Thursday, April 29, 2021



BAND NAME: Demoniciduth
GENRE: Thrash/Death Metal (early), Death/Unblack Metal (later)
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: International

Taanak - Vocals, Bass
Lord Ecklektus - Guitars, Backing Vocals
Krino - Drums

Past Members:
Ashtaroth-Karnad'm - Vocals
Nahalal - Guitars
Haroscheth - Guitars
Lemekh - Guitars
Tseror - Guitars, Vocals
Kisloth - Guitars, Drums
Karkor - Drums
Annihilith - Drums
Genezareth - Drums
Nahum - Drums
Hazaël - Drums



Pre-Release (demo, 1999, Independent) (Cassette)

Side A
1. Hidden Behind You (Intro)
2. Unholy Chants Destroying The Blinded Fan's Mind
Side B
3. The Holy Warrior
4. I The Lord Have Spoken It
5. J.W.S.C.S.U (Outro)

Post Tenebras Lux (album, 2001, Independent) (CD)

1. Unholy Chants 4:21
A satanic metal music fan turning on his stereo, listening to stupid antichrist band singing against the Holy One.
The way to hell has began for this young and totally blinded fan who do not know what is hiding behind these pervert and demonic chants.
Reject it, vomit it, change your ways.
Can't you see that you are going to self destruction listening to bands singing for the glory of Belial the black lord?
Till when would you understand that you are giving your soul to Lucifer?
Come to the one true Lord Jesus Christ.
Reject it, vomit it, change your ways.
Follow Satan and you will endure eternal sufferance.
Follow Jesus and you'll hear your heart beating.
So, change your ways and receive eternal life.
A satanic metal music fan turning on his stereo, listening to stupid antichrist band singing against the Holy One.
The way to hell has began for this young and totally blinded fan who do not know what is hiding behind these pervert and demonic chants.
Reject it, vomit it, change your ways.

2. The Holy Warrior 3:04
They put Him a crown of thorns and a reed on His right hand.
They mocked Him and insulted Him, saying: "Hail, the King of Jews!"
And they spit upon Him, took the reed and smote Him.
After they had mocked Him, took Him to crucify Him.
They went to Golgotha, called "The place of the Skull".
Then, He was crucified and reviled by the people.
They were wagging their heads, saying: "If you're the Son of God, you can come down from the cross!"
He resisted to the temptations.
Holy Warrior.
After hours of sufferance, the Son of God has died.
Jesus defeated the death, three days later revived.
When Jesus has arrived, the men who were afraid,
Said those words with great fear, that He truly was the Son of God.
Despite the sentences that we've related you,
Some people don't accept the sacrifice on the cross,
Of Jesus our Saviour, who paid the price for our sins.
Accept Him and live forever, reject Him and die forever.
Holy Warrior.

3. I The Lord Have Spoken It 4:07
Thus shall mine anger be accomplished and I will cause my fury to rest upon them.

And I will be comforted and they shall know that I the Lord have spoken it in my zeal,
When I have accomplished my fury in them.

Moreover I will make thee waste and a reproach among the nations,
That are round about thee,
In the sight of all that pass by.
So it shall be a reproach and a taunt,
An instruction and an astonishment unto the nations that are round about thee,
When I shall execute judgements in thee,
In anger.

And in fury and in furious rebukes,
I the Lord have spoken it.

When I shall send upon them the evil arrows of famine,
Which shall be for their destruction and which I will send to destroy you.

And I will increase the famine upon you and I will break your staff of bread,
So I will send upon you famine and evil beasts and they shall bereave thee and pestilence and blood shall pass through thee and I will bring the sword upon thee.

I the Lord have spoken it.

4. Prepare To Armageddon 1:13
5. Megiddo Massacre 3:51
We declare the war to the dark.
The sword is ready to cut in pieces.

The battle begin,
Warriors for Christ,
United by blood:
Holy massacre.

Destroyed by the angels of Christ.
Cudgelated by the Son of God.

Stenching corpses,
Supreme destruction:
Holy massacre.

Ritualistic goat killing,
Brutal carnage.
Total destruction,
Complete annihilation.

Your flesh,
Burned by the devouring fire.
The worms,
Eating your carcassile bodies.

Carnal butchery.
Dismembered heads:
Holy massacre.

Legions of Light hand in hand.
Jesus Christ has come to reign.

Eternal One,
Holy Warrior.
Eternal reign with Jesus Christ.

Angelic splendour,
Holy Majesty.
You're the King of Kings & Lord of Lords.

Eternal One,
Holy Warrior.
Eternal reign with Jesus Christ.

6. Notre Père (Our Father) 3:27
Notre Père qui es aux cieux,
Que ton nom soit sanctifié,
Que Ton règne vienne.
Que Ta volonté soit faite sur la terre comme au ciel.
Donne-nous aujourd'hui notre pain quotidien.

Louez L'Éternel,
Chantez Ses louanges dans l'assemblée des fidèles.

Pardonne-nous nos offenses comme nous aussi nous pardonnons à ceux qui nous ont offensés.
Ne nous induis pas en tentation,
Mais délivre-nous du malin,
Car c'est à Toi qu'appartiennent dans tous les siècles,
Le règne,
La puissance et la gloire,

Louez L'Éternel,
Chantez Ses louanges dans l'assemblée des fidèles.

The Valley Of The Shadow / Dogs Of Antichrist (split)

2005, Independent (CD)
March 22, 2013, Independent (Digital)

Demoniciduth released only their tracks independently as a separate release on March 30, 2020.

1. Demoniciduth - Invocation - Thou Shalt Not Kill 5:28
Come Holy Spirit, come!

Unborn children, destroyed, dissected
Disfigured, dismembered, murdered, broken
Crushed, hacked, mangled, suctioned
Abortion, murder! Abortion, murder!

Thou shalt not kill
Unborn creatures, tortured, asphyxiated

Lacerated, butchered, massacred, slaughtered
Ripped to shreds, reduced to dust
Abortion, never! Abortion, never!

Thou shalt not kill
Irresponsibility, conceived by immorality

Lovers of pleasure, more than lovers of God
Eye for eye, you will die

Abortion is murder, murder!
Thou shalt not kill
Abortion is murder, murder!

2. Demoniciduth - Oppression 4:50
Tu as tout essayé pour m'entraîner avec toi
Tu as cru que tu pouvais me détourner de Iéshoua'
Laisse-moi te dire que tu t'es trompé de gars
Ma rage accrue contre toi en est le résultat

Et maintenant, je me sens encore plus proche de Yah
Jesus is Lord!
Tu ne peux en aucun cas me faire basculer en bas
Je ne suis pas du même chœur que ton armée de losers
Moi, je suis vainqueur par Jésus-Christ mon Sauveur
Parce que j'ai choisi de rester avec mon Seigneur

Et comme il est écrit, tu finiras détruit

Jesus is Lord!

Tu voulais que mon âme soit damnée
Mais Jésus ne m'a pas laissé tomber
Tu pensais que je péterais les plombs
Mais au lieu de cela, j'ai tenu bon

Jesus is Lord!

3. Demoniciduth - New Life 5:01
Inside my heart, you've known how to give me joy.
Inside my heart.
Inside my heart, you've known how to give me love.
Inside my heart.

With just a touch, my God can set you free.
With just a word, now you can be free.

Inside your heart, he's known how to give you joy.
Inside your heart.
Inside your heart, he's known how to give you love.
Inside your heart.

With just a touch, my God can set you free.
With just a word, now you can be free.

Choose Christ.

Inside your heart, my God has given you joy.
Inside your heart.
Inside your heart, my God has given you love.
Inside your heart.

With just a touch, my God can set you free.
With just a word, now Satan must flee.


4. Demoniciduth - Torrents d'Amour 5:05
Viens Seigneur, viens nous envahir de Ton amour infiniment grand
Car c'est le cri de nos coeurs que résonne au plus profond de nos êtres

Love crush hatred

Comme des torrents que Tu répands, telle est Ta miséricorde
Et Ton Sang précieux qui nous protège du diable et de ses sortilèges

Love crush hatred

Quand nous sommes abattus, Tu viens nous relever
Plongés dans la tristesse, nos cris viennent jusqu'à Toi
Dans Ta justice, Tu retires nos âmes de la détresse
Dans Ta bonté, Tu réduis au silence nos ennemis

Là où le péché a abondé, Ta Grâce a surabondé
Ô Éternel, nous adorons la sainteté de Ton Nom

Joy grind sadness

Nous publierons tous Tes cantiques avec des cris d'allégresse
Que tout ce qui respire loue l'Éternel, Hosanna au plus haut des cieux!

Joy grind sadness

5. Demoniciduth - Dogs Of Antichrist 4:59
Run quick!

You're running into the nocturnal forest
Chasing by a horde of antichrist's dogs
You hear their steps' noises on the wet grass
Their breath is approaching more & more from you, you slip, it's the end!

Your heart has stopped to beat
The dogs of antichrist have crushed it

Why all these things happened to this poor man?
I'll tell you his story, he made a pact with Satan
Death is the result of his idiocy

Playing with spiritism & dealing with the unclean
He gave his life, his soul to the devil
He thought that with Belzebuth he'll reign
But he was wrong, wrong, caught by the bowels of hell

His heart has stopped to beat
The dogs of antichrist have crushed it

Now you see the truth
Renounce to Satan & his horde of blasphemers
Or you'll draw your last breath
This story can happen to you, devoured by the dogs of antichrist
Take another way, or...

Your heart will stop to beat
The dogs of antichrist will crush it

Demoniciduth is here to show you the way
The path of life, where death no longer lives
The only way to escape eternal damnation
The Holy Blood of Jesus Christ
Now you can come to Him!

6. Demoniciduth - Notre Père 3:14
Notre Père qui es aux cieux
Que ton nom soit sanctifié, que Ton règne vienne
Que Ta volonté soit faite sur la terre comme au ciel
Donne-nous aujourd'hui notre pain quotidien

Louez L'Éternel chantez Ses louanges dans l'assemblée des fidèles
Pardonne-nous nos offenses

Comme nous aussi nous pardonnons à ceux qui nous ont offensés
Ne nous induis pas en tentation, mais délivre-nous du malin
Car c'est à Toi qu'appartiennent dans tous les siècles
Le règne, La puissance et la gloire, Amen!

Louez L'Éternel, chantez Ses louanges dans l'assemblée des fidèles

7. Demoniciduth - Heaven Or Hell 3:35
God rules! Satan sucks!
God rules! Satan sucks!
God rules! Satan sucks!
Jesus is risen, hell is conquered
Our Master gave us life
While yours is ruining your soul
Our Master died for us
But yours is claiming your blood
Reject, refuse, renounce
Escape eternal damnation
Embrace eternal life
Freedom through the Son
Jesus Christ

The Valley Of Decision (EP)

2012, Independent (CD)
March 31, 2020, Independent (Digital)

1. The Valley Of Decision 5:17
2. Blinded By Satan 4:34
3. Zionist 5:00
4. Blood Sacrifice (Mortification cover) 4:04
Bruised for our transgressions
Crushed he was for our iniquities
He was surely broken
Died to set us free
He was whipped
He was crushed
Christ was nailed
He was mocked
He was bruised
Christ our Lord

Christ he was inflicted
He took the sin of man
Bleeding on a wooden cross
God's eternal plan

For salvation
Through submission
To the Lord
Your position
Of redemption
Through the blood

Blood sacrifice
He died instead
Blood sacrifice
For all of us He bled
Blood sacrifice
Salvation in Him
Blood sacrifice
Accept Him and you'll live
Forever separated from the fires of hell
Forever with God
Can't you see the blood flowing from his hands
Cleanses you from sin

He did not stay dead
He rose from the grave
On in victory
Over Satan's rule
Christ said I have come
To save those who come to me

It's time for our confession
Of Christ as Lord
Fix your situation
On Him you must call

He was whipped
He was crushed
Christ was nailed
He was mocked
He was bruised
Christ our Lord

Enemy Of Satan (demo, 2017, Independent, Limited Edition) (CD-R)

1. Christian Metal Worldwide 3:38
We are the church of the last generation
Before the coming of the Morning Star

The dawn will rise
Unblack forces ravaging the land
We reclaim the names Belial took away
We'll fight til the end for the most holy faith

Christian metal worldwide

Every place our feet shall tread shall be ours
We'll shine the light of our Lord Jesus Christ
We won't be silenced
We'll set this world ablaze

Christian metal worldwide

I see Satan fall like lightning from heaven
We've been given authority on serpents and scorpions
And the enemy's forces
Nothing, nothing shall harm us

Every knee shall bow before the King
Every tongue confess Christ is Lord

Christian metal worldwide

We are the church of the last generation
Before the coming of the Morning Star

2. Enemy Of Satan 6:08
Liar and thief thou art, Mephistopheles
Perversion is thine art, prince of darkness

Thy kingdom shall not last, thy kingdom!
Never to rise again, never!

The keys of death and Hades belong to the Rock of Ages
Thy evil power is worthless against our Saviour Jesus

O death, where is thy sting, o death?
O grave, where is thy victory, o grave?

When Satan approaches like a roaring lion
Seeking for a prey to devour
The Christian calls on the name of Jesus
Soon, the shadows retreat

Enemy of Satan
Fear not the serpent
His fate has been foretold
In the pages of old

Worthy is the Lamb who was slain for thee
Praise, honour, glory and power
Forever and ever!

Thou has been in Eden, perfect in they beauty
Banished from heaven, corruption found in thee

Accuser, thou shalt be silenced, accuser!
Deceiver, thou shalt be consumed, deceiver!

When Satan approaches like a roaring lion
Seeking for a prey to devour
The Christian calls on the name of Jesus
Soon, the shadows retreat

Enemy of Satan
Fear not the serpent
His fate has been foretold
In the pages of old

3. Dogs Of Antichrist 6:10
Running fast into the nocturnal forest
Hunted by a horde of antichrist's dogs
Hearing the echo of their steps on the wet grass
Feeling their breath closer to you
Too late, it's the end!

Your heart has ceased to beat
The dogs of antichrist they crushed it

Why all these things happened to this poor man?
I'll tell you his story; he made a pact with Satan
Death is the result for his idiocy

Playing with the occult and dealing with the unclean
He gave his life and soul to the devil
He thought that with Belzebuth he'll reign
But he was wrong, wrong, caught by the bowels of hell

His heart has ceased to beat
The dogs of antichrist they crushed it

Now you see the truth
Renounce to Satan and his horde of blasphemers
Or you'll draw your last breath
This may happen to you, devoured by the dogs of antichrist
Take another way, or...

...Your heart will cease to beat
The dogs of antichrist will crush it

Come to Christ
Be set free!

Enemy Of Satan (album)

July 15, 2017, Vision Of God Records (Digital)
September 14, 2017, Vision Of God Records, Limited Edition (CD, 12" Vinyl)

1. March Of The Dead 2:01
"Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light"

2. Christian Metal Worldwide 3:38
We are the church of the last generation
Before the coming of the Morning Star

The dawn will rise
Unblack forces ravaging the land
We reclaim the names Belial took away
We'll fight til the end for the most holy faith

Christian metal worldwide

Every place our feet shall tread shall be ours
We'll shine the light of our Lord Jesus Christ
We won't be silenced
We'll set this world ablaze

Christian metal worldwide

I see Satan fall like lightning from heaven
We've been given authority on serpents and scorpions
And the enemy's forces
Nothing, nothing shall harm us

Every knee shall bow before the King
Every tongue confess Christ is Lord

Christian metal worldwide

We are the church of the last generation
Before the coming of the Morning Star

3. Destiny 2:50
This is my destiny as a child of God
Saved from my insanity, washed by His Blood

Death has no power over me
Heaven will be my home eternally

This is your destiny if you trust the liar
Burn without mercy in the lake of fire

No condemnation for those in Christ
Now is the day of salvation

I once was lost but now I'm found
I once was blind but now I see

Christ crucified - my forgiveness
Christ risen - my hope revealed

Choose now your destiny

4. Crucify 4:41
Sin - deprived of inner peace
Sin - my heart now cold as ice
Sin - sorrow and bitterness
Sin - digging my own grave


Sin - corrodes my emotions
Sin - infection sets in
Sin - separation from God
Sin - wretched man I am!


Heal me Lord, I am but dust
Help me change, in You I trust

Create in me a pure heart, O God
Renew a steadfast spirit within me
Do not cast me from Your presence
Or take Your Holy Spirit from me

Christ - my light and my salvation
Christ - the stronghold of my life
Christ - my strength and my song
Christ - my rock and my refuge

Cleanse me
Wash me
Renew me
Save me

5. The Holocaust Of Our Generation 3:25
The holocaust of our generation
The decline of our civilization

In deprivation we trust
Godless liberals life's conception
Free choice they claim
Then they wash their hands in blood

The holocaust of our generation
The decline of our civilization

Feeding their lust
Killing the innocent on the altar of selfishness
Shall I not punish such a nation, saith the Lord?

Because iniquity shall abound
The love of most shall grow cold
Who shall hear their cries
Masked by the sound of your tambourines?

Rise up, O Judge of the earth!

6. Enemy Of Satan 6:08
Liar and thief thou art, Mephistopheles
Perversion is thine art, prince of darkness

Thy kingdom shall not last, thy kingdom!
Never to rise again, never!

The keys of death and Hades belong to the Rock of Ages
Thy evil power is worthless against our Saviour Jesus

O death, where is thy sting, o death?
O grave, where is thy victory, o grave?

When Satan approaches like a roaring lion
Seeking for a prey to devour
The Christian calls on the name of Jesus
Soon, the shadows retreat

Enemy of Satan
Fear not the serpent
His fate has been foretold
In the pages of old

Worthy is the Lamb who was slain for thee
Praise, honour, glory and power
Forever and ever!

Thou has been in Eden, perfect in they beauty
Banished from heaven, corruption found in thee

Accuser, thou shalt be silenced, accuser!
Deceiver, thou shalt be consumed, deceiver!

When Satan approaches like a roaring lion
Seeking for a prey to devour
The Christian calls on the name of Jesus
Soon, the shadows retreat

Enemy of Satan
Fear not the serpent
His fate has been foretold
In the pages of old

7. Megiddo Massacre 4:27
Listen! We declare war to the darkness
The sword! Is ready to cut in pieces

The battle rages
Warriors for Christ
United by blood
Holy massacre

Demons! Destroyed by the angels of Christ
Belial! Defeated by God's only Son

Lying corpses
Total destruction
Holy massacre

Brutal carnage
Burning sulphur
Supreme punishment
Tormented forever

Your flesh! Burned by the devouring fire
Maggots! Feasting on your rotting bodies

Carnal butchery
Holy massacre

Victory! Legions of Light hand in hand
Freedom! Jesus Christ has come to rule

Mighty One
Holy Warrior
Eternal reign with Jesus Christ

Lion of Judah
Holy Majesty
You're the King of Kings & Lord of Lords

Mighty One
Holy Warrior
Eternal reign with Jesus Christ

8. Dogs Of Antichrist 6:10
Running fast into the nocturnal forest
Hunted by a horde of antichrist's dogs
Hearing the echo of their steps on the wet grass
Feeling their breath closer to you
Too late, it's the end!

Your heart has ceased to beat
The dogs of antichrist they crushed it

Why all these things happened to this poor man?
I'll tell you his story; he made a pact with Satan
Death is the result for his idiocy

Playing with the occult and dealing with the unclean
He gave his life and soul to the devil
He thought that with Belzebuth he'll reign
But he was wrong, wrong, caught by the bowels of hell

His heart has ceased to beat
The dogs of antichrist they crushed it

Now you see the truth
Renounce to Satan and his horde of blasphemers
Or you'll draw your last breath
This may happen to you, devoured by the dogs of antichrist
Take another way, or...

...Your heart will cease to beat
The dogs of antichrist will crush it

Come to Christ
Be set free!

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BAND NAME: Spiritual Strength GENRE: Unblack Metal STATUS: Active LOCATION: Norway (Holkeheim) / USA (Cole) Lineup: Holkeheim - All Instrume...