Sunday, May 2, 2021



BAND NAME: Hazarmaveth
GENRE: Raw Unblack Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Attleboro, Massachusetts

Max Cobleigh - Everything



End Of All Days (album)

June 7, 2018, Independent (Digital)
June 9, 2018, Independent (CD)

1. Introduction 1:00
2. Black Legions 3:40
From depths of darkness they come
Stealing the souls of men
Dragging them in infernal fires
Black Legions of death and hell!

A shivering cry in the woods
In midst of the blackened night
When the pale moon shines her light
And beasts of blasphemy arise

Black Legions of the night
Coming with deadly might
Stealing the world's light
Here they come tonight!

Black Legions of the night
Waging war tonight
Upon the human soul
Cry for salvation now

Before it is too late
They will devour your soul
No mercy they have for you
As the hour of death arrives!

Have mercy O Lord
Show thee sympathy My Lord
As Black Legions dare to take my soul
I know where I will stand with you!

3. Second Death 3:05
Falling inside the crypt
Eternal darkness awaits
Six feet underground
You become the appetite of worms

Gnawing on your flesh
Drinking away at your blood
As if there was any left
When the body rots away

Bathe inside the seas
The oceans of burning sulfur
Become the Justice of God
May He have mercy on your wicked soul

Burning forever in fire
Tarnished into ash and rot
Forever forgotten in time
Wandering the great astral plain

Spiritual cleansing by flames
Abolishing the wickedness of men
Life choices led to terrible demises
And now you're in the second death

1000 years of torment
Nothing to lose in death
The cries of the damned shriek loudly
Screaming for the Savior to come

As if they wanted him when they were alive
As if they cared...

4. Light Of Darkness 5:16
Behold! The Light of Darkness

The very emptiness that engulfs all things
And is not found in anything
That which is always and evermore
Continual even in death
Eternal in life
Everlasting in the grave
The darkness which is all things and nothing
The emptiness, the all, within, and beyond

The light which is no light
The absence of all things
But that which is all around us
That which we are still searching
Trying to find that light
In that perpetual and eternal darkness
Where lamentations sound forth
Seeking forth the wisdom of the ancient ones

But lo!
The people living in darkness have seen a great light
On those living in the land of the shadow of death
A light has dawned!

Light of darkness
Shines on dead souls
That seek forth light
In deepest darkness

Rites of darkness
Negative philosophies
Witches Sabbaths
Satanic circles

Infernal preaching
Pagan rituals
Ancient blood cults
Death god worship

All in darkness
A light shines on you
Salvation is still there now
Yeshua yearns for you!

5. Chasms Of The Dead 3:39
Within the darkest night
The ground opens wide
A coffin awaits for you
Its door opens wide

Reflections of the past
Stir with insanity in the mind
Winds of death embrace thee
Nowhere can you escape

Screams of despair
Cries of horror
Crypts of darkness
Desire your soul

Hellish flames all gather
Such hope seems all to be lost
Life becomes full of regrets
Living just to be a grave

Buried in darkness down so low
As above so below
Nothing but fear is of your soul
Now here comes death what life was lived for

Gruesome fates
Miserable lives
Wasted in fire
Ruined in flames

Savior abandoned
Life lived in vanity
Ruined potentials
For what is it all worth

Chasms of the dead
Chasms of the dead
Chasms of the dead
Chasms of the dead

6. The Evil Queen 3:12
Evil incarnate
With eyes of perpetual beauty
Her spirit lifted in fire
Burning unholy desire

Ancient mistress
Queen of the dark
Wolves cry out to her name
In midst of winter's night

Upon a beast of blasphemy
She rides as a noble stead
With seven heads and ten horns
And a diadem on each one

Whore of Babylon
Mother of damnation
Seeker of destruction
Princesses of Satanas

She comes to deceive the masses
They drink their fill of her wine
And submit themselves unto her flesh
Committing unspeakable deeds

But lo she has her place
She will not stand in victory
Neither shall she prevail
For the end of all days draws nearer

Upon that bloody moon's light
And when the sun adorns itself in blackness
The great and terrible Day of the Lord shall dawn
And He shall send her in the eternal fire

With her legions
Burning forever
And as she is there dying
She laughs as she is eaten by the flames

7. Unspeakable Wrath 2:36
When the earth is enclosed
In a fog of perpetual darkness
Adorned like the burial sheath
Lifted over the dead

When evil triumphs this world
And all that is good is no more
When evil becomes the good
And the good becomes the evil

When the sheep are separated from the goats
When Hashaitan takes the throne
When darkness becomes the new light
It's all over now

But behold, unspeakable wrath awaits this
The return of the king shall be imminent
The evil he shall banish in the eternal fire
Where unspeakable wrath awaits them

On that day of darkness and evil
On that day of war, death, and bloodshed
He Who Is shall descend upon Armageddon
And take back what was defiled of Him

8. The World Which Lies In Ruins 6:23
The world that of which lies in ruins
Has doomed itself from the hearts of man
Humanity live in inhumanity
The world dwells in utter destruction

The world propagates selfishness and immorality
The world foretells of its immorality
But even an end shall come to this age
For no empire of darkness shall stand forever

All nations of earth shall fall apart
All of the world shall one day vanish
All of the righteous shall be unrighteous
All of the earth shall be trapped in darkness

The pitch black darkness that shall envelope the earth
Leading all of humanity to die full of sin
For they have all betrayed the Lord in the beginning
And dust to dust they shall be with their world they dishonor!

There's no point to life
There is only death
This world propagates
The gates of hell to rise
The world lives in madness
The people are enslaved to sadness
The earth is in ruins
And we are the ones to blame!

This world is in ruins
And I am the one to blame
My sin led this world
To fall in shame
But in the darkness
I shall humble myself
To Christ the Lord
For he's the hope when there's none!

9. Throes Of Death 1:55
10. End Of All Days 1:50
Day of Armageddon is here
Dawn of fire and blood
Weapons of war are raised
To bleeding skies up high

Evil now rules the world
Hate and anger is all
That mankind can express
Killing everything in sight

Ancient prophecies fulfilled
Darkness lies all around
Corpses pile to the heavens
Mountains of death arise

The end of all days is here
The end of the world is near
The beast has conquered the world
Ruling in satanic tyranny

And we are the ones to blame
As the beast takes command of the earth

Order And Chaos (album)

August 27, 2018, Independent (Digital)
September 25, 2018, Christian Metal Underground Records (Digital)
October 10, 2018, Christian Metal Underground Records, Limited Edition (CD)

1. Invocation Of The Ancient God In The Dwelling Of Death 1:24
Ah Bwoon D'bwashmaya
Naeta Kadasha Schmach
Tay Tay Malkootha
Ne-whey T'savee-yanak Eyekana
D'bwashmaya opf-baraha
How-lahn Lachma Soonkahnan Yow-manna
Wash wo-klan how-bane
Eye-kana dapth hahnan
Shwa-kan el-high-ya-bane
Oo-la tay lahn el-nees yo-nah
Ella pan-sahn min beesha
Metahl dih-lah-kee mal-kootha
Oo high-la oo-teesh-bohk-ta
La Alahm

2. Order And Chaos 4:57
Life, death, darkness, light
Love, hate, order, and chaos
Structure, disharmony, holiness, blasphemy
Injustice, prosperity, order, and chaos
Putridity, beauty, nature, destruction
Discord, balance, order, and chaos
Night, day, innocence, impiety
Righteous, wickedness, order, and chaos

Behold! The light and the darkness once being a single body
Suddenly split apart from the order of Elohim
Cast out is the darkness from the light by the logos
Of which such blackness cannot surpass by any spirit

Life, death, darkness, light
Love, hate, order, and chaos
Structure, disharmony, holiness, blasphemy
Injustice, prosperity, order, and chaos
Putridity, beauty, nature, destruction
Discord, balance, order, and chaos
Night, day, innocence, impiety
Righteous, wickedness, order, and chaos

Abysmal Leviathan split apart by He named Gods
Ripped to shreds discombobulated becomes of all time
Through the transgression of Adamu becomes the order of the earth
The Epitome of humanity left for dead to find balance in a God-forsaken world

But lo, I hath become the equilibrium of all things
The light and the darkness coexist within my soul
And I become a product of the order and chaos of the universe
Consecrated in flesh and blood as a begotten soul of the earth

Lo, all that which good and evil lies within my heart
The ability to destroy and create, love and hate
Thus I hath become the creator and destroyer of my own world
For I possess the heart of man and cursed is all the ground before me

Ancient covenant written in holy blood of that which I have utterly defiled
Heal me from my wounds that which I inflict upon my own self
Cut me open from the evilness within my flesh and blood
As how a serpent sheds its skin let me become a new body, soul, and spirit

Lord of light, lord of darkness; tonight I invoke your names
Let me become the balance of the universe which runs under my corrupted heart
The inevitable depravity of my own soul desires me to transcend the will of the beyond
And become one with what I hath either believed or never believed in from the start

Life, death, darkness, light
Love, hate, order, and chaos
Structure, disharmony, holiness, blasphemy
Injustice, prosperity, order, and chaos
Putridity, beauty, nature, destruction
Discord, balance, order, and chaos
Night, day, innocence, impiety
Righteous, wickedness, order, and chaos

3. Where Light Is Never Known 5:07
Behold! Where light is never known
Where darkness is the face of all things
And nothing seems to exist
For all is without any image

Intro cryptic void
Of perpetual emptiness
Eternal darkness devours thee
And where the blackness goes it reaches no end

Infinite cycles
Of deathlike silence
A silence known only to those in Hades
Where none can ever hear you scream in fire

Vast lands of death
Hordes of darkness
Souls of depravity
Fading within the abyss

In that ethereal space of the cosmos
Where heaven and hell seem to be the same
That great astral plain of eternal loneliness
Where the poltergeists eternally wander in doom

Eternal is this path
The infernal netherworld crypt
Where all souls shall go
Until the light takes them

But lo that light was rejected
That path was abandoned
With all hope lost in this world
Nothing but death being desired

Behold! Where light is never known
In the pit of Sheol where darkness is only seen
Where the fate of all men shall dine within the great thaumiel
And where the light will never reach you

4. Rites Of Thanatos 3:34
Rites of Thanatos
Endless darkness
Your cold dead hand
None can defy thee

Rites of Thanatos
The way of all flesh
Everlasting darkness
All shall see
When their time comes
And the grave opens wide
None can endure thee
None can elude thee
All shall face you
All shall meet you
When the time comes
To die

Raging with insanity stirred clear in the mind
Unfathomable blackness shall embrace your soul
Cries of the damned shall shriek everlasting
None can endure thee the curse of death

Blasphemous chanting seems to call my name
Fires of hell enrapture my soul
Memories of my sins become milestones to my heart
Of the salvation I had abandoned so long ago

The body breaks down
To ashes and dust
Inevitable mortality
The necrosis begins

Rites of Thanatos
Laws of death
These are the wages
The wages of sin

Inescapable law of nature
Enslaving man who is doomed to die
Because he had defiled the order of Elohim
Now let his Son die in my place to break this curse

5. The Dawn Of Total War 4:40
Death comes unto us all
Where there is blood there is mortality
Where there is land there is a thief
Where there is justice there is violence

Proclaimed Promised Land
Fought for a righteous cause
But even for justice there comes death
And the mass slaughtering of victims

In the fields of blood
Where the valley of death is walked
Fallen blades and broken shields
Remnants of lost ancient battlegrounds

In forgotten past
Buried beneath the sands of time
Bodies torn to shreds
Let the ancient wind carry they away

Now deadly contrabands arise
Killing in the name of God
Claiming justice comes with a sword to the throat
To those that proclaim the Lord's glory

Nothing but death surrounds this world
As the great Abaddon arises from the ashes
Mutilating all those in its path
Who can endure the dawn of total war?

In days of blood fire and death
The words of ancient prophets forebodingly arise
Through the unending madness of men
They procreate the final days of the earth

6. Cries Of A Lost Soul 4:17
When nothing seems real anymore
Hope becomes a begotten illusion
The cross becomes only wooden
And the church is full of hypocrisy

When madness embraces the heart
And turns it from red to black
The depression of life hits hard
And isolation invites you into sin

The commencement of the desire to know more
Knows no limits of its own
Man will do anything to find pleasure in life
Even if it means falling for the enemy

Ungodly philosophies, occult mysteries
Satanic wisdom, searched for in life
Desire to know more, desire for the fire
Awaiting to burn, because this life was not worth living

Hear the cries
The endless cries of the lost
Look at how miserable they are
Waiting to die, but wanting to live again
Regretting this life
Desiring a second chance
But it is too late
None can escape death's embrace

O Lord above
How you relieved me of death
How your Son died in my place
To free a Satan slave as I
Your mercy is all around me
Even in the days when I hated you
Because you love those even in their darkest
For you poured your blood on the cross to restore their souls

7. In The Realms Of Eternal Darkness 9:00
In the blackest realms, where light is without existence
From there, there is a fog, a mist of forgotten souls
Screaming endlessly, but none can ever hear them
The darkness is without end, and their gates exclude no one
This is where we go, when we all die

Chasms of Sheol, open wide for humanity
Your life belongs here, your eternity also
Your deeds so righteous, are like pillars of menstrual rags here
May generations here and after you, love you like you wished to be
When you were once alive, before Mot enraptured thee

O death
Your sting so real
Thou art enraptured me
To gates of afterlife
Where I know not my rest
My wounds are forgotten
Memories left astray
Sleeping inside my grave

Sleeping inside my grave
Resting the eternal rest
That lays fear into every soul
The sleep of eternal death

This is where life is eternal
This is where death is everlasting
Shall I burn in the empyrean fires of heaven
Or the fires of damnation in hell

In the end are we not all burning
In the midst of our restless suffering
Awaiting to die in this cruel world
Abandoned and yearning for lost hope

Might I find rest
Might I find life
Might I be exceedingly wise
Might I have life of long days

8. Rise Of The Grand Triumphantor 5:15
I come bearing a Sword
That which holds the fate of the world
I Am the Living Word of God
That Great logos I Am
Eternal Lord Most High
Son of the Living God
Seven eyes and seven horns
He who is worthy to open the seals

Lo, I Am he, the Triumphantor of sin
Nothing shall stand before me, and nothing shall stand against thee
Impenetrable darkness shall not overcome me
For I Am the Lord and there is no other

Behold, I Am he, Eternal conqueror
I Am thou, Everlasting Lord
I Am he, the Warrior of Light
Thou art I, the Grand Triumphantor
Ancient of Days I Am he
Lord of armies I Am
The Ancient One sacrificed
The Book of Wisdom itself

Lord of Light and Darkness
Abominator of Evil
Destroyer of Death
Great Lord of All
He shall raise the dead

Rise! Of the Grand Triumphantor!
Rise! Of the Grand Triumphantor!

Great Beast of Armageddon
You stand no chance against me
My power surpasses yours
Let my sword split you open
Let your corpse be mangled whole
Let me wash your blood with my feet
My Father's Kingdom shall dominate thee
To the infernal gates you go!

Ain Soph Ohr (album)

December 10, 2018, Independent (Digital)
January 11, 2019, Christian Metal Underground Records (CD, Digital)

1. The Ancient Dwelling Ov Death 7:30

This is where I dwell
This is where I make my bed
In depths ov Sheol
In everlasting darkness

Because I loved not this life
And hated this world
With bleeding passion
Waiting for the end to come

Ancient dwelling ov death
Valley and shadow ov the dead
Where I walk away from the Good Shepherd
To await for death in this cruel world

This world that never desired me
This life I never asked for
Take me where the living never live
And where the dead remain evermore

Elohim, in who had abandoned me
Take me away from this world
Which you've made a graveyard
Ov the descendants ov A'dam and Havvah

This ancient dwelling ov death
Shall remain as my home
Where you shall bleed your life over
To restore the essence of humanity

Courts ov death
Ancient hellhole
Eternal graveyard
Begotten Hazarmaveth

2. In The Presence Ov The Blackest Light 7:18
Upon the closing ov the eyes
When the eternal sleep commences
Awakening to that endless darkness
Where light is no more

Behold the ancient darkness, you stand before
In the presence ov the blackest light
Where all the dead shall be, when life is no more
Punishment of flesh, awaits thee now

In the cryptic woods, of depravity
Where all men go, dreaming ov death
Wondering if this life had meaning
Questioning if there is anything there

Lord ov Darkness awaits thee in hell's chasms
Tormenting the lost souls of long dead men
Searching for that light they never knew
Living life as if there's none out there

Behold, I Am He, the ancient darkness
I Am the Lord, the light unseen
Undesired Sheppard, in the dwelling ov death
Despised icon to the earth's masses

Behold, the darkness
Behold the light
Behold the everything and nothing
Ov He who is beyond reality

Celestial manifestation
Unknown unworldly entity
Uncreated immortal one
In whom I may only know in death

3. Within The Abysmal Darkness 2:19
Burning in fire, enraptured by death
Becoming the ashes and returning to dust
Here in this grave lies the end of my life
Here begins my mysterious path to the eternal
My journey into the begotten realms ov death
The Ancient Spirit calls forth my lost name
And into the valleys ov death I shall forever walk
Wondering if my soul shall be free

A shrill cry sustains my voice forever
But none can hear thee, the voices of death
I awaken to darkness to find emptiness
Reminiscing the life I wish I never had
Cold, dark, cryptic in this mansion

My spirit soaring through the cosmic astral plain
Wandering as a lost spirit searching for his corpse
To live that second life I wish I could have always had
But now it is too late and my fate is forever sealed
This darkness is eternal and it is just the beginning

I reprise the darkness within my own life
Which kept me frozen under the wings of Thanatos
The Waters of Ayin I drown in forevermore
Abandoned and forgotten by all that is of the living
In the chasms ov Sheol where I've made my home to be

Within the Abysmal Darkness called Death
The reaper's shadow had found my living soul
And has taken me down into the grand dwelling ov death
Where I shall fall evermore in seas of sulfur and nihil
Where none can exist or be conceived of anymore

But before I die to be forever forgotten
Before I dance that grand dance macabre
Before my final breath alas sounds forth
I must first learn how to live

I must uncover the Ancient Scriptures
Follow He who has risen from Sheol
Elohim have mercy on me
While I live in these woods full ov darkness and death

4. Ain Soph Ohr 5:12
Ain Soph Ohr
Limitless Light
Ancient Mystery
Sacred Primordial One
He who is
Light and Darkness
All that was
And shall ever be

Ancient former ov the cosmos who bears no form
Light of the world and light of men
Where darkness is all around you
Though none can see you or know you

Blackness ov the universe
Macrocosmic entity
Lord ov the Heavens
Lord ov the Earth

Who is though is not what we imagine
The inconceivable one
Who is everliving and unfound
Alive but knows not death

Ancient Order, who exists and does not
Found in nature and cosmic order
Interpreted as gods, God, or no god
All seek you someway shape and form

Eternal Spirit
Ruach HaQodosh
Rise from the ashes
Awaken from the mouth ov the skull

Release yourself from the grave
Call out to your people again
Who longingly desire for life's meaning
Become the definition ov that great beyond
In which we all strive for

Ain Soph Ohr
Unending Light
Light ov darkness
Bringer ov life to the dead

5. Ritual Ov The Primordial Deity 5:31
Ancient nothingness
Cosmic entity
Eternal Lord ov wisdom
Great emptiness

Endless light
Contraction ov life
Understanding ov all things
Loving kindness and mercy

Archaic darkness ov the great beyond
Secret entity who has no name
But is the name above all names
Who is called Gods or is a pantheon of gods
Or is made up of no gods at all
A being either created or is the creator of all
Ancient spirit invoked by the tongues of men
Whom gather around the fire to prophecy your glory

Ancient pagan blood cults
Within the darkened forests
Within the valley and shadow ov death
In the great city of Eridu
Where gods showered down gifts from heaven to earth
Worshippers of animals and beasts
Anthropomorphizing the living into the beyond
And calling out the name of Lord

These are the days of Enosh
The age of man begins...

In the darkness I invoke your name
Though every perception I have of you shall be false
Ancient ov Days please descend upon my life
Edify me o' Lord through the gift of your word
In all ov my blackness and in all of my evil
Come die in my place to free my tortured soul

6. Malakh Ha Maveth 10:00
O Lord above
Bringer ov death
Mighty Grim Reaper
Harbinger ov the eternally dead
Ov Whom my fate lies in
Within your impenetrable darkness
Under thou blackest Pesach
Through thee is my way to the Lord

Ancient father
Angel ov Death
Immortal Spirit
Unending eternity
Your uncanny bell tolls
My eyes enclose forever
To awaken into your blackness
And behold your everlasting will

Adonai Ha Temhot; Dodi Azrael
Malakh Ha Maveth; Melek Ha Hazarmaveth

Take me to your realms
Into your darkness
Let me become
One with your grace...

He who shall die
O' come with me
O' drown with me
Within thy ancient waters

Behold the ethereal dusk
Unleash thou blackest plagues
My beloved death angel
Destroyer and preserver
The cycle ov eternity
Great equalizer ov all
Mightiest art thou
None can elude thee

Let me join you O Lord
Let me become a dancing star
In your heavens ov eternal mysteriis
In Darkness thou shall worship thee
Ehyah Asher Ehyah

7. Ehyah Asher Ehyah 11:33
Ein Sof
Ohr Ein Sof
Ehyah Asher Ehyah

I AM the Nothingness of the universe
I AM the Limitlessness of all things
I AM the Endless Light of the world
I AM the great Contraction of all bonds

I AM the Crown, ruler of all living and deceased
I AM the divine Understanding of all wisdom and knowledge
I AM Loving Kindness and undeserved Mercy of sinner
I AM the Beauty in all of nature and the cosmos

I AM the one who is Triumphant
I AM the Majesty of life and death
I AM the Foundation and temple of heaven and earth
I AM the Realm, the ancient dwelling place of the immortals

I AM Nothing, I AM Limitless, I AM Endless Light
I AM the Contraction, I AM the Crown, I AM Understanding
I AM Loving Kindness, I AM Mercy, I AM Beauty
I AM Triumphant, I AM Majesty, I AM the Foundation, I AM the Realm!

My Kingdom knows no end, bathe within my sacred waters over the temhot
And ye shall have no other gods before me or among me!
I AM your everything, your life, your death, I cannot be denied!
I cannot be defeated!
I AM the Creator and preserver of all things, gods are but worshipped attributes of my being!
An Attempt to know the unknown, an attempt to achieve the unachievable, a misery for man
Ehyah Asher Ehyah!
Sh'ma O' Y'srael!
Adonai Elohaynu!
Adonai Echad!
Ain YHWH Elohim!

Requiem Ov The Eternal Death (album)

May 21, 2019, Independent (Digital)
July 20, 2019, Blackened Label Records (CD)

1. Requiem Ov The Eternal Death 10:25
Reqviem aeternam don eis Domine
Et lvx perpetua luceat eis
Fidelium animae, per misericordidiam Dei
Requiescant in pace, Amen

Eternal rest, grant unto them O' Lord
And let the perpetual light shine upon them
And may the souls of all the faithful departed
Through the mercy of God, rest in peace, Amen

The ancient crypt awaits, unending spell of darkness surmounts thee
Into the never-ending realms of black, the void of everlasting wonder
Becoming the light of the ancient of days, the heavenly and the beyond
Withstanding the fall of time, entering the gates of death

Fallen from grace, a star descends from the heavens
A plague it carries with it, damning the earth where it lands
Rebuilt again from the ashes and dust of the earth
Wandering the endless path of sorrow, to find lost wisdom

Behold thy sanctum, which is of my own making
Enter thy kingdom, in which I built of my own flesh
Bathe in thy blood divine, submerse thou self wholly
And enter into thy Elysian fields, evermore

O' Ancient One, in whom I love and despise
Love to despise or despise to love
Reflection of the infinite order and chaos of the universe
My beloved and my grace save me
Why hath thou forsaken me
Into the realms of death and hell
In which I made for myself amongst my own paradise
I know not anymore, I am but a throne of ash and dust

The darkness calls me
The blasphemy lingers within my tainted soul
I feel the serpentine spirit guide speak forth thy name
And unravel the enigma of human transcendence

A'dam my son, behold the ground in which you till
Your home in which brings you turmoil and madness
Consume the thorns and thickets you make of your labor
And Havvah out of your womb shall every man descend
To enter death and Sheol
And remain in darkness evermore

2. Ben 'Adam 14:36
Son of Man? Do these dry bones rise?

O' son of man, hath you not heard
Hath you not seen, with your own eyes
Hath ye not listened to thine commandments
Do ye continue to defy me again and again

Ye profane thy rituals
Ye offer thee sacrifices in which I had not asked of
I wish sometimes you would close the temple gates
And never let them open evermore

Go ahead, son of man
See if your gods raise you
And lift thee out from the grave
The crypt in which ye dug yourself in

Burn with me
Drown with me
Bleed with me
Mourn with me
And thy splendors of heavenly hosts
Whom ye choose to defile
And play the harlot to gods ye hath made for yourself
And live in eternal blasphemy

O' Son of man? Do these dry bones rise?
And indeed they shall when I pour my spirit unto them
And shall put flesh and sinews over them
And they shall stand again after death
And they shall know that my Name is the LORD

But in this time, the people shall live in a deep darkness
One in which they hath made for themselves
Go ahead frail and worthless son of man
Your deeds so righteous shall lead thee into selfishness and vanity
And your deeds so careless shall lead thee astray as a sheep following the goat
Walking forth, off the sacred mountain of thine inheritance
And in the depths of hell

Son of man, do these dry bones rise?
Do they? Shall they? Will they ever? In life or in death?
Lo, Son of Man, frail and begotten spawn of the earth
Everything is meaningless, all is vanity, you're but a time and a season before this world expires

3. From The Wisdom Ov Zarathustra 8:48
Behold the unfathomable universe and all of its chaos
And lo with what order is made of it becomes defiled by our hand
Behold the ways of the natural, and the ways of the divine
Manifest yourself into the infinity of your own mind

And lo, thy ancient prophet, of long forgotten days
Look into the fire which burns kindling in the desert Aryan lands
Behold the majesty of the stars at night, and the horizon far beyond
Proclaim to the highest what on earth you see with your very eyes

Lo, my son, one must embrace chaos to become a dancing star
And achieve human excellence and virtue beyond reckoning
Take thy hand for I am wisdom and I am about to crush all your enemies before you
Who claim that a world built on nihilism shall succumb to inevitable greatness

Lo look at man and how foolish he remains
Creating happiness for himself, a product of their own demise
The naturalist use reason to love life and the spiritual use religion for they hate life
Though as if either one knows what it means to be human?

Surmounting all beasts, becoming the mightiest of all
Attaining the grand title of Ubermensch
Raising forth a monument for the heavens to tremble before
And fall prostrate before their very Excellencies

Evolving from beasts to men, men back into beasts
Becoming beasts more heinous than any beast before thee
Surmounting over all over the beasts within the land, the greatest of all monsters
Man, who is the embodiment of the order and chaos of the universe in flesh and blood

Such complexity lives within their being, able to fathom what is beyond them
Using nature to acquire power and control, life to create death
Fathoming spirits beyond their reckoning to transcend the world without the world
And through transcendence shall they kill the gods they fathomed for themselves
To achieve the quintessence of humanity
And reign mighty in the heavens they created for themselves
Becoming that dancing star in the midst of all chaos
Alas finding meaning in a meaningless life

Thy Excellency is self created, thy morals, deeds, and joys are worthless
Thy religions are hypocritical, their followers are liars and actors
God is dead, for we hath killed him, with our own ignorance, hypocrisy, and demise
Got ist Tott, Got ist Tott, Kyrie Eleison
God is dead, for my fanaticism has killed him, and has ruined faith for everyone.

4. Funeral Procession Ov Humanity 10:44
Behold, the unspeakable fate of man
Enter the bottomless chasm
The earth you stood above
You soon shall rest below

The ancient winds blow
The ferryman's chime tolls
He asks for his offering of gold
To have a less favorable death in hell

Where all shall go, in that ancient pit
The grave which leads to no end
Where the mightiest and the weakest shall fall to
The richest from the poorest as well
The most righteous from the wicked
The godly from the ungodly
The meek and the merciless
The sinner and the saint

Behold the darkness
Behold the death
Here's to living
But never being alive

Behold the will of the Lord
Behold death and his sword
Even the stars know death's name
And one day the sun won't shine any longer

And from here, our world shall fall
And all of humanity with it
Joining with the ancient blackened deep
Where ancient ones dwelt in deathlike rest

Here comes the end of man
Behold the wrath of death
The people tremble out of their own fear
The gates of hell open wide
The women scream with their children
The dead all join in communion
They let their blood spill in the circle
And enter inside the blackest grave

5. Dreams Ov Unending Darkness 9:37
Dreams of the unending darkness
Visions of the coming death
Where darkness clutches your pale white cheek
And takes you by hand into his blackest keep

In darkness I witness you
Entity who comes inside my sleep
Trying to rip out my heart and soul
And let me dine in your cryptic chambers

Behold thy uncanny presence
Thy robe of darkness and death
Which passes forth a plague unto your very soul
Rotting you to the very core

Trembling in utmost fear
Dread becomes all that you can feel
Bleeding black blood from your eyes
Witnessing forth thy unholiest demise

A wicked spirit
Stopping at your chest
Coughing up bile and black blood
Your throat becomes rank and choked with vomit
This nightmare never ends
It always endures

Blackness evermore
Darkness and doom awaits
The infernal fire kindles for you
Desiring the essence of your soul

Bleed away all your pain
Your body mangled and ripped to shreds
Choking in agony upon your own intestines
Wishing only to have the life you threw away

6. Der Götterdämmerung 7:31
Lo the enigma of man comes alive
Beholding the infinity of thought and all time
Unconventional action and reason
Becomes the foreground to all living
Seeking refuge in nature
Summoning entities from within them
Attempting to harvest the power of the natural
Uncovering the secrets behind their existence

Ancient epitome
Of wondrous revelation
That perhaps there is something beyond us
Or that there is something watching over us
Prehistoric man
Living in fear and dread
In darkness he captivates himself in
Dreading the light of the world which brings death

Is something after him, is wisdom sought from error
Suddenly life has meaning
That in my pain and agony comes forth glory
And praise unto the beyond
Spirits of nature
Fathomed into gods
To explain man's suffering
Allowing man to transcend

Death comes unto us all
Even the gods shall die
In all their victory and honor
Even they shall take our place
Ancient mysteries revealed of spirits of nature becoming gods of the universe
But as order is found in the universe under a single direction
Then are all the gods one or are they all a part of each other
And thus is this why we call out to the Lord our Gods

Unending darkness dawns forth
Humanity seeking their refuge
In the ancient god wondering
If life has any meaning through him
But as it is written that even Gods must die
Then shall we be the ones to put him to death
For we hath built gods to better them at their own game
Now let the philosophic hammer break down the twilight of the gods

7. Elleh Eloheka 9:07
Elleh Eloheka!
Elleh Eloheka!
Elleh Eloheka!
Elleh Eloheka!

These are your gods
Your precious idols in which you desire
The gold from your own riches
The vanity of your own vanities
Everything in which you surmount to greatness
Everything which runs your life
All that you possess within yourself
All that you dwell inside of

Behold the inequities of your flesh
The darkness of your own demise
The infernal fires now arise
To consume you with your idols of stone and wood
Your blasphemy shall curse four generations
And the blessing of a thousand generations shall be lost of you
For the Lord will not dwell in an idolatrous heart
Ye shall have no other gods amongst thee

Nothing in heaven or in earth or in the waters
Nothing shall be made as a brazen idol
Under the will of the Lord
Shall they dine under the mallet of thine hammer

Blasphemy rises like fire
Darkness envelopes all around thee
No hope is there for these idolatrous people
For they shall surely die and become extinct

Elleh Eloheka!
Elleh Eloheka!
Elleh Eloheka!
Elleh Eloheka!

Ancient sins reminisced
Of a disobedient people
You shall eat the flesh of your sons and daughters
And your high places shall be utterly destroyed

Elleh Eloheka!
Elleh Eloheka!
Elleh Eloheka!
Elleh Eloheka!

These are your gods!
Behold your gods, to your death

Elleh Eloheka!
Elleh Eloheka!
Elleh Eloheka!
Elleh Eloheka!

8. Sheol 2:33

The Return To Ezkaton (album, September 2, 2019, Independent) (Digital)

1. The Return To Ezkaton 3:10
Blood red skies envelope over the heavens
Death and destruction further awaits
Unbound from his chains is the lord of hell
Ruling upon a throne made of blasphemy

In darkness and in truth he makes known his wicked presence
Messiah of damnation now arrives
Antichrist inquisitor plots for world domination
Crushing all the weak that stand in his way

Seven trumpets, seven angels, seven days of doom
Behold the manifestation of the heptagram's light
Unveiling the apocalypse to be beheld unto man
That his time to die shall soon begin

The return of darkness and evil has begun
The seven plagues released unto the earth
Satan is laughing as he reigns mightily as king
Pestilence, death, and famines widespread everywhere

Bodies piling beyond the clouds above
Blood, bile, and guts paint the soils of the earth
Wormwood is of the taste of a third of all the waters
All are dying and only damnation is to come

Lawlessness is the law of the land
God is abandoned and is a faded memory
No hope is there for the world soon to be
As the ancient adversarial one is enthroned most high

The age of man is over
The age of ezkaton begins
This is the return to the end of all days
The return to ezkaton

2. The Last Days Of Mankind 4:36
Warheads ablaze and soaring the skies
Bombs bursting loudly in the air
Hellfire arising from the landmarks they destroy
Flesh and blood covering the streets all around
Dead men be held by mourning women
Soon to be dead themselves
Proclamations of hatred cast against one another
As endless wars are engaged

Behold your final days
O worthless pitiful man
Your sons and daughters shall be no more
And all your works obliterated with thee
There is no hope for you
Frail and wretched son of man
Your blasphemies knew no end
Your darkness shall consume you whole

Ancient damnation awaits thee
That which had been foretold by forgotten generations
The enemy shall destroy you
And your blood shall drown the earth whole
There will be no end to the madness ye procreated
Your works shall turn against your nations
And blood shall be split from all of them against another
For man shall be the creator and destroyer of his own world

O pride how you enveloped man to be less able to think
O gluttony how you hath made man fat and selfish
O envy how you hath made man turn against each other
O greed how you are the root of all man's evil
O sloth how you germinate the worthlessness of man
O lust how you seduce man to commit unspeakable crimes
O anger how you twist what is evil for man to call just
Shall the vanities of mankind never cease to end?

The last days of man; here they are at last
The dawn of Armageddon; is only yet to come

Blasphemy rises as an erect temple of its own
Procreated by the wickedness of the flesh of men
Proving to the world alone that man is the root of all its calamities
And he shall continue to desecrate the very world around him
Until the end of his time shall finally come

3. When Only Death Is Real 2:53

When there is no hope left
Where joy becomes an empty expression
Faith becomes lost with humanity
And nothing has any purpose to it anymore

Inevitable death awaits
Darkness forevermore
Eternity inside the ancient crypts
Where none can hear thee scream

Ancient blackness
Unholy spirit
Darkly phantasm
Stands by my bedpost

Blasphemous entity foreshadows me
Upon my restless slumber
I bleed my eyes out in my sleep
Just wanting to be dead
The beast keeps on calling me
Whose voice is like fire
Rising from the gates of hell
Now here comes Satan, this is the end

Pitch black darkness enshadows over me
No chance I stand against unnatural force
My body fading, withering, writhing in agony
Soon vanishing away into that ghastly ebony

Damnation all around me
Blackness is all I see
In depths of Sheol I descend
Never rising, never again, seeing the light

When only death is real
There is nothing more to feel
When only death is real
There is no curse to which it can heal

4. Pagan Conquerors From The North 5:14
Father in the sky
Bless us with your nobility
Let us defeat the enemy
Smote those down show no mercy
Wotan and Donor we praise your names
Let us crush the Christian men
Who try to take our northern lands
Our gods shall reign supreme in the end!


Crush their bloody skulls
Rip their lungs from their backs
Spread those wings high
And let them fly back to their pitiful god

Burn down their churches
Enslave their children
Behold the lamentation of their women
Their gold shall become our loot

Let no man stand breathing
Let none who profess Christ live
Show them the glory and the honor of Wotaniaz and Thuriaz
Pagan pride shall reign supreme

Vikings stand your ground
Raise your spears and axes
Hail to your fatherland
Hail to your ancient gods

"Behold, the church of St. Cuthbert spattered with the blood of priests of God, despoiled of all its ornaments, a place more venerable than all in Britain is given as pray to pagan peoples."
-Alcuin, Letter to Ethelred, King of Northumbria

But lo! Upon your wages of war
And bloodshed cast unto men
Your enemies shall become my servants
For vengeance belongs to the Lord
And so the wisdom from the Ancient One
Had forebodingly dawned unto them
The pagan conquerors from the North
That he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword

5. Wrath Of The Dark Lord 3:48
Blasphemous overtures
Nude men and women dancing with devils
Kissing the daemon's anus
To channel the highest quintessence of humanity

Ancient blood rituals
Summoning spirits from the cryptic deep
Anointing their heads with black blood
Invoking the name of Satan

Within the blackened wilderness
Beyond the woods of depravity
Where pagain fire had once lit the sylvan roads
And where witches had gathered for the Sabbath

Cults of darkness
Chanting the names of death
Satan, Belial, Leviathan, Lucifer
Unto heaven they wish to bestow hell

And so the dark lord comes
Rising from the grave
To take the throne of man's heart
And cause him to become the enemy of all

The wrath of the dark lord kindles
Burning like an infernal flame
Ready to unleash Armageddon
And reign in eternal blasphemy

This is the end of man
The age of Satan begins
No hope is there in these tribulation days
As unholy tyranny reigns supreme

The Dawn of the Antichrist comes
But he who is worthy knows his place
Though the dark lord's wrath is beyond reckoning
So too is the wrath of the lamb

6. Revenge Of The Evil Queen 6:33
Evil incarnate
From the foams of the sea she rises
Her spirit ascends into the heavens
To take back what was stolen of hers
Dark Gothic majesty
Of the bleak tenebrous night
Whose children sing to her as wolves
Enrobed in a gown made of the black welkin's stars
Your royalty surpasses all
Dominate man's heart and soul
An inquisition you shall lead
Mother of all abominations, arise

"I'm back!!"
"Looks like the one thousand year reign is over; now it's time to deceive the nations again!"

The evil queen returns!
From the darkened skies she descends
None could restrain her power
Not even the seven gates of hell
War she wages unto humanity
Her beast of seven heads and ten horns
Crushes all in its path
A mass slaughtering of innocents she lets be

Dark ancient queen
Risen is she, the black goddess of perversity
Men suckle at her breasts and like at her gold dripping vulva
And become possessed by her darkness and evil
A murderous rampage she unleashes unto the world
And all those enslaved by her flesh follow her
Waging war against God to let heaven be torn asunder
Into ecstasy she becomes in seeing the church bent over to her in submission

She is a liar, a devil in disguise
A beast and servant of Satan
Do not let her beauty fool your eyes
She will lead you damned in hell's fire

But lo, the evil queen shall not prevail
From the heavens descends a great light
Which blinds and burns her black vampyric eyes
And upon the very mountain of Megiddo stands the Lord
Who shall put an end to her reign of chaos
And throw her, the devil named Satan, into the eternal fire, again!

7. Mass Graves For All Humanity 2:19
Total war! Total death!
Nothing but murder in sight!
Blood and gore! Carnage and more
Nuclear fallout everywhere
The sun is gone, there's only smoke
And burning fires everywhere
Millions of men, too young to die
Are mutilated on the streets
Rivers of blood fill the seas
Nothing to see here anymore
Total war, total death
Is all the eye can see!

Concentration camps! Death camps!
Killing thousands by day
Body piles! Rocket flares!
Fires burning everywhere!
War crimes! Injustice!
Killing in the name of God!
Millions of men! Dig up!
Mass graves for all humanity!

Infernal flames burn the heavens
Devil fire across the skies
Flaming darts sent to God
As if to burn down his holy kingdom
And let the trinity fall
Beneath the depths of hell
Demons of hell, bring forth
Mass graves for all humanity!

Missiles flying, bombs bursting
Death angel has his way
Piled corpses, stacked high
Fortresses are made of their bones
Machine guns, fire away
Blazing hundreds of bullets a second
Ripping men, limb after limb
Mass graves for all humanity

8. Under The Black Sun 3:09
Infernal atrocities
Ever committed by men
Under the regime of a blasphemous lord
Guiding them along the path

Missions of death carried out
Under the order of a black wolf
Whose madness knows no ends
And howls for conquest against the world

Under the black sun
Inhumane crimes are committed
Killing millions by sight
Murdering for the sake of murder

Calling the deaths of innocents justice
Saying that they aren't people
Demoralizing, dehumanizing
Depraving men into kill machines

Instruments of torture
Ripping away at the flesh
Burning inside toxic gases
Melting their skin to the bone

Behold the inequities of men
How hatred can bring this world to its doom
As millions die by our own hands
In ignorance and in war

Truly I say unto you
There is nothing new
Under the black sun

9. Dawn Of Impiety 3:05
Blackest days await for thee
When eternal damnation conquers all
All of hope becomes forgotten
And buried beneath the earth

Darkness evermore, evil incantations
Become uttered forth deep in the night
Seeking refuge, within the darkness
To become empowered by its spirit

Depraved men wandering forth
In the forest of long dead souls
Waiting for Satan to take their hand
And obtain the mightiest form of humanity

Into the beyond, the gates are open
The fire calls for their name
The end of all days they shall witness
And dwell in the flame where their master belongs

10. Ride Of The Four Horsemen 5:52
Behold the unraveling of the apocalypse
And the opening of the seven seals
From he who is worthy to open the scroll
And unleash grand power like none other

Behold the first four seals
Four seals for four horsemen
War, death, pestilence, and famines they shall bring
And destroy all that exists in their paths

Eternal destruction is beckoned for
And woe unto those that stand in their way

Death comes unto all
That stand in their bloody way
No mercy the horsemen have
As they ride forth in the night

Total damnation
Eternal darkness
Unspeakable anguish
Is left for man

Blood and guts they spill on the road
Leaving no man alive
Dawning forth the final days
Of the earth that's doomed to die

Behold your fate
Death rides a pale horse
He sees you standing afraid
You're gonna die!

Ride of the four horsemen!
Ride of the four horsemen!
Ride of the four horsemen!
Ride of the four horsemen!

11. Armageddon Is Here 1:04
Doomsday has dawned forth
End of man is certain
Ancient prophecies fulfilled
Nothing left to live for

All armies march forth
To the bloody battle in Megiddo
All are doomed to die
The war of heaven and hell is imminent

End of all days is here
The sun has vanished
The world is but a void
All life has withered to oblivion

Our actions have led to this
Armageddon is here
This is the end
Ezkaton reigns supreme

The Ancient Dwelling Ov Death (compilation, April 30, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

Tracks 1-3 are from "End Of All Days".
Tracks 4-6 are from "The Return To Ezkaton".
Tracks 7-9 are from "Order And Chaos".
Tracks 10-12 are from "Requiem Ov The Eternal Death"
Tracks 13-15 are from "Ain Soph Ohr".

1. Black Legions 4:40
2. Second Death 3:05
3. End Of All Days 1:50
4. The Return To Ezkaton 3:10
5. The Last Days Of Mankind 4:36
6. Ride Of The Four Horsemen 5:52
7. Invocation Of The Ancient God In The Dwelling Of Death / Order And Chaos 6:22
8. In The Realms Of Eternal Darkness 9:00
9. Rise Of The Great Triumphantor 5:15
10. Requiem Ov The Eternal Death 10:25
11. From The Wisdom Of Zarathustra 8:48
12. Der Götterdämmerung 7:31
13. The Ancient Dwelling Ov Death 7:30
14. Ritual Ov The Primordial Deity 5:31
15. Malakh Ha Maveth 10:00

Abaddon's Wrath (album, July 4, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

1. Kaalo Asmi Loka Kshaya Kritpraviddho 1:02
Kaalo Asmi Loka Kshaya Kritpraviddho

2. Death, The Conqueror 5:14
Behold thy wrath, Thou art death
The master champion, destroyer of life
Bringer of darkness, ruler of decay
Death is yours, and you are mine!

I show no mercy, I show no fear
I'll rip your bloody soul apart
Gnash it in my teeth, your heart clutched in my hand
I am death, the destroyer of worlds

Death, the conqueror, the conqueror!

I diminish all time, I consume the stars
The planets crushed under thy fist
All life is enslaved to me, inglorious death
I am the grave, your burning hellfire

Enrobed in darkness, triumphant old death
Consuming your flesh
You're as good as dead, there's no escape
I'll tear you limb for limb, and crush you back to dust

Bringer of death, mightiest of all
Eternal conqueror, killing everything in sight
I am the bottomless pit, the darkness which closed eyes forever see
I am Death the conqueror, the conqueror!

Behold your doom, behold thy scythe
Slitting your throat in two, return to your ashes
Resistance is futile, I am inevitable
Facing me is suicide, you can never elude me

3. Abaddon's Wrath 4:59
The Destroyer angel rises
Sword of fire crushes all
Merciless I shall be
In bringing the final days!

Darkness creeps forth, bringing death
Total destruction is at his hands
War and pestilence brought to the masses
Total death and total war

Awaiting torment, unspeakable anguish
Fires burning, rising to the heavens
This is the end, the end of man
Woe unto thee when the death angel comes

Triumphant death, rages tonight
Crushing everything in its path
This is the end, the end of all days
Your time has come to die at last

Behold the crusher, he rides tonight
With him rages the four horsemen
War and pestilence, death and famine
There's no equal to Abaddon's wrath

No soul shall remain
All love shall be lost
In times of great danger
The people resort to blasphemy

You shall surely die
Armageddon is here
The people panic in fear
The crusher awaits your death

"To live is to suffer
To survive is to find meaning in the suffering"

4. Plaguebringer 5:17
I come in the night
Bringing deadly disease
Sickly is my presence
A leper to cleansed men

Bringer of blight thy skin is white
A fever I carry deathly it is
A pale sickening stench I bear
Adorned in a crown I become king

Disgusting I am
Decay is my perfume
I target the old and the feeble
Don't touch me or you'll die

Your ignorance is key for me
To spread my sickly chaos
And collapse nations back into dust
The dust in which they built their structures from

I'll ruin your life
Ill you shall become
Locked away in isolation
Forty days and nights alone

I come in the form of a microcosm
To expand my world through your corpse
Your loved ones shall become my host
For me to spread lusciously all around

Run away from me
Live in dull apathy
Worship your silly self agendas
And act like I ain't here

But in the darkness I shall come
To crown you in my sickly majesty
So that you can contaminate others
As I anoint your forehead with my oil

Live in conspiracies
Live in stupid lies
But as others are dying
Your pretty face could be next

5. Kriegmeister 4:14
Burning fires everywhere
Inevitable destruction awaits
Explosions set off far and wide
No hope is left for mankind

Devastation all around
Victorious men cry beneath rubble
Their spouses lift up dead children
The lightning war begins

Total depravity
Everyday men bred to kill
A hopeless fate awaits thee
As the kriegmeister raises arms

Hellfire enraptures the earth
Bodies rising above the mountains
Blood stains the nations' soils
Misery and grievances for all

Battalions raging forth
To rip all of humanity to shreds
And lay waste to all the earth
Until no man is left standing

6. The Raging Beast 2:46
From the chasms of death and hell comes the beast
Who is devastation incarnate and master destroyer
The bringer of damnation and inhuman chaos upon the earth
Whose roar is like thunder and whose footsteps quake the heavens

With him is death and Hades wherever he goes
His strength is like Humbaba the great daemon of the cedar forest
Unholy leviathan which reviles against God's creation
Ungodly raging behemoth annihilating all in its path

Ancient beast of perdition awakened from the blackened deep
Destroyer of all life and crusher of the weak and foolish
None can hold against you, no army can slay you
Your force is impenetrable and strength is unmatched

You shall rage forth against all the earth everlasting
In the forms of plagues, nightmares, war, and holocausts
You shall lay waste the nations and devour man with gnashing teeth
In all your days shall you be the chaos mankind shall never comprehend

Seven-headed beast of damnation, crusher of life
Whose blasphemous names adorn your flesh and blood
You shall rid away all that is before you and among you
And mankind shall do obeisance unto you

Shall anyone vanquish the raging beast
Whose might is unmatched, unparalleled by all
Shall the new city of peace ever come unto man here and after
Or is this to be the very end in his days of ruin

7. Infernal Torment 0:58
Screaming in anguish
Burning in eternal flames
Crushed in inevitable defeat
Tortured in the blackest abyss

Upon the desolate shores of Acheron
Across the river of Styx
Lays the abominable keep of the dead
The land of death and Hades evermore

Eternal darkness
Requiems of the dead
Charter forth in the ancient fields
Where darkness is evermore and none can escape it

8. The Inevitable Doom 8:38
Your life fades away
And the shadow of death you feel
Its unearthly embrace is welcomed
His hand rests on your pale white cheek

Into the valley of darkness
Where the dead sleep evermore
He keeps a bed for you
And locks you in blackness evermore

Screams of miserable women
Cries of undead children
Yearning to return home
And live again

But this is not so
Life is not possible without death
For without it no pursuit would there be
In finding meaning in its endeavor

Shall Eudemonia be mine?
Or shall I feel the sting of Abel
And be killed by my kin?
To dwell in Sheol forevermore

Shall I be the centenarian who finds life at ripe old age
Or the youth who perishes too young
Shall I die fighting, or die screaming
Shall it be in silence, or in peaceful gagging

Shall the Lord call me home?
Shall the reaper escort me there?
Who will remember in this life?
So that I might live forever in death?

Through anguish and sorrow
I await the inevitable doom of mine
Where death shall relieve me of my grief
So that I might not grieve anymore

Is it beautiful in death?
Or is it euphoric to merely consider
That a life after this one will satisfy me
As if nothing ever had done so here in this life

Apocalyptic Riders (album, May 6, 2021, Independent) (CD, Digital)

1. Ablaze In The Bleeding Skies 6:18
Fires rain down from the heavens, burning everything in sight
None can escape the infernal flames descending from above
All on earth is victim to all consuming flames
Falling down like the morning star reaping what has been sown

Blasting forth from bleeding skies, the fires higher rise
Every horizon is red as blood as all are doomed to die
Who can endure the wrath above as the end of time rages forth
Killing all life as we know it now as cries of death still harken

Ablaze, in the bleeding skies

Ablaze, in the bleeding skies

Death and destruction become mighty gods, crushing everyone below
Every nation's land becomes mass graves as the bodies lay upon the ash
Singed to the bone is every man, woman and child
From the blaze in the bleeding sky the bringer of death is now enthroned

Stars in the nightsky come smashing through the earth's incinerated grounds
Lava and magma burst from the hills and mountains up high crumble down
The earth as we remember is in ruins and reborn in its chaotic state
Before mankind had breathed the air, now it returns as astral dust

2. Apocalyptic Riders 5:35
Apocalyptic riders, rage in the night
Apocalyptic raiders, fast as the light
Apocalyptic riders, out from the grave
Apocalyptic raiders, in blood ye shall bathe
Here they come, coming for you!

Apocalyptic riders, death's inquisitors
Apocalyptic raiders, mighty conquerors
Apocalyptic riders, doing the Lord's will
Apocalyptic raiders, going for the kill
Black horsemen from the grave, ready to consume your bloody soul

Apocalyptic riders, in the dead of night
Apocalyptic raiders, ready to fight
Apocalyptic riders, with sickle and scythe
Apocalyptic raiders, cut like a knife
All shall tremble, before death's savage lords

Apocalyptic riders, raging four horsemen
Apocalyptic raiders, charging like Norsemen
Apocalyptic riders, bloody grim reapers
Apocalyptic raiders, hell's gatekeepers

War, pestilence, famine, death

Death's riders show no fear, crushing all that's near
Your life is all but spared, as the blackest dusk is here
You plead for mercy now, but it is just too late
Now hell fire rises from the crypt, and pulls you in by fate
Now you wish to live, when all you wanted was death
None can escape them now as blood and bones is all that's left

This is the beginning... the beginning of the end

Apocalyptic riders, vanquishing all
Apocalyptic raiders, like angels they fall
Apocalyptic riders, bloody holocaust
Apocalyptic raiders, all hope is lost

Apocalyptic riders, hell stallion riders
Apocalyptic raiders, battalion colliders
Apocalyptic riders, warlords of death
Apocalyptic riders, from Hazarmaveth

3. Night Of The Nazgul 6:04
One ring to rule them all
One ring to find them

One ring to bring them all
And in the darkness, bind them

Nine rings to nine men
Who desire power above all else

But they had been deceived
And in darkness they've become abound

Night of the Nazgul is upon thee
Hobbiton is shall become nothing but ruins
To the Shire they ride in bloodthirst
To seize the one ring of Lord Sauron

Night of the Nazgul
Night of blood and death
The bearer of the ring must die
So that we might rule forever

Darkness envelopes the air
Our cloaks black as heartless souls
A shade of ebony, darker than dusk
In death we live evermore

Crush everything in your path
Let Isildur's heir not have them escape

The Nazgul ride tonight
And who could endure their wrath?

In darkness they dwelleeth
And who could endure it?

The final temptation
They could not resist the one ring

Where they ride death shall follow
As they rage through the darkened hollow

4. The Path Of No Return 6:26
The endless road never traveled
In the furthest horizon beyond the hills
Through forests and trails of mist and flame
In darkness and in death the cryptic path

What shall become of this fate?
Which knows not truth from lies?
Where shall reason meet its end?
Or has it already done so?

A long way to the netherworld
Though closer than before it seems to be
And in this one life we get
Shall we withstand this whitewashed tomb before us?

This is it my friend
The path of no return
The road we all must travel
That same crypt we all descend to

A road of endless pain and pointless laborsome toil
A path that meets no purpose a journey of no destination
Living but never feeling alive, dead but not being dead
A pursuit we all must embark until we meet the end

The path of no return
Here it is at last
The road to perdition
The end of all life

Bleeding in endless misery
Death and damnation is all that awaits
Enduring the emptiness of a pious life
Enduring the hopelessness of an impious life
Damned if I do and damned if I don't
All meet this same path of death
The empty graves soon to be filled
Called forth our long lost names

The path of no return
The road we all must travel
In this course called life
The greatest gift we're given, but the most miserable one too

5. The Battle Of Armageddon 10:05
The battle of Armageddon
The end of all time
The war to end all wars
The final battle to rid the world...

Death and destruction
Is all the eye can see
As the heavens open wide
And the gates of death as well

Seven trumpets sound forth
Seven seals are released
Seven woes are uttered forth
Seven days of doom are ordained

The final days of man draw nigh
And the fires of hell shall open wide
Many shall fear and many more shall tremble
Some had accepted this fate with an open heart
Others had fallen into it by their own demise
The cries of the hopeless shall be lifted high
And be the only music people shall hear
Darkness shall overrule the earth
And light shall be a faded memory ever lost
Nothing shall be remembered from man
All shall be but fire ashes and dust
The brink of civilization shall be at a fall
And descend down like Lucifer star of the morning
Blazing down in a trail of blood fire and death
Mankind has opened the doors to enlightenment and truth
But now that shall all be forgotten in this raw, brutal black metal massacre

The ancient serpent reigns triumphant
Beast of blasphemy enthroned most high
Elected forth by the people of the world
To be lead under the will of the great whore of Babylon

Billions dead, bodies piled to the heavens
The end of man becomes imminent
The Redeemer reclaims his chosen lots
And the rest burn forever in death

Death Rides Tonights (album, December 17, 2021, Independent) (CD, Digital)

1. Apollyon Berserker 9:15
Apollyon Berserker
Apollyon Berserker
Apollyon Berserker
Apollyon Berserker

The beast rages in the night
Bringing destruction at his might
As the world falls to hell
The people in death they dwell

Apollyon Berserker
Apollyon Berserker
Apollyon Berserker
Apollyon Berserker

None can escape his wrath
World devastation is in its path
From the skies the death angel descends
No sins can we make amends

All hope is no more
As the world's downfall is imminent
Everything once so beautiful shall be lost of us
And in life there shall only be death
In darkness the earth shall remain
And the vigil of time shall stand no longer
At the hands of the beast the world is doomed
And through our inequities this fate is so

In darkness there is truth
The fate of mankind lies within it
And from that inevitable destruction
The beast of damnation shall arise

The final hour commences
The genocide of humanity
The earth shall be ashes and dust
The dust it so had once been

2. At War With The Dragon 5:11
At war with the dragon
Beast of blasphemy and might
Fire explodes from its mouth
And singes all in its path

Burning hellfire exudes forth
From its abysmal jaws
Consuming all in flames
As destruction is all around

A third of the stars are vanquished
Draco rules the night sky
Virgo she shivers with fear
As her child he shall devour

She suns away in the night
And for 1260 days
She is kept safe and still
As St. Michael fights the dragon

Blood and guts torn apart
The cosmic battle commences
In heaven and hell there's a bloodbath
As the dragon shall eat her son

At war with the dragon
Slaughtering all in its path
To devour that virgin's son
And reign in bestial tyranny
A bloody battle is fought
Heaven and earth they tremble
The virgin she cries in fear
As angels are torn to shreds
But for those days she was harbored
The son grew mightiest of all
And goes to fight the dragon
To vanquish the infernal beast
And all are free
The land is cleansed
The dragon is no more
And the son shall rule as king

3. Death Rides Tonight 6:44
Death rides tonight
On wings of darkness and impurity
To seize the firstborn sons
And avenge the dead once more

Total devastation
In darkness he ascends
Deathlike silence they remain
As the cries of the haunted harken

Death rides tonight
Collecting the souls of the damned
The Pride in Egypt shall end
But their vanity shall cease not

Death rides tonight
On blackened wings of death and despair
To avenge the souls pharaoh killed
And dismantle the power of the gods
Who desired dominion over the selected few
And the descendants of Abraham made slaves in a land not known
To take back what was defiled of his people
He shall end their tyrannical order and take down the gods
And be the god of the people he so desired
And reclaim his seat over the divine council once more

Death rides tonight
Through the blackest skies above
And after that Passover dusk
They shall awaken to unending mourning

Death rides tonight now
Crushing all in its path
Showing no mercy at all
As he reigns triumphantly
Slaughtering the firstborn child
Of every man woman and animal
Now beg and cry for mercy
As the Lord is a man of war

4. Total Annihilation 8:18
Crushed by forces of darkness
Raped by the laws of death
Smothered deep into the ground
Lying buried in the crypt
Forced to eat clay and dust
Ereshkigal has her way with you
Trapped in Irkalla's keep
Buried in the grave six feet deep

Annihilated by black armies from the infernal dusk
Plague demons rage forth from the storms of pestilence
Ready to devour you from the inside and out
And bring you into the dark dungeons of death

Blasphemous chanting I hear from the ancient forest
A crescendo of darkness overcomes my very heart and soul
The damnation I feel deep in my spirit mind and body
As total annihilation is commenced from the death lord's will

There is no hope for the lost souls of the damned
As the beasts of night fly forth from the heavens
To enrapture thee into the chaotic realms of death
Where infernal torment awaits thee with fire and judgment

Total annihilation comes for you
To level you deep into dust
There's no escape for you
As death's hand's got a grip on you
Ready to rip you to shreds
And tears your soul to pieces
The reaper knows no end
To the holocausts of death he procreates

Total war and total death this beast wages in the night
To tear you apart limb for limb and crush you back to dust
There ain't no hope in hell for you as the devil wages war
And he's got you as his bounty now so surely you are doomed

Burning in hellfire and darkness, trapped by the walls of death
Infernal darkness triumphs over thee as there is no love left to be found
The light I once knew is a faded memory and all of my body is consumed by the flames
Eternal damnation now rules over me as this blasphemous fate I so have let to be
What more is there left for this damned fate of mine as no way I have to escape
The darkness has ruled over my heart and soul and has transformed me into a beast
I entered those pearly gates above to witness what the Lord had to say
Depart of me my son he said for I do not know you he said unto me

The annihilation is imminent and you cannot elude it
As only death is real and surely it is to come
As the sun rises in the east and it sets in the west
Then damned ye shall be when the annihilation is near

Your body breaks down and the necrosis begins to take
Total control of your body breaking you down
Piece by piece your body is crumbling now
Into the grave as your bones rot in hell

Burning in hellfire and darkness, trapped by the walls of death
Infernal darkness triumphs over thee as there is no love left to be found
The light I once knew is a faded memory and all of my body is consumed by the flames
Eternal damnation now rules over me as this blasphemous fate I so have let to be
What more is there left for this damned fate of mine as no way I have to escape
The darkness has ruled over my heart and soul and has transformed me into a beast

I entered those pearly gates above to witness what the Lord had to say
Depart of me my son he said for I do not know you he said unto me
I entered those pearly gates above to witness what the Lord had to say
Depart of me my son he said for I do not know you he said unto me
I entered those pearly gates above to witness what the Lord had to say
Depart of me my son he said for I do not know you he said unto me
I entered those pearly gates above to witness what the Lord had to say
Depart of me my son he said for I do not know you he said unto me

5. Unveiling Armageddon 8:11
The seven seals are opened
By the will of the Lord and the days of doom are commenced
Each seal shall open and release
An atrocity for mankind awaiting the destruction

War death and pestilence famines raising hell
Annihilation of mankind is at the core
Four horsemen are riding and devastation they bring
The world is at ruins and we're the ones to blame

The ancient prophecies are fulfilled
And damnation to the nations of the earth they occur
The beast is enthroned as lord most high
And the people had put him there by wish and request
The whore of Babylon rises
And all are seduced by her beauty as she lavishes them
They fill themselves drunk on her wine
And fall prostrate before her as they submit unto her

Total destruction total annihilation
At the ruins of the earth
No hope is there left for man
As the earth is doomed now and forever

The wisdom of God is forgotten
And greed and vanity is all man expresses
And though the hopeless endeavors
They continue to fill themselves in wickedness
The antichrist becomes the messiah
And leads all astray with blasphemous intent
The false prophet deceives humanity
And fall prey to the falsity he propagates most high

Satan is laughing he spreads his wings
As the world bows down to his grace
And is called forth as the god of the earth
By the people's doing they know not what they do

All truth turns to lies formankind
As all good becomes evil and evil becomes good
The path of wickedness is imminent
All fall down before the work of the evil one
God is seen as the devil
And the devil is seen as the god of mankind
Mass genocides are commenced
To wipe away the faithful land crush them below
Total Armageddon is here
And the holocaust legions are out to attack

Brutality is near, destruction awakens
Fire from hell reaches the heavens
The earth is decimated and wormwood plagues the seas
Stars are falling and crushing the earth below

And lo, death rides a pale horse
And he's looking right at you

Where is the horse and the rider
Who shall stand firm on Mount Megiddo
And rid away the wickedness of the earth
And put the devil named Satan back in his place
To avenge the souls of mankind
And teach them to truly submit to the Lord
When that final hour harkens
And the war to end them all ceases to be

Angels and demons in bloody battles
Ripping each other limb for limb
The terror of mankind is at its peak
All nations go to war in heaven and earth
The divine council trembles the heavens turn asunder
The Lord goes to war to bring about the end
A grand battle is fought from the horizon
Creation undone, creation anew

A new city rises on the hill
The new Jerusalem rises from death
The world is alive and all are reborn
The day of the resurrection commences
And all is restored life now returns
Heaven becomes earth and earth becomes heaven
Paradise once lost is paradise now found
The truth is revealed Armageddon is unveiled

6. The Opening Of The Third Eye 12:36
In the beginning, when all life was forged
Out from the chaotic seas of the deep
And Brahma heaved forth the great egg
Which birthed the heavens and the earth

And Vishnu and Shiva had been conceived
Preservation and Destruction born out from Creation
The Great Triumvirate the cycle of eternity itself
Which one day shall come to an end

Our time shall end when the third eye opens
And unleashes total destruction upon the earth
And all life shall be extinguished like a candle
As the Cycle of Kali Yuga shall be no more

Shiva and Vishnu shall become Harihara
And together they shall end the world
When those 432,000 years end
And all shall be vanquished from time

Ancient damnation surmounts thee
And the prophecies of doom shall be remembered
With blood-tearing eyes we shall dread
The very end of the world we so hath procreated

"Social status depends not upon your accomplishments
But in the ownership of property
Wealth is now the source of virtue
Passion and luxury are the sole bonds between spouses
Falsity and lying are the conditions of success in life
Sexuality is the sole source of human enjoyment
Religion is a superficial and empty ritual
And is confused with spirituality"
-Vishnu Purana

This fourth and final age for us, shall lead us to our very destruction
But from destruction comes recreation, and might we be absolved in our new state of rest
Where the new creation shall rebuild what we have destroyed and restore the earth from chaos
Kings in the age of Kali shall be lustful of their own greed and vanities
And they shall have no rest until they are stated with passions of rape, destruction, war and death
And as we keep enthroning more corrupt individuals to intercede for us on behalf of the gods
And be the mouthpiece of the divine, shall we continue this vicious cycle of destruction
Until we very well destroy ourselves as the demon Kali rules us all with damnation and hatred
The dawn of civilization is no more and we shall fail what we have neither started nor ended
Our purpose here is forgotten and is but ashes and dust as we are and have always been
As we desecrate the very temple of heaven and earth which we were made to preserve
Our continuance of living with the desire of evil over good shall bring us to ruins
And Shiva the destroyer shall part his hair and unleash the third eye upon us
To bring about our eternal destruction which is willed by the very perfect and moral gods
That we shall be destroyed and new life shall come from our corpses to restore our lost humanity
And in this time the final apocalypse shall come to unveil the last truth
That we humans are nothing but evil incarnate, darkness in flesh blood and bone
That if there were any good or devil more wicked than us, then we'd just blame them
For the very atrocities we commit and justify on behalf of our own natural right to do so
But now our time is over and nothingness shall remain triumphant over our bodies
Penance, truthfulness, charity, and compassion shall one day vanish from us
And war death pestilence famine and natural disasters shall rule over us all
What more is there for this failing humanity as we behold the opening of the third eye upon us?

Eternal death and destruction
The third eye at last opens
Creation shall be undone
And the world returns void
Back into the watery chaos it was made of
Until the cycle returns
And life is restored from death
When heaven and earth reawaken

7. Raw Black Metal Punks Rock 'N Roll 3:20
I got me a need for speed to ride in the night
A fusion of black metal and hardcore punk
A chemical reaction that pleases my satisfaction
A metalhead and punk I'll be now just bloody well let it be

Raw black metal punks rock 'n roll
Raw black metal punks rock 'n roll
Raw black metal punks rock 'n roll
Raw black metal punks rock 'n roll

I don't care what you play just make it brutal and raw
Blastbeats and thrashing drums chainsaw riffs all around
Venom, Bathory, Hellhammer worship key to making good music
Discharge, Varukers, Antisect and all that other UK 82

Raw black metal punks rock 'n roll
Raw black metal punks rock 'n roll
Raw black metal punks rock 'n roll
Raw black metal punks rock 'n roll

Norwegian black metal gods rock 'n roll tonight
Swedish Dbeat punk and crust keeps this head a-banging
Japanese, Brazilian Suomi HC, and California trash and punk
All that music hits right at my soul but let's not forget old death metal

Raw black metal punks rock 'n roll
Raw black metal punks rock 'n roll
Raw black metal punks rock 'n roll
Raw black metal punks rock 'n roll

C'mon all you metal punks! Show me what you bloody got!!

Raw black metal punks rock 'n roll
Raw black metal punks rock 'n roll
Raw black metal punks rock 'n roll
Raw black metal punks rock 'n roll
Raw black metal punks rock 'n roll
Raw black metal punks rock 'n roll
Raw black metal punks rock 'n roll
Raw black metal punks rock 'n roll

Raw black metal punks rock 'n roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Raw black metal punks rock 'n roll

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