Saturday, May 8, 2021



BAND NAME: Suspiria Profundis
GENRE: Unblack Metal
STATUS: Split-up
LOCATION: Lodi, Lombardy, Italy

Simone Ghizzinardi - Everything


In War Against Satan (album)

January 2009, Sullen Records, Limited Edition (CD-R)
July 7, 2009, Sullen Records (Digital)
August 14, 2015, SkyBurnsBlack Records (Digital)

1. Prepare For War (Prologue) 1:07
2. In War Against Satan 8:00
Under a funeral sky, disorder reign in the world
Jehovah show his power, Christ raise her sword!
Thunder and lightning explode from the Heaven
The angels prepare for destroy the satanic hordes!
Il destino di Satana stà per compiersi!
Cristo combatterà per noi!
Il mondo và verso l'Apocalisse!
E' solo questione di tempo...
Under the crimson moon, under the black sun
The mighty divine ranks take a stand!
Against the force of darkness! For God and for Zion!
The light will shine at the Armageddon's day!
The light surrounding our souls...
We are in war against Satan!
Oh God, bless our souls...
We are in war against Satan!
Il destino di Satana stà per compiersi!
Cristo combatterà per noi!
Il mondo và verso l'Apocalisse!
E' solo questione di tempo...

3. Rage Against The Beast 5:13
Eredi uniti dalla chiamata
A testa alta suvvia avanziamo!
Revealed the number six six six
Holy rage against the beast!
L'armata celeste combatte per noi
Il nome divino sarà rivendicato!
The grim dark broked by our scream
Holy rage against the beast!
My blood stream across the sky
The light's power pulsate in my eyes
Your Spirit bless my soul
For fight against the beast...
Il corrotto mondo è una preda
Del ruggente delirio satanico!
Revealed the number six six six
Holy rage against the beast!
Sotto assedio, ormai stà crollando
La sua fine è ormai imminente!
The grim dark broked by our scream
Holy rage against the beast!
Grida bestia! Grida tra le fiamme!
Il tuo giudizio è stato decretato!
Morirai a causa del tuo errore
E di te non vi sarà mai ricordo...

4. Holy Unblack Metal 6:35
When the sun will be eclipsed
When the stars from the sky will fall
When the corpse will be exhumed
And from the clouds the command will be given
When the angels will raise the swords
When God will bare his arm
When Jesus will stand for us
And of demons no trace will remain!
The time has come! Raise your head!
The liberation is close!
When the ground will be shocked
When the elements will be dispelled
When the Dragon will be roped
And the satanic domination will be reversed...
The time has come! Raise your head!
The liberation is close!

5. Under The Power 8:14
Un raggio di luce emerge da fitte tenebre
La tua mano sonda ora la terra
Apro il mio cuore alzando gli occhi al cielo
Mentre la tue shiere braman vendetta!
Doni forza affinchè impavido sia il mio cuore
Liberando I ceppi della mia schiavitù
L'atteso momento per la nostra libertà
La tua spada colpirà con indubbia giustizia!
A new life under your kingdom
Satan will be taken away!
The saints will reign with justice
With your Son for one thousand years...
New days for eternal life
My heart will be grateful to You forever
New skies and new earth
Under the power of Jehovah's Kingdom!

6. Destroy The Satanic Pantheon 6:30
Attacco al potere del male!
Destroy the satanic force!
Risplende la luce celestiale!
Destroy the satanic pantheon!
Assalto alla nazione ribelle!
Destroy the satanic force!
Sosteniamo il potere divino!
Destroy the satanic pantheon!
Il fuoco divampa tra I rituali
Odio, sangue e depravazione
Il finale sacrificio stà per compiersi
Tra le desolate lande dell'abisso...
Attacco al potere del male!
Destroy the satanic force!
Risplende la luce celestiale!
Destroy the satanic pantheon!
Assalto alla nazione ribelle!
Destroy the satanic force!
Sosteniamo il potere divino!
Destroy the satanic pantheon!
Davanti a celebrazioni blasfeme
Alzeremo, forti, le nostre spade!
Il divino carro da guerra
Sostiene ora le nostre imprese!
Destroy the satanic force!
Destroy the satanic pantheon!
Raggi che squarciano il cielo
Dissipan le lugubri nubi
E' alta la luna nel cielo
Ora è il momento di agire!

7. The Glorious Pact (Epilogue) 2:12

8. Power Of God 7:34
Over the mountain, over the sky
Is your throne, my Lord...
Raise your sword and guide me
Support me in this battle against our enemies!
I'm in war against the satanic hordes
My fighting spirit not compromise
Your demonic lies don't touch my heart
Thanks to the power of my God!
This is a night of spiritual war
This is a night of gloomy shadows
I'm a dark werewolf
And you are my salvation!
Praise to your Great Name, Jehovah!
Praise to your enthroned Son, Christ!
Support me with your Saint Spirit
And guide me towards Armageddon!
Fuoco e zolfo tra lampi e tuoni nell'alba dell'ultimo giorno
In alto la spada manda il segnale, l'attacco dal trono di Dio!
Uniti avanziamo senza paura, pronti al fianco del Cristo
L'ora è giunta, la Guerra Finale, vendetta del Suo dominio!
Gridan legioni di santi guerrieri contro demoniche orde
Potere di terra, dell'aria e dell'acqua e il fuoco per divorarli!
Crea alchimia tra I sacri elementi con il Suo Santo Spirito
La furia divampa, non fà prigionieri e porta tra noi la vittoria!

Divine Knowledge (demo, September 18, 2012, DarkEyes Collective) (CD)

This is the demo version, not the album version.

1. The Watchtower (YHWH) 4:15
2. Rise Of The Archangel 4:11
3. Divine Knowledge 5:58
4. Holy Angels 5:59
5. The Living Sacrifice 4:52
6. Aeons Of Frozen Darkness 4:34
7. Christian Against Christians 5:53
8. The Last Days 7:28

Divine Knowledge (album)

November 12, 2013, Sanctus Gladius Records (CD)
July 29, 2015, SkyBurnsBlack Records (Digital)
August 14, 2015, SkyBurnsBlack Records (Digital)

1. The Watchtower (YHWH) 4:15
O God, let there be no silence
Your enemies are in uproar
Those who hate you have raised
They speak against you with cunning

They want to destroy your loyal
So that our name is not reminded
Conspire against them that you hide
Concluding a covenant against you

Shoot up and arise against them!
Like a fire that burns up the forest
Like a flame that scorches the mountains
Pursue them with your stormwind

May they be ashamed in their dishonor
May they become abashed and perished
So them to know that you, O Jehovah
You alone are the Most High over all the earth

2. Rise Of The Archangel 4:12
You are the firstborn of all creation
Called to execute the judgement of God

You who led the people through the desert
You who spoke in favor of those under you

You who got off tacking the form of a slave
To teach us the will and the love of God

The Prince rose to become King of the Kingdom
Free the slaves of God from every condemns

3. Divine Knowledge 5:59
A book of memories and prophecies
Spilling of thy infinite knowledge
Science and history you gave us
Coherence from every point of view

You who are the Ancient of Days
You demonstrate strong in wisdom
You have built every good thing
And you gave your word to us

Your inspired scriptures is useful
For teaching, reproving and correcting
So that your men to be competent
Get ready for every good work

Your word is living and powerful
Sharper than any two-edge sword
It penetrates deep into the spirit
Discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart

4. Holy Angels 5:59
Have been sent from Heaven
Spirits for public service
Mandates in favor of those
Who will inherit salvation

Angels of great power
Lead by virtue from the Almighty
Keepers of all the ways
Of his loyal servants

Flame of fire!

The angels of Jehovah encamps
All around those who fear him
He fights in its favor
And frees him from the wicked

Yet just as in the past
They shut the mouths of lions
Have devastated enemy armies
To give voice to the truth

5. The Living Sacrifice 4:53
Praise to Jehovah!
Praise to Christ!

To you who have been our sacrifice
Let us give thanks and fraise any sum
Thanks to you we get true justice
And we have hope for eternal life

Praise to Jehovah!
Praise to Christ!

Through you we are free to redeem
With your blood, the forgiveness of our faults
Emptied yourself for us as an offering
A sacrifice to God of a sweet savor

Praise to Jehovah!
Praise to Christ!

6. Aeons Of Frozen Darkness 4:34
You were a model of wisdom
Perfect in your very beautiful
You were in Eden, covered all wealth
On the mount of God, among the stone of fire

You were faultless when you were created
Until as found injustice in you
Your heart was lifted from your beauty
Reducing to ruin your great wisdom

Thy will be filled with violence
Sins are abundant within you
For injustice and for your mistake
You defiled your all sanctuaries

Certainly I will throw on the ground
I will go out from among you a fire
And I will make you to ashes upon the earth
Before the eyes of all beholders

7. Christian Against Christians 5:53
No falsehood will be tolerated
All the hypocrisy of your heart
Your mind wallows in filth
Holy words for vile misdeeds

Love only places of prominence
Like the Pharisees in Jesus' time
Greed strip silent among you
You're like snake hired by Satan

Deliberately sinning against the Holy Spirit
Against the sanctity of the Throne of God
Your altar will fall into disrepair
Your blood will wet the ground

8. The Last Days 7:29
A great war broke out in Heaven
Michael and his angels fought
Against the Dragon and his demons
But it did not prevail, and was expelled

Heaven is now free from all injustice
Has become the abode of the saints
Michael victorious raises his sword
Becomes the King of the Kingdom of God

The last days have begun well
For all residents of the earth
Satan furious ravages the human society
Because its end is now imminent

These words from the prophetic times
Made secret for the time of the end
Now many these words flow
And the knowledge has become much

Too Old Too Bold (single, August 1, 2014, DarkEyes Collective) (Digital)

1. Too Old Too Bold 3:14
Nothing to prove
Just a hellish rock 'n' roll freak
Your satanic metal black
It's just stupid, lame and weak

We're too old
Too bold
Too old
And too bold

Second to none
Like a demon fell among thorns
Down with Satan
It's done
Your attitude
Is stillborn

We're too old
Too blasting bold

Nothing to prove
Just a hellish rock 'n' roll freak
Your satanic metal black
It's just stupid, lame and weak

Second to none
Like a demon fell among thorns
Down with Satan
It's done
Your attitude
Is stillborn

We're too old
Too bold
Too old
And too bold

Symposium 1: The Four Horsemen (single, September 15, 2014, DarkEyes Collective) (Digital)

1. Symposium 1: The Four Horsemen 10:05

End Of Times (album)

September 2014, DarkEyes Collective (CD)
July 29, 2015, SkyBurnsBlack Records (Digital)
August 14, 2015, SkyBurnsBlack Records (Digital)

1. End Of Times - 100 Years Of Christ's Kingdom 4:37
2. Too Old Too Bold 3:14
3. Symposium 1: The Four Horsemen 10:08
4. Symposium 2: The Time Has Come 5:55
5. Sound Of The Seven Trumpets 6:17
6. Symposium 3: The End Of All Things 8:46
7. "Look! I Am Making All Things New" 4:13
8. Symposium 4: A New Millennium Begins 6:14
9. River Of Waters Of Life 7:38
10. "Amen! Come, Lord Jesus" 0:49

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BAND NAME: Spiritual Strength GENRE: Unblack Metal STATUS: Active LOCATION: Norway (Holkeheim) / USA (Cole) Lineup: Holkeheim - All Instrume...