Tuesday, April 13, 2021



BAND NAME: Symphony Of Heaven
GENRE: Melodic Unblack/Death Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Owensville, Indiana

Logan Thompson - Vocals, Guitars
Turadh - Bass
Mason Beard - Drums

Past Members:
Nagrash Sargoth - Guitars
Eero Tertsunen - Guitars
David Napier - Guitars, Bass
Aaron Kirby - Bass



Anno Domini (single, 2017, Independent) (Digital)

1. Anno Domini 3:39
I find myself before the storm
In awe of the awesome majesty
What words can I say, what can man do
Naked we were born, naked we will die
Therefore men fear God, and humble themselves before Him

Naked we were born, naked we will die
The thundering, His voice on high
His power seen, for all time

Naked we were born, naked we will die
The thundering, His voice on high
His power seen, for all time

Stratagem (single, 2017, Independent) (Digital)

1. Stratagem 4:37
As smoke fills my lungs, the sky fills my eyes
As stars shine blazing, and the moon in its rise
The wind through the trees, in my mind echoes memories
A Hand unseen, still veiled to me

A divine design, stretching across the ages of time
An eternal plan, my life in His hands

...Of Scars And Soil... (EP, May 30, 2017, Independent) (Digital)

1. Anno Domini 3:39
I find myself before the storm
In awe of the awesome majesty
What words can I say, what can man do
Naked we were born, naked we will die
Therefore men fear God, and humble themselves before Him

Naked we were born, naked we will die
The thundering, His voice on high
His power seen, for all time

Naked we were born, naked we will die
The thundering, His voice on high
His power seen, for all time

2. Stratagem 4:37
As smoke fills my lungs, the sky fills my eyes
As stars shine blazing, and the moon in its rise
The wind through the trees, in my mind echoes memories
A Hand unseen, still veiled to me

A divine design, stretching across the ages of time
An eternal plan, my life in His hands

3. ...Of Scars And Soil... 6:42
Of scars and soil
Of pain and toil
I shall see with my eyes
My material demise
My life has become a tragedy

Many thing I have seen under the sun
All is vanity, a chasing after wind
A chasing after nothing
There is a time for all things under Heaven
A time for birth and for death
A time to speak and to be still
I scrape myself with the dried earth
The shards of clay from my broken dreams
My skin festers with boils
As I sit in silence
I rip open my clothes and uncover my heart
See what's down inside

Of scars and soil we are made
And in our suffering we claim
An innocence alien to all of man
And what have we to boast?
We are tragic at most
An object of wrath yet His mercy remains

Of scars and soil we are made
The fire will cleanse all our pain
Of scars and soil we are made
Of pain and toil is our claim

Then Job opened his mouth and he cursed the day of his birth

Why should not the day perish on which I was born, and the night which said, "A boy is conceived"?  May that day be in darkness.  Do not let the light shine upon it.  Let the darkness and the black gloom claim it.  Let a cloud settle on it.  Let the blackness of the day terrify it.  As for that night, let the blackness seize it.  Let it not rejoice among the days of the year.  Let it not come into the months.  Behold!  Let that night be barren.  Let no joyful shout enter it.  Let those who curse, curse it!

The Season Of Death (album, November 24, 2017, Nosral Recordings) (CD-R, Digital)

1. Stratagem 4:22
As smoke fills my lungs, the sky fills my eyes
As stars shine blazing, and the moon in its rise
The wind through the trees, in my mind echoes memories
A Hand unseen, still veiled to me

A divine design, stretching across the ages of time
An eternal plan, my life in His hands

2. War In The Wind 8:07
Coming across the open field, the war in the wind comes
Laying waste all who oppose, nothing can be done
Take shelter and hide from the mighty wind
He will find you

Can you feel the fear?
Your heart is racing, head is pounding
I can see, and in awe worship the One
But you can hear it, and know that God is a righteous judge
So let the terror shake your soul
So let the terror shake your soul
Heed and live!
Let not your life be wasted
Christ the Word will let you live forever!
Come to Him and save yourself
For the war in the wind it cleanses creation

Lightning cracks across the sky
The power of God displayed on high
Hail comes down and shakes the ground
The fire it burns the idols down
War has come against the earth
The chaff destroyed burning the worst
The chariots come, Thy will be done
So let your words be few

3. Anno Domini 3:44
I find myself before the storm
In awe of the awesome majesty
What words can I say, what can man do
Naked we were born, naked we will die
Therefore men fear God, and humble themselves before Him

Naked we were born, naked we will die
The thundering, His voice on high
His power seen, for all time

Naked we were born, naked we will die
The thundering, His voice on high
His power seen, for all time

4. In Anger's Midst 5:03
In anger's midst I feel myself, fall into the trap again, too many times have I been here
If I don't run it will be my ruin
Life seems so empty, so full of failure
God take this from me, and bury it in the heart of the earth, give me a heart of flesh, renew my mind
Do not let me be taken by this temptation
Keep my eyes on your word
Place it in my heart, plant it deep inside my soul
Engulf my mind with Your Spirit, with Your Spirit

In anger's midst will be my downfall
It will sink its teeth into me if I don't resist
The blessings of God are greater than my self-inflicted will, Lord Jesus make me strong
Your power has been given to us since the day of our salvation
The flesh was crucified, I've already been buried
And I walk now with a new spirit

5. The Meditation Of My Heart 3:49
6. Of Scars And Soil 6:41
Of scars and soil
Of pain and toil
I shall see with my eyes
My material demise
My life has become a tragedy

Many thing I have seen under the sun
All is vanity, a chasing after wind
A chasing after nothing
There is a time for all things under Heaven
A time for birth and for death
A time to speak and to be still
I scrape myself with the dried earth
The shards of clay from my broken dreams
My skin festers with boils
As I sit in silence
I rip open my clothes and uncover my heart
See what's down inside

Of scars and soil we are made
And in our suffering we claim
An innocence alien to all of man
And what have we to boast?
We are tragic at most
An object of wrath yet His mercy remains

Of scars and soil we are made
The fire will cleanse all our pain
Of scars and soil we are made
Of pain and toil is our claim

(Then Job opened his mouth and he cursed the day of his birth)

Why should not the day perish on which I was born, and the night which said a boy is conceived
May that day be in darkness, do not let the light shine upon it
Let the darkness and the black gloom claim it
Let a cloud settle on it
Let the blackness of the day terrify it, as for that night, let the blackness seize it
Let it not rejoice among the days of the year
Let it not come into the months
Behold! Let that night be barren
Let no joyful shout enter it
Let those who curse, curse it

7. Come And Rest 6:54
Come and rest and find the beauty in this suffering
That even if He slays me, still I'll trust Him
He sees all my pain, my sorrow, the scars and the dirt on my hands
He saw it all and called it blessed
Surely its for my good, this anguish that I feel in my soul
Cut off the meaningless, replace with the fulfilling
Like a storm cleansing the ground, strip away all that should not be
All is not lost, the plan is building
Come and rest my child, come and find peace
A cleansing fire clears your path
My piercing sorrow is ever before You
Like watching your own child in pain
I know You long to bring me joy and blessing
Lord I'm broken, build me up
Too much darkness has my world known
There's no heart left to be ripped out
Feeling as though I'm empty
I've failed because fear overtook me
Lord, forgive me

How long, O Lord my agony suffocates my heart
Reach down and put me in your wings
Sweep all away that poisons me
Bury it in a grave
Bury it in a grave
Never once did I foresee the coming pain and agony
My heart is cut, does my blood run cold
Will I fall beyond repair, like old tales told
Sweep all away that poisons me
Bury it in a grave!

8. Time Transcending 8:07
He who cuts a path for the storm
To bring upon the day of war
Is the same who brings the rain
To nourish the desolate plain
From whose womb has come the ice
And the frost of Heaven?
Who freezes the deep, imprisoning its surface?
Who among you can call forth the dead?
Who can make the nations rise and fall?
Who can humble the great king, making him mad?
Who can declare the end from the beginning
And above us all is time transcending?
Time, time transcend
Time, time transcend
The time it melts away, the fabric of space is torn, transcending the ages, we await His coming
He who rides the ancient skies, is He who hears our piercing cries
Shaking the earth's foundation, saving from condemnation
Sending fire to rain upon the wicked
Melting the heavens, elements to ashes
Who among you can call out the dead?
Who can make the sun and stars go out?
Who can exalt the lowly, crowning them with glory?
Time, time transcend
Time, time transcend
The time it melts away, the fabric of space is torn, transcending the ages, we await His coming

Time, time transcend
Time, time transcend

Invert The Inverted Cross (single, May 4, 2018, Nosral Recordings) (Digital)

1. Invert The Inverted Cross (Horde cover) 3:27
The cross of Christ
Turned upside down
Symbol of His supposed defeat
Those in darkness
Rejoice in this
But the truth is revealed to the chosen

Christ stormed the gates of hell
To take the keys thereof
Now the keys of death and Hades
Belong to the Eternal One

Hell awaits the demonic forces
Who seek to pervert the cross
Flaming hellfire destruction
Is their final dwelling place

What remains to be said?

Invert the inverted cross
The inversion is but a lie
Upright it should stand
No longer an inversion
But a symbol of supreme victory

Drink From The Chalice Of Blood (collaboration, December 3, 2018, Nosral Recordings) (Digital)

A collaboration between Ascending King and Symphony Of Heaven.

1. Drink From The Chalice Of Blood (Horde cover) 4:10
Veins emptied of precious blood
Arteries dried of life's source
Centuries before at skull
Time of remembrance is at hand
Consume the blood of Jesus
Drink and remember the death
Of the holy majesty

Whosoever believeth come and drink
With fear and reverence do

Come brethren
Consume the blood

Cast the mind back to that day
When thunder shook the earth
And the veil was rent

Come brother, partake
In the sacred remembrance

Body Of Christ (split)

March 19, 2019, Independent (Digital)
July 4, 2019, Independent (CD)

Symphony Of Heaven released only their tracks independently as a separate release on March 21, 2019.
Track 7 is a collaboration track by all three featured artists.  It was originally exclusive to the CD release but was eventually added to the digital release as well.

3. Symphony Of Heaven - Death To Denomination 6:29
Oh brother listen well
Take heed of my words
And hearken this warning
Before dark and dim mourning

If you bite and devour one another
Watch out so you're not consumed by your lust
Detaching head from body
Staggering in dust

This hatred, murderous self-infliction
Villainous, assassins of our nation
Limb ripped from limb, disrelation
I pray for death of denomination

Separate from strife
Let the bond bind us together
Like a solid wall of faith
The mud upon our eyes, be washed away by grace

This hatred, murderous self-infliction
Villainous, assassins of our nation
Limb ripped from limb, disrelation
I pray for death of denomination

Have we forgotten our master
Who bought us with blood
And put to death our dissidence
And birthed us from this mud

Death, death, death to denomination
Death, death, death to denomination

Or in terror, face the judge

This hatred, murderous self-infliction
Villainous, assassins of our nation
Limb ripped from limb, disrelation
I pray for death of denomination

4. Symphony Of Heaven - For Glory 5:46
Beheaded, stripped and abandoned
Hung from the gallows above
Impaled and set to the flame
These souls on procession

Die with me, and let us die together

Exiled in an ocean prison
Drowned in a watery grave
In this destruction lies our glory
The end of our flesh

With our brothers slain
Beneath the altar we wait

For glory
For glory
For glory
For glory

With our brothers slain!

With terrible awe, our souls rejoice
Salvation awaits
Faithful of God lift up your heads
Salvation draws nigh
Lift up your heads to Heaven
See our salvation comes
The Rider on the white horse has ransomed us

For glory
For glory
For glory
For glory

7. TIMŌRĀTUS / Symphony Of Heaven / Bismoth - We Are The Body Of Christ 4:26
Stand strong my brothers
Stand strong my sisters
All in the mighty fortress
The Lord is our refuge and strength
His mighty hand binds us together
Put on the armor of God
Mighty soldiers stand your ground
Make the enemy tremble with your battle cry
Hear our prayers oh Lord
Lead us from darkness
Our hearts are set ablaze with Your love
Your peace reigns to all nations
When one weeps
We comfort
When one hurts
We love
When one falls
We offer our hand
Raised up in oneness
We are the same
We are the Body of Christ
Body of Christ
Like water in the seas
We are united
Let us purify one another
Be not ashamed
Walk in the light
Cling to the Lord
Join with the Father
Unite with heavenly hosts
We are baptized into Your flesh
And resurrection in Your death
We stand as Christ's cornerstones
We are the adopted
We are the redeemed
We are the adopted
We are the redeemed
We are the Body of Christ

You Shall Be As Gods (single, December 31, 2019, Rottweiler Records) (Digital)

1. You Shall Be As Gods 4:34
You shall be as gods,
Is not this lie ancient?
Empty power consuming soul and flesh.
The serpent's tongue, deceiving light.
Masquerade as power and strength!
To kill the foolish, and devour the flesh.
Rule over all!
For death is now your master,
You have tasted now your own decaying flesh,
Disruption of our cosmic place.
Deceived by worthless scales,
Still you are blind to its false power!
As the gods of the nations fell,
So shall you,
You shall be as gods!

Who has fashioned a god or cast an idol to no profit?
Behold, all his companions will be put to shame,
For the craftsmen themselves are mere men.
Let them all assemble themselves,
Let them stand up,
Let them tremble,
Let them together be put to shame.

Burning in the hands of my own altar.
Harvesting agony,
In our quest for self-divinity.
Cast out from the light.
Blind we walk,
Powerless we are!

Is there relief from my torment?
Is there Balm in Gilead?
Let the sun rise on our souls,
No more idols, but streets of gold!

The Ascension Of Extinction (EP, September 4, 2020, Rottweiler Records) (CD, Digital)

1. You Shall Be As Gods 4:34
You shall be as gods,
Is not this lie ancient?
Empty power consuming soul and flesh.
The serpent's tongue, deceiving light.
Masquerade as power and strength!
To kill the foolish, and devour the flesh.
Rule over all!
For death is now your master,
You have tasted now your own decaying flesh,
Disruption of our cosmic place.
Deceived by worthless scales,
Still you are blind to its false power!
As the gods of the nations fell,
So shall you,
You shall be as gods!

Who has fashioned a god or cast an idol to no profit?
Behold, all his companions will be put to shame,
For the craftsmen themselves are mere men.
Let them all assemble themselves,
Let them stand up,
Let them tremble,
Let them together be put to shame.

Burning in the hands of my own altar.
Harvesting agony,
In our quest for self-divinity.
Cast out from the light.
Blind we walk,
Powerless we are!

Is there relief from my torment?
Is there Balm in Gilead?
Let the sun rise on our souls,
No more idols, but streets of gold!

2. The Ascension Of Extinction 4:22
"No man can hear you scream in the sewers
Deep within the bowels of mammon
No man can hear you over the roar of bloated egos and shrunken souls
The thunder from the highway to hell
The Autostrada of information, manipulation and propaganda
1984 is now!"

Forward we march, through the ascension of time
See what our hands have built is yours and mine
Free from the shackles, eradicate all who oppose
He who loves his fellow man, is the traitor who shall die by our hand
Illumination of new thought, we shall liberate man by extinction

We have become godlike
Discovered true freedom
Knowing good from evil

Cut our veins, so that we may bleed upon the altar
Burning the sacrifice of mankind

We shall set you free from want and need
Liberate you from your burden to breed
Where there is no breath, there is no greed
All hail the begotten Ubermensch
Our cities shall reek of your blood's stench
As we ascend, history we will up-end

Plant our banner, bow down to thee
O great Overman, modern messiah
Man owes all to you

Place us within your walls, so we cannot escape
Bathe us in your freedom, we long for slavery
Slaughter liberty, so we may be free
Cast out freedom by your decree

"He is the howling of an empty waste
He is the spirit of the wicked age
He is the legion in a herd of swine
Running blindly off the cliff of time

Nemesis of me and mine!

We come with freedom from slavery
We come with answers for his lies
We throw our pearls before the wicked swine
And raise the banner that they despise

The enemy of me and mine!

They are the enemies of Thee and Thine!

The ascension of extinction marches onward!

3. DeathMarch 4:44
Behold the culmination
Dead faces of stone
Carved into history's failures
Witness the coronation
Man's own dead nature takes his throne
Total allegiance
To lawlessness
Must be enforced
Under the great deception

March to your death

Slain by divine breath
This beast of soil
Even him whose coming is after the work of Satan
In all power, and signs, and lying wonders

Fallen! Fallen! Is Babylon the great!
Molech, Nimrod, Marx and gates
Fallen! Fallen! Is Babylon the great!
But left a wake of blood

"Let there be death and destruction
Let there be suffering and pain
They revel in vile fornication
Drunk by the blood of the slain"

Survey upon the mountain of God
The dragon and his deception
Cast down forevermore
The fires burn in their reception
No more to deceive the Earth
Fastened in the chains of death's birth


Death! But not for us!
This grave they have dug for themselves!

4. Mountain Of Man's Ignorance 3:56
Scale the mountain of humanity's ignorance
For surely your wisdom surpasses all
Reward yourself with reason's enlightenment
For the masses drink of the bitter gall

By faith your destroy faith with blackened words
By reason you consume all who come before
Cut your flesh unveiling the mysteries
Come receive your reward

Crest the peak and be dismayed
By your faith you've been betrayed
There before your eyes sits the truth that you despise
They've been here for centuries
Ancient men your enemies
Divinity has bridged the great divide

Fall into the snare built with your own flesh
Stumble into the pit of your ignorance
The mountain has rejected your call
Now into fire and torment you fall

How did I not perceive this
Descending into a wretched state
All my life's worth as filth, now decaying
My own reality I now hate

Ascend the height and see your demise
By ignorance your thoughts are despised
The fire will proceed uncompromised
He's been here eternally
Ancient One, Divinity
And brought to light the truth you tried to hide

The earth overtakes you
The stones cover your grave
The ancient ones ascend upon your place of unrest
Come receive your reward
As death reveals who was your lord
As pain repeals your precious whore
The light fades to death

Dead Winter Fields (EP, April 16, 2021, Rottweiler Records) (Digital)

1. Dead Winter Fields 7:08
2. Light Upon The Pillars 5:35

Entropy (EP, July 2, 2021, Rottweiler Records) (Digital)

1. Entropy 5:10
2. SoulRetch 7:52

The Arch Of Time (EP, September 11, 2021, Rottweiler Records) (Digital)

1. The Arch Of Time 5:37
2. The Grieving 7:26

The Song Of September (single, September 23, 2021, Rottweiler Records) (Digital)

1. The Song Of September 6:21

Maniacal Entropik Discordium (album, December 17, 2021, Rottweiler Records) (CD, Digital)

1. SoulRetch 7:52
2. Light Upon The Pillars 5:35
3. To Gaze Upon Destruction 6:40
4. Entropy 5:10
5. Dead Winter Fields 7:08
6. The Darkest Nights 5:50
7. The Grieving 7:26
8. The Arch Of Time 5:37
9. Verge Of Annihilation 6:07
10. Obtaining Tranquility 6:26
11. Amid The Righteous Oaks 6:43
12. Flesh And The Power It Holds (Death cover) 8:32

LIVE @ Rusted Recordings Studios Volume 1 (live EP, February 3, 2022, Independent) (Digital)

1. You Shall Be As Gods 4:37
2. Mountain Of Man's Ignorance 4:24
3. The Arch Of Time 5:34

LIVE @ Rusted Recordings Studios Volume II (live EP, March 23, 2023, Independent) (Digital)

1. Soulretch 5:37
2. Verge Of Annihilation 6:02
3. DeathMarch 4:26

In Anger's Midst (single, September 1, 2023, Independent) (Digital)

A re-recording of a song of the same name.

1. In Anger's Midst 4:08

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