Sunday, April 18, 2021


BAND NAME: Antiviper
GENRE: Unblack Metal / Death Metal / Bestial War Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: United States

Exterminator Of Serpents - Everything



Slain Deceiver (EP, December 30, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

1. Batalie Spirituala (Intro) 2:10
"Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it.  From his presence earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them.
And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened.  Then another book was opened, which is the book of life.  And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done.
And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and they were judged, each one of them, according to what they had done.
Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire.  This is the second death, the lake of fire.
And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire."
(Revelation 20:11-15)

2. Cast To Fire 1:43
Hellish force
Blackened fangs
Rotten dripping
Body hangs

Satan's army
Upon mankind
Angels gather
From behind

Piercing steel
Into veins
Bleeding out
Demons reign

Holy legion
Battle on
Toward the

Exalted is the name of Christ
Immortal son of sacrifice
Sword of judgement gives decree
Dead Satanic amputee

Infernal legion cast to fire
Chained and bound is the lair
Prince of all that is profane
With holy steel deceiver slain


3. Immaculate Cleansing 2:53
Detonate - the gates of hell exploding into dust
Lacerate - serpent bleeding out into the depths
Immolate - Heaven's holy flame purify
Terminate - the end of evil plague upon the Earth

Divine fire
Incinerate the fallen prince of hell
Decaying liar
Smoldering where the wicked dwell

Atomize - Lucifer cast into the blaze
Eulogize - sing of Satan's death forevermore

Divine fire
Incinerate the fallen prince of hell
Decaying liar
Smoldering where the wicked dwell

4. Wolf In Hell 3:29
Militant atheistic swine
Execution of the Saints divine
Inhuman torture of the innocent and frail
Holy clergy crucified impaled

Eastern butcher of the Orthodox in Christ
Unpunished as the faithful sacrificed
Death comes many years too late
But icy reapers grip drags him to his fate

Into the abyss
The blackened catacombs
Of eternal torment
Hell is now your home

Gauntlet of horns and tongues in cryptic passageways
Gnashing of teeth, flesh set ablaze
Demonic eyes follow and surveil
Engulfed in fire, brutally impaled

5. Slain Deceiver 1:53
Summoned demons
Infecting Earth
Flood of hell
Black rebirth

Vile army
Massing horde
In direct
Opposition to our Lord

Rotten rites
Chaotic death
Repulsive filth
With putrid breath

Ghoulish lair
Fallen souls adorn
Oblivious to
Heaven's scorn

Bells ring out
Hallowed chime
Sacred fire to
End of time

Bleeding out
Deceiver slain
Cry for mercy
Scream in vain

Holy blade
Into the heart
Satan's legion
Ripped apart

Prince of hell
Hung and bled
The king of lies
Is finally dead

6. Satanic Failure 2:56
Battalions of Lucifer
Lurk in the night
The weak and the frightened
Are Satan's delight

Keep to the outside
The teachings of hell
Guarding your soul
Where the Holy Ghost dwells

Armor of Christ
Deployed by the saved
Repelling attacks
By infernal slaves

Cast out the demons
Who enter your home
Sent to the void
To eternally roam

Purging the impure
Excising the vile
Expelling the serpent
Into exile

God our commander
Through scripture of Christ
Given his Son
The blood sacrifice

The struggle continues in
Our hearts and our minds
Leaving the ashes of
Sin far behind

Luciferian Coward (single, May 27, 2021, Independent) (Digital)

1. Luciferian Coward 5:01
Hell comes to earth

Wicked men
Raised to power
Satan's puppets
Reign for an hour

Cold black heart
And evil brain
Satan manipulates
Satan trains

Laying in
Their lofty beds
Sadistic thoughts
Run through their heads

Madness creeps
Into the mind
Scheming evil
Of every kind

Fantasizer of evil deeds
Transgressor of the least of these


Many will suffer
In their ascent
Horrible crimes
On the innocent


Men and women
Ripped limb from limb
Children facing
Fates so grim

Imprisoned in
Filthy cells
Starved and tortured
In this man-made Hell

Sleeping in feces
Skin starts to rot
Gangrene and disease
Skin falls off

Bones are broken
Sawed into
Skulls are cracked
Mercy refused

The innocent's blood
Cries for revenge
The Lord God hears
He will avenge

Fantasizer of evil deeds
Transgressor of the least of these

The oppressed avenged
By a righteous God
Enemies fed their own flesh

Flesh Fragile Flesh (single, June 6, 2021, Independent) (Digital)

1. Flesh Fragile Flesh 3:49
Lying dead
In catacombs
Cease in slumber
In your own home

Mortal wound
On the battlefield
Violent death
Upon final breath

Sinking down
In water deep
Pass beyond
In peaceful sleep

Burned alive
In roaring flame
Devoured alive
By feral game

Death comes for every man
Sin extracts its toll
Will you burn or reign above
When the body releases its soul

In a flash
Your fate is sealed
Far too late
To beg or kneel

Drifting through
The sacred veil
As your
Vital organs fall

Faithful ascend
To our God without end
The tears of the damned are a flood

Never to know
What Christ did bestow
To the faithful awash in his blood

Too late for salvation
The laws of God enforced
Spiritual death upon final breath
As life is detached from the source

Make your confession of faith
Leaving nothing to doubt
Baptized in the water of our living God
The vile and wicked cast out

Incinerate The Fallen One (single, October 30, 2022, Independent) (Digital)

1. Incinerate The Fallen One 3:00
The wickedness of hell on Earth
Foretold by the scripture of John
Sodom and Gomorrah of modern day
The skies aflame in blood red dawn

Sin after sin as judgement begins
The heathens and Godless conspire
Demons and serpents and foul vile beasts
Consumed by the kiss of almighty fire

The embers spewing from the edge of the pit
The purifying blaze of the abyss

The author of disease, pain and death
Discarded into the inferno
Retribution for the world's suffering
Soldiers of Christ sempiternal

The unfaithful's time has come
The unholy desperately toiling
Thrown into the pit as the faithful submit
The fallen angel forever boiling

Gasping, dying
Seared, frying
Scorched, charred
Infernal carcass discard

The king of evil meets his end
Torched remains sink into flames
As the devil's remains descend
The name of Lucifer forever defamed

The embers spewing from the edge of the pit
The purifying blaze of the abyss

Coven Crusher (single, December 22, 2022, Independent) (Digital)

1. Coven Crusher 4:22
Demon's altar
Draped in black
Witches horde
Under attack

Holy soldiers
Wielding the light
Assailing the temple
Of infernal rites

Invocating feral whores
Of ill repute


Sinful women
Writhing flesh
Earning scorn of
God's rebuke

Decimating of congregation
Spells ripping caverns
In their bloodless hearts

Invocating feral whores
Of ill repute


Sinful women
Writhing flesh
Earning scorn of
God's rebuke

Decimating of congregation
Spells ripping caverns
In their bloodless hearts

Blackened daggers
Bashed and shattered

Crushing candles
Christian vandals

Horn of the beast
Smashed by our priest

Satan's shanties
Razed by vigilantes

Unseen forces
Possessing the caster
Demons swirling
Panicking faster

Firm in the grasp
Of the Devil at last
Crying and screaming
Begging and pleading

Invoke the name of the redeemer
To break away Lucifer's hold
Rescue the witch whose mind is transfixed
On serving the darkness of old

Christ removes illusion
Of unholy confusion

Snakes and vipers slither down
Fire swallows the shrine
Tongues and teeth of the deceased
Nauseate the concubine

The witches repent
Swine impaled
On the almighty's sword

Inshallah (single, December 16, 2023, Independent) (Digital)

1. Inshallah 3:39
As wind and sun beat down upon the stone
The star and crescent at war for the throne
Bloodshed, bodies in the sand
The rejection of the Son of Man

No blessing in store for the ones
Who ridicule the Lord's only son
The assassins of Christianity
The endless fire of hell waits for thee

Punishment, His immaculate decree
Unmatched power will bow every knee
Unbelievers and scoffers of Christ
Silenced at the ending of your life

Behead our martyrs on the beach
Holodomor, they never teach
Denying Armenian Genocide
Desperately they try to hide
Bullets in a cross, spitting on our kin
Digging your grave, wallow in your sin
Beware of the killers and the evil dogs (Phil 3:2)
And iconoclastic demagogues

Confess your sin to save yourself from the lake of fire
Turn from your wicked paganism that feeds the devil's empire
You'll never taste the lasting peace for your children in a world of blood
Sin upon sin for the infernal kin, as it was before the flood
The Lord our God will not be mocked by the serpents of the lie
Nor man, nor demon, nor foul vile beast shall besmirch Adonai
He was there breathing life into your soul at your infancy
Now you spit upon his Son in vile wicked blasphemy



I who hath seen the prophecy unfold
Exalt the Highest One who prophecy foretold
To bring fire and purify the Earth
Torch of incandescent light burns to rebirth
Profane hubris will galvanize your doom
The walls of hell will encase your final tomb

Villainous Swarm (single, October 9, 2024, Independent) (Digital)

1. Villainous Swarm 4:10
In the halls of His sanctity
Whispers conjoin with lies
The serpent coils into shape
With hateful gleaming eyes

Liars rise with envenomed tongue
Like demons clad in flame
They brand the flock with vile scorn
As the wicked wielding blame

Breathing sulfur into the sacred dome
Spew forth condemnation from hell's darkened throne
Fear, malaise, as the despondent despair
Shockwaves of torment twist into the air

Chains of the coward shatter
As Christ unleashes the storm
Judgement dispensed, amongst the incnse
Shall take its fearsome form

Wicked tremble in deceit
March the righteous into night
Battered by storms, withstanding the scorn
By unyielding, conquering light

Deceitful arrows fly no more
I am without blame
Dead words like daggers, blast apart
By Christ's atomizing flame

The feral, sullied coven howl into nothingness
Our Christ stands a titan in pure omniscience

Voices of the damned, scream in agony
Fallen demons writhing, a waltz of calamity
A tempest of Christ, through blood our rebirth
With the sword of faith, I prepare for new Earth

Fangs of betrayal, sink ever so deep
But the terrible vengeful Redeemer never sleeps
So stand, oh faithful, in immaculate light
For his sword shall swing, vanquishing night

The pestiferous grasp of Satan's claw
Deceptive vomit from his revolting jaw
Villainous swarm, his detestable swine
Incinerated by the inferno divine

Our God of war in victory
Tramples the serpent's seed
Through the carnage, lie Satan's horde
Sliced to ribbons with Christ's sword

Speaking their own damnation
Acts of wicked prostration
For mocking worship of His Son
They lie breathless without tongues

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BAND NAME: Spiritual Strength GENRE: Unblack Metal STATUS: Active LOCATION: Norway (Holkeheim) / USA (Cole) Lineup: Holkeheim - All Instrume...