Sunday, May 16, 2021



BAND NAME: Cruentis
GENRE: Progressive/Post-Black Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Quesnel, British Columbia

Tyler DeMerchant - Vocals, Guitars, Drums
Matt Sargent - Guitars
Jesse Dean - Bass, Vocals



Cold Stone (album, June 28, 2016, Independent) (CD, Digital)

1. Path Of Anathema 5:46
Traveling down the widened path
Walking in the dark
Waiting for an outstretched hand
Hoping for the afterlife
What goes around comes around
And now you're sure to get what you deserve
And when your heart is bled dry
When there's nothing more to give
You'll be lost until the end of time
Why have you laid your trust in man
When havoc wreaks this fallen land
It's the path of anathema

It's the feeling of falling
The hate keeps on calling
It's the feeling of crawling
The burden appalling
Walking through this moral wasteland
Eyes sewn shut yet open wide
Watching, waiting, lurking, baiting
Feeding hopeless death inside

You stand by and watch your future die
Inside, live the lie

You stand by and watch your future die, inside
Inside, live the lie

And die

2. Dead And Reborn 7:55
I stand by the shore awaiting the dawn
Soon to be a memory
This passage of life seems so long
Can it be that my time has come?

The waves are rushing in
I wade in the water
Wash away this flesh that binds my soul

Wash away this flesh that binds my soul

Burn in the fire, melt in the flames
All that I was restored in your name
Burn in my flesh and burn in my soul
All that I was is dead and no more
Burn in the fire, melt in the flames
All that I am restored in your name
Burn in my flesh and burn in my soul
All that I am is dead and reborn

You call me out to you by a new name
Yet I yearn for more answers brought only by flame
Though my flesh turns to ash my body decays
Your spirit dwells deep within, my heart starts to race
At the sound of your voice, I know you draw near
In the midst of my cremation I've lost all fear
For the power flows within, deep in my veins
The blood of the Lamb engulfed by the flames of your fire

3. Six Feet 4:29
You tempt the hand of man to give in to his lusts
Too many times I've tried to hide my lies and cover them up
Indulgence in your promises only leads to dust
I pray the Lord to take away my sins before I start to rust

So I dig deeper and deeper in this grave I've made for all the things you want me to trust
Because I know your deceitfulness
Six feet underground just isn't deep enough

You'll never make it filthy snake, you're gonna burn in hell
Your fate was sealed in blood, you died when from heaven you fell
I hate you
God's cursed you
Death's angel's come to punish you
No earthly grave could ever do
This filthy pit's too good for you
So when it's time bury you
Six feet isn't deep enough

4. Cold Stone 7:40
The darkness seeps in my soul
Black as the mud
I feel that I've been here before
Through famine and flood
I hear the lies, they're writhing inside
A voice that is well known
A voice that promises life
But brings only cold stone

I feel myself drenched in promise
Washed in the Blood of the Lamb
My weapons are forged by anguish
For the lost and the damned
Do you feel my wrath is righteous
Will your war find a home in this world
Could a simple calling for Your Kingdom come
Lay waste to the serpent of old

I hear the cries of all creation
Calling Your Name
A Name worth holding your heart in your hands
And begging for change
How can one hope for their path to be set straight
When they choose to walk alone
Believing all they hoped to believe
Their hearts turn to stone

I've payed the cost
I've played the game
I've twisted the truth and believed in the lies
And only I'm to blame
No longer can I hold my head in the sand
For fear that I will be alone
I must climb free of this lake of acceptance
Before I'm weighed by the stones

5. March For The Son 3:53
It's the call
Calling for pain, striving for gain
Brothers in arms
Sharpen the blades, fanning the flames

Together as one
We march for the Son

March to the sound of the drums
And scream for the life borne within
The war for your soul has begun
Will you fight for the death you've undone?

We stand as one
Together as one
We march for the Son

6. The Blood That Divides 9:15
Have you heard of the Blood that divdes
Man from man, and child from child
Do you worship your history
Do you see the truth
Cast aside your selfish hypocrisy
Let religion burn
Let it burn
Let religion burn

Let it burn

It's a state of mind
Passed down the line
Through the generations, cherished from the dawn of time
Hate for the lost
And disdain for the wicked
When the stones are cast by the ones living in it

It's the fall of religion
And we burn it down
Build a wall of division
And we tear it down
It's the end of tradition
As we break it down
By the Blood that divides

Separated by Blood
Are we not to be different
Forgotten old ways
Die to self, now we're living
Hold out your hand, give a chance to live
It's the Blood that divides

Woe to you scribes and pharisees
For your are like graves which are not seen
And the men who walk over them are not aware
Cast aside this death of old
Take up the Blood that divides

7. Lament For Those Left Behind 7:36

Dichotomy (single, February 17, 2017, Independent) (Digital)

1. Food For The Scavengers 6:50
2. Ascension 4:38

Reclaimed (single, December 14, 2020, Hagah Recordings) (Digital)

1. Reclaimed 5:03

Alpha And Omega (album)

April 27, 2018, Nosral Recordings (CD, Digital)
April 30, 2021, Hagah Recordings (CD, Digital)
February 1, 2023, Rottweiler Records (Digital)

1. Unbroken 7:01
I'd cut out my eardrums and gouge out my eyes
I'd rip out this wicked tongue and set myself alight
'Cause I'd rather be deaf and dumb and fleshless and blind
Than feed this wicked horror that's growing inside

Here by my side, you lift me up high
Battered and broken, you heal my weary bones
And now that I am unbroken, I see you here
I know I am not alone
I know I am not alone

The darkness that feeds me yet leaves me to die
That wraps me in flesh, yet I'm still bleeding dry
Just run my soul through your flame and burn me alive
I need you to free me from this curse of mankind

Here by my side, you lift me up high
Battered and broken, you heal my weary bones
And now that I am unbroken, I see you here
I know I am not alone
I know I am not alone

I've stumbled and fallen, I've desperately tried
To claw my way through this life to reach the on high
But I'd rather be deaf and dumb, fleshless and blind
Because the flesh that I've fought for has left me to die
The darkness consumed me, it was there I found your light
It was only by your grace that I could see you've always been right...

Here by my side, you lift me up high
Battered and broken, you heal my weary bones
And now that I am unbroken, I see you here
I know I am not alone
I know I am not alone

2. Reclaimed 5:03
Dirty rags wrapped around a man, far too familiar with a blade
The blood of the knife, the blood his life, can even this man be saved
Before the breath of dawn, I see the coming of death beyond
Seeking retribution, justified by the life it takes

Dirty rags wrapped around a babe, not yet to taste the blade
The blood of the knife, the blood his life, must even this child be saved
Before the breath of dawn, I see the coming of death beyond
Lord pray for him, that he passes over this place

Coming on the wind, destroyer of all sin
I hear the chariot wheels they spin
Coming on the wind, destroyer of all sin
The clock ticks for you my friend

Rain down from the sky, purifier of mankind
I hear the drawing of the blade
Rain down from the sky, purifier of all life
The clock ticks for you my friend

Death... it seeks to reclaim
By death, it seems to justify the pain
The scars emblazoned in his hands
Sacrificed for all man
By death reclaimed

Let your blood wash me clean today, let me bask inside your grace
I humble myself as meek, your death angel he seeks
Pray for me, that he passes over this place

In death, reclaimed

3. Alpha & Omega 5:28
Then the angel said to me, "These words are faithful are true
The Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets
Has sent His angel to show His servants what must soon take place"
Behold, I am coming quickly
And My reward is with Me
To give to each person according to what he has done
I am the alpha and omega
The first and the last
The beginning and the end
I am the root of David
The bright morning Star

Blessed are those who wash their robes in holy fire
That they may drink from the well of life
Cursed are those who love, to relish in their vile
Sorcerers, murderers, idolaters

Behold, I am coming quickly
And My reward is with Me
To give to each person according to what he has done

I am the alpha and omega
The first and the last
The beginning and the end
I am the root of David
The bright morning Star
The beginning and the end

Beware the holy fire, the blessed two-edged sword
It purifies and consumes alike
Take heed of whom you follow, you can't outrun my gaze
Omniscient, omnipotent, I Am

Blessed are those who wash their robes
So that they may have the right to the tree of life
And may enter the city by its gates
But outside are the dogs, the sorcerers
The sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters
And everyone and who loves and practices falsehood
The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!"
Let the one who hears says, "Come!"
And let the one who is thirsty come

4. All Hail Nothing 3:53
The god of dung, the lord of lies
Your words are meaningless like buzzing little flies
All you are to me is just another wretched flea, you cannot overpower me
Because the Son has set me free, can't you see
Your servants thrashing around, bleeding out on the ground
But you don't heed their call you've got no power at all
And at the end of days will come a reckoning
Your kingdom, your kingdom, your kingdom will fall

All hail, the king is coming in, you better bow your knee
He's the ruler of nothing, and no one heeds his call

So pathetic, life is wasted, prowling lion, with no teeth left
Hear him roar, he's got no bite, his claws are blunted, hollow threat
He's a snake, that's get no venom, struck the heel, but had his head crushed
No more power, been defeated, soon his reign is over

All hail, the monarch of the mud, here he comes again
He promised riches, power and fame, but it's not his to give

Honour squandered, trust betrayed, lord of light cast into darkness
Chance to be an honoured angel, ruined it with your own pride
Tried to fight it, can't abide it, but your efforts led to nothing
Thought you'd won, you killed the Son, no one's ever been more wrong

You killed His Son
He was the only one
You sought the take His place
Enslave the human race
But what you didn't see
Is that it wasn't your victory
All hail nothing
All hail nothing
You're not a king, you're just a puppet on a string
So all hail nothing

All hail nothing
All hail nothing
All hail nothing
All hail
All hail

5. Silence Of The Sands 14:26
I listened to the Wizard, a man of great wisdom
And all became unclear
I listened to his promises of riches
Yet all become unclear

I see you in the distant horizon
Your glory fills my eyes
And the wind carries your voice through the silence of the sands
And there I was found

I followed the Vampire in hopes of eternal life
And all became so clear
I could see the death he crafted
And what I must become

I see you in the distant horizon
Your glory fills my mind
And the wind carries your voice through the silence of the sands
And there I was found

I near lost to the Siren, a woman of great beauty
Her lips, they beckoned me
But alas I found the strength to turn away

I see you in the distant horizon
Your glory melts my mind
And the wind carries your voice through the silence of the sands
And there I was found

Alone in the wilderness, I became a man
Alone without guide, only divine hand
It was there I met the Father
The Spirit and the Son
It was there I learned my name
Swore my soul to the one
And now I am found
And now I am

1. All Hail Nothing 3:53
2. Alpha And Omega 5:27
3. Reclaimed 5:01
4. Silence Of The Sands 14:25
5. Unbroken 6:59

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BAND NAME: Spiritual Strength GENRE: Unblack Metal STATUS: Active LOCATION: Norway (Holkeheim) / USA (Cole) Lineup: Holkeheim - All Instrume...