Monday, September 12, 2022


BAND NAME: A Hill To Die Upon
GENRE: Unblack/Death Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Monmouth/Galesburg, Illinois

Adam Cook - Vocals, Guitars
Nolan Osmond - Guitars
Michael Cook - Drums, Vocals

Past members:
Steve Southard - Vocals
Tanner Jones - Guitars, Vocals
Adam Gross - Guitars
Drew Webster - Guitars
Brent Dossett - Bass, Vocals
Josiah Boyd - Bass
Elisha Mullins - Bass
John Christianson - Bass



The Burial (single, November 20, 2006, Independent) (Digital)

1. The Burial 4:34

Demo 2008 (June 2008, Independent) (CD-R)

1. Season Of The Starved Wolf 4:59
2. The King Never Smiles 3:33

Infinite Titanic Immortal (album)

July 21, 2009, Bombworks Records (CD, Digital)
December 5, 2013, Independent (Digital)
2019, Bombworks Records, Limited Edition (12" Vinyl)

1. Of Fire And Division 1:13
"I have come to bring fire, and how I wish it were already kindled!... Do you think I have come to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division."
-Jesus Christ, Luke's gospel 12:49-51

"The mighty man will become tinder and his works a spark; both will burn together, with no one to quench the fire."
-Isaiah 1:31

2. Prometheus Rebound 4:24
No sleep, no dreams, no making mankind's peace
The furies for company and the rejection of that infinity

Abomination of my clay brothers...
We are the mud and filth of this earth
Of what we can and would become
This likeness is all we are

Artist of my clay spirit
I am the reclaimed fallen son
Of what we can or would die to see:
I fire in the hearts of men

In blackest day of generations
My end is to end as the dead
We dead promethean sons
End of the dead
"Titans, behold your God!"
Bow before the potter's Son
My end is to end as the dead
Promethean child!

"Titans, behold your God!"
He canst become no clearer
God of all, star-inwoven
He hast love beyond

"Champion of heaven's slaves"
Oblivion Son

We canst grieve no more...
Io! Barest of love
Oblivion soul
We canst bear no more...

3. This King Never Smiles 3:34
Live long the curse of Midas
Be warned of greed and golden pastures
For years, I've often sat and pondered "What more should I obtain"
"What else is left to conquer?"
Power, yes everlasting power
Obtained by wealth and gold
A force that I can touch and hold
Ignorance and avarice hand-in-hand as one

Servant, bring my plate, I have a hunger
For I cannot live on my riches alone
Servant, night is close, where is my daughter?
What do you mean she's on the lawn?
Call her name, bring her to me
What do you mean she's stiff and cold?
My own blood now a trophy?
My Dionysis, I've paid your price in full

My kingdom lies in ruins from their king
From my own hand my kingdom lies in ruins

I realize now my life's importance
I realize now my lesson learned
Each step I take toward golden fortune
That's one more foot in the ground

Please lift this curse from my head
Please lift this curse from my hands
Just let me wash my hands of this

4. Season Of The Starved Wolf 5:05
Another night brings uncertain hunger
And one more moon might satisfy that

My eyes were meant to sift through shadows
With razor teeth I ache and wait for the hunt
My eyes were meant to sift through shadows
The taste of blood sits well on the tip of my tongue

Who's the unlucky mortal whom fate has forgotten?
Around this town, my dear, the hunt is the law
And now you answer to my jaw
What mindless cattle left their behind to come find mine?
For year's we've fed by the moon
Haunting, awaiting the nightfall
We'll allow you days but after dark we claim these woods
Beware the moon!

And I'll lead these wolves, straight through the fire
Right through the belly of hell
And I'll lead these wolves, straight through the fire
Right through the belly of hell itself

Straight through the fire, straight through the belly of hell, straight through the fire

And I'll lead these wolves, straight through the fire
Right through the belly of hell

We are the wolves
We are the hunger
But beware the moon, we are the night

We are the wolves
We are the hunger
But beware the moon, the hunt is law

5. Twin Heads Of Vengeance 5:53
The Twin Heads: "Two beaks tear at a thousand nation's eyes
Wings beat upon the ears of all who dare to fight

My light shineth the way
Forward through ash and fod and fear
IT is flaming madness I see... in all whom I command

Set flame to a million empirical states
That will not bare my faces
I am at peace with the madness of my race

Two beaks tear at a thousand nation's eyes
Wings beat upon the ears of all who dare to fight..."

Warriors: "Beholdeth what we cannot see
God of gods!
Law by nature, by will alone
Infinite Titanic Immortal

Oh! Faceless might
Grant us the sight
Through the ash and flame
The hymns of chaos rise!"

The Poet: Warring iron gods
And madness' undying flame
Carmen ex ignis
Cantus ex metus

6. Heka Secundus (On Slithering Ice) 3:31

Aphelion! Hail beyond the halls of time
To vast waste of ice and Alluvial mass
Logos! Ad Pathos! So be it ever after
Thy souls, themselves, are bringers of disease

Chaos, saty, servant of strymphalian rage
And that hideous strength that saileth from beyond
Io, lycanthropy! Bare thy claws and fangs
Time shall ever call my name

Ad infinitum

The hand of Gaia
The womb of mother ice
Borealis shines
And burns the will of man
Giants circle and roar
Heka Secondus!

I hath prayed for strength
And my hell is here
And my hell is real

7. The Dark Road 1:36

8. We Soulless Men 5:39
The continuum I behold, such is my inner want
Not that I should bold above that which is not around me
The art of soul is now meaningless
As I behold my total lack of self

Lo! Dementer
Behold the eart
Above and below
Thou makest believe
Above the sphere
Rebellious globe
Thou makes us believe

Why, oh why, are we left?
To be sin in such perfect a place
The desolate mind is so perfectly spoiled
In the eyes of a raptures snake

Eyes of a raptures snake

Hear me speak, brothers of the earth
My words that shattered like clay
So I speak as if thou were a child
Lest fire besiegeth thy hearts

Beckon forth! The soulless mankind
Standing in ranks of thousands still more
But this fate is what I have always feared for we soulless men

We soulless men

9. Titanic Essence 3:47
De natura ex intime dissolutio
I am, therefore I burn!
Mysta ex omnis uxorious
Alles soll stehen verwirren

Ars ex liber, ex anima
The descending lion throne
Cogito, ergo summitissum
Alles soll stehen grell

Metaphysics and decomposition
Erase and total control
Wait no, nor give in to fear
Submerion in violence

"Warstrength shall collide with warstrength"
Tartarian essen and raptures snake
"For all the immortals," Thraxus immolator!


10. Eclipse Of Serpents 5:07
Shafts of plague and pythoness gift
The blackness of Bast has cometh unto us
Heiracosphinx! Slain
By judgment's flaming sword
Canst thou see the blood of the Nile?

Of all blights! 'tis our sorry lot
To suffer black, night, and boils
Theban courage and Memphian lust
Thou darest stain with blood

Lo! The torment of the snake
Scythian blades---jackal's fleet
Hail! The conquest of...
The Uncreated one

Open the book of Adapa
And behold the coming of plagues

Morbid philosopher
Behind the curtain of lies

Ave! Thou art greatest of fifty - Ave! Avenger
Ave! Thou art greatest of fifty - Ave! Leviathan

11. Rime 6:04

Omens (album)

May 23, 2011, Bombworks Records (Digital)
June 2011, Bombworks Records (CD)
June 2011, Bombworks Records, Divine Metal Distro, Limited Edition (2 CD)
August 6, 2012, Independent (Digital)

The Divine Metal Distro 2-disc edition includes the 2008 demo as a bonus disc.

1. Darkness That Can Be Felt 4:53
Blinded may I be
But more senses 'waken
Of thou would call lies
I deem all else forsaken

Hated may I be
But love shall then abound
For what is my blood then
Spilt upon the ground

At last!
My place is gained among the man forsaken
At last!
My kind shall find our way back to the wilderness

O, thou hast the night!
To anoint my head with vermillion
Mark of the joyful slave
For I have that right

High atop the mountain
Where the World Prince was slain
I see the lone God
Holding the hexagram

I am the black space between the stars
I am the darkness that can be felt

2. The Perfection Of Evil 3:44
Worship in silence
The God who smote the dragon's mouth
Wisdom from the sand
God of all the land
Orthodox alchemy
Mystic ways I have sought
Mystic signs have I wrought

Diasos Anthropos!
I am my father's son
Diasos Anthropos!
I shall transcend the Sun

Auriel, despise thee
Gabriel, take hold
And Michael, aside me
Raphael behold

Legions of the new world
From sea to blackened sea
Show the mark upon thy brow
In this land I sing
The song of the desert
Among the sands in the middle of the East

3. Adept In Divinity 3:02
From the top of my tower
I saw the sign descending
The birth of V.I.T.R.I.O.L.
The death of Yetzer-Ra
By the hand of the Moon
And touch of tyrant Sun
The Watcher of Styx
I have left behind

Toward's Castor's portal
The gate of the Apzu
Brough by Gabriel
In search of the leonine
Io, Astromortal!
The adept in divinity
Sought by Raphael
In conquest of the western sea

Angdae dûrelen
Agarwaen Er
I am the left handed
Wizard of the War God
Angdae dûrelen
Agarwaen Er
"No fate is shared
No fate is shared!"

4. The Chant Of Mighty Offspring 2:55
By Saros Vulcanic I am led
Towards all perfection of darkness
To the heights of Hell...
...And the depths of Heaven
I am the mightiest offspring
In slavery I was bred
Brought up by the sword
And mothered by the dead
And thus I danced
For the hate and love bound within my soul
With Epithemus and the Sphinx
Prometheus and the Lynx
Lo, grant me thy namesake
Slayer of the Pantheonic
"Here I am!" Blessed of the left hand
Guardian of the secrets of the forest
Grant me shining eyes and silent ways

...I have come for Asherah!

5. Heka Primus (Ordo Norma Mysterium) 3:00

Whilst thou breathe the fire of the gods?
The bitter flame, black as the dragon's heart
Ana-elemental, the test of all that's pure
Adra-immortality, so far beyond the rest

Helios divinitas
Of all silence
Scala perfectionis
Gog and Magog
Deep Elysium
War god
Norma mysterium
The winds shall flow undeterred
Aided with breathe and immortal seed
To the four corners of this voidless earth
I shall witness to this new mystery

Reveal to me the secrets of the Sun!

6. I Come As Black Fire 5:24
Remember me not
To the one eons forgot
My sons shall inherit my blasphemy
Remember me not
Leave my ashes to rot
For nothing good comes from Babylon

Deliver me into the hand of the evil one
For I have been marked by the Nazareth's son

Burn black flame and I shall do the same
Tribuo ut Caesar quis est Caesari
Burn great light
Blind by the fallen might
We are the black void between the stars

I shall behold the black flame of Ain
I shall behold the desert god the same

7. Nehushtan 1:47

8. May The Thing Be Destroyed 4:14
Dethroned shall I be
With one spell erased
By my will, I will be undone
By thy will, I am no more
Now I descend upon this world
Blessed with the silence of all creation

Within spirit and favor
A spell upon my lips
'May the thing be destroyed!'
I reign in an ancient land
Of grace, desert, and war
With the blood of the watchers
And the line of the holy ones

Shed blood! My sons, shed blood!

9. Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down 2:44
Satan your kingdom must come down
I heard the voice of Jesus say
'Satan your kingdom must come down'
Gonna chant it down gonna tear your kingdom down
Satan your kingdom must come down

10. Ancient Enemy Of Death 5:10
The dance of the spheres disturbs my song
And the rhythm of the waves beats with the drums
In my wakefullness I see the myth come to life
And from the vantage of my spire I come

With horns I went to the edge of the world
And with wings I shall return
For in the shadow and smoke I was veiled
And of the blinding light I am born again

Deep within the gathering of the seas
The snake watches with lidless eyes
The Titan waits for the woman
The woman waits for the beast

During that hour I saw the lifting of a sleep
For I saw Nehushtan rise from his keep
And though darkness still lay upon the deep
I heard the voices of men give up and weep

1. Season Of The Starved Wolf 4:59
2. This King Never Smiles 3:33

Manden Med Leen (single)

December 21, 2012, Independent (Digital)
February 9, 2013, Independent (Digital)

1. Manden Med Leen 5:29
"...Satan hath desired you, that he may sift [you] as wheat..."
Luke 22:31b KJV

I have mixed the wines at Shinar
I have planted the olives at Athens

Fire I fed to the fallen fold
And gifts I gave of gain-less gold

At Knossos I sanctified my horns - Wetted with virginity

Rightly I reveled 'mongst the rotted roots
And blood I begged of the boldest brutes

Albion gave me no saintless throne
My seed was wasted upon that isle

Creeds I craved of the carnal crowd
But prayers were proffered by the pierced and proud

The new world has been my greatest pride
Where longest has been my lordly stride

Death I dreamed for the drowning dregs
And Love I lost between her lifeless legs

"Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do."
John 8:44 KJV

"From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him."
John 6:66 KJV

Let my scythe fall upon that field
And reap what the sky would yield

Holy Despair (album)

April 22, 2014, Bombworks Records (CD, Digital)
March 30, 2014, Independent (Digital)

1. Cloven Hoof Hava Nagila 2:48
"'Oh, dear! I can't understand that,' said the princess. 'I dare say not. I didn't expect you would. But that's no reason why I shouldn't say it.'"
-George MacDonald, The Princess and the Goblin

Let me pass, let me pass
I am hungry for sweeter grass
Let me pass, let me pass
Soon the first shall be the last
The shadows on the wall
Are not enough for me
I want the light behind
All the shadowed shapes

I shall soon graze in greener fields
Of grasses that whither not nor yield
My final prayer is a feeble bleat
The left path is never free
Let me pass, let me pass
I am hungry for sweeter grass
Let me pass, let me pass
Soon the first shall be the last

2. A Jester Arrayed In Burning Gold 4:47
"Tho' much is taken, much abides; and tho'
We are not now that strength which in old day
Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."
-Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Ulysses 65-70

Share not the cup I have wantonly sipped
The cradle that has been finally tipped
In fool's garb do I before thee appear
With signs and sounds fit for stirring fear
Yet the mask hides what is truly between
My emerald eyes and the jewels that are seen

First we eat, then we drink
Then we sing ourselves hoarse
To the ever brightening sun

Tread ye not, now, where I have failed
That spirit has flown, that ship has sailed
My feet have failed to dance the steps
And for bare bones I have loved and wept
Arrayed am I in burning, Trojan gold
For the sake of He who's name I hold

First we eat, then we drink
Then we sing ourselves hoarse
To the ever brightening sun

3. Unyielding Anguish 4:38
"Meaninglessness does not come from a weariness of pain but meaningless comes from a weariness of pleasure."
-G.K. Chesterton

...Slain by my own sword
The temple to myself abandoned
The religion of my life now a heresy
"Io Pan!"
I chased the wind
But I only caught my hoof
I played my flute
But no one danced
"Dance for me!"

Truth is found in the lifeless deep
Where pain and anguish never retreat
Despair, being mother to us all
Has summoned me with her death rattle call
Dark and warm, black and void
The blessed place where I am destroyed
She let me back into her womb
She let me pretend it was my tomb

Holy, holy, holy despair
Bless me with anguish
And break off my horns
Holy, holy, holy despair
Exalt me with sorrow
And crown me with thorns

Here I sit in the Elms
Slain by my own sword
The temple to myself abandoned
The religion of my life now a heresy
"Io Pan!"
I chased the wind
But I only caught my hoof
I played my flute
But no one danced
"Dance for me!"

Death has taken me out of spite
For my unyielding despair in life
Where my useless poems and songs
Give no right account of all my wrongs
I am the worst, blest and curst
This is silent end of my life
Worshipping the so-called god of the knife

Holy, holy, holy...

4. Let The Ravens Have My Eyes 5:19
"Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence."

I gave and I gave to lay
The stones for the churches of man
No longer do I labor in vain
And nor do I say: "..."

Forest is cut into timber, sea stopped up by dams
Look to the grain and current, not sculpted by hands
Break the shrines and temples
Lose what the body holds
That which sadly is sold
For less than its weight in gold
Blindly I search for God
For in seeing I stumble
He is my Troy, my Maud
If I be so humble

Dim the Sun
Come, now, and make us one
Pray for rain
Come, give us bread and stay the same

Do you see, you see?
There was god on a tree
Huginn and Muninn take my eyes
But I saw that I know is right
Take the third of my eyes
Lest it cause me to sin
Make me like that god
To stand the western wind

"Wenn Sie den falschen
Zug einsteigen, ist es kein Gebrauch
Laufen den Gang entlang
In die andrere Richtung."

5. Hæoen 4:32
"Et si non minus nobis iucundi atque inlustres sunt ei dies quibus conservamur quam illi quibus nascimur, quod salutis certa laetitia est, nascendi incerta condicio et quod sine sensu nascimur, cum voluptate servamur..."
-Marcus Tullius Cicero, In Catilinam III.2


Weaving the wasted waters of the world
I hear the music
Nothing could be more than walking hand-in-hand
Lamenintg the later lords
The gull tears my heart
But let it be said of me: "..."
And "thus he spoke to me!"

O sinners, let us go down
Let us go down, come down
Down, in the river to pray
O sinners, let us drown
Let us drown, come drown
Where in the river we'll stay

I despise the land that you so cherish
And I abhor the earth beneath my feet

6. Nekyia 6:54
"But when with vows and prayers I had made supplication to the tribes of the dead, I took the sheep and cut their throats over the pit, and the dark blood ran forth. Then there gathered from out of Erebus the spirits of those that are dead..."
-Homer, The Odyssey

Pray for rain to wash away
The blood and grease of war
Commit to train the children
To slaughter the children of our mothers and fathers

The wheel spun wide
Geometry lost its true
The falcon has lost its gloved hand
Sinking the heavy ship of all we knew
The center hasn't fallen away
We have cast it off
Where all the blood
Was spilt to call the ghosts

They buried us in the wounded ground
Under grass our decay made far too green


We dug a trench in the Rhineland
Long as wind, payment for sin
The black ram was brought before the lord
Of the lower third of afterworld

Slouching towards Bethlehem to be born
The new birth beats on the walls of the womb of the world
Crawling fourth on four, the earth is torn
By claws, and two thousand year old horns


We dug a trench in the Rhineland
Long as wind, payment for sin
The black ram was brought before the lord
Of the lower third of afterworld
But instead of its blood being shed
Our youth was released into the pit
The victor laid us down in our beds
Thus it was spoke, and thus it was writ

Even the idea of a center
Is left outside to rust
The Sun is falling to dusk
On the gyre of the western world

The wheel spun wide...

7. Somme 2:38
"Death is the supreme festival of the road to freedom."
-Dietrich Bonhoeffer

8. Rime (Jerub-Ba'al) 6:17
"All nature is but art, unknown to thee;
All chance, direction; which thou canst not see;
All discord, harmony, not understood;"
-Alexander Pope, Essay on Man

We are now called Jerub-Ba'al
Brothers in blood and fell in oath, the silent sound of the Fall
Let the lesser lights shine to all

Castor and Pollox have no worth
Stones and soil screaming out
From the mountains where rivers berth
We are the beds cut in the earth

I have come for Asherah
And I shall contend with Ba'al
Naught is given beneath the sun
Naught is had that is not won

He approves of what we undertake
...What we overtake
...What we ourselves negate
...The sounds we make

As is the man, so is his weakness
So leave the burning gold on your heads
As is the god, so is his greatness
We are nothing more than riverbeds

I felled the very goddess-carved totem
Which Joash erected high
No doubt my god has smote them
No doubt... no doubt...

He approves of what we undertake
...What we overtake
...What we negate
...Of the sounds we make
...Some lessons learned
...Some churches burned
...Silence earned
...Death not spurned

9. O Death 5:54
"I still believe that the spiritual songs of the African-Americans represent some of the greatest artistic achievements in America."
-Dietrich Bonheoffer

What is this that I can't see
With ice cold hands takin' hold of me?
When God is gone and the Devil takes hold
Lord have mercy on my soul
Well, I am death, none can excel
I open the door to Heaven and Hell
'O, Death someone might pray
Could you call me another day? 'O, death...

The children prayed and the preacher preached
Time and mercy are out of your reach
I'll fix your feet 'til you can't walk
I'll lock your jaw 'til you can't talk
I'll close your eyes so you can't see
This very hour come and go with me
I am death come to take the soul
Leave the body and leave it cold
To draw the flesh off of the frame
Dirt and worm both have a claim

O, death...

O, death, please consider my age
Please don't take me at this stage
My wealth is all at your command
If you would remove your icy hand
Death is moving upon your soul
All alike to me, you know
No wealth, no land, no silver, no gold
Nothing satisfies me but your soul

O, death...

10. Satan Speaks 4:16
Dei Nostri Templum Corpum Est

I am Nature, the Mighty Mother
I am the law; ye have none other

I am the flower and the dewdrop fresh
I am the lust in your itching flesh

I am the battle's filth and strain
I am the widow's empty pain

I am the sea to smother your breath
I am the bomb, the failing death

I am the fact and the crushing reason
To thwart your fantasy's new-born treason

I am the spider making her net
I am the beast with jaws blood-wet

I am a wolf that follows the sun
And I will catch him ere day be done

I am Satan, accuser accursed
Heed not my words, I was not first

Jubal And Syrinx (single, August 13, 2017, Independent) (Digital)

1. Jubal And Syrinx 4:52
I made to call myself righteous
I made to fashion myself a saint
But I saw the devils standing there
And they called to me "brother!"
I sought to cast off my indignities
I sought to slough off my stains
But my whole skin came with it
For I am not but soul, sin, and pain

We thought we were wolves hunting our prey
But we're just dogs searching for a new master

Drowned I shall be by the waves
But solid I shall stand in my water grave
What if what I wilt is this sickening submission?
What if what I wilt is this goddamned religion?

I tried to steal past the watchful dragons
But only one of us made it through
I tried to steal past those deceitful dragons
But what they say might not be true

I shall lay the foundation
Of a temple that shall last forever
A simple harmony to the grand theme
A sound that shall never pass away
Apollo has a made bed in my ear
To sing me songs of my disgrace
Making his temple of sublime noise
Just behind my terrified, unbelieving face

We thought we were wolves hunting those who pray
But we're just dogs searching for a new master

I shall waste my time
With blood and wine
And the superstitious meal
Shared by me and my kind

Drowned I shall be by the waves
But solid I shall stand in my water grave
What if what I wilt is this sickening submission?
What if what I wilt is this goddamned religion?

Via Artis Via Mortis (album)

September 15, 2017, Luxor Records (CD, Digital)
September 29, 2017, Independent (Digital)

1. Melpomene And Thalia 1:21
"Do you think I am trying to weave a spell? Perhaps I am; but do you remember your fairy tales. Spells are used for breaking enchantments as well as for inducing them."
-C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory

2. Jubal And Syrinx 4:52
"'Do what thou wilt' shall be the whole of the Law."
-Aleister Crowley

I made to call myself righteous
I made to fashion myself a saint
But I saw the devils standing there
And they called to me "brother!"
I sought to cast off my indignities
I sought to slough off my stains
But my whole skin came with it
For I am not but soul, sin, and pain

We thought we were wolves hunting our prey
But we're just dogs searching for a new master

Drowned I shall be by the waves
But solid I shall stand in my water grave
What if what I wilt is this sickening submission?
What if what I wilt is this goddamned religion?

I tried to steal past the watchful dragons
But only one of us made it through
I tried to steal past those deceitful dragons
But what they say might not be true

I shall lay the foundation
Of a temple that shall last forever
A simple harmony to the grand theme
A sound that shall never pass away
Apollo has a made bed in my ear
To sing me songs of my disgrace
Making his temple of sublime noise
Just behind my terrified, unbelieving face

We thought we were wolves hunting those who pray
But we're just dogs searching for a new master

I shall waste my time
With blood and wine
And the superstitious meal
Shared by me and my kind

3. Artifice Intelligence 3:33
"Why command a robot not to do harm--wouldn't it be easier never to command it to do harm in the first place? Does the universe contain a mysterious force pulling entities toward malevolence, so that a positronic brain must be programmed to withstand it?"
-Steven Pinker, How the Mind Works

The only way to pass the test
For non-progenating dying flesh
Create offspring without a womb
And he shall praise you as God and Father

I think, therefore I shall be
I create, therefore I endure

My son
Fruit of my labor
Never to be undone

Self-aware, sentient birth
Into an existential crisis and curse
No cry from the pain of being
And no tears for an electric eye

I think, therefore I am
I destroy, therefore I endure

No father of mine
First to be undone


4. Sorcery And Sudden Vengeance 4:04
"I did try to found a heresy of my own, and when I had put the last touches to it I discovered that it was orthodoxy."
-G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy

My vision of this world
Held so dearly in my mind
Shattered like this young man's skull
Along the banks of the Rhine

May I curse God and die?
For death would be a relief
But would it vindicate or shame me
In my rampant unbelief?
May I curse God and survive
Or would lightning strike me to the ground?
I would gladly feel its burn on my face
If then I could see my Jehovah come down

Faire le descente

No witch has ever died
No demon ever slept too deep
All can be brought back
To herd unfortunate sheep
Not witch has ever died
No nightmare ever truly sleeps
There is no such thing as death
Except for the mortal sheep

The mud is in my wounds
My blood is in the ground
From dust I was born
Oh how poetically we are bound

May I curse God and die?
For death would be a relief
But would it vindicate or shame me
In my rampant unbelief?
May I curse God and survive
Or would lightning strike me to the ground?
I would gladly feel its burn on my face
If then I could see my Jehovah come down

5. "I Was There When You Went Under The Water" 4:11
"Nature is mortal; we shall outlive her. When all the suns and nebulae have passed away, each one of your will still be alive."
-C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory

Stars fail
What did we gain?
Night falls upon us
And nothing shall be the same

I knew Suns cooled
But the sky is ice
Frost drips from the lion's mane
And nothing shall be the same

I was there when you went under the water
I was there when you took a new face
I was there when you went under the water
I was there when you came back from space


The music ceases
Maestro bows
His baton waves against the grain
And nothing shall be the same

I know nothing
Except I was wrong
Judgment falls like rain
And nothing shall be the same

6. Great Is Artemis Of The Ephesians 4:59
"All of these ignoble qualities in literature arise from one cause -- from the passion for novel ideas which is the dominant craze among the writers of today..."
-Longinus, On the Sublime

Thou deign to consider war the work of mortals?
Do not deny celestial and Cerberean taint in our blood
We demons meant for Heaven shall create hell here on earth
Remember what was washed away in the Great Flood

And they cry, "great is Artemis!
Sour milk is all I've wanted
No more am I by the shepherd hunted
Great, great, great is Artemis of the Ephesians!"

The silversmiths pour their folly into the molds
Never removing the real dross from Old Lie
Hither and thither go the sheep of the lost fold
Content to suckle at the huntress' cold breast

And they cry, "great is Artemis!
Sour milk is all I've wanted
No more am I by the shepherd hunted
Great, great, great is Artemis of the Ephesians!"
And they cry, "great is Artemis!
I swear silver is better than any gold
No more am I by the shepherd wanted
Great, great, great is Artemis of the Ephesians!"

Carve the statue
From Lapis Lazuli
Bow before the god with no face
We will never die

7. The Garden 4:34
"I insisted that he ought to appear in the temple I built for him; not knowing that he cares only for temples building and not at all for temples built."
-C.S. Lewis, Surprised by Joy

There's faery in this garden
I cannot bear to hear him sing:

"Thee sculptors all pursuing
Have embodied but their own
Round their visions, form enduring
Marble vestments thou hast thrown"

There's feary in my garden
I cannot bear to hear him sing:

"But thyself, in silence winding
Thou hast kept eternally
Thee they found not, many finding
I have found thee, wake for me"

"Hear my voice come through the golden
Mist of memory and hope
And with shadowy smile embolden
Me with primal death to cope"

8. Mosin Nagant 4:08
"For the effect of elevated language is not to persuade the hearers, but to entrance them; and at all times, in every way, what transports us with wonder is more telling than what merely persuades or gratifies us."
-Longinus, On the Sublime

Winter came to the Ostfront
And froze up the mud
The ghosts still haunt us
Their bones underfoot
But those spirits guide us
As surely as bullets find us
Our bones will lie with theirs
On the plains of the Rus

Mosin Nagant
Send me to hell
That I may pay for my Father's sins
Mosin Nagant
Take me to the flames
That I may at least warm my hands

From dust I was born
All my bone and blood
Oh, the poetry that
I return to mud
The battlefield harmony
Too beautiful to be a dream
Will be a minor third between
My dying scream

Mosin Nagant
Send me to hell
That I may pay for my Father's sins
Mosin Nagant
Take me to the flames
That I may at least warm my hands

Blood softened
Mud coffin

When the poppy's grow o'er my head
Tell your children why blood was shed
Tell them why so many are dead
When the poppy's feed on my head

9. St. Cocaine 5:22
"For we will surely die and are like water spilled on the ground which cannot be gathered up again. Yet the LORD does not take away life, but plans a way so that the banished will not be cast out from him."
-II Samuel 14:14

My salvation was so near
But it does not assuage my paralyzing fear
That trench was to be my astral womb
For God knows it was nearly my tomb

I prayed, I prayed
Bury me at Ypres
With a coffin made of mud
In full battle array
I pray, I pray
To St. Cocaine
I wait, I wait
For virgin white embrace

I am brought back from the dead
To live again amongst the well fed
Bid to forget the hell
The Hell that I learned to love so well

Death's wail
Haunting Paschiondale
With an elixir mostly of blood
This magic shall not fail
I pray, I pray, and I pray
To St. Leda Cocaine
I wait, I wait, and I wait
For her swanlike embrace

A long march toward a certain death
What doesn't kill me only feeds my paranoia

Left Handed Wizard (My Eyes Look West) (single, October 6, 2023, Rottweiler Records) (Digital)

1. Left Handed Wizard 3:38

Stille Nacht (single, November 3, 2023, Rottweiler Records) (Digital)

1. Stille Nacht 4:04

The Black Nativity (album, November 24, 2023, Rottweiler Records) (CD, Digital, 12" Vinyl)

1. Hymn To Marduk 4:33
3. We Three Kings 5:59
4. What Child Is This 4:58
5. Left Handed Wizard (My Eyes Look West) 3:38
6. Stille Nacht 4:04
7. Entre Le Beouf 1:40
8. Auld Lang Syne 2:08
9. Sacred Harp 133 3:22
10. Hymn To Marduk II 2:45
11. Minuit Chretien 1:59

Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree (single, December 22, 2023, Rottweiler Records) (Digital)

1. Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree 2:31

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