Tuesday, April 20, 2021



BAND NAME: Mystic Winter
GENRE: Raw/Experimental Unblack Metal
STATUS: Active

Mason Beard - Vocals, Drums
Daniel - Guitars, Bass



Withered (single)

March 30, 2018, The Bearded Dragon Productions (Digital)
March 22, 2019, Independent (Digital)

1. Withered 2:46
This is a broken world!

This place
That we once called home
Has become withered
And decayed

Withered and broken
Desolate and smoking
We've been thrown against the wall
This could be our downfall

Our God in Heaven
Help us
Our world is broken and withered
You created it, amazing and beautiful
We have destroyed it, we've lost our way
Come, my God
Come down
What You have created
And fix our mistakes

Forgive us Lord
We've killed Your creation
We murdered Your Son
Our world is broken

The trees have become withered
The leaves have decayed
My life has become dismay
Out of hate

And decayed

Tergiversating Blasphemies (EP)

March 15, 2019, The Bearded Dragon Productions (Digital)
March 22, 2019, Independent (Digital)
May 29, 2019, Blackened Label Records (CD)

1. Exordium 1:00
2. Nomadic Tumor 5:40
Travel from body to body
Devouring the flesh
Burning through corpse to corpse
Carnal by nature

Nothing more than a parasite
A consuming virus

It slashes through the body
Like a man swinging around a machete
Through weeds and brush

Nothing can be done
Can't do anything
All there is to do is stand there
And feel like a downtrodden man
Hear the cry
Hear the pain
Feel the agony
Feel the anguish

Nothing but a nomadic tumor
Spreading like a wildfire through a dry field
Comprehension is an unattainable feat

Flee from temptation
Steer clear of the filth
Stand out amongst your generation
Help lead the revolution

Undo the curse
Listen to my plea
Flee from temptation
Steer clear of the filth

3. Tergiversating Blasphemies 3:06
My spirit writes in disgust
My gut twists and turns
You forgot the entire point
God forgives you
But I'm unsure

Oh Divine Redeemer
How far we have fallen
Open our eyes
And decimate what was once pure

Rise up!
True warriors
Out of the muck and mire
We have a firm stance
On which to stand!

I will fear no evil
As I walk through the valley
Of the shadow of death
For you are with me

Our own have become
Overseers of the valley
Corrupting the fervent hearts
And exhuming the non-comformant
Leaving our church in ruins

Ignore the guise
Join us as we
Tergiversate blasphemies
Watch us rise!

4. Self-Immolation 4:07
Copacetic equilibrium
What does that even mean
When your life is at the end of a gun?
Perfection cannot be attained
Not through works, though we should try
This has been proclaimed
God has given all we need

I wish for a self-immolation
Just to die
But my death needs meaning
My faith has dealt integration
Which is what I have not died
Not yet, I feel as though that decision is careening

Fugue envelops me
Why do I still exist?
I died years ago
My true-self
My Spirit left my body
Now I'm a lifeless shell
My carcass reeks of decay

I offer my body as a living human sacrifice
Burn it, prod it, do what you want with it
I want my death to be meaningful and remembered

If only I could live up to you
I would do it
If there was any way to be perfect like you
I would do it
If there was a way to stand beside you
I would do it

But my goals are high and impossible
To attain by flesh and bone
When my Spirit truly departs
I shall repent
And achieve the glory of serving with you
Forgive me for all I've done
Just don't cast me aside as if you never knew me
Please Lord

I wish for a self-immolation
Just to die
But my death needs meaning
My faith has dealt integration
Which is why I have not died
Thank You, Lord
Give me the strength to rise above

The best way to heal old scars
Is to make new memories

5. Coda 5:02

Chapter 1 (compilation)

March 20, 2020, The Bearded Dragon Productions (Digital)
March 20, 2020, Independent (Digital)

1. Exordium 1:00
2. Nomadic Tumor 5:40
3. Withered 2:47
4. Tergiversating Blasphemies 3:35
5. Self-Immolation 4:07
6. Claustrophobia In A Void 3:19
Deep in an ocean of two
All I can do is focus on you
I can't seem to breathe
I feel as though my spirit prepares to leave
Throw me overboard and call me an anchor
'Cause all I do is hold you down
All I've become is fierce unbridled anger
And I'd love to go to town

The intricacies of the stars align
And the grains of sand are counted
I will not be a part of the malign
But I will stand true and remain grounded

I will not become a party to evil
I am broken but you deceive all
God will move Heaven and Earth to watch you fall
He will grind you against the ground while he stands tall

A murder of crows
Are gripping a branch near the riverbed
They watch as it flows
They are hovering overhead
A murder of crows
Are waiting to see if you're alive or dead

The crows wait and wait
To no avail
A body arises but in a coma state
A man who could not stand the trial
His faith nothing but a carcass
Nothing remains
The body couldn't maintain the darkness
All that is left is the remains

7. Coda 5:02

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