Monday, May 10, 2021



BAND NAME: Christageddon
GENRE: Unblack Metal
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: International (Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, USA; Yerevan, Armenia)

Segør Erskine - Vocals
Kristian McKinney - All Instruments

Past Members:
Zack Plunkett - Vocals
Richard Aguirre - Vocals



Metal Unblack (album)

June 21, 2013, InChrist Records, Limited Edition (CD)
February 18, 2015, SkyBurnsBlack Records (Digital)

1. At The Dawn Of War (Intro) 1:02
Sons and daughters of God
In forth the final victory of time
Crush the head of Satan
All hail the Lord Jesus Christ

2. Defending The Throne Of YHWH 3:42
Alas, the dawn of war
The battle for souls arise
Beyond the night's fog
Hordes of thee Almighty
Stand with me and fight
In Christ we shall rise

Demonic blood runs black to the core
As the words of our testimony ascends
Satan your doom awaits
We defend the throne of YAHWEH

Through the depths of slaughtering hell
I forge my sword through those I rebuke
By the Blood of the Holy Lamb
I'll force murder straight through the gates of hell

This vengeance is Mine
I will repay, saith the LORD

We who wear the armor of light
Cannot be withheld by the grip of darkness
We shall destroy evil
Now and once and for all

Behold the God of gods
Through Him we shall triumph
Over the night's bane
Hordes of thee Almighty
We shall fight till death
Until Satan's demise

Demonic blood runs black to the core
As the words of our testimony ascends
Satan shall crumble under the light of Christ
We defend the throne of YAHWEH

3. The Lamb Shall Rise 4:47
As the Son walks upon the earth
A coming long foretold
In the words of prophecy
He shall ascend to heaven

Taken by the heart of man
Crowned with a bed of thorns
He was struck down
His flesh was torn
Behold the Son
The Great "I AM"

The Son of everlasting life
The Lamb of God shall rise

By His hands the nails were driven
As He was hung upon the cross
As darkness filled the place of skulls
He cried out to the heavens
From death to life His Spirit released
The earth trembled with power
And the tombs of the dead were opened

He has risen

From the grip of death
Into the Father's hands
The eternal LORD has rose
From the dead


The Son of everlasting life
The Lamb of God shall rise

From the cross to the skies
Hail the eternal sacrifice
The Blood of everlasting life
The Lamb of God shall rise


4. Baptized In Sacred Blood 5:37
Most assuredly I say to you
Unless you eat the flesh
Of the Son of Man
And drink His Blood
You have no life in you
Whoever eats My flesh
And drinks My Blood
Has eternal life
And I will raise him up at the last day
Without shedding of Blood
There is no remission of sins

Reject eternal damnation
Receive the Blood of Christ
Redemption through reconciliation
Baptized through His Sacred Blood

Baptized into Christ Jesus
Were baptized into His death
Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism
Through baptism into death
Into His death
And just as Christ was raised from the dead
By the glory of the Father
Even so we also should walk in the newness of life
And so we shall walk in the newness of life

Father...baptize me in the Sacred Blood
The Blood of the Holy Lamb
Fill me with your Holy Spirit
Rain down your Blood...JESUS
Come take my soul

He who believes in the Son of God has everlasting life
For he who does not believe in the Son shall not see life
For the wrath of God will abide upon him

Reject eternal damnation
Receive the Blood of Christ
Redemption through reconciliation
Baptized through His Sacred Blood
Drink the Blood of eternal Salvation
Receive the Blood of Christ
Spiritual baptismal regeneration
Through the human sacrifice

5. Psalm Of Eternal Hope 4:09
Arise, O LORD
My heart cries in distress
Surrounded and haunted by lies
As demons attack
Your unfailing love
Prevails through the night

From the dawn of time
Through darkness and light
You've shown me the Way
The Truth, the Life

As I lie, in the embrace of death
So silent, yet you hear my cries
You never left me
Or allowed my soul
To lie among the dead

My LORD of Heavens
You took me in the shadow of Your wings
Traversing the grave
Saving my life

From the dawn of time
Through darkness and light
You've shown me the Way
The Truth, the Life

Jesus, my Eternal LORD
You are the Way

6. Carry My Cross 5:25
Through the shadows of death
Surrounded, beset by evil
I fear nothing
For I am a living sacrifice to God
I will not be shaken
For Jesus is with me

Through the forest, the mountains
I follow you
Through waters and desert lands
I carry my cross

For me to die is to gain
And live eternal in Christ
I carry my cross
Into the hands of my Creator I crawl
By faith and worship
I carry my cross to You

I have been crucified with Christ
It is no longer I who live
But Christ liveth in me
And the life which I now live in the flesh
I live by faith in the Son of God
Who loved me and gave Himself for me
For me...

Through the flames I walk
Embraced by His grace
The fires of Hades shall not prevail against me
His good, pleasing and perfect will
Shall prosper within me

Through the forest, the mountains
I follow you
Through waters and desert lands
I carry my cross

For me to die is to gain
And live eternal in Christ
I carry my cross
Into the hands of my Creator I crawl
By faith and worship
I carry my cross to You

I carry my cross

7. Full Armor Of God 4:38
The Son of God was manifested
To destroy the works of the devil
On this rock I will build my church
And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it

Storm the gates of hell
Crush the head of Satan
Put on the Lord Jesus Christ
The full armor of God

Cast off the works of darkness
Put on the full armor of light
Wrestle not with the flesh and blood
But the unseen world
This final battle shall be won

Storm the gates of hell
Crush the head of Satan
Rebuke the lies of treason
Conquer by faith

Storm the gates of hell
Crush the head of Satan
Put on the Lord Jesus Christ
The full armor of God

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper
And every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgement thou shalt condemn
This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD
And their righteousness is of Me
Saith the LORD

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal
But mighty in God
For pulling down the strongholds
And casting down thee imaginations
And every high thing that exalteth itself
Against the knowledge of God
Bringing into captivity every thought
To the obedience of Christ

Storm the gates of hell
Crush the head of Satan
Rebuke the lies of treason
Conquer by faith

Storm the gates of hell
Crush the head of Satan
Put on the Lord Jesus Christ
The full armor of God

8. Christageddon (Metal Unblack) 8:09
Behold, in the mist of flaming fire
The LORD from Heaven
Comes with a vengeance
Executing judgement against the nations
Of those who disobey
The Gospel of Christ Jesus
They shall be punished
With everlasting death

King of kings and Lord of lords
Christ is the ruler of Armageddon
King of kings and Lord of lords
Behold, Christageddon

The great day of the LORD will burn like a hot furnace
All of the proud and evil ones shall burn like straw
Saith the LORD
Their flesh will rot away while they're still standing
Their eyes will melt in their sockets
And their tongues will decay
In their mouths

If anyone worships the beast and his image
And receives his mark on his forehead or his hand
He himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God

He himself shall also drink of the wine
Of the wrath of God
He shall be tormented with fire
In the presence of the holy angels
And of the Lamb
Their smoke of their torment
Ascends forever and ever
They have no rest day or night

Behold, He cometh on the clouds of Heaven
A rider named Faithful and True
His eyes like flames
Many crowns He wore
Clothed with a vesture dipped in blood
On his thigh a name
King of kings
Lord of lords

Messiah, rider on the white horse
Blazing fire descends from the skies
Striking down the mark of the beast
Slaying thee antichrist

King of kings and Lord of lords
Christ is the ruler of Armageddon
King of kings and Lord of lords
Behold, Christageddon


9. Satanic Forces Burned To Ashes 3:13
10. At The Throne Of Judgement 6:35
"I Am He" who liveth
I was dead but now behold "I AM" alive
For I hold the keys over death and hell
Yes I Am to fear
Reject the LORD
And your judgement will be set to face
The wrath of fire
In the lake of death

Every knee shall bow
And every tongue will confess
That Jesus Christ is LORD
At the Throne of Judgement

Before His Great White Throne

"Vengeance is Mine, I will repay saith the LORD"
The LORD shall judge His people
It is a fearful thing to fall
Into His hands

The hands of the living God

It is appointed for men to die once
But after shall come the day of judgement

Is your name written in the Lamb's book of life?
Blood shed on the cross of Christ
This is the end
The end of all hope
Accept His salvation before you die
Or fire and brimstone
Shall be your day and night

Shall be your day and night

And I saw the dead
All standing both small and great
Before the Throne
As He speaks the dead were judged by their works
From the dawn of time
Then death and hell
Were cast into the lake of fire
Alas, this is the end
The eternal and second death

Every knee shall bow
And every tongue will confess
That Jesus Christ is LORD
At the Throne of Judgement

Before His Great White Throne

11. A Church Bell Tolls Amidst The Frozen Nordic Winds 1:10
12. Mine Heart Doth Beseech Thee (O Master) 3:07
Infernal blackened shadows surround me

Cold winds freeze my pale flesh
Demons search for a dwelling place
Behold I am who they seek...

Darkness envelopes, evil attacks!

Night falls as voices call
From deep within nocturnal forest
In the distance they beckon me
Yet I feel their cold breath near

Darkness envelopes, evil attacks!
The Master, summoned! Belial is banished!

I beckon the almighty God!
My hand outstretched to Him!
He rescues me from my fate
A fate surely worse than death!
Behold, I owe my life to Him
Shall I ever be alone, never!

The Eternal One shall never abandon me
Nor will I ever be forsaken!
For He doth shield and protect me
In the shadow of His wing!

For darkness enveloped, evil attacked!
Belial's hordes, the Master conquered!

13. An Abandoned Grave Bathes Softly In The Falling Moonlight 5:12
A soft glowing sphere rises within the darkened sky
Clouds move and shift around a glorious moon
Hanging far above the Earth below
Beams fall from the huge night light in the sky!

Far below the cemetery gates gently creak
As a cold breeze tickles the oak tree's leaves
They dance and sway to the blowing wind
An eerie fog descends upon the cemetery
Thick enough to catch the moon beams
The graves aglow with soft light
The full moon growing brighter with time
The clouds have her light to thee Earth!

The breeze is no more, the air is still
A blanket of thick fog is horizon bound
Abandoned grave is bathing ever so softly
In the fallen glowing full moon light!

The grave abandoned in the wake of rapture!
No longer abode of a corpse
But a cavity in the Earth's crust
The former occupant now far beyond the clouds
To bid farewell to the moon, the stars!
The past now but a faded memory
Soon to vanish
The life beyond the flesh is yet to be discovered!

14. Thine Hour Hast Come 4:02
At the dawning of time
Thine heart didst proclaim
Thy throne shall arise
Beyond the stars of God
And be enthroned on the northern sides
Of that great mountain
Far above the clouds
Didst thou aspire to
But alas this was not to be!

So fallen thou art as lightning to Earth!
Having once angelic splendour
Now the vilest abomination!
An abode for maggots
Thou art a shame that once so beautiful
All is lost to become nothing!

Behold Lucifer
Son of the morning
Thine hour hast come!

Thou will be stripped of power
And be lowered into the very depths of Hell!
Thy fate is worse than death
Eternal suffering and damnation!

15. Behold, The Rising Of The Scarlet Moon 3:20
Yes, the northern skies shall witness
The rising of the scarlet moon
From behind the blackened landscape
Of frozen Nordic wastes
Transformation of mountainous scenery
To an eerie shade of Crimson
No longer a pale grey moon
But one of fresh pure blood!

Beams of luminescence fall no more to Earth
Tears of mourning flow and weeping
Yes, sadness envelopes the land
Soon eternity's gates open wide
And time shall be no more!

Generations await the sentence for passing
Through life of do what thou wilt
Alas, a tragedy has befallen!
Thus now reconsider or consume
The wine of wrath...

16. Weak, Feeble, Dying Antichrist 3:34
The end of thy reign will come
As swift as it was established
Thy deceit is but temporary
And therefore it cannot last
But in a fleeting moment
Thy throne will crumble to dust
Nothing will remain...

At the hour of thy destruction
Who shall come to thine aid?
Exposed for thy wrongdoings
Naked and vulnerable thou shall be...

Weak, feeble, dying antichrist
Pathetic and without hope
Never to rise again
Thy skeletal remains shall become
One with the Earth...

17. Invert The Inverted Cross 3:11
Cross of Christ turned upside down
A symbol of His supposed defeat
Those in darkness rejoice in this
But the truth is revealed to the chosen!

Christ stormed the gates of Hell
And took the keys thereof!
Now the keys of Death and Hades
Belong to the Eternal one!

Hell awaits demonic forces
Who seek to pervert the Cross
Flaming hellfire destruction
Is their final dwelling place!

So what remains to be said!

Invert the inverted cross!
Inversion is but a lie
Upright it should stand!
No longer an inversion
But a symbol of supreme victory!

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