Tuesday, April 20, 2021



BAND NAME: Proven Existence
GENRE: Atmospheric Unblack Metal / Funeral Doom Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Russelville, Alabama

Nocturnal Servant - Everything



No Light, No Compassion (single, October 21, 2018, Independent) (Digital)

1. No Light, No Compassion 3:53
For the time has come
That judgement must begin
At the house of God!


You blasphemer of all that is holy
Can hope even come to you?
"Complacent swine, depart from Me!
Into everlasting torment!"

Where were you, when he hanged in the trees of the forest

The Great Commission, it dies here
Or so we thought
We are the Great Commission
Slaying Satan where he stands

The moon shines through the trees
Burning demon scum
As we pray at night
For us to finally realize
Your truth and Your way

Hope for the future; a better life
Resembling a reflection of Your glory
And Your Kingdom

How long will we stand idly by
While people around us suffer?

Sheep led to the slaughter, souls led astray
To Hell

And for what?
Our own selfish ways

Slaughter The Innocent (single)

December 14, 2018, Independent (Digital)
December 14, 2018, The Bearded Dragon Productions (Digital)

1. Slaughter The Innocent 5:25
Place the child
The satanic
Altar of
Planned parenthood!


Oh you, most unholy
Slaughtering the innocent before our eyes

Fracture the bones
Slice the skin
Dispensed; like an old photograph
Running to You
Is our only hope

Molech worship
Has been re-established

That which is most precious
In the sight of our Lord
Is about to perish
As Lucifer says: "Bring this child to me!"

"You incompetent mortal!"
Unborn; undone

Oh, the demons of old have been awakened

I will crush Lucifer
With my own bare hands
As he lays upon the foundation of Hell
Bleeding, in the flame
With my Master by my side

You corrupt pastors and priests!
You ask God to bless
A slaughterhouse

You ask for His favor to be upon
This Earth-wide

If you do not repent
In Hell you shall burn
For the many innocence
Who have been slaughtered
Indirectly, by your hand

Sweet Mother (single)

May 15, 2019, Independent (Digital)
May 15, 2019, The Bearded Dragon Productions (Digital)

1. Sweet Mother 5:24
"The pain...
I can't take this anymore
Someone please save me
I just need a way out!"

Oh, sweet mother, just hang on tight
To my hand
The Lord is with you
And He always will be

Always sick, always tormented
The pain is becoming unbearable
For her
Just hang on sweet mother
It won't always be this way
God is taking care of it all
Every last detail

Even death can make you stronger!

If you suffered not in this life
Then what would come out of the next?
Our suffering does not have to define us
But through Him we overcome it all

Every last stumbling block
In our way will be destroyed
And every mountain overcome
By His Grace
Oh, sweet mother
Don't look at this life
As the only one worth fighting for

All life is precious
Our life is eternity
Because of the One
Who saved us
Hang on just a little while longer
In this life to receive the next

Oh Divine eternal One
Hallowed be Your Name
Your Kingdom come
Your will be done
Forever Thou shall be
The King of Forever!
As the blood of Your foes
Splatters against the back of Your heels
Sinking Your holy blade into
The brain of the Antichrist
Eviscerating weak, mindless
Demonic scum

Revenge is for the Almighty's hand alone
His revenge is much worse
Than ours could ever be

Those who have been tormented
Suffer no longer!

Black Hymn Of The Void (single, May 8, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

1. Black Hymn Of The Void 5:04
Beautiful void
Of darkness and dust
Collisions of stars
Bringing music to the beyond

A plethora of nebulae
Scattered like sand
Drizzling flame of the sun
Lighting the way of day

Coldness, blackness, endless void
The deep, crushing pressure of space
By design you maintain yourself
Ever decaying, ever dreaming
And longing for redemption

Creation of space, of endless time
Of ending lives
Creation of the dark cycle
Rotation of the planets
They grow weak

They are falling from the natural order
We have fallen far, far below the stars
Longing for redemption
Hating the end of creation itself
Where is my life, my mind

Maker bring Your redeeming power

Transcendence (single, May 29, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

1. Transcendence 6:08
Transcending time and space
Divinity is infinity
Transcending dark matter
Awaken the calling

Black as it may be
Transcend matter until oblivion hits
Breaking the cycle of the stars
Transforming into dust

The universe is His playground
Who can defy His Mighty Name?
In the glory of His creative works
His existence has been proven

Dark as the calling my find me
I will rejoice as I awaken
Transcending time and space
Transcending through this
Dimensional flesh

Nothingness, it's empty
Yet so full, even to the brim
Sparkling infinity
Transcending all things, transcend the human race

Divine Maker of Heavens and the Earth

God of order
Balancing of eternity
Deity of equilibrium

Holy Trinity
Such Divinity
Rising from

Endless Creation (album)

July 17, 2020, Independent (Digital)
September 18, 2020, Independent (CD-R)

1. Chaos Harmony 6:02
2. Black Hymns Of The Void 5:04
Beautiful void
Of darkness and dust
Collisions of stars
Bringing music to the beyond

A plethora of nebulae
Scattered like sand
Drizzling flame of the sun
Lighting the way of day

Coldness, blackness, endless void
The deep, crushing pressure of space
By design you maintain yourself
Ever decaying, ever dreaming
And longing for redemption

Creation of space, of endless time
Of ending lives
Creation of the dark cycle
Rotation of the planets
They grow weak

They are falling from the natural order
We have fallen far, far below the stars
Longing for redemption
Hating the end of creation itself
Where is my life, my mind

Maker bring Your redeeming power

3. Deus Infinitus 7:20
4. Transcendence 6:08
Transcending time and space
Divinity is infinity
Transcending dark matter
Awaken the calling

Black as it may be
Transcend matter until oblivion hits
Breaking the cycle of the stars
Transforming into dust

The universe is His playground
Who can defy His Mighty Name?
In the glory of His creative works
His existence has been proven

Dark as the calling my find me
I will rejoice as I awaken
Transcending time and space
Transcending through this
Dimensional flesh

Nothingness, it's empty
Yet so full, even to the brim
Sparkling infinity
Transcending all things, transcend the human race

Divine Maker of Heavens and the Earth

God of order
Balancing of eternity
Deity of equilibrium

Holy Trinity
Such Divinity
Rising from

5. Crowned With Twelve Stars 10:47
The dragon, ancient serpent
Hurled down through space from heaven
Crushed and pummeled into the Earth and sea
Sough to kill the Holy Supreme Messiah

Mother of Twelve Stars hidden away
For a time, times, and a half time
She gave birth to her Son, Jesus Christ
Crowned with Twelve Stars by God on High

His servants look down at the enemy
"Is this the accuser of the brethren,
No longer to defile our sanctuary?"

We are descendants of Jacob
She is crowned with twelve stars
And rests her feet on the moon
And is clothed in sunlight
And by God is called "Blessed"
Redeemed at conception
The spiritual mother of...

All those who keep the commands of God
And of all those who hold fast to their testimony
Of Jesus God

Holy Trinity we worship You only
Jesus Christ, salvation comes through You alone
Birthed You are, Satan could not stop You
On the throne You are, and sit at the right hand of the Father

Many twelve stars shine in the night
Her resting place for a job well done
Amidst the cold blackness of space

Among the Holy Saints, and within our blessed sanctuary
In Heaven above, far beyond any purge or plight
In submission to the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Most High

We shall receive a crown of victory, to cast at His feet!
We shall judge the angels!
We shall be made holy like Him resurrection of the dead
In order to worship Him in spirit and truth...

We shall receive a crown of victory, to cast at His feet!
We shall judge the angels!
We shall be made holy like Him resurrection of the dead
In order to worship Him in spirit and truth...

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BAND NAME: Spiritual Strength GENRE: Unblack Metal STATUS: Active LOCATION: Norway (Holkeheim) / USA (Cole) Lineup: Holkeheim - All Instrume...