Monday, April 12, 2021



BAND NAME: Northern Ash
GENRE: Unblack Metal / Thrash Metal
STATUS: Split-up
LOCATION: Panama City, Panama (Phil) / St. Paul, Minnesota, USA (Todd)

Felipe Diez - Vocals
Todd Brandt - All Instruments



The Age Of Irrationality (album)

July 29, 2008, Sullen Records (CD-R)
January 10, 2022, Coleiosis Records (Digital)

Track 10 contains a hidden track at the end, a cover of "White Witch" by Transfigural Form.
The Coleiosis version separates the two songs into their own respective tracks.

1. Those Who Fall Away 3:19
You were once spiritual
Now you are cynical
Was it trials or ignorance?
Falling back in sin?
Don't assume you're safe
The plan for your life was stalled
A self-denial has grown
The fire was taken away
He tried to restore your existence by offering you a second chance
Was this not enough for you?
Repentance is forever
You were once spiritual
Many will accept and hear the gospel with joy
The enemy will steal the seed that fell around them
Still others will harden themselves with those who fall astray
Misguided again, the others will rebel with those who insist

2. Messianic Oversight 3:49
How could this be, you say?
A Savior born inside a manger instead of a palace or temple for princes?
Where is this Bethlehem?
Why not Jerusalem where all the elders teach the law?
More fit for a king
Man did not know the extent of God's plans for humanity, and how salvation was to arrive
Who was to know that Him with the greatest name would serve and live a sinless life
The Romans did not care
The Greeks did not understand
The Jews were ready for a conquering Messiah to guide them in battle
But when the King arrived He was rejected by those that He came to save
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son
That whoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life
Christ You are Lord
Christ You are Messiah
Christ You are Lord
And all this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet Isaiah:
"The virgin will be with the child and will give birth to a Son,
And they will call Him Immanuel which, when interpreted, means 'God with us'."
Many believed in Him but others left distraught because they had to go indulge in riches or bury their dead
In order to survive you must take up your cross and follow Him who would separate history
He spoke in parables fulfilling what the prophet said and was tempted by adversary and prevailed
Your name is above every other name
Man did not know the extent of God's plans and how salvation was to arrive

3. The Age Of Irrationality 4:03
Who created the seas and the sky?
Is a meaningless life but a lie?
Who has filled the earth with the stones?
Our planet turns on an axis
Everything has a purpose for being
Every move has been written, you see
Existentialists deny the claims that a higher being exists
Man is the cosmic orphan in a land of total separation
Reason destroyed the arguments against my God
Why be a slave to morals if they don't exist?
Why is it wrong to kill if there is no law?
Every man is born with the knowledge of a force that creates and destroys
It is part of the human experience to possess an internal void
Atheism is hypocrisy - dream away while suppressing the truth
While you call my lifestyle a dogma, you create one for yourself
What is it that you won't accept?
That a higher being exists?
Wisdom declares that Christ is the only way to eternity
Reason destroyed the arguments against my God
Why not indulge in sin if there are no wages to collect?
Why not become the vilest man on earth if lacking consequence?
The fundamental crisis of the twentieth century is neither political, nor social, nor economic
It is intellectual, and the primary intellectual problem is neither metaphysical nor ethical
It is epistemological
The fact is, the century has been called many things, but the name that portrays it best is: The Age of Irrationality
The absurdity of the present age is so pervasive that even the faithful have accepted too much of it - this post-modern danger
Who created the stars and the sun?
Where did all this matter come from?
When did God say the first Word of life?
Can these questions ever be answered?
Everything has a purpose for being
Every move has been written, you see
Existentialists deny the claims that a higher being exist
How can you be so sure that your fate is sealed?
Victory destroyed the arguments against my God
Why be a slave to morals if they don't exist?
Why is it wrong to kill if there is no law?

4. Sufre El Justo 3:46
Has permanecido en constante obediencia
Y lo que has sembrado se ha visto crecer
El Justo expenderá el reino de los cielos ye heredara la tierra
Pero has sido llamado a mas y en tus logros esta Jehová
Que unge al escogido entre miles de otros
No dejes de crecer - no dejes de creer
La cruz que cargas - valiente sacrificio
No dejes de crecer - no dejes de creer
"Bienaventurados los que padecen persecución porque de ellos es el reino de los cielos.
Bienaventurados sois cuando por mi causa os digan toda clase de mal contra vosotros."
Gozaos y alegraos
El premio en el cielo es tan inmenso
Es seguro
Porque así persiguieron a los profetas que fueron antes de vosotros
El sufrimiento me ha dejado solo!
Padre, Nuestro, mi sufrimiento es como una pesadilla real
Real, el dolor!
Y así sufre el justo Huestes de maldad, oscura potestad, conspiran contra mi, no temo, Jehová
Humanos inseguros me tiran insultos y frustran esta vida tan corta es, tan corta que es
(Sufre el justo)
Arrepentios Ya!
(Sufre el justo)
De sus Pecados

5. Realization Of Our Inner Need 1:55
Those of us who understand what we need will respond with haste at what is revealed
Will take take steps to remove what once was pleasure but is now a plague to be eradicated
Sin came through one man
Redemption is in Christ
Blessed is the man who turns from his ways
Keep his commands in your youth
Live like the wise, in righteousness
Cutting sin from its root
What is it that keeps you awake at night?
Tugging at the inner void that you've tried to fill with so many things of this world
Only to leave you empty again
Sin came through one man
Redemption is in Christ
Blessed is the man who turns from his ways
Not indoctrination, but regeneration
I have realized I was made for God
And my endless search has not been in vain
Welcome to a meaningful existence
You have been forgiven

6. Give Us This Day 5:56
Their lives are at stake
Begin a new day
Give us a new way
A new day
In the kingdom of the Great
Many are present at the gate
Ready and willing to grow on
For what is a kingdom without a law?
Toiling in the presence of the Holy One
Faith produces works
A calling to recall souls who have been driven away
In the kingdom of the Pure
Many are sent to boldly endure hardships and hurts while building the paths
Making disciples, soldiers that last
Then comes the day when our troubles will sprout
Make your decisions, fight and do not doubt
Worldly temptations may cause your work to stall
A blessing is sent to guide your way
He is the light
Resist and obey
This is the narrow road that I have chosen as my path
I lead battalions through the desert - the elements
Beyond the threatening skies is an oasis where I will rest with those who follow Christ
We will invoke His holy name
Oh, strengthen us, Holy Spirit
Strengthen us, Holy Spirit
A blessing is sent to guide your way
He is the light
Resist and obey
Over time, the word has spread
Thousands before us have died for this end so millions of humans can listen and respond with spiritual ears regenerated
Fearless and bold we take to our chores sending the word to differing shores
Message that builds the Heavenly lands
As we await the day of the Lord
"For we would not, brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia, that we were pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that we despaired even of life:
But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead:
Who delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver: in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us."
In the kingdom of the Great
Many are present at the gate
Ready and willing to grow on
For what is a kingdom without a law?
Their lives are at stake
Begin a new day

7. Chalice Of Wrath 2:44
And lo, a voice from Heaven:
"This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased"
Born to die, His fate - The Cross
Man of many miracles and sorrows
In Galilee, the Christ, predicted his betrayal, death and resurrection
May God's Will be done
Born to die, His fate - The Cross
At Gethsemane, "His soul was overwhelmed with sadness to the point of death,"
His prayers to the Father stated:
"My Father, if you may, this cup of wrath be taken away unless I consume it, may God's Will be done."
Born to die, His fate - The Cross
May your Will be done
The Christ was delivered into the hands of men, betrayed, was tried and then found guilty of nothing, was to die, sweating blood, under the curse and wrath of God
And when the sixth hour had come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth
At this hour, he cried with a loud voice:
"Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani"
Born to die, His fate - Ascension
"Father, Father, why have you forsaken me?
Father, why have you taken your eyes away from me?"
"It is finished"
"I am risen"

8. The Great And Terrible Day Of God 4:13
See ye not all these things verily I say unto you
There shall not be left here one stone on the Great and Terrible Day of God
Take heed that no man deceive you for many will come in my name saying "I am Christ"
And shall deceive many
You shall hear of wars and rumors of wars
See that you will not be troubled
All these things must come to pass but the end is not here
Nation shall rise against nation - maladies will fall upon this sinful earth
All these things are the beginning of sorrows for then shall be the great tribulation
Then they shall deliver you up to the afflicted
And ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake
He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved
Woe unto them who rejected the Lord
Many will weep and mourn in the judgement on the Great and Terrible Day of God
Go to the ends of the earth
To proclaim the Gospel of salvation
Teaching all I have commanded you
I will be there until the end of time

9. Vital Suffering 3:14
Burnt by the fire - molded by flames
Refined by the winds - eroded by crushing waves
Upon acceptance of the message of the cross, the Lord begins his work
The trials you must welcome
Overcome temptation and receive your crown
A new creation stands!
Spiritual maturity is achieved through repentance, obeying the commands stipulated in scripture, and maintaining firm like a pillar of stone
Take up your cross and repent again
Growing in spirit, sowing in faith, feeding the harvest, reaping again vital suffering
Suffering is vital to Christian experience
The more one proclaims to nations His Holy Name, the more unclean spirits and men will oppose
Those who heed the warning will be saved

10. Remnant (Back To Paradise) 11:16
Riding through the fence
Why do you pretend to know how it will end?
When will you abandon this trend?
We expire
How many times were you warned of the afterlife only for you to ignore?
The gate was wide for you
Narrow was not your way even to the deathbed
Facing the judge, no appeals to fill out
There is no way to negotiate
You will remember the ignorant blasphemy against Christianity and the God that you face now
They are the majority
They will not stand in the judgement
Many will perish
How unfortunate God has a plan for you
You may be missing out on a better life on earth
My word is more than gold
I guarantee that he will not let you die alone
As for the rest, we repent every day
The remission of sin that we believe
One day the path that was narrow and brave, where we carried our cross
It shall lead us to our destination
Those who stand until the end will be saved, it is revealed
All souls were made the same
The Lord knew who would believe
You have to make this choice
Have faith in Christ alone
Eden was perfection
Now it is in ruins
To the New Jerusalem many will return
We are the remnant
The elect
Back to Paradise
I caress the Heaven sent
Taste the bread, the testament
We will live infinitely
With our Lord eternally
Those who stand until the end will be saved, it is revealed
It's no fairytale
This is truth, it's Heaven or Hell
Wake up dying man
Fall down on your knees and pray
Wake up blind man
Fall down on your knees and pray
We are the remnant
The elect
Back in Paradise

1. Those Who Fall Away 3:21
2. Messianic Oversight 3:50
3. The Age Of Irrationality 4:05
4. Sufre El Justo 3:48
5. Realization Of Our Inner Need 1:57
6. Give Us This Day 5:57
7. Chalice Of Wrath 2:44
8. The Great And Terrible Day Of God 4:14
9. Vital Suffering 3:16
10. Remnant (Back To Paradise) 4:44
11. White Witch (Transfigural form cover) 4:32

Patterns Of Decay (album)

2009, Sullen Records (CD-R)
January 10, 2022, Coleiosis Records (Digital)

Tracks 7 and 8 are demo versions of songs from "The Age Of Irrationality".
Tracks 9 and 10 are bonus demo songs by Entorn.

1. Carnivores In The Cathedral 4:20
Breathing becomes tighter and the rapid pulse increases
Tension's rigid edges slowly pierce my sinking eyes
And what's most visible is the evil thoughts inside the casket
That is my cranium where all the sins are active
Living in a world, in which vile passions scream my only name
Permeating ears, the sounds that don't escape attention
What shall be the outcome of this
Old perpetual battle inside this cemetery
Sometimes called grey matter?
The mind of man, inventing machinations to realize his ploy for self-realization
The time is now, for cleaning all the mess we've made
The quest for independence at any cost
Humanity has made a pact with the devil's toys
Parading them around the gravesites like a stolen trophy
In this burial ground sometimes called the brain
Everything is fair game, even genocide
The carnivore, it feeds upon the weak
He dresses like an angel to tell his tale of crooked twisted stories
Enter deception, blatant offense under power
Burden upon the sheep, seeking to shear congregations
Danger inside - Danger inside - Inside of me
A sage arrives to speak to you in different verses
What do you do?
Depart from this iniquity
All around us fleshly bodies, tear away our conscience
A process of cauterization takes place within
These entities are guilty of willing participation
And of conspiracy against our sanctuary
The carnivore, it feeds upon the dying
His life is in the gutter in the fog - crooked twisted tale

2. Patterns Of Decay 5:11
Ancient divide, disobedience, inside is a force that collides with the Will of God
Wages of sin, desolation within, every payment is death beyond this earth
Tasting the fruits of murder, deceit and lying, beneath the judgement is near
Treacherous prevarications invade the land
What shall we concede?
Thus causing denigration, degradation of the sacred beliefs
This threatens and endangers every object that we claim to defend
The severity, the presence of decay is visible beyond what one can imagine
Dangerous accessories do nothing else than claim human lives
And to this end forevermore we fight against the patterns before us
Internal demonstrations in rebellion, they are fed and nurtured
Empty saturation, disposition akin to tyranny
Reason is put to sleep, no wonder why they weep
The tearing of their robes, and lo, now their souls
Ancient divide, abdication, inside is a force that collides with the Will of God
Wages of sin, desolation within, every payment is justice beyond this realm
Under the skin resides this nature
We are the cause of the patterns of decay
Since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God
He gave them over to a depraved mind to do what should not be done
Reaching the point of despair and sadness, falling upon the mercies of Christ
Pleading for grace, believing yourself as nothing lest you instill in your heart, pride
Unless you are born again you will not see the Kingdom of God, the entrance to life
Reason is put to sleep, no wonder why they weep
The searing of the face, behold, the human race
What is this human pain?
Beyond hope, storing wrath
Who was Christ?
Is he alive?
Will he return?
These questions do not remain

3. By The Spirit 2:46
4. The Terror That Waits 4:38
Land of the temples, fall before my eyes
They are the symbols of a new idolatry
Conceived and built by men of wicked deeds who will soon be crushed by their destiny
Thou shalt not bow down to other gods
Thou shalt only serve the Lord
Dead forests are the remnants of our shelters
The dying rivers bring solace no longer
A blind delusion covers the heavens like mantle
The air we breathe is filled with disillusion
What is the consequence of disobedience?
Thou shalt not bow down to other gods
Thou shalt only serve the Lord
Flames and fires are a sight to behold
The kingdom of tomorrow will lament in the cold
Inheritance will fall desolate to those who call
And silence shall unfold on this place once and for all
These signals are infernal
Can we trust you any longer?
I loathe my life, the very days I worked the land in pain
I sought to place an endless maze in between you and me
This cut the lines of life that fed the monster within
In agony I reach the end
These signals are infernal
Shall I seek you any longer?
Thou shalt not bow down to other gods
Thou shalt only serve the Lord
Knowledge through the law of sin and death, no pearls for swine
But only left to lose what was right and fully mine
And how can you even say that I am soon to drown?
In a lake of solitude I long to serve you forever
Thou shalt not bow down to other gods
Thou shalt only serve the Lord
So I have swallowed all the wretched lies, it has taken a lifetime to be purified
When the idols seek to find a place in the temple, they are to be annihilated

5. The Accuser's Decree 3:31
Listen to this timeless tale of a traitor
Initiator, originator of original sin
Signing binding black scrolls
In the darkness with human blood stains while fallen angels wail and sharpen their wings
The leader of the demons grins in his dominion at his subordinates
While plotting schemes to increase the surmounting evil the highest demon pens away the Accuser's Decree
He invented blasphemy
And he reads aloud this document to start the war
Unclean spirits will take arms against us
It begins
The vilest monster implements the Accuser's Decree
And he sends away the order
In the nightfall with sword in hand, raised up towards the skies in futile rebellion
God enthroned in Heaven laughs
He is mighty
And who is Satan to come against the Lord, his Creator, his God?
God enthroned in Heaven laughs
Lucifer was wrong
His name is one of shame
His destiny in Hell, the Lake of endless fire and flame

6. Ye Shall Never Thirst 4:26
Stumbling upon a jagged stone protruding outward
Alone among the shower of sores I walk toward nowhere
I cannot turn back again to rescue what was a lie
Betrayed by patience twice and feeling afflicted
Of water and the spirit, am I born again?
But no water can be found in this arid place
Treading through the same illusion, deceived by a disillusion
So dry is the desert nation, awry is my destination
I cannot turn back again to rescue what was a lie
Betrayed by patience twice and feeling afflicted
You shall never thirst, now and forever
Entering new hopes of change leading to a road less traveled
Forward beyond worldly consummation
I am the way, the truth and the light, no one comes to the Father except through me
I am
I cannot turn back again to rescue what was a lie
Betrayed by patience twice and feeling afflicted
Ye shall never thirst, now and forever

7. The Great And Terrible Day Of God 3:45
See ye not these things verily I say onto you
There shall not be left here on stone on the Great and Terrible Day of God
Take heed that no man deceive you for many will come in my name saying "I am Christ"
And shall deceive many
You shall hear of wars and rumors of wars
See that you will not be troubled
All these things must come to pass but the end is not here
Nation shall rise against nation
Maladies will fall upon this sinful earth
All these things are the beginning of sorrows for then shall be the great tribulation
Then they shall deliver you up to be afflicted
And ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake
He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved
Woe unto them who rejected the Lord
Many will weep and mourn in the judgement on the great and terrible day of God
Go to the ends of the earth
To proclaim the Gospel of salvation
Teaching all I have commanded you
I will be there until the end of time

8. Realization Of Our Inner Need 1:55
Those of use who understand what we need will respond with haste at what is revealed
Will take steps to remove what once was pleasure but now a plague to be eradicated
Sin came through one man
Redemption is in Christ
Blessed is the man who turns from his ways
Keep his command in your youth
Live like the wise, in righteousness
Cutting sin from its root
What is it that keeps you awake at night?
Tugging at the inner void that you've tried
To fill with so many things of this world
Only to leave you empty again
Sin came through one man
Redemption is in Christ
Blessed is the man who turns from his ways
Not indoctrination, but regeneration
I have realized I was made for God
And my endless search has not been in vain
Welcome to a meaningful existence
You have been forgiven

9. Plight Of A Slave 9:03
10. Waiting Rooms 7:00

...For Thine Is The Kingdom (album)

2010, Independent (CD, Digital)
January 10, 2022, Coleiosis Records (Digital)

The bonus tracks (11-17) were previously-unreleased demo tracks exclusive to MySpace.  I'm gonna assume that both the CD and MySpace versions were released at the same time, but the MySpace version had those bonus tracks, and that the album was re-issued on CD with those tracks included.  Correct me if I'm wrong.

1. Dismember And Recreate 2:47
Life has become a stalemate
Dismember and recreate
God is reviving what was dead
From fallen to a state of grace
From a wicked pile of dust
He has made a new being
Now able to understand lostness
Having been in the darkness
Delivered from blindness
The man is now receptive to the things of God
Regeneration is here
What once was dry is alive forevermore
Onward into existence
Bringing years of sanity
Treading the grounds so promising
Sanctification is reality
To believe is to receive
Eternal salvation
Undisputed inheritance
Of a righteous kingdom
All the earth is silently
Awaiting the end times
The old self has totally dissipated
And the world still runs its course
But a change is happening
The man is now justified by the court of God
Bones now have flesh and breath has entered
Fallen man is now revived - redemption
What once was dry is alive forevermore
Regeneration is here
Life has become a stalemate
Dismember and recreate
God is reviving what was dead
From fallen to a state of grace

2. Silent, Spiritual Devourment 4:50
Starving again and searching for life
Awaken to see a being full of this light
An angel of death, a demon in disguise
This torment is at hand to follow its lies
Silent, his hate covers my soul
Killer at bay, evil behold
Demons begin to break my defense
The pressure inside is too much to reject
They make me believe that there is no hope
The future is grim
The suffering will stay
Facing this trial, bracing for aid
Filling my mind hatred and pride
Tension, anger, decisive condition
Drilling itself into my being
Helpless, I cannot resist this
Torment and anguish before me
Silent, his hate covers my soul
Killer at bay, evil behold
Failing to extract this horrible disease
The medications act but not enough to heal
Evil spirits know my weakness to the core
They both cause misery for many years to come
Starving again and searching for life
Awaken to see a demon in disguise
Killers at bay, evil behold

3. Circus Misery 1:43
Drowning, screaming, noxious feeling
This is the way it began
Get out this tent if you can
Spinning, spewing, shooting fluids
Beating my face in the ring
Animals piercing my skin
Circus misery
Very angry clowns are killing
This is how long it will last
I must escape this one fast
Showmen present, I must dissent
Everyone wants me to die
I can leave here if I try
Shall I return?
Never again, no!
Circus misery
Circus misery

4. Man's Diabolical Path 3:01
It was from the beginning and is so prevalent
Man is falling like beast headed hellward
To know the secret decree of God is to peer inside His holy throne and mind
The judgement will be unbearable and hard for most of humankind, salvation denied
Deceivers, God haters, idolaters, perversion, their practice, insanity
Pathway for the fallen creature
Cry out to God while you can and he will grant you life
God is not obliged to bear with you one second
Cast yourself on his mercy and maybe he will listen
Man does not deserve a second chance
Christ is a perfect Saviour but he did not intend to die for those who reject him
Atoning for the lost ones who will respond to faith
No true human freedom but two realms operating
Deceivers, God haters, idolaters, perversion, their practice, insanity
Pathway for the fallen creature
No time objection
Make no decision
Fight with your nature
Fail, pray, delivered

5. Sordid Existence 3:56
Primal reactions to adversity
Instantly nerve endings create this state
Mentally and physically decimated
Suffering, the agony, too much to take
Warped reminders of the past and the future
Cause anxiety beyond what I've ever felt
I did not summon this beast
It came for me
Is it due to sinfulness, or iniquity?
Is this trial for discipline, where have I failed?
Arduous existence, excessive pain
From one pit to the other, I am sinking
Horrified relatives watching this mess
Barbarous depression, dying slowly
Emptiness covers me, why should I survive?
Sordid hours of the night, enduring away
Vision, dreary and opaque, a symptom of fate
Cower in fear of death, strengthened again
Vital parts of my own being - disappearing
Convoluted entity - conscience searing
Boiling with anger then filled with grief
Sorrow unparalleled until the end
Grave misconceptions about my ways
Justice has failed me to my dismay
Sordid hours of the night, enduring away
Vision, dreary and opaque, a symptom of fate
Cower in fear of death, strengthened again
Here I stand with scars unending
Melting through this sewer grating
This sordid existence fading
God in Heaven don't forsake me

6. Cast Them Down 4:36
Images painful to the eyes, they appear as mankind dies
Murder and ominous signs accompanied by crimes
Instant justice carried out in a land oppressed by drought
And spiritual deadness draws a list of names
Finally a sense of fear envelopes those far and near
It's the end of an age of excess times and years
Humankind believes its fate to be well and full of bliss
I reject the notions of this blind destiny
Cast them down into eternity, into oblivion, into the pit
Incinerate, cannot escape
Infinity, no hope that this will end
I tell you now that this is real
Yet you ignore how you will really feel
There are tales outright lies that evolve from social sites
From the hearts of simple men, they make no sense
But of Hell do not resist even though the concept hurts
Set apart in history, not mystery
Cast them down into eternity, into oblivion, into the pit

7. Terror Infamy 3:51
Terror forced into submission
Evil these manifestations
Never heard until these ages
Slayers masters of mutilation
Leaders looking for a paycheck
Conscience being nonexistent
Innards full of seething hatred
Horror unleashed upon the land
Tearing of the infrastructure
Foolish spiritual abusers
In the latter days men will arise only to deceive human life
False teachers spew false preaching, doctrine of demons from the pit of Hell
Terror, terror, terror, infamy
Terror, terror, terror, infamy
Lying and manipulation
Streaming on your television
Poison running through the airwaves
Satan owns and runs the pulpit
Millions used for wasteful purpose
Scripture is twisted and defaced
One day they will stand before God and be cast into fire
Ashamed of the cross, ashamed of Christ, men will arise, they shall breed
Terror, terror, terror, infamy
Terror, terror, terror, infamy

8. Mercadería En El Templo De Dios 4:01
Desde las tierras de las riquezas es importada una gran herejia
El evangelio de Dios es remplazado por el amor al dinero y la idolatria
Mercaderos en el templo, salgan, no regresen mas
Mercaderos en el templo, su doctrina los condena
Se compran autos, aviones, y malditas mansiones
Predican que la fe es un metodo para ganacia
Dicen ser grandes profetas y apostoles
Mercaderos en el templo, salgan, no regresen mas
Mercaderos en el templo, su doctrina los condena
Libros de auto-ayuda son inutiles si no estan basados en la Biblia
Y esto no lo hacen con frecuencia ya que es la filosofia del mundo y no la cruz de Cristo
Los programas que hay en las iglesias se enfocan en el humanismo y no en el plan de Dios
Benny Hinn anda como un endemoniado usando poderes de la mente para pedirle el dinero a la gente mientras los tumba como muertos
Partida de endemoniados
Salgan, no regresen mas
Viene los tiempos posterors y el infierno
El mundo destesta el evangelio
Lo trata como una porqueria pero es la palabra que salva
Debemos evitar visions falsas, conferencias de lideres absurdas, y pastores que se hacen invencibles con agendas malditas
Mercaderos en el templo, salgan, no regresen mas
Mercaderos en el templo, su doctrina los condena

9. The Day Of Trouble Is Near 2:06
Reaching outward angry hands of sovereignty
Warnings, divine threats, have not been heard, or understood
Their wealth, their plunder shall be a thing of yesterday
Trouble unparalleled is near to us, even them who feast away without a care
Cast upon a faithless earth
Scorching of the vineyard
Misery approaches man
Instant reprisal is to be felt in all the land
Its timing, mysterious
It shall arrive so suddenly
It shall destroy the structure
We told you sin would kill
Your ears too stopped to hear and eyes too shut to see
Blind to the distant times
Days heading downward
Tales, scriptures give us light
Run, you will not escape
We told you sin would kill
Your ears too stopped to hear and eyes too shut to see
All that was hidden shall be displayed for us to see
The sins of mankind will be revealed and punished

10. ...For Thine Is The Kingdom 5:50
Hallowed is the Lord of hosts, the only One of all
Alpha, Omega, Thy will be done
Barren lands will come to be, from the depths above the seas
Through the core resound the words "life is here to stay"
Holy is the One that is and always was, will be
Alpha, Omega, Thy reign is here
Power holds the kingdom throne
Glory rests beyond those doors
Emptiness is not to be found in all the earth
Changing times do not detain, do not frustrate His will
It began in eternity past and will not end
Now return again to save
Flowing forth to forevermore, to never end
Mercy holds the heaven's throne and light exists below the shores
Emptiness is not to be seen in all the universe

11. The Eulogy Of Humanity 4:39
12. Chaos Of Separation 2:15
13. Cremation Of The Reprobate 3:07
14. Severed At The Soul 2:51
15. Unregenerate Malice 3:20
16. Graying The Absolute 3:52
17. Enter The Floodlands 2:00

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