Friday, November 17, 2023


GENRE: Unblack Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Portugal

Joel Afonso - Everything



Divinity And Finity (EP, September 24, 2023, Coleiosis Records) (Digital)

1. O Fim (The End) 4:58
2. A Escuta (The Listneing) 5:15
Holy you are
Come in our aid
Come and be our light
Come and be our light

With the power of God we will go through every tribulation
With the power of God we will go through every tribulation

"...Then seeing many of the Pharisees and Sadducees arriving from his baptism
He said to them: Progeny of vipers, who warned you to flee from the approaching wrath?
Therefore, produce fruit worthy of repentance.
For even now the axe has been placed at the root of the trees.
Therefore, every tree that does not produce good fruit shall be cut down and cast into the fire."
(Matthew 3:7-8, 10)

"How long, O Lord? Will you forget me until the end?
How long will you turn your face away from me?
How long can I take counsel in my soul, sorrowing in my heart throughout the day?"
(Psalm 13:1-3)

Holy you are
Come in our aid
Come and be our light
Come and be our light

Vinde em nosso auxílio
Vinde sede nossa luz
Vinde sede nossa luz

Com a força de Deus vamos vençer todas as tribulações
Com a força de Deus vamos vençer todas as tribulações

Vendo porém, que muitos Fariseus e Saduceus vinham ao seu Baptismo, disse-lhes João:
Raça de víboras, quem vos ensinou a fugir da cólera que está para vir?
Produzi frutos de conversão e não vos iludais a vós mesmos
O machado já está posto à raíz das árvores e toda a árvore que não dá fruto será cortada e lançada ao fogo

Até quando Senhor?
Esqueceste-me para sempre?
Até quando me esconderás a tua face?
Até quando terei a minha alma em cuidados e o meu coração em angústia todo o dia?

Vinde em nosso auxílio
Vinde sede nossa luz
Vinde sede nossa luz

3. A Palavra (The Word) 4:13
"Blessed are the immaculate in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord."
(Psalm 119:1)

"By what does an adolescent correct his way? By keeping to your words."
(Psalm 119:9)

"Repay your servant, revive me; and I will keep your words."
(Psalm 119:17)

"Reveal to my eyes, and I will consider the wonders of your law."
(Psalm 119:18)

"Felizes os que seguem o caminho da rectidão e vivem segundo a lei do Senhor.
Como há-de o jovem manter puro o seu caminho? Guardando as vossas palavras.
Concede ao teu servo uma longa vida e eu cumprirei as tuas palavras.
Abre os meus olhos para que eu veja as maravilhas da tua lei."

Renascer (album)

November 17, 2023, Coleiosis Records (CD-RDigital)
July 21, 2024, Independent (Digital)

1. Noite 11:25
Aquela eterna fonte não a vê ninguém;
E bem sei onde é e donde vem.
Embora seja noite.
Não sei a fonte dela, que não há;
Mas sei que toda a fonte vem de lá.
Embora seja noite.
Não pode haver, eu sei, coisa tão bela;
E terra e céus beleza bebem dela.
Embora seja noite.
Porque não pode ali o fundo achar;
Sei que ninguém a pode atravessar.
Embora seja noite.
A claridade sua não 'scurece;
E sei que toda a luz dela amanhece.
Embora seja noite.
Tão caudalosas são suas correntes;
Que regam céus, infernos e as gentes.
Embora seja noite.
E desta fonte nasce uma corrente;
E bem sei eu qu' é forte e omnipotente.
Embora seja noite.
Das duas a corrente, que procede;
Sei que nenhuma delas a precede.
Embora seja noite.
E esta eterna fonte 'stá 'scondida,
Em este vivo pão a dar-nos vida.
Embora seja noite.
Aqui está a chamar as criaturas;
Que bebem desta água e às escuras.
Porque é de noite.
E esta viva fonte que desejo, em este pão da vida, aí a vejo.
Embora seja noite.

2. Purification By Faith 9:13
On a rock in the shade of an oak I sat crying, waiting for you to fill me with your spirit.
But this stone and this oak were Your face to me.
Your memory tasted like a sweet fantasy of someone who wanders.
So many things have changed, but the rock and the oak remain there, and now that I know Your true face, I deny what once made me cry and fed me for so many years.
Show me the way, the truth and the life and don't let me walk in this dark valley, because in truth I love this valley like my body, which You created.
Why is that in the innocence of my actions I love what You reject and despise?
Don't let me fall into condemnation.
The earth, as well as my body, exude a fertile smell waiting to procreate.
Help me Lord!
Can I live in peace while my instinct pursue me?

3. Dark Night Of The Soul 3:50

4. As Tuas Mãos Me Fizeram 8:16
Tu examinaste-me e conheces-me.
Sabes quando me sento e quando me levanto.
À distância conheces os meus pensamentos,
Vês-me quando caminho e quando descanso.
Estás atento a todos os meus passos.
Tu modelaste as entranhas do meu ser,
E formaste-me no seio de minha mãe.
Dou-Te graças por tão espantosas maravilhas.
Admiráveis são as Tuas obras.
Quando os meus ossos estavam a ser formados,
E em segredo eu me desenvolvia,
Tecido da terra, nada disso Te era oculto.
Os Teus olhos viram-me em embrião.
Tudo isso estava escrito no Teu livro.
Todos os meus dias estavam modelados,
Ainda antes que um só deles existisse.

5. Liars Against The Truth 5:54
Save me, oh Lord,
Because holiness has passed away;
Because truths have been diminished;
Before the sons of men.
They have been speaking emptiness,
Each one to his neighbor;
They have been speaking with deceitful lips and a duplicitous heart.
They have said: "We will magnify our tongue;
Our lips belong to us.
What is lord to us?"
Because of the misery of the destitute,
And the groaning of the poor, now I will arise,
Says the Lord.
I will place him in safety.
I will act faithfully toward him.
You, O Lord, will preserve us, and you will guard us,
From this generation into eternity.

6. Eu Sou A Ressurreição E A Vida 8:47

7. Waiting In Faith 8:30
If the Lord has not been with us,
Let Israel now say it:
If the Lord had not been with us,
When men rose up against us,
Perhaps they would have swallowed us alive.
When their fury was enraged against us,
Perhaps the waters would have engulfed us.
Our soul has passed through a torrent.
Perhaps our soul has even passed through intolerable water.
Blessed is the Lord, who has not given us into the harm of their teeth.
Our soul has been snatched away like a sparrow from the snare of the hunters.
The snare has been broken, and we have been freed.
Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

Maiéstas Imperat (album)

February 24, 2024, Coleiosis Records (CD-RDigital)
July 21, 2024, Independent (Digital)

1. Segredo 2:37
2. Conduz-Me À Liberdade 11:13
3. Alerta-Me No Dia Do Combate 10:37
4. Vigia Os Meus Passos 9:19

Maneira - A Casa Com Voz (EP)

May 22, 2024, Coleiosis Records (Digital)
July 22, 2024, Coleiosis Records (7" Vinyl)

1. A Casa Com Voz 3:25
2. Circunspecto 3:22
3. Como Uma Sombra 2:13
4. Espaço Vazio 4:30

Domus Flaviae (single, June 7, 2024, Coleiosis Records) (Digital)

1. Domus Flaviae 6:22

Enquanto O Espírito Respira (EP, June 9, 2024, Coleiosis Records) (Digital)

1. Medium 4:03
2. Jeg Elsker Deg 4:04

Thy Triumphant Gleam (album)

July 4, 2024, Coleiosis Records (CD-RDigital)
July 21, 2024, Independent (Digital)

1. Amongst The Intense 6:15

2. Avenger Of Blood 3:27
Bless my path Lord
For I shall not be mislead
By the tricks of devil
Crush, oh Lord, by my hands
The head of evil!
I invoke Your holy name!
The victory of the chosen
Shall glow like the moon!
In their face the glory of God
Against the will of the wicked

3. Boanerges 5:28
In the council of death
Bright light has shone
No surrender
Perpetual war!

Of sublime thrones
Two wanted to had
But a divine calix
Thou already have!

To the right and to the left
In Thy name we shall sit
God speak of wisdom
But we want to retreat

Spirit has come
Paraclitus Lord
Perpetual life
In Thy inward

Thy sublime life
Of eminent star
Inside us
The supreme Author reigns

Reason ignore
The beauty of soul
But the soul senses
The absence of the body

To whom shall we go Lord?
Only You

4. Christian Blood 4:50
How far have I been?
Time has passed
I finally arrived
I bought a knife
And I'm not ashamed

I found in a razor a comfort
The Council of God has spoke
You shall not be afraid
I will preserve your life

Fight and spit
In the face of death
Your blessing emerge
From your deepest self

I throw a dart and it will come back
With all your imperfections and flap
The ground speaks of truths ungiving
A mother's breast may be the fuel

Oh don't you dare to go back

5. Closure 6:03
Night, oh night
What have you done?
For I proclaim
Your sons will never walk again
Nor see or sleep or breathe
For your air is full with spit
From your very womb
Of death!

What are we?
Can we see it through?
Shall I stand straight to light?
Or love the eminent night?
Your light oh Father
Never fades
Nor night or day
Death or decay!
And in the end You will receive me
In your secret

6. Saint Pius Of Pietrelcina 5:44
Lord Jesus have mercy on me a sinner

I never ignored the smell of the rain
Or the chilling wind
The season fruit and the fragrance of wine

But You show me sweet love make everything
Apparently good to become like trash

I prayed for you so your faith won't fade
You believe me?
I've been here and I roamed through the Universe
Lord granted me spiritual gifts
And I saw your days good and bad

And I prayed for you my child
Fear not for I shall not enter my divine rest
I'm still waiting for you
To become a wise man
A man of God!

7. Spirit Discernment 1:07

To Whom We Pray (album, August 1, 2024, Coleiosis Records) (CD-RDigital)

1. Christ Is Born In Bethlehem 5:55
I am the light and the creator of light
By whom everything was made
On heaven and on earth

I am a man
But still I am God
I came to earth
To fulfill my father's plan
Son I tell you, don't think too much
Just believe me
And hear my voice

2. Christ Is Lost In The Temple 8:51
Once again from the shadows
Where man refuse to see
The truth of God shines bright

Because they failed to see where I put my love
He hadn't silver or gold
But what He had he gave freely
And from His wisdom we all have been blessed
And we drank from His heart the pure flame of God

Wisdom of Him is truth
At dusk you will find it
When you can't discern
The shadow from the night

3. Christ Shapes Water Into Wine 3:43
Voices, oh voices inside my head telling me "They're all dead"

I look at you, you look at me
Let us be

The sin we carry
Do not breed!
Is dead
Is death!

Do not seed!

4. Christ Weeps Over Jerusalem 5:02
Jesus said on the cross:
"Forgive them, Father, because they don't know what they do!"
And we say in our anguish:
"I want something more
I have not enough
I want things my way"

But He forgave you
He decided by His own free will
To go ahead and die
And you my friend
Worried with mundane campaigns
That lead you to sorrow and death

May you know that He cried too
But He decided to do it

5. Christ Is Condemned To Death 3:21
The lies you tell
The ones you hurt
Your blame will call for you
Do not matter if you're fair to those you need
But be kind to those in need
Charity blinds all sin but God sees through it all
Once rejected
Never neglected!

6. Christ Dies On The Cross 4:13
Again and again
We give our lives to the Lord

Lord Jesus, I am not worthy
But a fire consumes my heart
To see Your face in heaven
We the branches of your vine

We sinners cannot see
How much You forgave us
And how much You gave us
Till death you've bleed

Precious patience You taught us
The blackened veil You tore

From sin You have taken
Your brothers disarmed
Oh love of the ancient
Cult of the divine

I shall not go
I will never look back
Satan cause us to doubt
Of our most loved light

Temptation and despair
He the liar throw to at us
But our most loved fight
Is with the blood of lamb

Curse we shall not
Our enemies we accept
In heaven we shall inherit
The value of the mocked drained path

Ritual Unblack (album, September 24, 2024, Coleiosis Records) (CD-RDigital)

1. Zero Tolerance 9:01

2. I 5:33
3. II 3:52
4. III 5:39
5. IV 4:53
6. V 4:20


BAND NAME: Spiritual Strength GENRE: Unblack Metal STATUS: Active LOCATION: Norway (Holkeheim) / USA (Cole) Lineup: Holkeheim - All Instrume...