Friday, May 7, 2021



BAND NAME: Hawthorn
GENRE: Symphonic Unblack Metal
STATUS: Split-up
LOCATION: Curitiba, ParanĂ¡, Brazil

Amanda - Vocals
Keizi Cavalheiro - Guitars
Wilian - Bass

Past Members:
Guilherme P. - Vocals
Deborah Renck Lopes - Vocals
Shure - Guitars
Charlie Piercer - Bass
Fabiano Marques Golgotanos - Keyboards
Daniel - Keyboards
Totti Wandscheer - Keyboards
Guilherme Carvalho - Drums



Dawn Of Blood (EP, 2008, Independent) (format unknown)

1. Dark Night 4:25
2. Punishment To Innocence 2:57
3. Pray To The War God 4:15
4. Dawn Of Blood 2:59

Thorns And Blood (album)

May 2010, Thorns Records (CD)
2011, Sullen Records, Limited Edition (CD)
February 1, 2011, Sullen Records (Digital)
December 1, 2013, Independent (Digital)
May 7, 2021, Vision Of God Records, Remastered & Expanded (CD, Digital)

The Vision Of God version's bonus tracks are from the EP "Dawn Of Blood".

1. Empty Soul (Intro) 0:55
2. Master Of Lies 4:16
How long will hypocrisy
Live in your heart?
You let your pride
And your arrogance guide your path

Will them stop putting heavy burdens, judging with injustice their mistakes, and without pity throwing them in the fire

You look more to the wealthy
And you judge as you please
You do good for people to notice
Manipulating life for your ideals

"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!
You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean."

3. Dark Veil 4:04
Where do you knit this dark veil oh night
How do you create that frozen
It is the night as it makes appear where you passes

Why do you borrow the lonely footprints in the sand and hide the tracks of those who wander

Where do you hide the dying man that walks lost in his failures, living on his bitter moments of sorrow and covered with pain

Dark humid morbid night
What do you hide behind this dark veil

What mystery do you keep until the dawn?
Another life have place in this mystery

When the daily life seems foolishness, the day is not pleasant anymore
And so the night becomes a lifestyle
Maybe the only way to hide your failures

Driving in this frozen dark covering
And waiting for it to vanish
With the sunrays

4. Dark Night 4:11
Cold wind in a dark night
Smell of death that exhale in darkness
Obscure way that you walk
Trying to overcome fear and miseries from the heart
An abyss for your soul that covers your body
An open wound creating a void
Imprisoning people in nightmares
Those were once true dreams
A dark sin that confines your life
And enslaves your body
At unsociable banquets of death and pain
That brings even more emptiness
A blind pathway
Blind by your own ego
You walk to your own death

5. Deadly Dreams 4:02
Darkness appear in front of the moon
The night seems to be alive
Weeping and gnashing of teeth can be heard as a choir
Announcing decadent chaos and the end of hope
People wandering without life
Illuminated by the dim light of hope
That follows them into empty paths
And in the moments that the flesh is weak
As they walk feeling that breeze blowing
Cooling fresh tears that make their face wet
They run, guided by fear, traveling in deadly dreams
Deceiving themselves just for a moment
While they stay stuck in the cold floor of misery
They try to run away from the light that reveals their failures

6. Eternal Lord 5:43
Eternal Lord
Your grace gives me strength everyday
In Your rock I found true love

My lips want to praise You
For Your infinite love I want to live

I kneel in front of You
Sovereign and faithful God
'Cause I know that my life depends on Your grace
As everything in this world
Belongs to You

Guide me in the justice path
So I can battle in Your holy name
For Your honor and glory

Oh my Lord
Put me in battles for your name

Use me as a divine instrument
It doesn't matter the price I need to pay
I trust in You my Lord
I depend on Your grace my God
God of glory and love

I won't be silent
Even in my last hour
My lips want to worship You

Sovereign Lord above all things
Wear me with the justice armor
Armor me with the sword that is Your Word

I want to live in Your light
I don't mind if I don't see where I step
The Lord will guide me
And if I get struck
He will carry me on

This fire that doesn't hurt
Inflamates my soul
Fills my spirit
This is love
That is going to liberate you
In Your name oh God

7. Lord Of War 4:18
Lord of war
Give me Your power
Your consolation, Your forgiveness
Protect me in disgrace
Guide me on defeat
Give me Your power
Lord the battle that I fight
Is bloody and violent
Full of hate
Lord of war
Give me Your power
Take me away from the anger
From all the envy
Lord of war
Lead my life
And in the battle
Your name will be praised
Lord of war

8. Battle Mind 3:07
Search and find in your mind
Seek, not finding salvation
Keep walking the same path
Always lost, without direction
'Cause in battles blood is shed
Cleansing all your sins
Giving life through death
Only Your sacrifice set us free
In the battlefields, soldiers are not warriors
They're cowards without purpose or reason
Stand and raise your cursed swords
They fight for blood and treason
A war is not won with self-interest
We found victory in His sacrifice
Our path can still be dark
However His death on a cross suffice

9. Thorns 3:47
Raised his hands when all was lost
Looked to the sky
While all of them pushed him to the ground
See the beauty of the life between chaos and shame
Took care of the other's wound while him
Was killing himself
Believed in the fallen
Healed the wounds
Even hung on the cross
Hurt and bleeding
Forgiven the sins
Show us the example of life
Walked the way
And showed the way out
Gave up himself and saved a lot
Even abandoned and nailed
Made us free from death
And gave us the way
Gave us salvation
With resurrection

10. Dark Night 4:27
11. Punishment To Innocence 2:59
12. Pray To The War God 4:17
13. Dawn Of Blood 3:00

Shadows Of Silence (single)

August 8, 2012, Golgota Records (Digital)
September 11, 2013, Independent (Digital)

"Black Days" is taken from an unreleased demo from 2005.

1. Shadows Of Silence 2:44
I don't know if I know the enemy
Far less the sadness than outrage me
I don't know if I reach the end of the path
Or if I fall into a trap more

The battle challenges my life
The enemy advances relentlessly
Around me defeated warriors

The battle challenges my life
The enemy advances relentlessly
Around me defeated warriors
The heart has stopped into the chest

In this war weapons are not enough
In this fight pain is the enemy
Loneliness consumes the soul
Darkness that destroys without pity

I don't know if I know the enemy
Far less the sadness than outrage me
The battle challenges my life
The enemy advances relentlessly

The battle challenges my life
The enemy advances relentlessly
Around me defeated warriors
The heart has stopped

2. Black Days 4:04

Dark Tales (album)

August 17, 2013, Independent (CD)
November 18, 2013, Independent (Digital)
May 7, 2021, Vision Of God Records (Digital)

The Vision Of God bonus tracks are taken from a previously-unreleased demo from 2006.

1. Intro 1:20

2. The Last March 3:01
3. Fall 2:41
4. Bloody Scream 3:16
5. Premise For War 3:57
In this bitter infinite cold
With the last breath before the battle
The wind sighs

A warrior hiding his fear
Maybe his last deep register
From lifetimes or failures

The memories of the taste of angry
And the war that almost harvests
The moments of so sweet memories
And embitters everyday

Turn you in a helpless soldiers
Enslaved without any reason
From innocent turns guilty

Just an actor living a mistake
Turns the life in a little stage
These human beings without force

They care only about their passions
Little by little, destroying their souls
Living from fear in this cold
Escaping from fight
Searching for someone guilty

The memories of the taste of angry
And the war that almost harvests
The moments of so sweet memories

6. Silent War 2:57
7. Inner Battle 2:32
8. Past Hurts 3:46
9. Shadows Of Silence 2:45
10. The Time Of The Sword 3:09
11. Victory And Sacrifice 3:49

12. Dawn Of Blood 3:18
13. Follows 4:43
14. Death Like Dreams 4:08
15. Punishment 5:08

Demo 2006 (single, January 23, 2014, Independent) (Digital)

1. Black Days 4:04

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