Monday, April 12, 2021



BAND NAME: Rotting Serpent
GENRE: Ambient Unblack Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Michael Mosher - Everything



Seduced By The Ghosts Of Rotting Serpents (The Death Of Antichrist) (album)

January 13, 2003, Independent (Digital)
March 19, 2015, Independent (Digital)
June 28, 2018, Independent (Digital)

The bonus tracks (tracks 8 and 9) switch places in the 2018 release.
Track 8 was recorded a few years before the rest of the album was produced, under the name Katachthonios.

1. Intro 2:48
2. Dove On Distant Oaks 2:31
3. Death Of Antichrist 2:37
4. The Cleansing Of Exposed Filth 5:18
5. Putrid Abscess 1:18
6. The Midnight Blood Dripping From The Moon (Exodus From Pain) 18:58
7. Black Funereal Mist 1:22

8. Celebration Of Praise 6:38
9. Tragedy Is Her Lover 1:53

Raping The Grave (album)

October 19, 2012, Independent (Digital)
March 19, 2015, Independent (Digital)
June 29, 2018, Independent (Digital)

1. Autumn Of Eighteen Exorcisms 12:57
2. Dogs Will Lick Your Blood In The Streets 14:12
3. It's Good To Suffer When You're Young 28:52
I am the man that has seen affliction by the rod of His wrath
He has led me, and brought me into darkness, but not into light
Surely He is against me, He turns His hand against me all the day
My flesh and skin has He made old; He has broken my bones
He has built against me and surrounded me with bitterness and woe
He has sent me in dark places, as those who are dead of old
He has imprisoned me, He has made my chains heavy
And when I cry and scream, He shuts out my prayer
He has blocked my pathways with crafted stone, He has made my paths crooked
He was like a beast lying in wait for me, like a lion in secret places
He has overturned my ways, and pulled me apart; He has made me desolate
He has drawn His blow, and I am His arrow's target
His arrows have pierced my loins
I was a joke to my people, and the subject of their continuous mocking
He has made me bitter and a drunken with absinthe
He has broken my teeth with gravel and covered me with ashes
And you have taken peace from my soul; I have forgotten prosperity
I told myself that my strength and hope is destroyed among YHWH
Remembering my affliction, the bitterness of absinthe
My soul still remembers, and I am humiliated
This I remember, and so I have hope
It is because of Yahweh's mercy we are not consumed, because His compassion fails not
They are renewed every morning; Your faithfulness is great
Yahweh is my portion, says my soul, therefore I will hope in Him
Yahweh is good to those who wait for Him, to souls that seek Him
It is good for man to hope and wait quietly for the Lord
It is good for a man to bear suffering in his youth
He isolates Himself in silence, for he has brought it upon himself
He puts his lips to the dust; there may yet be hope
He allows his face to be struck, he is an object of scorn
Yahweh will not push him aside forever
Though He causes grief, He will still have compassion through His plentiful mercies
For He does not willingly afflict or grieve the children of men
To crush under His feet all the prisoners of the earth
To avert the due justice of a man before the face of the Most High
Yahweh does not approve of subverting a man in his own cause
Who can say that something will happen when Yahweh has not commanded it?
Both good and evil are spoken from the mouth of the Most High
When then should a man complain for the punishment of his own sins?
Let us examine and test our methods and turn again to Yahweh
Let us lift up our hearts and hands unto God in the heavens
We have sinned in rebellion: you have not pardoned us
You have shrouded us in anger: you have killed without pity
You have covered Yourself with a cloud that our prayers could not pierce
You have made us as the dregs, and garbage in the midst of everyone
All our enemies have spoken against us
Fear and traps, desolation and destruction have come upon us
My eyes run with rivers for the destruction of the daughter of my people
My tears pour unceasing without relent
Until Yahweh looks down, beholding from above
My eyes and heard are affected because of all the daughters of my city
My enemies hunted me like a bird without cause
They have placed me in the dungeon and put a stone upon me
Waters flowed over my head, and I told myself it was the end
I called upon your name, O Yahweh, out of the deep dungeon
You have heard my voice; do not hide your ears from my sigh or crying
You came near in the day that I called upon you, and you said not to fear
O Lord, you have pleaded the causes of my soul and rescued my life
O Yahweh, you have seen my wrong: judge my cause
You have seen their animosity and devices against me
You have heard their scorn and thoughts against me
The lips of those that spoke against me, and their devices against me all the day
Behold their setting and rising: I am their musick
Reward them, O Yahweh, according to the work of their hands
Give them Your curse, sorrow of heart
Persecute and destroy them in anger from under the heavens of Yahweh

4. Only Fools Deny 8:24
5. Your Self Does Not Exist 12:03

Unblack Metal Ist Krieg (album)

October 19, 2012, Independent (Digital)
March 18, 2015, Independent (Digital)
June 29, 2018, Independent (Digital)

Track 9 was added in 2018.

1. Empowered Ritual Abuse Victim 3:32
2. Demons In The Congregation 4:23
3. Forced Into Life 7:19
4. Toward A Place Where No Death Is 5:32
5. Freezing Stormclouds Of Depression 4:51
6. Upon The Scorched Winds Of Addiction 6:02
7. In The Presence Of The Living God 5:16
8. Unblack Metal Ist Krieg 8:44
9. Where The Carcass Is, The Birds Will Gather 19:13

Listen To The Donkey (album)

November 5, 2012, Independent (Digital)
March 19, 2015, Independent (Digital)
June 29, 2018, Independent (Digital)

The album's Bandcamp page states it was released October 29, 2012, which is actually the last day the album was recorded.

1. Jesus Is My Hope When I Am Hopeless 14:15
2. ...Then Face To Face 12:16
3. A Tower Of Smoke By Day, A Pillar Of Fire By Night 8:23
4. Choking In Occult Entanglement 27:07
5. He Who Holds The Keys To Death And Hell 18:07
Sound the fanfare, freedom rings
Bow and kneel for Christ, the King
Crowned with glory and majesty
Death and Hell, He holds the keys
King of Kings, Prince of Peace
Clothed in flesh, divinity

Holy bride, your Master comes
Shining brighter than the sun
Celebrate the wedding feast
Prepared for those of true belief
Chosen saints, sound the horns
Now comes forth the virgin born
(Snow-white robes of crimson blood)

Truthful way that makes us free
Warrior and Shepherd King
Praise the risen Lamb who came
So that we could then be saved
Judah's Lion, strong and true
I have life because of You
(Opener of the seven seals)

Overcome and persevere
His return is almost here
When He appears, it's too late
Cannot reschedule the date
Church of God-forgiven sins
New Jerusalem descends
(You don't even have to be Jewish)

1. ...Then Face To Face 12:15
2. A Tower Of Smoke By Day, A Pillar Of Fire By Night 8:23
3. Choking In Occult Entanglement 27:07
4. He Who Holds The Keys To Death And Hell 18:07
5. Jesus Is My Hope When I Am Hopeless 14:12

In The Dead Of Winter (album)

November 5, 2012, Independent (Digital)
March 17, 2015, Independent (Digital)
June 29, 2018, Independent (Digital)

1. There But For The Grace Of God Go I 7:33
2. In The Dead Of Winter (Sun Won't Rise cover) 16:06
The dawn breaks open
Snowfall comes
Northern kingdom
The blizzard never stops

In the dead of winter
Heal my first light
Try to feel something
Wrought in shadows of the night

Between blue moments
Beneath unblackened sky
Crush the crystal mountains
Cross the barren divide

Golden scepter
In Allfather's hand
Beckons frost on everything
Praise the God of Light

Praise Jesus Christ

3. Break The Curse (In Jesus' Name) 6:07
4. Tolerance Will Not Be Tolerated 13:59
5. In Service To The God You Despise 8:52
6. Let The Dead Bury Their Own 11:17
7. Psalm 88 12:53
O Lord God of my salvation, I have cried day and night before thee:
Let my prayer come before thee: incline thine ear unto my cry;
For my soul is foul of troubles: and my life draweth nigh unto the grave.
I am counted with them that go down into the pit: I am as a man that hath no strength:
Free among the dead, like the slain that lie in the grave, whom thou rememberest no more: and they are cut off from thy hand.
Thou hast laid me in the lowest pit, in darkness, in the deeps.
Thy wrath lieth hard upon me, and thou hast afflicted me with all thy waves.
Thou hast put away mine acquaintance far from me; thou hast made me an abomination unto them: I am shut up, and I cannot come forth.
Mine eye mourneth by reason of affliction: Lord, I have called daily upon thee, I have stretched out my hands unto thee.
Wilt thou shew wonders to the dead? Shall the dead arise and praise thee?
Shall thy lovingkindness be declared in the grave? Or thy faithfulness in destruction?
Shall thy wonders be known in the dark? And thy righteousness in the land of forgetfulness?
But unto thee have I cried, O Lord; and in the morning shall my prayer prevent thee.
Lord, why castest thou off my soul?  Why hidest thou thy face from me?
I am afflicted and ready to die from my youth up: while I suffer thy terrors I am distracted.
Thy fierce wrath goeth over me; thy terrors have cut me off.
They came 'round about me daily like water; they compassed me about together.
Lover and friend has thou put far from me, and mine acquaintance into darkness.

Advanced Systematik Operations For Xristian Terrorism (album)

November 8, 2012, Independent (Digital)
March 10, 2020, Coleiosis Records (Digital)

1. Decrepit Hope 6:46
2. Blasphemy Of The Failed Accuser 13:50
3. The Moment Least Expected 3:48
4. Blinded By The Idiocy Of Satanic Cowardice 6:09
5. Grinding The Nephilim 4:57
6. The Demon-Circuit Vomits In The Factory Of Lies 3:50
7. Trauma 5:30
8. Knee-Deep In Dismembered Annunnaki 13:53
9. Your Corpse, My Closet 8:00
10. Forget Me 4:23

Where Is My God Now? (album)

November 13, 2012, Independent (Digital)
March 19, 2015, Independent (Digital)
June 29, 2018, Independent (Digital)

Track 6 was originally intended to be on the Sun Won't Rise album "Hang In There Baby!" but did not fit.

1. Where Is My God Now? 9:30
I rise or fall by the Word of Yahweh
Only He holds my life in His hands
My life isn't yours for you to take
I live or die by Christ alone

Mercy Lord, I call to Thee, the Only One who is
Snared by my own hypocrisy, I don't deserve to live
But Your grace and lovingkindness covers me in blood
Come against my enemies, before I come undone

I am nothing without You
Make me strong, unyielding
Let not the wicked triumph against me
So they may not say
"Where is his God now?"

You are there
You are everywhere

Thank You, and praise Your Holy Name

2. Death Swallowed Up In Victory 9:25
3. Je Suis Pathétique 12:35
4. Snowblind 22:15
5. Bludgeoned To Life By Truth Undesired 11:16
6. Kill Yourself For Jesus 13:35

The Last Noel (album)

November 30, 2012, Independent (Digital)
March 19, 2015, Independent (Digital)
June 29, 2018, Independent (Digital)

1. Dead Holly 6:09
2. Drowning In Loneliness 16:08
3. The Christmas-Eve That Would Not Die 6:17
4. My Misery Compleat 11:03
5. Dance Of Thirteen Dead Reindeer (Last Dance Mix) 10:02
6. (The Last) Noel 10:45
7. Journey To The North Pole 17:05

Extreme Conditions (album)

December 13, 2012, Independent (Digital)
June 29, 2018, Independent (Digital)

1. Shattered Spirits 3:37
2. Abstract Faith 3:32
3. Autumn Breeze 5:35
4. Crystal Truth 4:40
5. Farewell To Lovers And Friends 4:16
6. Flowers 5:43
7. Hate Me Then 3:29
8. Locked In The Catacombs 9:03
9. Ruins Of Life 5:30

Solstice Of Failed Prophecy (album)

December 22, 2012, Independent (Digital)
March 19, 2015, Independent (Digital)
June 29, 2018, Independent (Digital)

1. Chlorophile 8:23
2. Decompression v2.0 6:30
3. Defecating Satan 5:22
4. Divine Slavery 12:05
5. Don't Forget The Sacrifice 6:28
6. Inferno Of Frost 8:52
7. Perverse Incarnation 6:06
8. Soldier Of Misfortune II 8:51
9. Through It All 6:37
10. Unceremoniously Flung To The Outside 7:09

The Future Is Dead... (album)

January 22, 2013, Independent (Digital)
June 29, 2018, Independent (Digital)

1. Flailing In A Fecal Sea 4:27
2. Catholic Lies 4:22
3. Excommunicated 3:29
4. The Last Step To Self-Destruction 5:31
5. The Future Is Dead 5:29
6. Character Assassination 5:36
7. Technological Advancement To Redundancy 6:32

8. The Dead Coming Back To Life 4:29

Suicidal Ministries (album)

January 27, 2013, Independent (Digital)
June 29, 2018, Independent (Digital)

1. Uncompromising Display Of Militance 4:22
2. Warriors Of Pure Light 6:03
3. The Road To Hell Is Wide Enough For Everyone 3:59
4. You Have Been Deceived 4:43
5. Truth Is Not Relative 5:22
6. Read The Bible Before You Choose To Oppose It 8:32
7. Stupidity Is The Only Reality Created By Belief 4:20
8. Gazing At The Altar Of Souls 5:32

Breathless Mourning (album)

February 8, 2013, New Life Recordings (Digital)
June 29, 2018, Independent (Digital)

Track 8 was added in 2018, but was later removed.
Tracks 6-8 are demos.

1. Funérailles Morte 9:09
2. Beautiful Death 10:12
3. Bitter Embodyment 9:38
4. Sterile Crypt 9:47
5. Mists Of A Breathless Morning 11:41
6. Performing My Own Autopsy 7:30
7. Enraptured And Embalmed 4:51
8. Untitled 4:39

Christian Funeral (album)

February 11, 2013, New Life Recordings (Digital)
February 11, 2013, No Sleep Till Megiddo Records (CD-R)
June 29, 2018, Independent (Digital)

Track 7 is a demo.

1. I Won't Be At My Funeral 14:58
2. Suffer Inside A Shallow Grave 10:11
3. Scared To Death Of Living 7:57
4. Threatening Decisions 12:08
5. Trudging Through The Cemetaries Of The Living 10:30
6. Happy Valentine's Day 11:42
7. Dreams Of Dead Snakes 7:52

Original Keyboard Recordings '97 (compilation, April 17, 2018, Independent) (Digital)

Recorded in 1997.

1. I 1:03
2. II 5:16
3. III 4:50
4. IV 2:06
5. V 2:54
6. VI 2:32
7. VII 2:43
8. VIII 3:04
9. IX 5:19
10. X 4:05
11. XI 3:08
12. XII 2:49
13. XIII 2:21

Disenchant (album, April 17, 2018, Independent) (Digital)

Recorded in 2000.

1. Tetrahydrocanabicide 3:58
2. Struggle 0:43
3. Dismembered Psychosis 5:07
4. Sin Dethroned/Northern Praise (Deuteronomium cover) 6:11
5. Completely Saturated In Blood 4:18
6. At The House In Front Of The Red Crucifix 5:42
7. Tearing Inside 1:36
8. Broken Mirror (For Mom) 6:09
9. Bludgeoned By Horrific Truth 1:23
10. Daybreak/The Foolish Desire Of Apostasy 4:39
11. Under The Sign Of The Cross 5:04
12. Sawyerville Exorcism 5:55

Legends Of The Sawyerville Cult (album, April 17, 2018, Independent) (Digital)

1. Graveyard Shift 6:09
2. Draining The Sun 8:55
3. Snow 3:09
4. Ghost In The Cellar 9:55
5. Somebody Else 10:30
6. Remember 5:57
7. Woe There 8:12
8. Down 7:18

Spirits Of The Unblack (compilation, April 17, 2018, Independent) (Digital)

All tracks recorded and compiled in 2003 except where noted.

1. Unbind Me From This Vain Delusion 3:31
2. Cleansing Of Exposed Filth 4:54
3. Exempt From The Undertaking/Pronounce Them Dead In Jesus' Name 3:52
4. Marching On To Victory (1999) 2:38
5. Spirits Of The Unblack 3:15
6. The Sun Burned Black 3:15
7. N.O.I.B.N. I 4:12
8. Rise In His Majesty 3:38
9. Alive In The Forest Of Death (2001) 5:33
10. N.O.I.B.N. II 2:44
11. The Law Of The Inheritance Of Evil 3:06
12. Vessel Of Wrath 3:19
13. Cleansing Of Exposed Filth (Alternate Version) 4:48

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BAND NAME: Spiritual Strength GENRE: Unblack Metal STATUS: Active LOCATION: Norway (Holkeheim) / USA (Cole) Lineup: Holkeheim - All Instrume...