Wednesday, May 5, 2021


BAND NAME: Dawnbreaker
GENRE: Death/Unblack Metal (early), Symphonic Death/Unblack Metal (now)
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Gelderland, Netherlands

Cullen Toner - Everything



Deus Vult (album)

May 25, 2018, New Templar Records (CD)
May 25, 2018, Independent (Digital)
November 19, 2019, Christian Metal Underground Records (Digital)
December 12, 2019, Christian Metal Underground Records (CD)
June 2, 2023, Christian Metal Underground Records, Deluxe Edition (CD, Digital)

1. Vileness Exalted 2:53
Help, LORD, for the godly man ceases to be,
For the faithful disappear from among the sons of men.
They speak falsehood to one another;
With flattering lips and with a double heart they speak.

May the LORD cut off all flattering lips,
The tongue that speaks great things;
Who have said, "With our tongue we will prevail;
Our lips are our own; who is lord over us?"

You, O LORD, will keep them;
You will preserve him from this generation forever.

The wicked strut about on every side,
When vileness is exalted among the sons of men.

2. To Jerusalem 4:51
O Lord, hear my praise
For my sin was great and my hatred strong
But you lied in wait, and your light found me
And I in repentance throw myself at your mercy

O Lord, your mercy strong
By your blessings I again serve your will
Henceforth my desires shall be discarded
My temple shall be cleansed of putrid evils

Together Lord, your sons will fight
To restore the land that's turned away from you
We shall retake Jerusalem
And again align our people to your graces

We shall retake Jerusalem...

Deus Vult...

3. Dawnbreaker 4:51
Lord Jesus, I glorify your name
By your light I will face the darkness
By your strength I will overcome the enemy
By your grace may I prevail

Against the legions
My sword prevails
The Dawnbreaker
The slayer of evil...

May I carry your light into the darkest depths
May I confront the world of death itself
May I bring healing to the afflicted
May I bestow peace on all lost souls

4. Burnt Offerings 1:38
5. Deus Vult 7:10
In the name of Christ
These demons will be driven
My heart, filled with courage
Loves God above all things

Forgive me Lord, for there is hatred
For those who pervert your creation
I confess the sin of wishing wrath on sodomites
I repent, and beg for the strength of forgiveness

Assembled, defenders of truth
With the spirit of the Templar

Through his grace I've found strength
To purge the dark within me

To slaughter the evils that pursue me
To unlove the idols who deceived me

Assembled, defenders of truth
With the spirit of the Templar

Deus Vult...

6. Armor Of Light 3:03
Shielded from the night, a cross on my soul
Healed of all my past affliction
Curses broken, spells struck down
The blood of Jesus grants immunity of attack

Cloaked in his Word
None can match the power of God's hand
Burning with strength
Empowered by the host
Armor of light grants invincibility

Cloaked in his Word
None can match the power of God's hand
Burning with strength
Empowered by the host
Armor of light grants invincibility

7. ReChristianize 4:00
8. New World Crusade 3:17
Lord may we reclaim this place
That was lost to idolatry and hate
May we shine your light across this nation
I pray for your strength to lead this crusade
To be a testament to your grace

May we smash the chains of vanity
And banish the idols to oblivion
May we guide the lost back to your church
And vanquish the isolation into the night

Deus Vult!

1. Ecce Lignum Crucis (Intro) 1:23
2. Vileness Exalted 2:53
3. To Jerusalem 4:51
4. Dawnbreaker 4:52
5. Burnt Offerings 1:39
6. Deus Vult 7:10
7. Armor Of Light 3:03
8. ReChristianize 4:00
9. New World Crusade 3:17
10. The Siege Of Antioch 3:00
11. Holy Crusader Relics 1:51
12. Dies Irae 7:15

Total Depravity (album)

September 20, 2019, Christian Metal Underground Records (CD, Digital)
September 28, 2019, Independent (Digital)

1. Man Of War 3:02
The LORD is a man of war
The LORD is his name!
He is my strength and son...
And my salvation...
He is my God and I'll prepare him an habitation
Many preach solely on morality
And cower from truth: our faith's harsh realities
God's wrath is scorching, his plagues severe
Christianity is war!
In the spiritual fierce battle is waged
Will you align with the greatest warrior?
Perfect are his ways, the Lord of Hosts
Glory to the Lord, the man of war!
I worship the LORD!
Glory to the man of war!

2. Strength Of Passion 2:40
And he said unto them
"Go Ye into all the world
And preach the gospel to every creature
He that believe
And is baptized shall be saved
But he that believeth not be damned"
Strength of passion, a sacrifice to free the world
The snake tricked man to sin
And curse his bloodline to doom
But by the same law of God
Christ's sacrifice freed all!
Strength of passion, a sacrifice to free the world
Strength of passion, redemption by the blood of God!
Thank you for your sacrifice O Lord
To free us from torment of sin
For the wages of sin is death
And from our sin our blood depraved
Forgiveness only with the shed of blood
But the blood of a prophet
Can cover every sin across all time
We only need to believe
That his sacrifice has made us free!
I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God!

3. Blot Out The Night 5:10
Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness
According unto the multitude of thy tender mercies
Blot out my transgressions
Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin
For I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is ever before me
Against thee, thee only, have I sinned
And done this evil in thy sight
That thou mightest be justified when thou speakest
And be clear when thou judgest
Behold, I was shapen in iniquity
And in sin did my mother conceive me
Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts
And in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom
Purge me with hyssop
And I shall be clean
Hide thy face from my sins
And blot out all mine iniquities
Create in me a clean heart, O God
And renew a right spirit within me
Cast me not away from thy presence
And take not thy Holy Spirit from me

4. Secrets Of Enoch 4:20
And from thence I went to another place
Which was still more horrible than the former
And I saw a horrible thing: a great fire there which burnt and blazed
And the place was cleft as far as the abyss
Being full of great descending columns of fire
Neither its extent or magnitude could I see, nor could I conjecture
Then I said: "How fearful is the place
And how terrible to look upon!"
And he said unto me "This place is the prison of those angels
And here they'll be imprisoned forever"
Fear God...

5. Waterless Places 7:07
When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man,
He walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.
Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out;
And when is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished.
Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself,
And they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first.
...Only Christ can save us.

6. The Dark Tower 3:38
And they said, Go to, let us build
A tower, whose top may reach unto heaven
And let us make us a name, lest we be scattered
Abroad upon the face of the whole earth
The Lord saw their downfall
An infinite arrogance
And so he confused the tongues
And sent them scattered
And still they try to become God
Globalizing as one to need him not
As they attempt to storm his throne
May the LORD strike them down in force

7. Exordium 2:39
God... spake in time past... by prophets
Hath in these last days... by his Son
Being the brightness of his glory
Being made so much better than the angels
Christ is the living word of truth and justice
Preserved in scripture, gospel and his church
A word preached by fruitful works and deeds
And lastly by the voice
Tribulation awaits
Yet we must prevail through suffering
And light upon the Earth
As not of this wicked world
We preach the gospel through example
Drawing the hate of the damned
In the word we must seek refuge
From this momentary affliction

8. Radically Corrupt 3:08
Sin came into the world through one man
And death through sin
And so death spread to all men
Because all sinned
Infinitely corrupt
Incapable of choosing good
Without God's help we are slaves to sin
In bondage to our human will
We do what pleases us
Impervious to the vile self-destruction
Broken humanity
Total depravity was our tomb
Christ's merciful graces our only hope
He is risen...
He will return...

9. Post Tribulation Rapture 1:40
Then we which are alive and remain
Shall be caught up together
With them in the clouds
To meet the Lord in the air

There will come a time of tribulation
But the saved shall escape
The wrath of the Lord!

Torment and persecution
Will befall the church and God's people
But we will endure
And at last be raptured
From death!

There will come a time of tribulation
But the saved shall escape
The wrath of the Lord!
Post tribulation rapture!

10. Ruins Of Babylon 9:29
And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying,
Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen,
And is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit,
And a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication,
And the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her,
And the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people,
That ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine;
And she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the LORD God who judgeth her.
And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her,
Shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,
Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying,
Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city!
For in one hour is thy judgement come.

Vanquished Horrible Night (album)

October 31, 2020, Vision Of God Records (CD, Digital)
October 31, 2020, Independent (Digital)
December 28, 2020, Vision Of God Records (12" Vinyl)

1. Summoned By Christ's Vicar 1:22
2. Evil's Bane 6:05
In the name of Christ
And by the order of his vicar
These monsters will be driven
This plague of darkness will cease
I pledge my life to the church
And give my soul to the LORD
To wage total warfare in the spiritual
And fight his enemies to my death - and beyond!

My blade is the wrath of God
The bane of unholy ones
The breaker of dawn, the bringer of light
The fear of the wicked darkness
For our struggle is not with flesh and blood
But with principalities, with the powers

With the world rules of this present darkness
With the evil spirits in the heavens

My swords slices their binds
My psalms savage their beasts
My shield reflects their dark works unto themselves
And brings their shame into the day!
I cast them out of the meek
I undo their works of destruction
But this power comes not from me
And all is for the glory of him most high!

My blade is the wrath of God
The bane of unholy ones
The breaker of dawn, the bringer of light
The fear of the wicked darkness
For our struggle is not with flesh and blood
But with principalities, with the powers

A plague of darkness has draped the land
Cloaking all in mournful terrors
But the morning sun will light the sky
And vanquished will be the horrible night

I have come to bring light in his name
To the darkest depths for the rest of my days
And I wield the sword of evil's bane
The word of truth, by which demons are slain!

3. The Virtuous Quest 5:51
I am a hunter of plagues and death
In prayer I destroy legions of the evil one
A host of angels fights beside me in battle
I'm defended by the LORD of heavenly armies

I shall free the tortured slaves of hell!

Oh evil, what have I to fear?
For death is swallowed up in victory
Oh death where is thy sting?
Oh death where is thy victory?

Matching strength for strength in spiritual combat
Drowning the wickedness in Holy Water
Immune to their foolish spells and incantations
They pronounce death upon themselves!

Assaulting the gates of their wicked fortres
Fearless in the face of ghastly horrors

Oh evil, what have I to fear?
For death is swallowed up in victory
Oh death where is thy sting?
Oh death where is thy victory?

I once knew the weapons of the wicked
Yet now wield them against the evil I once served!

My quest is to heal this sickened nation
From the disease that consumes eternally
For in the waters is regeneration that covers up the darkness of the past

Oh Lord, remember not my sinful ways
May I bear your yoke for the rest of my days

4. Bridge Between Worlds 4:16
A man once crossed the gulf between human and divine
Because he was fully God and fully man
And he offers humanity a medium to our creator
He opened a direct portal to God

I will eat his flesh and I will heal primordial wounds!
I will drink his blood and I will cross the bridge between worlds!

He is the image of the invisible God
The firstborn of all creation
For in him all things were created in Heaven and Earth...
All things were created through him and for him

I will eat his flesh and I will heal primordial wounds!
I will drink his blood and I will cross the bridge between worlds!

Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof
But only say the word and my soul shall be healed

Only by his body and blood am I able to survive
Through powers from his sacrament I confront the greatest of evils!

Through him and with him and in him!

5. Torment Of Anti-Christian Souls 2:28
The smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever
And they have no rest, day or night

Don't believe the lies of your cruel material masters
You and I have more hope of salvation than anyone

I see your hate for the world
Don't you know we have this in common?
Join us, share in our persecutions
And why live a whole life of sadness
Just to spend eternity in torment?
Repent, don't waste your suffering!

The man of many sorrows knows the pain within your heart

Don't believe the lies of your cruel material masters
You and I have more hope of salvation than anyone

I see your hate for the world
Don't you know we have this in common?
Join us, share in our persecutions
And why live a whole life of sadness
Just to spend eternity in torment?
Repent, don't waste your suffering!

6. Plague Hunters 1:37
7. Yours Is The Night 6:32
Why, God, have you cast us off forever?
Why does your anger burn against the sheep of your pasture?
Remember your people, whom you acquired of old
The tribe you redeemed as your own heritage
Mount Zion where you dwell
Direct your streps toward the utter destruction
Everything the enemy laid waste in the sanctuary
Your foes roared triumphantly in the place of your assembly
They set up their own tokens of victory
They hacked away like a forester gathering boughs
Swinging his ax in a thicket of trees
They set your sanctuary on fire
Profaned your name's abode
By razing it to the ground

Yet you, God, are my king from of old
Winning victories throughout the earth
Yours is the day and yours is the night
You set the moon and sun in place

You fixed all the limits of the earth
Summer and winter you made
You stirred up the sea by your might
You smashed the heads of the dragons on the waters
You crushed the heads of Leviathan
Gave him as food to the sharks
Arise, God, defend your cause
Remember the constant jeering of the fools
Do not forget the clamor of your foes
The unceasing uproar of your enemies

Yet you, God, are my king from of old
Winning victories throughout the earth
Yours is the day and yours is the night
You set the moon and sun in place

8. A Martyr's Glory 4:37
I will give my life to destroy this horrible plague
I'll resist the evil one in intense sufferings

Yet if the Lord blesses me with agonies
I shall bask in the glory of torturous trial

I want nothing more than to suffer and die
For the glory of God
And my Lord Jesus Christ
And I hope to burn as a sweet sacrifice
For my blood to be split
In his glorious sight!

Peel the skin from my bones!
Burn me until the ashes are charred!
Pluck my tongue and my fingernails
Crucify me on agonizing cross!

The torments of the flesh are a badge of divine courage!

I want nothing more than to suffer and die
For the glory of God
And my Lord Jesus Christ
And I hope to burn as a sweet sacrifice
For my blood to be split
In his glorious sight!

This flesh is nothing!
From Heaven I will send fire in prayer!

9. Lady Of The Snows 4:23
She is cloaked in a robe of the sun
And served as an ark to the most holy one
She is greatest of all the saints
But should this bring due veneration?

The mother of the king is queen
But shall I lay my sword at your feet?

Her ghost led millions to the cross
But many mistake her for a god
Others won't even speak her name
But what would most please my Lord?

The mother of the king is queen
But shall I lay my sword at your feet?

All who saw you said that you point to him
The holy ones all called upon ye, blessed

She appeared in a blizzard of snow...
And she turned my eyes to Jesus Christ
And I know that she prays for me!
And I would die just to see her face again!

She prays for me...

10. The Outer Darkness 4:43

Ad Majorem Dei Glorium (album)

October 31, 2021, Independent (Digital)
October 31, 2021, Vision Of God Records (CD, Digital)

1. For The Greater Glory Of God 7:25
All that I do
For the greater glory of God
All that I am is for his greater glory

The chains have been loosened
The dark legions have gathered
Disease sickens the nation
Hysteria runs rampant

All that I do
For the greater glory of God
All that I am is for his greater glory

The spirit of war is in the sky
Sweeping a nation devastated by plague
The new Israel surrounded by armies
False prophets utter disgusting blasphemies

Yet I am at peace in heart and mind
Because the Lord my God will deliver me
My eyes show horror but I trust the spirit
Outnumbered by men, but defended by angels

I belong to the triune God
I exist to serve his will and way
All of creation is his story to tell
And so I will strive against sin for all my days

All that I do
For the greater glory of God
All that I am is for his greater glory

And so I march against the multitude
With the name of Christ written on my heart and lips
And I forsake my Earthly solitude

(Fear not the silence in the heavens)

All that I do
For the greater glory of God
All that I am is for his greater glory

2. Shadow Of Thy Wings 3:22
Hear, oh Lord, my plea,
Pay heed to my cry;
Listen to my prayer,
From lips without guile.

From you let my vindication come;
Your eyes see what is right.
You have tested my heart,
Searched it in the night.
You have tried me by fire,
But find no malice in me.

I call upon you; answer me, O God.
Turn your ear to me; hear my speech.
Show your wonderful mercy,
Delivering with your right arm
Those who seek refuge from their foes.

Ravenous enemies press upon me;
They fill their mouths with proud roaring.
Their steps even now encircle me;
They watch closely, keeping low to the ground.

Hide me in the shadow of your wings,
From the wicked who despoil me.

Rise, O Lord, confront and cast them down.

3. Art That Depicts The End Of The World 4:43
Stone monoliths tumble down
Iconoclasm of the Ages
Millenia of History only remains in genes
Pantheons cast to the depths
Legacies burnt to a crisp
Genealogies lost forever
But the love endures

Casted out demonic legions
But my name will be forgotten
My ashes blown away
My relics long lost
But my works will pass the fire
And will live on in your genes
Alive within the subconscious mind

When your descendants dream
They'll hear my song

Art that depicts the end of the world is popular
Now that all hope seems so lost
But my faith remains unchanged until the last day
And I know that I'll see your face once again

Nothing I see remains
What is unseen will never change

Night it fades away
Purged on the last day
With the memories

Devoid of a heir
Yet patriarch to many

Art that depicts the end of the world is popular
Now that all hope seems so lost
But my faith remains unchanged until the last day
And I know that I'll see your face once again

4. Gathering Of The Ancients 4:21
The temple trampled to pieces
Every stone thrown down
The elect remain in persecution
Forced underground
I ride through a night lit with the glare
Of burning martyred corpses
Seeking to preserve a hope
For those of the last generation

Yet the ancients still gather
Preserving the glorious future
The millennial reign...

Watered by the blood of martyrs
The hidden church grows
And my time to suffer unto blood is near
But before my ordeal of fire
I must fulfill my destiny...
What I owe to my spiritual descendants...

At the summit of the elders
The Holy relic delivered
Hidden for the destined time
A hope for the last age

Yet the ancients still gather
Preserving the glorious future
The millennial reign...

Prophecy fulfilled
The will forever sovereign
The story to be told
The Dawnbreaker...

And my hour has come
I smile in victory
I enter the gates of heaven
And continue this war in prayer

5. Light Warriors 1:28
6. Holy Grail 5:31
We sought the holy grail to heal the wounds of men
A symbol of truth for those faint of heart
A metaphor of hope, a focal point of faith
A sacred treasure with the touch of Christ

And so we went into the forest
Down the path we each most feared
Confronting the monsters within
Overcoming ancient terrors!

And I cast off the way of sin
The dark disgusting temptations
And with them my fears
That I was giving up anything but poison

And so we went into the forest
Down the path we each most feared
Confronting the monsters within
Overcoming ancient terrors!

Through him all things are possible
To those who trust his timing
With faith not used for Earthly riches
But hope for what was promised
So we plant seeds in the desolations
Knowing of the harvest to come
And find the holy grail
And anchor in faith that cannot be shaken!

We sought the holy grail to heal the wounds of men
A symbol of truth for those faint of heart
A metaphor of hope, a focal point of faith
A sacred treasure with the touch of Christ

7. War Across The Ages 6:08
There is a war as ancient
As the creation of the angels
It goes on, towards its end
Affecting our world across all time

I know not the battles fought in the heavens
Nor understand the hierarchy of powers

But I must fight against the wicked
A soldier on Earth crusading for Christ
With the sword of Evil's Bane!

Crusade against the darkness
War Across the Ages
A watchmen of Israel
In these last times

Jesus lead me
Spirit guide me

He will return in the dark of night
To this world of walking dead
I must destroy the void of no light
Within this keep of wicked Evil
To suffocate the monster of deep
The succubus of ancient death!

I know not the battles fought in the heavens
Nor understand the hierarchy of powers

I have put to death myself
Drowned in baptismal waters
Conquered the beast within
My psyche and my heart

No longer will this evil dwell
Christ will conquer death and hell!

8. I Never Knew You 6:21
Not everyone who says to him, 'Lord, Lord'
Will enter the kingdom of heaven
But the one who does the will of the Father
Who is in heaven

On that day many will say
'Lord, Lord, did we not cast out demons in your name?
And then he will declare to them, 'I never knew you;
Depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.'

Yes there is a God, he surely isn't dead
Hell is the "great unknown" to those who reject his creed

But as for me
I believed - and was saved!

Banisher Of Unlight (album)

May 17, 2024, Independent (Digital)
May 17, 2024, Vision Of God Records (CD, Digital)

1. Deep Calluth 5:12
As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God
My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?

Why art thou cast down, O my soul?
And why art thou disquieted in me?
Hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him
For the help of his countenance

My tears have been my meat day and night
While they continually say unto me, Where is thy God?
When I remember these things, I pour out my soul in me
For I had gone with the multitude, I went with them to the house of God

Why art thou cast down, O my soul?
And why art thou disquieted in me?
Hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him
For the help of his countenance

Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts
All thy waves and thy billows are gone over me

O my God, my soul is cast down within me
Therefore will I remember thee

Yet the LORD will command his lovingkindness in the day time
And in the night his song shall be with me
And my prayer unto the God of my life
I will say unto God my rock, Why hast thou forgotten me?

Why go I mourning because of the oppression of the enemy?
As with a sword in my bones, mine enemies reproach me
While they say daily unto me, Where is thy God?
I will say unto God my rock, Why hast thou forgotten me?

Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts
All thy waves and thy billows are gone over me

2. Portrait Of Ruin 5:43
Oh the throes of the world!
Tormented and bleeding are souls!
Ghastly horrors of hell now roam the Earth openly!
Disfiguring in grotesque mutilations
Fleshly altars of new age idols
Whores and junkies deified by spiritually poisoned masses!

In the faces around me
Sorrow and suffering
It feels so hopeless
The chance for their eternity

Oh Lord your grace seems to have left this land
Is it to suffer the fate of the seven churches of old?

A dark new religion
Masked by the name of "science"
With a pantheon of malignant tormenting spirits!
Abortion, pornography, "agency"
Mere chains of a wicked machine
That harvests the lifeforce and leaves a zombie void of meaning

In the faces around me
Sorrow and suffering
It feels so hopeless
The chance for their eternity

Oh Lord your grace seems to have left this land
Is it to suffer the fate of the seven churches of old?

Yet God I arise
And answer your call
To resist the forces of darkness
In this most dreadful age!

For you oh God have shone your mercy on me
A worthless and hopeless shell of a man, unworthy of anything
And clothed me in your righteousness, sanctified me
And so no soul is beyond all hope, no person beyond your grace

3. The Soul Hunter 5:44
The journey begins kneeling at the foot of the cross
Though many believed this would be the end
I soon found myself assailed from every side
They wouldn't let me go without a fight

But this was the destiny
Decided before the dawn of time
The soul hunter's quest of light
Salvation of the chosen lives

Their bodies cursed in darkness
Tormented by the lust of night
Yet to be cured by the touch of Christ

Now every sin is felt like a sting
The eyes can see the truth in sight
The dark desires forever cast aside

Release the darkness - embrace the life!

So this was the destiny
Decided before the dawn of time
The soul hunter's quest of light
Salvation of the chosen lives

I help the prisoners escape
From sin's haunted wicked keep
Shield them for the morbid ones
That thirst forever in the desert places

And how unworthy I am
Still infected by concupiscence
Yet sanctified, through no condition of mine
And this becomes my purpose
To free their souls in time
A beacon for the light of Christ forever shines

And still I hunger
For the taste of blood upon my lips
Yet I'm filled by the chalice of transformed wine

4. Machina Ex Deus 6:01
The machine grows in power
Its sentience complete
To many it looks like a god
But only from God proceeds the machine

God allows man to craft the cup
And to fill the cup with poison
With his permission man can drink
The chalice of destruction

Each advance of the algorithm
A closer step to the fire
A cleansing of Earth's wickedness

For God sits enthroned
Sovereign above all things
And no tower can reach heaven

The ancients of the past
Committed hybrid atrocities
Their punishment limitless
Tormented to this day

The AI merges!
A virus is detected!
Biological systems are overloaded!

For God sits enthroned
Sovereign above all things
And no tower can reach heaven

Before fire and brimstone rain
As in the days of the past
The cycle continues
Destruction is imminent!

Democracies destabilized!
Reproduction irreversibly damaged!
Plague mutations increase!
The west collapses!

By God is permitted
The fall of empires
The destruction of civilizations
His judgment forever reigns

5. Banisher Of Unlight 5:44
My flesh was cold and dead
And yet I roamed the dark of night
I sought to fill a lust of blood
But only grew in emptiness
Flying on wings of sorrow
Searching for life before a second death

Then his blade had banished the night
Had slew the vile darkness within me
This word of spirit cut the thorns
And struck down the wind itself

And still many nights brought agony
Untangling from this web of sin
And many days did I fall back
Into former bloodthirsty ways

Then his blade had banished the night
Had slew the vile darkness within me
This word of spirit cut the thorns
And struck down the wind itself
And this power I now wield
The very bane of death itself
The sword to banish the unlight
To reveal the truth

I believe on the name of Jesus Christ!
May it be a shield of protection upon my soul!
I reject the works of Satan!
I will wage war against my very flesh!

Then his blade had banished the night
Had slew the vile darkness within me
This word of spirit cut the thorns
And struck down the wind itself
And this power I now wield
The very bane of death itself
The sword to banish the unlight
To reveal the truth

6. Plain Of Magog 4:33
Deceit has spread its cloak
Over the face of the Earth
A grand army gathers for battle
At every turn curses are spoken

Global media, world governments unite
To rid the land of every shred of righteousness
Enshrined digital images drive maddened souls to war
They gather on the plain of Magog

Condemned since before all ages
A destiny of doom and disgrace
So many dazzled by their vast numbers
But their fate revealed thousands of years ago

The faith of Christ had seemed dead
The saints surrounded by a world that hates them
But like with Constantine in days of old
In one swift strike God destroys his enemies

The world seemed to have won
But light devoured death!
The plain of Magog covered in corpses
The corpses of the enemies of Christ!

7. Bloodlines 3:53
The cup of blood holds the truth
The window into eternity
And now I'm of the holy seed
Grafted into the ancient covenant
My past self is drowned
My garments are of righteousness

No bloodline in the flesh is guaranteed elect
But those who believe on Christ will pass the gate!

Be not deceived - the kingdom is here!
Christ sits enthroned on David's seat!
The Earthly reign upon us now
The rapture awaits at the end of all days

For I once was of the cursed bloodline
Generations blinded in deceit
But the sacred blood has cleansed my soul
And joined me to the living God
And now I've tasted immortality!

Glory to the ancients of the covenant!
May their descendants come to truth in Christ!

The cup of blood holds the truth
The window into eternity
And now I'm of the holy seed
Grafted into the ancient covenant
My past self is drowned
My garments are of righteousness

Saved by the blood of God!

8. Return To Jerusalem 4:26
O' Lord, hear my praise
For my sin was great and my hatred strong
But you lied in wait, and your light found me
And I in repentance throw myself at your mercy

O' Lord, your mercy strong
By your blessings I again serve your will
Henceforth my desires shall be discarded
My temple shall be cleansed of putrid evils

Together Lord, your sons will fight
To restore the land that's turned away from you
We shall retake Jerusalem
And again align our people to your graces

We shall retake Jerusalem...

Deus Vult!

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