Sunday, April 11, 2021


GENRE: Death Metal / Unblack Metal
STATUS: Split-up
LOCATION: Canandaigua, New York

Mark-David Palmer



Mark (album)

July 30, 2016, Independent (Digital)
November 2, 2021, Coleiosis Records (Digital)
February 9, 2022, Coleiosis Records (CD-R)

1. It Is Finished 5:59
It is finished, finished
It is finished, finished
Al lay, al lay lou

The battle for salvation is done
The war against Satan and death is won
Praise Jesus who was heaven-sent
From the top-down the veil was rent

Justice and mercy met on the cross
Our victory the devil's loss
The work of salvation is done
By Christ's blood the battle was won

For God so loved the world he sent his only begotten Son
Through his sacrifice the battle was won
Lucifer's unholy plan has come undone
The serpent smashed by Christ the Son

2. Decimating Evil 5:17
D-d-die devil die
F-f-fry serpent fry
Our Lord is risen, no longer dead
You bruised our heal, but Jesus smashed your head

You, your beast and false prophet flung alive into the lake of fire
Holy God burn away all iniquity and every evil desire
Inside God's warriors burns holy fire
Lord destroy every unholy desire

A creation making war against its Creator shall never prevail
Tormented in the lake of fire the false prophet, beast, and devil weep and wail
No more death, hell, pain or sorrow for the former things are passed away

All glory to the Father, and the Son who is the light of our day
D-d-die devil die
F-f-fry serpent fry
D-d-die devil die
F-f-fry serpent fry

3. Murder From The Beginning 6:40
He's coming to kill, a murder from the beginning
The curse of death and decay brought by tempting man into sinning
He comes to you like he's your best friend while plotting your pain-filled end
Seeking truth, well lies are all the Lucifer will send

Chained slaves to sin, no one reigns in Hell
He is no king, just an evil angel who fell
Lies and deception are all he will sell
False friend never wishing you will

Promising paradise if you will just indulge in this vice
He is a master who is never nice
Promising you Heaven while he books tickets for your torment on earth and in Hell
Not your friend, hero, or savior, he's just an evil angel who fell

While you are still his enemy God loves you
Only the Lord can heal you from all the suffering you have been through
Once you cursed his name but only Christ can save you
Turning away from Satan to Jesus, the most important thing you will ever do

4. The Power Of The Cross 5:28
Justice meets mercy reconciling man to go to God, it's the power of the cross
God's suffering, our gain, the devil's loss
For Christ's blood shed on the cross broke the backbone of our enemy
For the Lord caused us who were blind to see

The devil would see all destroyed whom he can deceive
Eternal life the gift of God to those who believe
A gift we could never earn just receive
The cross is the power of God unto salvation for all that believe

Lucifer, evil deceiving murderous scum
By the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony you shall be overcome
God's suffering, our gain, your loss
Justice meets mercy reconciling man to go to God, it's the power of the cross

5. Rak Chazak Amats 4:13
It matters not your strength or size
Mighty warriors of God arise
Serving God and protecting innocent people our desire
Warriors of God arise with a heart of fire

Evil rears its ugly head
For God against evil, we will fight till we are dead
We shall stand for the thing we know are right
For our Holy God we shall fight

Standing watch through the night
Opening fire when evil wolves are in sight
Send every slithering demon back to hell
Our ancient war cry we yell

Rak Chazak Amats
Rak Chazak Israel

6. Walls Of Jericho 8:07
Let the walls of unbelief come crashing down

The faithful children of God followed his instruction to the letter
Trusting their ever-true God, they knew their outcome couldn't be any better
With the Ark of the Covenant they marched around Jericho for six days
On the seventh day after the great shout, flat Jericho's wall lays

Have faith, victory is ours without a doubt
Upon hearing the horn God's children gave a great shout
Let the walls of unbelief come crashing to the ground
Once lost now you are found

Marching around horns from rams we blow
Hearts full of faith we go
Faith causes our courage to grow
Solid is the word of the God we know

God cut off the waters of the Jordan so his people could go
Nothing impossible when the God of all creation you know
God has freed and given us the Promised Land
All has come to pass as the Lord planned

7. The Lord's Blessing Be Upon Dawn And Quinton 10:38
8. Jesus Stands Firm 6:11
Never has greater courage been shown than on that day
Jesus unshaken by what face him said "Let these go their way"
Fulfilling the saying "Of them which thou gavest me I have lost none"
"By the obedient Son the will of the Father shall be done"
"By the sacrifice of Christ the battle of salvation is won"

Doing the Father's will Jesus would not quit
"Put up thy sword into thy sheath; the cup the Father gave me shall I not drink it"
Our Savior was obedient unto death
Jesus was calm and in control until and even after his death

They came to arrest, armed to attack
When the Lord spoke they fell on their back
Nervous the wicked wriggled and squirmed
Facing death Jesus stands firm

9. Samson 7:21
Sweet honey forms in the lion he tore apart
Deceit from every Philistine, honey he gave his heart
Even when he's outnumbered fighting Samson is never smart
He will finish what you start

The Philistines thought they would be victorious this day
At Le'hi with jawbone in hand, a thousand men Samson did slay
In God Samson's strength did lay
As with many men Samson's desire got in his way

From the Lord came a strength that can't be beat
Out of the eater came meat
Out of the strong came sweet
Out of lustful desire came the sting of defeat

At Gaza wicked murderous men laid in wait
Unfazed Samson carried away post door and bar of their city gate
Cutting his hair and putting out his eyes sealed the Philistines' fate
Brining down the house Samson and the Philistines would be forevermore late

10. Waves Crash Down Upon Pharaoh's Army 6:49
The hardened-hearted Pharaoh pursued God's people and would not let them be
The faithful hearted servant Moses stretched his hand over and parted the sea
Repent, listen and trust God, he is salvation for what seems to be a slaughter
The hardened-heart drowns in self-destructive sin-filled water

As the Egyptians drew near the people filled with fear
They thought their demise was near
The faithful heart of Moses knew through God the battle would be won
Today we all have victory through our faith in the Son

A faithful heart can move mountains or part the sea
A hardened heart only limits what good things can be
Like Moses and the man with the withered hand, have faith and stretch forth your hand
You be singing his praises when you see what the Lord has planned

Oh Pharaoh, now your army is at the bottom of the sea
Why, o why couldn't your hard heart just let God's people go free
Moses, your faithful heart knew this would not be the end of the Israelite's story
After your pursuers were at the bottom of the sea you sang of God's glory

11. Order Of The Shepard 3:57
Awakened to the truth we are no longer asleep
Killing evil wolves who would devour the sheep
We're here to crush the evil wicked men planned
Against the order of the dragon we stand

The Lord delivered David from the paws of the lion and the bear
With God on our side even a giant could not scare
For every Goliath there is sling and stone
When men of God come we do not come alone

The Lord will deliver us from the hand of every maniac, terrorist, and Philistine
We fear not your gun, sword or guillotine
We follow the Bible which is the only Word of the living God
Over evil we shall ride roughshod

Blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war and my fingers to fight
He is our strength and light as we stand guard through the night
The Lord is our fortress, deliverer, and our shield
When evil rears its head we shall take to the battlefield

Best Of Dead Flesh: A Swansong For Mark (compilation)

October 28, 2021, Independent (Digital)
November 4, 2021, Coleiosis Records (Digital)

A compilation of various tracks from all of Mark's projects.

7. Mark - Murder From The Beginning 6:40

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