fun at our best show
We're all here to have a good time at our best show
Lose yourself in the groove at our best show
Lined up at the front doors again

Come on in and wipe your feet off on our 60 million dollar rug
Get on your feet and move to the beat and give us a big bear hug
'Bout to get this party started, throw your hands up
Let the green rain down on your head as you fist pump

Everyone was legit at our best show
You could win 10 billion dollars at our best show
You all have your favorite dream jobs at our best show
Flash photography always welcome at our best show

Can you see
You and me
All right here
Meant to be

In the crowd
On the stage
We are all
All so free

On our feet
Bounce to the beat
Feel that heat
Quite a treat

Bob your head
That's what we said
There's no dread
Don't go to bed

Up up down down left right left right B A start
You know it
Enter it quick
Don't be thick
It's mathematic

That is it
That's the code
That's the trick

Now you know
Go with the flow
Not too slow
At the best show

We all wear JNKO jeans at our best show
Beanie Babies still sell out at our best show
Trapper Keepers coming back at our best show
We all do the Macarena at our best show

This is the Best Show Part 2 comin' back at ya
Dude, I didn't even know someone could have that many letters on a shirt! That's sick bro!
Alright you guys, I wanna see the nastiest, gnarliest pit, okay?

No one's back hurts when you're 30 at our best show
Calories never really count at our best show
No one has to wait for dialup at our best show
Pikachu actually listens on 64 at our best show

Grandma's love is always felt at our best show
Your favorite pet joins us onstage at our best show
Excitement builds like Christmas morning at our best show
Go ninja go, ninja go at our best show

Time stands still
You know the drill
It's all skill
Headbang and chill

We're all friends
It doesn't end
Do it again
Would recommend

Don't you sigh
We will cry
You won't die
No goodbye

We see you
In the front
What a view
Not a single boo

To get the most of our best show
Learn the best show code right now
Up up down down left right left right B A start
Learn it well, commit it to your mind with all your heart

You are all at the Best Show
We are all at the Best Show together
You are all at the Best Show
We are all at the Best Show together

6. Band Briefing 2:19
7. Can't Keep Up 4:33

Things change so fast
So hard to just keep ahead
Bleeding fans left and right
Can't do anything but hold on tight

Numbers are dipping
We're just here tripping
Egos are slipping

Time is always moving
Through the wasteland
What can we do to maintain our fame?
Bring in some help

What do you want?
Can you help us?
How much you got?
Mortgaged off our mansion
That may work
Okay, what now
Let's get going
Lead the way

As long as you keep this pace you'll be alright
Just keep going at this rate and you'll be just fine

We just keep falling behind
Can't keep this up anymore (Don't crack under the pressure)
We just can't keep up with the fans
We just stress again (Just ry to keep your composure)

Don't wanna lose those shiny things that we've accrued
Don't wanna have our fans turn on us and get booed
Don't wanna have to go back to the pawnbroker
Don't wanna go back to being so mediocre

Here's what you do
You take your money
Then you
Invest in a startup
Then with some luck
They'll end up selling
And you
Cash out in a hurry

Let me think here
So you want us to
Take all
That we have at the bank
And give it to
People that haven't
Proven their worth yet

Yeah, that's right

I think you need a gimmick
Something to really grab that attention
One of you could do a trick
You know, get your game to the next dimension

How about we buy some ads in the paper?
How about becoming old people caretakers?
How about calling random phone numbers?
How about becoming hot undertakers?

We just keep falling behind
Can't keep this up anymore (Don't crack under the pressure)
We just can't keep up with the fans
We just stress again (Just ry to keep your composure)

8. Lonely 4:36
I am so lonely
Stand on my balcony
No one understands me
As I overlook the sea
Dry my tears with all my money
I'm lonely

Lonely at the top
Just want it to stop

No one told me that getting everything
Would leave me so empty
Solid gold statues peer into my soul
Everyone tells me that fame and fortune should be my goal

The empty pit in my mind
This hollow tomb has made my eyes so blind
Cash comes out of every maw
Go to my chambers and withdraw

Ending every moment the same
By myself I'm getting tired of this game
People only want to get to know me
So I can give them everything for free

I am so lonely
It's not like I'm unapproachable
I just feel invisible
You only need to kiss the ring on my toe
And put on an entertaining floor show

I'm not vain, I'm just really choosy
You would be too in a gold jacuzzi
I'm actually quite very nice and super humble
Charitable, beautiful and good natured is where I struggle

The empty pit in my mind
This hollow tomb has made my eyes so blind
Cash comes out of every maw
Go to my chambers and withdraw

The pain of this isolation
Leads me to intense frustration

The last friend date I went on had them laughing at everything I said
Even though it wasn't funny
I just want a genuine friend, someone I can tell my innermost secrets to
Like I'm just really awesome

The empty pit in my mind
This hollow tomb has made my eyes so blind
Cash comes out of every maw
Go to my chambers and withdraw

This must be what it's like at the top
The flame rages in my million dollar fireplace
I guess there is no normal person who I can relate to
I've got all this fame and money so I guess I'll make do

I'm lonely
I'm so lonely
I'm lonely
I'm so lonely
I'm lonely
I'm so lonely

9. Record Reckoning 3:41
10. We Blew It 3:50
In the end we just blew it
Try hard not to throw a fit

Thought one thing on the upswing
Didn't know how it works
Record label gave us cash
Didn't know we had to pay it back

Should have looked into it
Huge signing bonuses
Million strings attached
Lost what our focus was

We just blew it
We threw it all away
Took our fans for granted
Rubbed our fame in their face

We hit the highs
We were just so stupid
We thought we'd gained world
But we should've really known it

The money was never ours
The fame was always fleeting
We thought we were stars
In the end we took a beating

Lessons were learned
Now that we're in debt
Friendships are really earned
On this we are dead set

Now that we don't have a single dime to our name
People don't care how much you got, about your fame

There's no such thing as a free lunch
We lost it all, we lost our touch

Swimming in fees, no end in sight
We're in the negative, no rest tonight

We signed the contract, didn't read the small print
Thought that we'd made it, didn't get the hint

Everything we wrote taken from us
All our hard work, something is sus

How is this normal? How can this be?
Thought it was fun, thought it was free

We owe them money, so much in fact
Work till we're dead, we're trapped

We just blew it
We threw it all away
Took our fans for granted
Rubbed our fame in their face

We hit the highs
We were just so stupid
We thought we'd gained world
But we should've really known it

The money was never ours
The fame was always fleeting
We thought we were stars
In the end we took a beating

Lessons were learned
Now that we're in debt
Friendships are really earned
On this we are dead set

Maybe we should have just gone independent
Recoup-able assets should have caused reassessment

In the end we should have just read the fine print
Then we might have had a better deal to commit

We just blew it
We threw it all away
Took our fans for granted
Rubbed our fame in their face

We hit the highs
We were just so stupid
We thought we'd gained world
But we should've really known it

The money was never ours
The fame was always fleeting
We thought we were stars
In the end we took a beating

Lessons were learned
Now that we're in debt
Friendships are really earned
On this we are dead set

11. Sorry 3:27

We're sorry

It's been a long road
Mistakes were made along the way
We've hit the bottom
And we are sorry that we strayed

We didn't mean to get a big head
Hopefully you can forgive us for being brain dead
We just want to connect with our fans
Instead of the worst music scams

This goes out to all the people
Who were fans of our old stuff

It's been a long road
Mistakes were made along the way
We've hit the bottom
And we are sorry that we strayed

Getting used to how life was
Missing all the roaring applause
Back to the everyday struggle
Playing in clubs, only local

From the bottom of our hearts
In association with the arts
We're gonna have a fresh start
Please forgive us for what we'd become
Acting so strange and living so dumb

It's been a long road
Mistakes were made along the way
We've hit the bottom
And we are sorry that we strayed

We are sorry that we took you for a ride
With our comedic side
In the end we hope that we could make you smile
At least for a little while

Anteeksi (Sorry)
Izvinite (Sorry)
Dispiaciuto (Sorry)
Gomennasai (Sorry)
Ignosce (Sorry)
Bào qiàn (Sorry)

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BAND NAME: Spiritual Strength GENRE: Unblack Metal STATUS: Active LOCATION: Norway (Holkeheim) / USA (Cole) Lineup: Holkeheim - All Instrume...