Monday, June 20, 2022


BAND NAME: Troparion
GENRE: Unblack Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: United States

Stalkarth - Everything



Demo 2022

June 14, 2022, Independent (Digital)
October 20, 2022, Coleiosis Records (Digital)

1. Premonitions Of Total Demonacaust 4:58
Divine entities whisper softly
Songs for the end to come
Kontakions of Hades' fall

Devilish beasts cower in fear
As the holy Son descends on the Earth
From the clouds the God comes forth
Demons flee from the one they once cursed
Angels soar with scythes in hand
Hungry for blood from the blasphemous lands
Screams fill the night as the void gives form
Flames from the pit kiss the somber night's storm

Flesh tender axis falls to the flaming void
Millions of tears are streaming with regret
Their holy mother earth devours her faithful
Immolated eternally, suffering with their gods
The fear of Hell sets in as you fall from the white throne
Torturous screams muffled under one thousand miles of stone

Alone he walks in the hateful cold
Valiant soldier of the one true God
Snow pelts like a dagger's blade
Hands turn black, snow now red
Eyes freeze shut, blood runs cold
In the clutches of the serpent's fangs
From his heart leaks a prayer
His gentle soul whimpers still
Cruel earth's cold now holy warmth
He sees the Lord throned in gold
Saintly choirs sing songs of praise
Joy spills from a humble heart
Still he sees the Earth below
Barren plane stricken dry
Returns the angels from the wastes
Humming songs of the end to come

2. Bodiless Narcosis 5:08
Glassed over eyes stare blankly
Self hatred grows inside
Back now turned to healing
Scabs of my wounds calcify
Fruits of my pride rot through
Gripped in fear, soul petrifies

To face the hate that grips me
To chain the flames of a world
God on the cross is bleeding
To love an unworthy soul

Glassed over eyes stare blankly
Gripped in fear, soul petrifies to impenetrable stone

To quench the fears that kills me
This strength cannot be my own
To find the love that holds me
Warmth in a cold world

Tears of the Christ flow soundly
To the drops of blood being spilled

Little beings kill blindly
Innocence dies in our hands
God on the cross is bleeding
To love an unworthy soul

3. Under The Night's Eclipse 7:39
Spear-tipped gonfalons soar under the night's eclipse
Holy cavalries pierce the starlit sky
Stampede hooves storm through the chilling winds
Angelic wings shine uncreated light

Seven spears scream through the air
Warheads cast a shrouded wraith
Total war melts through the Earth
Violence plants its ugly stake

Silent screams of the wincing goat soak through the conquered lands
Furious frenzies of the holy hordes onslaught the beast's legions
Storm the ruins of satanic thrones, defiling the antichrist's crown
Fallen angles find no mercy, horns crushed under tank's treads

The Lord gives them the strength to fight
Until the clouds bleed the last storm's cry

Moon glows a cross beacon
Through the trees, parts the clouds
Light guides a smoke pathway
Victory in sight
Stars move through the sky
Forming visions of the holy Christ
Men cry in awe
Eyes filled with a holy gaze

Spear-tipped gonfalons soar under the night's eclipse
Holy cavalries pierce the starlit sky
Stampede hooves storm through the chilling winds
Angelic wings shine uncreated light

Peresvet (EP)

January 17, 2023, Independent (Digital)
February 10, 2023, Independent (CD)

1. The Dust Of Crushed Horns 4:12
Covert was their strike
Starts a war they cannot end
Worldly - they can't match
Our ferocity

Encrusted on our weapons
The frozen blood of "deities"
God shal truly grant us

Lightning strikes the deathfields
Rapture now draws near
We are the souls to witness

Inhaling smoke and sulfur
Nations burn to ash
Hellish global order

Revived from ancient legend
The warrior saint returns
The age of pacifism
Has ended

Unsheathed, the blade has been revealed
Etched with holy names into the steel
Fearless I charge into warstorm
Still fresh tastes the blood of my Savior
In this life I die by the sword
Honors of martyrdom restored
Eviscerate into ashes
Every goat for every one of His lashes!

Terror unimagined
As prophecy takes place
Blasphemers shall know me

Bullet casings coat
A war-ravaged earth
Global conquest victory
Is ours

The dust of crushed horns fall like snow
Where peace has failed us, militance prevailed
I give this day to the one true God
The sun now rises on a global Cross

The beast has fallen, earth meets its end
We die victorious like Peresvet
I say a prayer in my dying breath
The sun erupts as I greet my death

2. Then You'll Pay 5:02
When it's too late
You'll beg for mercy
You'll cry to God
For a drop of water on your tongue
Small flesh-being
From proud to screaming
Now prays to God
Endures tortures for eternity

There's no escape
From the judgment of God
You can't replace
All your mockeries with Psalms
How can you face
The God you have scorned?
Now you will taste
The torment you've earned

"Please Lord have mercy on my soul!
This suffering is unfathomable!
I wish to repent now after death!
To the One I blasphemed,
I get You - lift my torment!"

There's no escape
From the judgment of God
You can't replace
All your mockeries with Psalms
How can you face
The God you have scorned?
Now you will taste
The torment you've earned

Appears before me
A wheel of eyes
The fear is cripling
For I have died
The pain is swelling
As my soul departs
Protect and guide me
Through the aerial depths
Invoke the names
Of ancient saints
To intercede
In my departure
I pray for you
Who mocks the faith
You'll meet your death
And then you'll pray

I wince in terror
As the void stares back
The sins I loved
Have betrayed me
The warmth of God
Has turned to cold
"Depart from Me,
I never knew you."
An angel bleeds
My soul is torn
I now reside
In unearthly darkness
I pray for you
Who mocks the faith
You'll meet your death
And then you'll pray

"Lord God, I'm sorry!
The flames melt my skin!
I wish for death as I'm flayed
One million times a day!
And I know the pain won't end,
There is no escape!
I should have listened!"

3. Beholding The Cataclysm 7:19
Echoes through the storm
Screams of the serpent gods
Today I witness this reconquering
Under the shadow of the warjets

Temples of false gods burn through the night
Heat from the flames melts surrounding snow
Forming a second flood, extinguishes earth's core
Piercing the beating heart of impurity

Millions of faithful knights march onwards
Their chanting can be heard from the stars
Each footprint an engraving of rejection
To a world that gave the crown to Satan

Echoes through the storm
Thunder of cosmic conflict
Legions of angels slay the fallen
Every demon dies, from Moloch to Odin

Through the cold winds the smoke paints the sky
I can see the flames from the crest of mountains
Just like fireflies in the summer fields
Burn the temples of the pagans

Heathenry is immolated
Return to dust their gods and thrones
I can hear the faithful singing
I can feel it in my bones

In the mountains
On a bed of snow
I lay and rest
Through last midnight
I know when I wake this world won't exist
Take in its final light, and spit it out
Ear piercing screams
The sound of gunfire
And roar of missiles
Tear through the sky
It has a sound, a delicate hum
Creates a hymn of total supremacy

Lord, they hail Your Name
Enemies surrender
Thousand year rebellion now defeated
Jesus Christ is supreme over all

Lord, they hail Your Name
Every tongue proclaims:
There is no god higher than the Trinity
No beauty triumphs His Divinity

Suffer (single, June 5, 2023, Independent) (Digital)

1. Suffer 5:51
Pain shows my allegiance
Through tears my soul sings
To suffer is to secure
Paradise that awaits me

Violence and persecution strengthen our faith
Our lives we'll lay to plunge spears into the serpent
Through embrace of earthly pain
What is sent forth
To destroy us gives us strength that we retain

Suffer in silence and uphold the cross
Clear now, salvation - before I was lost
I was lost

Comfort breeds malignance in the soul
Opens Sheol to the seat of your conscience
Left to die, has calcified, bled dry

I cast aside this sinfulness, past life I revoke
Now lessens strikes of pain as Christ's name I invoke
I renounce Satan as he claws forth, may he die in chains
I devote my life to the King of Kings, for there is one...

One God!
We suffer!

Bring murder, bring internment
We'll suffer it all
But don't think for one moment
That He won't see it all

Pain shows my allegiance
Through tears my soul sings
For demons, no mercy
Your tyranny ends today
For we have drawn the blade

Stomp them out!
Hellbound, the wretched fallen now will pay
I will take this weapon to my own grave!

Hail - our War-Master, the Mother of God
Bless our every bullet, striking wicked blood
As we dawn our masks like chainmail cataphracts
In zeal my soul's engulfed as the world goes cold!

Synaxis Of The Frostbitten (album, June 25, 2023, Independent) (CD, Digital)

1. A Distant Gleam 3:26
Wraiths under twilight
Cast forth legends untold
Sun shimmers dimly
And I know it will be so

They can't deceive me
For their old scrolls I unfold
As a flood starts with a stream
So burns a flame in my soul

One day our chains will shatter
One day our souls are freed
And now they show their fangs
Though horns were always seen

Lord God, how far have we fallen?
Farther and farther's the light
But I will keep that memory
That terrifying sight

Lord God, please guide us fallen
Chasing the gleams of light
But I will keep that memory
I won't forget the...

2. Suffer 5:51
Pain shows my allegiance
Through tears my soul sings
To suffer is to secure
Paradise that awaits me

Violence and persecution strengthen our faith
Our lives we'll lay to plunge spears into the serpent
Through embrace of earthly pain
What is sent forth
To destroy us gives us strength that we retain

Suffer in silence and uphold the cross
Clear now, salvation - before I was lost
I was lost

Comfort breeds malignance in the soul
Opens Sheol to the seat of your conscience
Left to die, has calcified, bled dry

I cast aside this sinfulness, past life I revoke
Now lessens strikes of pain as Christ's name I invoke
I renounce Satan as he claws forth, may he die in chains
I devote my life to the King of Kings, for there is one...

One God!
We suffer!

Bring murder, bring internment
We'll suffer it all
But don't think for one moment
That He won't see it all

Pain shows my allegiance
Through tears my soul sings
For demons, no mercy
Your tyranny ends today
For we have drawn the blade

Stomp them out!
Hellbound, the wretched fallen now will pay
I will take this weapon to my own grave!

Hail - our War-Master, the Mother of God
Bless our every bullet, striking wicked blood
As we dawn our masks like chainmail cataphracts
In zeal my soul's engulfed as the world goes cold!

3. To Worship The Hated 4:40
Invisible kingdom
Greater than time
Beyond the cosmos
Triune majesty
Infinite glory
Radiant light
Soul rejoicing
At the sight of the Most High

A symbol
That strikes fear into their souls
There's nothing that they hate more
Than the God they killed
Your idol
Of Zion - spit in its face
I'm an enemy to all creation
For keeping my faith

Unspeakable beauty
Victory in death
Icons leaking
With tears of blood
Infinite glory
Radiant light
Soul rejoicing
At the sight of the Most High

Of what they hate
I will serve
For Who they've killed
Has conquered death
The blood they've split
Has cleansed my soul
For their crimes
They are enemies to all mankind

There's no oppression so venomous...
To renounce my God that's Christ...

<Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner>

Left hand path cries
As an angel swings its scythe
No threat is too great
For my love of the One they hate
Flood waves erode
An obelisk of their goat

4. Piercing The Veil 9:06
The veil is brought forth - a method of confinement
For holy truth to be removed
Although they've tried, these devils can't extinguish
This flame in the souls of me and you

To pick up arms and stand as one
To sing through death, troparions
Though we will meet a bloody fall
We will see Heaven's golden halls

So lies before me the nation of the masons
The rotten seat of the beast
Of which I would die before pledging allegiance
For the Kingdom of God is what I'll bleed

Instilling the seeds of the mark
Through chaos orders their rule
As a flame starts with a spark
Victory through prayers of faithful

I rip the veil that clouds my eyes
I will destroy their evil lies
Now they can't hide in plain sight
For our strength is our will to fight

The sound of bulletstorms and blood streams down my face
I hear the screams and battle horns of charging armies through the night
With blessings from our Lord we'll kill the all-seeing eye
So lays the ruins of their new order with the ashes of their lies

So comes the dawn, we greet the rays
Songs for glory of God are sung through the day
So falls the lodge, we've crushed the snake
From the corpse of Lucifer the Cross is raised!

The Cross is raised
The square and compass retreating
The Cross is raised
Inextinguishable is our flame

Unseen - the light that shrouds me
Its rays have pierced the veil
With cries that reach the firmament
Strikes fear in evil hearts
Eruption of gunfire
Angelwings shadow pyramid stones

5. Premonitions Of Total Demonacaust 4:45
Divine entities whisper softly
Songs for the end to come
Kontakions of hades' fall!

Devilish beasts cower in fear
As the holy Son descends on the Earth
From the clouds the God comes forth
Demons flee from the one they once cursed
Angels soar with scythes in hand
Hungry for blood from the blasphemous lands
Screams fill the night as the void gives form
Flames from the pit kiss the somber night's storm

Flesh tender axis falls to the flaming void
Millions of tears are streaming with regret
Their "holy mother earth" devours her faithful
Immolated eternally, suffering with their gods
The fear of hell sets in as you fall from the white throne
Torturous screams muffled under one thousand miles of stone!

Alone he walks in the hateful cold
Valiant soldier of the one true God
Snow pelts like a dagger's blade
Hands turn black, snow now red
Eyes freeze shut, blood runs cold
In the clutches of the serpent's fangs
From this heart leaks a prayer
His gentle soul whimpers still
Cruel earth's cold now holy warmth
He sees the Lord throned in gold
Saintly choirs sing songs of praise
Joy spills from a humble heart
Still he sees from a humble heart
Still he sees the earth below
Barren plane stricken dry
Returns the angels from the wastes
Humming songs of the end to come!

6. Crash Of Thunder, Roar Of Wave 4:42
Through the blackened waters
And storm winds pound the waves
And the thunder calls its ugly name
From seafloor depths
Of ancient legend wakes
Skin like armor, rings of razor teeth

Crash of lightning
Ensnared by ocean beast
Arctic freezing
From water to void
Stars falling
Sky begins to tear
Slain by the Lord
With His fierce, great and powerful sword!

Like a spear from Heaven
A lightning spire strikes
With the taste of blood
Leviathan writhes in pain
Enthralled by angels
Vortices of unreal beauty
Its skin now tears to shreds
With a bellowing roar
Beneath the crimson rain

Faint sunrays break
Through torrential cloudburst
The warmth...
I can feel it on my skin
And the angels now feed
The desert
With the flesh of ocean beast
On the ocean floor
The carcass finds its grave
In hades

May it suffer in hell!

7. Eagle's Talons 6:24
Now marks the end of your age...
Deception so depraved, how could you possibly say that you follow God?
It sickens me to the core...
The synagogue of Satan will crumble

Six-pointed star, or blood-soaked crescent?
Same as pentagram that I've come to resent
Eagle with two heads, stalks the troops they've sent
We'd avoid this conflict if they would just repent

I look around and I know, that I am lost
Darkness surrounds but this hope, is far from gone
Soars through the clouds, the spear of empires lost
Sharp are the talons, reclaims her rightful nest

And a roar rings out from the clouds
And the stars flee from the holy grounds!

Mighty Eagle soars past crimson sunrise
Shadow blankets me, it's glory has been revived
All talmudic caliphates have been marked for death!

The air's gone cold, she's found her throne
Now flies - angels before my eyes

8. Sons Of The Bleeding Ice 7:02
So sings the clod in the blood-red bitter north
Where ice will glow with a pounding crimson pulse
Varangians dawn a cross on armor plates
To take the oath, and defend the one true faith

Like wolves they've shown their fangs
Through will to disobey
As fire tempers blade
They're fearless through God's grace

Alone they march through ashen battlegrounds
The eastern winds carry unreal sounds
Beneath the mud, a raven's carcass lies
The black wings crunch like leaves the sun has dried

As Satan is defied
The legions are revived
May emerald banners fly
Like eagles in the sky

The stretch of desert sand
Much like the arctic plains
The heat of foreign lands
Can't melt these frozen blades
Enemies charge the lines
As bowmen take their aim
They bear stars of remphan
Sea of arrows - cleanse this stain!

So sings the cold
An oath of faith
The ice will glow
With souls of the slain
An arrow sea
Like a cyclone wave
Battleaxe, Cross, and honor
Fearless of their own graves

Moon melts as it once had
And young earth will sublimate
With tears that shine ablaze
And wounds of glowing pain
Blood stained - the arctic lakes
Cradle of faithful slain
Now stormed - the desert lands
By souls' immortal flame!

In death there is victory
Hear the synaxis call out from above...

With Christ in our hearts, revolt!
I can hear the call from above
Tears swell in faithful eyes
As the axe handle falls from my clutch
Tears swell in faithful eyes...

Enflames the faithful soul through the prayers of the saints above
With seraphim flying beside, I'm invincible!
A beauty that strikes so deeply though unseen by the human eyes
Melts the frost that has bitten my heart

Conquer The Godless (EP, July 8, 2024, Independent) (CD, Digital)

1. Waking A Dormant Empire 7:12
Like storm clouds, the angels will gather
Holy vortices enthralling the stars
Heroic souls both and live and dead
Find new hope in old strife

Skull and crossbones beneath the white cross
Cavalry banners of Theotokos
Prayers embroidered on schema cloaks
Gonfalons red with martyrs' blood

So reawakes our imperium
What's once thought lost is beheld
Etch into stone our victory
Ancient ideals find new life

To wage fierce battle against the devil
Means to criticize the uncriticizable...
To blaspheme modernity and contemporary comforts
Glorious truth - sharp enough to cut bone!
Revived order of holy nobility
Restored iron spirit of hierarchy

As our empire awakens like an animal enraged
Not unfamiliar with the discipline of warfare
For our faith has been defended with spilled blood
And the sparks of clashing swords
And it shall forever remain
Until we face the eschaton...


2. Escalation 4:30
The light bringer, I'll suffocate!

Sculptor of all universe
Cradled in virginal womb
Glorious enthroned in Heaven
Forgiver of creation's sin
In the depths of true theosis
Through which my spirit cries
Shattering their failed offensive
Spilt them by their horns

All hail the mystical faith forgotten
I'll put bullet holes in the wings vampiric
The light bringer, I'll suffocate
To Gehenna they shall retreat
All hail the mystical faith
The light bringer, I'll suffocate...

Oh blighted star and moon
Your curved swords rust away
Declare us infidel
We are your nemesis
The saturnian cube thy bow before
Pentaprayers to prophet molester
Deceived by demonized scum
Piss be upon him...
Hell awaits as you die
As your child bride weeps tears of joy!

Oh you perverts of ancient scripture
The Lord has heard all your blasphemies
And seen your metzitzah b'peh
I pray for the slaughter of your antichrist false messiah
Count me among the ones you hate
Along with my God

2. With Beautiful Purity And Unyielding Ferocity 5:21
So lies the hammers of gods
So dies the hexagram
Overcome - this idol filth
Icon of an ancient beast
I'll shed this dying skin
And form me anew
Resuscitate this dormant soul
To His beauty - His blessed - His honor!
Rose stems intertwine serrated blades of hope

Tempered in fires of spiritual warfare
Cowardly satan and his followers
Flee as angels draw their swords
And strike the beast of modern decay
Peel back its delicate skin
And slay its rotting heart

Obliteration - law that governs our weapons
Devotion - undying allegiance to the Cross
Purity villainized in a lost world
Burning earth beneath our feet
Reflects through tears in our eyes
Surging force of nuclear winds
Kills all we've known
As we raise our daggers high
A beautiful final moment
In the face of destruction

And I'll say my final prayer
As this dying light graces my eyes
Enthralled in angelic vortices
An injured soul forever comforted
Our God is the Lord Jesus Christ
For whom I will serve, until my heart finally dies

Searing chants arise
Shake walls of ____
Like a white hot flame
This troparia is sung
Stronger than bullets
More explosive than warheads
Realization of imperial will
Noble desire of victory

Through the fog of psywar
Glowing eyes shine through the night
Blood pumps with anger
Directed at the angel of light
Let this be our weapon
Until the very end

Knee deep in hellish mud
Ash falls like morbid snow
Forwards, legions march on
Seraphim follow close
Warm glow of conflict lights
A path to martyrdom
The faithful face their deaths
With triumphant battle cries!

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