Wednesday, December 21, 2022


BAND NAME: Apokatastasis
GENRE: Blackened Death Metal / Unblack Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Phoenix, Arizona

Jack "Malus" - Everything



Fated To Reprobation (demo/EP, June 12, 2022, Independent) (Digital)

Track 4 is actually a parody cover of "Happiness Is Just Around The World" by Am Project.

1. Unholy Matrimony (Impure Consummation) 4:57
Bound to one in flesh
A wretched evil mess
When you have a taste
A premature death

The temptress subdued him
Her looks bountifully deceitful
Succumbed right to his whims
She unlocked his heart of evil

The day they consummated
He fell fast asleep
But as he lay upon his side
His neck she sunk her teeth

Drained him of his vital fluids
Not only his seed
Blood will birth the demon child
Her sick and twisted needs

His lifeless corpse consumed
Couldn't live to regret
The decision he had made
The fate that he had met

May God have mercy on us all
Our ignorant souls gone astray
Transgressions, the divine is appalled
The potter does what he must with his clay
Now the succubus is bout to birth
Unholy matrimony will shake the earth

Impure consummation

Malformation of the womb
Abusement of the gift
Descendant of doom
The curse will never lift

The child, now begotten
Starts to wreck havoc
Angels of the heavens
Attempt to quell the malice

As the angels battle sin
A lesson's now learned
Before you start to stick it in
Make sure she's righteously adorned

2. Beyond Hatred 4:24
Suffering from a betrayal
Now beyond hatred
As spite flows through my veins
My every action leads to destruction

Destroying your throne of lies
With you a part of me dies
I know back then I was desperate
My thirst for vengeance is endless

You expressed your affections
I thought I was an exception
It turns you lack direction
Now my chest is dissected
You are emotionally reckless
Kicked me when I was defenseless
Slander with contradiction
Fuck your unspoken friction

Piercing the needle right through your skin
You cannot escape now that the truth will be within

Exposed to the truth you tried so desperately to hide
The box you put me in, the way you trivialized
I told you all the pain that I had deep inside
But now it all breaks out, my fist will collide

I break your face, you squirm in regret
Now is too late, I gave you chances to repent
My impulse grows above my conscience
By the time it's ended I have left you unconscious

No more lies
I've dealt it with hatred
May God forgive me
For my transgressions

3. Cycles Of Struggle 2:58
The constant agony
Internal calamity
Stricken by tragedy
Can't take it no more
Wanting to screech
But I'm suppressed
Must climb to the peak
But I'm feeling depressed

Left with my doubts
I know that there is a way out
But this feeling has remained persistent
No matter how hard I resist it

Breaking the cycle with utter ferocity
My anger breaks my sadness, my hatred provides me satisfaction
I break the cage with bloody fists, it hurts but I have handled it
As emotions ravage me, I shall break the chain that shackles me

4. Outro (Am Project cover)

Son Of Cursed Harlot (single, July 6, 2022, Independent) (Digital)

1. Son Of Cursed Harlot 5:26
Sodomite bastard, son of a whore
Born to falter, parents divorced

Self induced suffering, coercion of sorts
Your pity party I indulge no more
I gave you truth, I showed you love
But you profaned it, how did I succumb?

Sodomite bastard, son of a whore
Don't let your self hatred cause others to sore
Ignorant fool, countless complaints
No wonder your mother was so ashamed

Reveling in all your lies
So afraid to be despised
I'll break this ground, your tricks will foil
Sympathy father can't till his soil

You had your chance to humble up
Then you showed your colors true
Slandering to all yoru friends
In the end they'll leave you too

I accept my wrongs, I know that I am man
I wanted to forgive you, but you already threw that away
I admit I was destroyed, felt right at the bottom
Had me down for long, but I got back up and learned

You're my enemy, nothing you can change
You are terrible, your life to me's profane
No more will I suffer in silence, unheard
Instead I will exceed, rise above the herd

I'm malicious, the maturity it was a farce
Act upon this hatred, is it wrong to follow my heart?

With this release I'm content
You'll drown in sorrow, I savor success

Remnants (EP, August 4, 2022, Independent) (Digital)

1. Remnants 5:54
I remember
Before it all fell apart
The prospects
Of a bright future

You had tore it down
To its mere base
Leaving me with memories
And remnants which torture

Now every time I build
I'm reminded of this despair
Thinking I'd forget
No, I'd have to tear this down as well

Always been beaten down
It appears I must stay that way
Everytime I get back up
A trace of bitterness follows

I hate to hate
I'd love to love
But vengeance
Always permeates

Can I create without fear
Without anger, without dread
I don't know
I'm afraid to let it go

Never given me a chance
You stripped me of my resources
Maybe it is time to start from scratch
Maybe it is time to forgive and forget

I have what it takes
But it shouldn't be motivated
By such vile emotions
I just want to forgive

And for the world to see

2. Remnants II 5:24
My revenge enacted
I've secured my place
But at what cost?

It brought a certain closure
But it was left unsatisfied
A loathsome person
Which I still express my sympathies

I'm now cemented
Within their memory
But against my own values

It is not my ordeal any longer
Some things just heal with time

I wish it was not that way
But I did learn
I still long and reminisce
But I know this is not the end

Still within my judgement
You have done me wrong
But this does not mean
I will have to spite forever

It still twists me
But that's alright
It breaks my mind
But I will be fine

We will see
When the final judgement comes
And our wills perfected
There is no worry in that

I believe in you
As I believe in me
I have this hope for everybody
My prayers comfort me

Divine Restituance (demo, August 23, 2022, Independent) (Digital)

1. Hell 6:16
Devoured by the flames
There's no sign of escape
You were destined to this place
Since the beginning of time

He takes no pleasure with your punishment
But His neverending wrath must be quenched
Poor wretched souls writhing
Weeping tears of posthumous guilt

The weeping of souls
The gnashing of teeth
In the lake of fire
The wicked now beseech

Forever sentenced to scald
Your trespasses made aware
You denied the One
Your life He cannot spare

While the damned cry
The virtuous pray
Their bliss shall remain
Until the end of time

The wicked subdued
All part of His plan
A punishment we all deserve
That He saved us from

2. Martyral Sufferance 5:32
Fettered into submission
The Romans strip your pride
They start to beat you senseless
They'll gouge out your eyes

Flayed with metal shreds
Tearing flesh and bone
Agony engulfs you
They bludgeon you with stones

You cry out for your God
He is seemingly not there
The faith of the martyr
Wanes, barely prepared

Now with his broken body
Hung, flayed and beaten
They erect a cross
For his religious treason

His body raised up high
Picked at by birds
They lodge a spear into his abdomen
This man now must die

After his painful demise
He meets his Father in heaven
His pain was rewarded
Steadfast in his faith

3. Weakness In Wrath 4:24
Hate permeates my life
Everyday is met with scorn
My brothers turn to enemies, I cannot make a friend
They all betray me in the end

My resentment's what I live for
My hate becomes my fuel
I live to destroy
All my enemies

It becomes so intense
Draining my conscience
Even if I sustain
It hurts too much

I started to break down
It was all too much
I hated everyone else
But I really hated myself
I cry out for mercy
I cry out for forgiveness

In my
Save me

4. Samaritan Sacrifice 4:28
A good man once roamed the earth
Blessed with such kindness
But his people still turned

A good man once roamed the earth
Giving to the poor
But his people hadn't learned

The good were not treated right
Their self sacrifice just
Made them easier targets

Man so selfish
His pride usurps all
The deadliest sin
The one that inspired the fall

Man that was mistreated
Given favor by God
His suffering on here
Granted him an eternity of bliss

5. Lust 5:30
I sin and sin again
No sign of ever stopping
My body says yes
My mind says no

Demonic control
Temptatious urges
I succumb
Yet again

I turn my face from the heavens
I cannot continue like this
How could He save someone like me
Who cannot keep His commands

Cannot contain
My insatiable lust
My seed held too long
Cannot do what I must

Thoughts implode my head
My pelvis starts to thrust
And now as I bust
I am filled with disgust...


The Consecratory Secretion (album, January 20, 2023, Independent) (CD, Digital)

1. Intro 1:18

2. Divine Hypocrisy 4:23
You're held to certain values
Ones that inspire hate
And then when you are challenged
It's something you can't take

Your soul's essence of stone
Divisions, all that breeds
Presumptions in your mind
On inane rhetoric, feed

Accusing others
Of the same things that you do
The human condition
We're all accustomed to
Hypocritical violent flesh vessels
We think we're civil
Stripped of the facade
We revel in our evil

Hate boiling in resentful minds
Posturer of virtue, murderer deep inside

When subject to the same treatment you complain
Conditionally virtuous fool, you thrive on hypocrisy

Your chest burns like fires of hell

3. Subject Of Retribution 5:40
Shackled up with rusty chains
Piercing skin, exposing veins
Hellish torment of the body
For rejection of the godly

Engaged with
Sadistic desire

Filthy excess I indulge
Gorging on the delicious blood

Lust engulfs me, all I feel
I lust, I thrust, I devour
Gorging on delicious blood
It has never tasted this sweet...

My vice has lead me to a fall
The law has caught me, instituted by God
The hell I made, now I will pay
But reprobation is perpetual

Shacked up with rusty chains
Piercing skin, exposing veins
Hellish torment of the body
For rejection of the godly

4. There Was No King In Israel 4:21
God had handed them over to their enemies
Worshipping the idols, demons in disguise
They saw the Truth but still they denied
Repugnant works bringing retribution

Sacrificing innocence
Raping of the women
Dismembering their corpses
Penetrating orifices

Blood upon the altar
Tears of newborn children

Limb from limb they have torn
Feasting on the virgins
Collective masturbation of the soon to be damned

Babylon comes
Impious barbarians
Total devastation

Rebirth of Sodom
Vessels of pleasure
Impaled and Sodomized

Israel calls out only after their punishment
The righteous prophets of God
Have warned them of their iniquity
God had given them what they wanted
Trampled by rebellion

5. Black Perversion 3:37
Inversion of the Crucifix
No reverence for the almighty
Sigils of blood fill their church
Hallucinogenic esoteric rituals

Haters of life, they live to escape
Embracing the evil that they make
Inherently repulsed as our conscience says
Defiance reigns clear in their heads

Black Perversion

Black Perversion spreads
Cultish inversion of good
Using moral ambiguity
To justify degradation

Blackened Mass of Hate
Where they congregate
They will consummate
With orgiastic sodomy

6. Deblooded 6:16
I look upon my flesh
My desire to exit
Always considered man
I do not feel it inside

My emotions don't register
I don't feel their pettiness

I see them with disgust
I must separate myself
From my prison of flesh

Examine sharpened blades
Engaging in self-mutilation
Cut open my abdomen
Pulling out the viscera

Warm red ooze
Cathartic blood expulsion
I ravage myself with zeal
My smile vomits profusely

I pulverize myself
No use for my blood

No allegiance to this world
I cut myself to death and leave my flesh behind
Temptations do not hold me any longer
I die in a warm pool of gore

7. Dejected Core Of Earth 6:50
Time may heal my body
My spirit's still enraged
Enthralling mental blaze
Mental tissue scarred

Psychologically barred
Time and time again
The betrayal of a friend
A tragic cycle...

I reach out and I'm spoked
Their spikes jabbed firmly in
To sever myself from it
The blood will all spill out

Now I'm cold and scarred
Away from the warmth
Misanthropic disposition
Yet I long for a connection

Grow forever inward, lonesomeness my state
The hope has now all died, what lies now is hate
Apathetic eyes, reflect a withered soul
Living with this hole just another thing I've known

Now cold and hard just like the world
My weakness gets me punished
A truth that sent me my way
One I barely stomach

8. Angel Of Gore Part 1 4:47
Divine retribution
Against the bodily
A body of Seraphim
Surrounding the city

A city of sin
Purportedly holy
Idols crash and fall

The Angel of Gore
Purifies victims
Knife of the light

Dissecting flesh
Clots of impiety
Thousands of cuts
Black blood erupts

Slits upon the torso forming many crosses
The crucified blood is not spilt for them
Their own punishment now commences
The Angel of Gore guts the impure

Angel of Gore guts the impure
The blood of the flesh
The taint of the spirit

Debridement solution
Cut off my human form

Blood flowing
Throughout the town
Sky painted red

Burning like fire
The excruciation
Is done out of love

The sin at our core, our pain is to restore
Catharsis of a bodily flush

Pulsing growing fast, minds begin to fade
Ecstasy of spirit usurping the pain

9. Angel Of Gore Part 2 3:55
10. God, Save Us 4:14
Coercion of the masses
Broadcast mind games
Conditioned to a mold
That gives them your life

Digital vampirism
Your life drains
Raping of the soul
For material gain

Sitting on a couch
For hours and hours
Sedentary life
Making you a coward

Complacent we have grown
Hide away the issues
No purpose to your life
Besides your lotion and your tissues

Neutered populus, loss of agency
Depressed generation, illness of the mind
Societal symptoms, lowered to the dregs
They slowly radicalize, their revolution comes

Order is lost as the bubble breaks
Towns are now in chaos, people divide into race
Reduced to feral instincts that we had all along
Only Christ can stop this cycle, God save us all

The Withering Of The Disconsolate (album, September 11, 2024, Independent) (Digital)

1. A Spirit Of Warmth 6:26
Sentiments covered in a warm veil
Distant feelings maintained
Enveloping themselves in darkness
Frozen as the peak of night

A longing known forever
It's closer than any man
The corporeal state
Destined to degrade

Then life will fade
The flesh has lost its power
A cold reality slips
A warm Spirit triumphs

Weight of the world lifted from our shoulders
Through the power of One Man
Safe from the sorrow captured in our veins
Blissful relief from the perpetual price of pain

2. Cosmic Death 3:58
Blessed redemption saved my soul
From the pits of death He crawled
Took the torment I deserved
Emaciated body scourged

Drink His blood, eat His flesh
Through His death we gained His life
Pride will fall save for the best
Despite that he had sacrificed

The hour of darkness has come
The iniquity rests on His head
Suffer the sins of billions
Raised from the fate of cosmic death

3. One With God 5:24
Float into the night sky
What was once your life is now a glimmering speck
Enriching transmutation upgrading consciousness
The realms of the unknown lie behind physical fabric

Truth manifests in the abstract
What once was gained through deduction now laid bare
The glory haunts their souls
The taunted perverse meekly flee the kaleidoscopic spectacle

Flames of justice vex the damned
Spirit disperses at its mere presence
Ethereally atomized by unfettered joy

The flames appear in an embrace
To those wearied
The frightening holy power
Accepting the futile as one

4. Piercing Light 5:00
Glare pierces me blind
Stumbling within a cascading white
Burn my eyes

Fall into a blank abyss
Assaulting all my senses
Shouting, kicking, twisting
Unseen, except by his omniscience

Left with nothing but my thoughts
I pray for my release
I had not known my answer was right there
I accept the light and now I see

5. Lake Of Life 5:52
The river of mercy flows without end
Wash me on your shore
My frail body floats upon the stream
I let go and you take hold of me

Starved of salvation
Stranded from the light
Wash me on your shore
I need your lake of life

Wash me on your shore
I need your lake of life

6. Prayer Room 2:38
Locked within my prayer room
Beads within my hand
Wishing for the day to come

7 dim candles
7th in the week
All my prayers go to them, blessed are the weak

Locked within my prayer room
Beads within my hand
Pages of the holy book
Lay upon the stand

7. Night Of Redemption 5:33
Night of persecution, feet marching at the door
Knocks of impending doom, punishment awaits
Their cruel faith of One God alone
How can they believe such blasphemy

How can they worship one so pitiful
Rotting on the stick until death
Didn't last a day, they put him in the grave
But that tomb had opened up in next coming days

Followers dissent
Sword at the neck
They must deny
Or they will die

But truth returns
In full glory
Regenerated body
Incubates their Spirits

Night of redemption, they hide away
Knock of life, their salvation awaits

8. He Arose 5:47

9. Strike The Heart Of Iniquity 4:26
The stone stronghold swept up by the scalding wind
Hardest of hearts melt and are absolved of sin
A fool is harder to teach than the wise man
Mind and soul sealed shut, a force must besiege

Ghastly figures storm the gates
Guards in black see the light of fate

They collapse at the sight of unmatched power
Prostrate themselves within their steel coats

A heart of iniquity cured by love
A force synonymous with creation
The harbingers of destruction disintegrated

10. Withering Of Winter / Seeds Of Spring 10:17
Neglected by his own
Forgotten bastard son
In a darkened room enclosed
No place to escape

Memories frozen in the apathetic flow of time

A fateful meeting could restore his love
Or plunge him back into despair
The lights of creation hindered by a deadly consummation

Disease suppurates, leaving her encumbered
The joy of life becomes a threat of death
A dangerous birth which ought to cease
Will they take its life?

The time has come, the pendulum swings
Life and death sway their terminal dance

At the time of birth, her eyes slip shut
The life to the child is now lost from her soul

Snowing on the tattered ground
Withered leaves fall around
My love has died and so has my will

Could not stand to see the child
The one that took her life
The boy runs far away
Neglecting as he was neglected

With all love comes sorrow
What today nurtures dies tomorrow

Years have past, but the regret still remaisn
The boy reunites with his child
An aloof disposition infiltrated by the light of love

But as they grow, the sickness does as well
Another bond broken by the cruel certainty of death

Debilitating fever
She becomes bedridden
Life's curtain call
Does not spare the innocent

She takes her last steps
The boy walks beside
Falls into the snow
Leaves bury her memory

The boy's last bond taken
He falls into the snow
Succumbing to its death
Love does not exist

The lights surrounding him
Uncover the past
Painful memories
Of things that do not last

The miraculous light's power
Grants his wish for his deeds
Throughout his hardships
His faith in love has been restored

Light turns the tide of time
The One restores all that have died
The faith he had kept inside
Manifests in new life

He has granted resurrection
To those with the faith
God is love, and Love is shown
To all that bear their cross

Tuesday, December 20, 2022


BAND NAME: Naorgorium
GENRE: Raw Unblack Metal / Death Metal / Grindcore
STATUS: Active

Kenneth Holsen - Everything


Northern Mountains (album)

December 20, 2022, Independent (Digital)
January 2, 2023, Northern Forest Productions (Digital)
September 2, 2023, Holkeheim Productions (Digital)
May 17, 2024, Holkeheim Productions (CD-R)

1. World Destroyer 4:58
2. Northern Mountains 4:19
3. Face The Evil 5:04
4. Crosses His Path 4:37
5. Disobeying Orders 5:24
6. Destiny Of Mankind 5:30
7. Power To Destroy 11:20

8. Intention Of Isolation 6:26
9. Parapsychology 5:55

1. World Destroyer 4:58
2. Northern Mountains 4:19
3. Face The Evil 5:04
4. Crosses His Path 4:37
5. Disobeying Orders 5:24
6. Destiny Of Mankind 5:30
7. Intention Of Isolation 6:26
8. Power To Destroy 11:20

Saturday, December 10, 2022


GENRE: Unblack Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Mexico City, Mexico

Alfredo "Azmaveth" Acosta - Vocals, Guitars
Chris del Razo - Bass
Eduardo Armijo - Drums

Past members:
Abril "Adunamy" Morales - Vocals
Jonathan David Omar "Azkenaz" - Vocals, Drums
Alberto "Absalon" - Guitars
Arfaxad - Guitars
Varme - Guitars
Juan "Azgad" - Guitars, Bass
Andrew "Nokturnal Wolf" Hernández - Bass, Drums
Abraham "Izhar" - Drums



Inmunda Ceremonia Satánica (demo, 2004, Independent, Limited Edition) (CD)

1. Inmunda Ceremonia Satánica 6:01
2. Birkat Hacohenim 1:18
3. Luto Del Falso Profeta 2:06
4. A Sovereign Fortress (Antestor cover) 4:49

Demo 2004 (July 30, 2004, Exhortmetal Distributions) (CD)

1. Getsemani Prelude 2:29
2. Sentence Of Death 5:18
3. Birkat Hacobenium 1:18
4. Blasfemo Rito 4:14
5. Inmunda Ceremonia Satánica 6:00
Una joven recostada sobre un altar
No sabe ni siquiera en donde está
Sus manos y pies atados están
De pronto un hombre de negro
Se acerca al altar
Ella escucha algo extraño
Se da cuenta
Que es un rito a satán está
El con una daga en su mano
De un solo golpe
Hace estallar su corazón
Su sangre llena el altar
Su sangre fue sacrifio a satán
Hay un mejor sacrifio
Hay una mejor sangre
Sangre de un hombre que dio su vida
Sangre inocente, sangre de redención
Es la sangre de Cristo el Salvador

6. Luto Del Falso Profeta 2:05
7. A Sovereign Fortress (Antestor cover) 4:49
In you, I have taken refuge
Never let me be put to shame
As you are righteous rescue me and save my life
Hear me and set me free
Be a rock of refuge for me
Where I may ever find safety at your call
For you are my towering crag and stronghold
O Lord, keep my life safe from the wicked

You are my hope, O Lord, my trust, O Lord, since boyhood
From birth I have leaned upon you
My protector since I left my mother's womb

Let all my traducers be shamed and dishonored
Let all who seek my hurt be covered with scorn
But I will wait in continual hope
I will praise you again and again
All day long your righteousness, your saving acts
Shall be upon my lips
You shall ever be the theme of my praise
Your righteousness, yours alone

You are my hope, O Lord, my trust, O Lord, since boyhood
From birth I have leaned upon you
My protector since I left my mother's womb

For you have done great things
Who is like you?

By The Sword Of The Almighty Emperor (EP, September 20, 2007, Exhortmetal Distributions) (CD-R)

1. By The Sword Of The Almighty Emperor 3:28
2. Desgarra La Vestidura Da Bafomet 2:21
3. Decapitación Absoluta Al Falso Profeta 2:55
4. Birkat Hacohenim (New Version) 1:57

Decapitación Absoluta Al Falso Profeta (album, October 2007, Exhortmetal Distributions) (CD)

1. El Asqueroso Imperio De Qlifoth 4:15
Por lejano tiempo atras pasajesancestrales del rito nocturno
En medio de circulos antiguos es alzado el chivo negro

En los dominios de qulifoth
El emperador malvado
Que entrono el bosque
En el castillo del duque set

Imperio perverso
Que por tiempo reino
Ahora...en el nombre de Jesus
Caeras en pedazos, el bosque ya noes...trono del mal
Ahora...el trono lo toma Jesus

Asqueroso imperio de qulifoth
Ahora...ya no seras mas

2. By The Sword Of The Almighty Emperor 3:28
In the black winds of the gray horizon
My voice is raised proclaiming war
There thousand warriors it raised
With swords by to fight against Satan

The voice of war of the chosen
The voice of war as the storm to the distance
Raised in the hill covered of anger and furyu

Our sword pierce to the darkness legions
By the sword of the almighty emperor
We triumph against the devil

3. Derribando Las Fortalezas De Satanás 4:30
Cuando las sombras abrazan la noche en este largo viaje
Solo el brillo de la luna ilumina el senero
Entonces las montanas son banadas por fina nieve

Y contemplando el majesuoso y vasto bosque
Vuelven a mi las remembranzas del ayer
De las frias tierras de batalla
Donde valientes lucharon
En el nombre del rey de reyes
En el nombre de Jesus

Ahi donde sangre se derramo
Al derribar las fortalezas de Satan
Por el poder del dios altisimo, ahora somos libres

4. Desgarra La Vestidura De Bafometh 2:22
En el resplandor nocturno del bosque estangula la ceremonia de sacraficio
Aplasta los amuletos de misa negra y arrance la lengua de los blasfemos
Con la cruz haz que los demonios se retuerzan

Desgarra la vestidura de bafometh
Blasfema cada uno de los puntos del pentagrama
Picotea los ojos endemoniados de baal

He aqui la ira del eterno esta presente
He aqui el luto infinito se levanta desde el abismo

5. Venciendo A Satanás Con El Poder De Mi Señor 3:18
Cuando la oscuridad cae sobre nosotros y la luz de la manana es negra como la noche
Neblina abraza la luz, tormenta quema los cielos mas yo con mi espada peleo contra la muerte
Con mi Dios peleare
A Satan vencere

Fuerte soy, guerrero
A Satan vencere

6. The Darkness Disappears By The Godness 3:57
The moonlight to descent to the shadows land
And the wolf in the frozen night
Extol to his master

The darkness disappears by the goodness
There the flow of water alive
By the goodness

Life over the kingdom of God
Life in the life

7. Decapitación Absoluta Al Falso Profeta 2:55
Solo asi ganaremos esta guerra
Si rechazamos Satan
Si decapitamos al hijo de blasfemia
Atemos a Satan al debil a derrotado

Decapitacion absoluta al falso profeta
Ningun falso profeta debe vivir ninguno el debe ser destrudo Satan el debil el derrotado

El reino de blasfemia ha sido destruido mi senor y amo

Jesucristo levantate

Decapitacion absoluta al falso profeto, el sufrimiento es para el por siempre

8. The King Is Seated In The Justice Throne 3:31
Oh King you is these seated in the justice throne reining in eternal majestic

Your love embraced to me and it maintains to me alive

We'll fight until defeating the demons
We'll fight until defeating the death
We'll fight until defeating to Satan and triumph forever and ever

Every night we'll fight with the emperor
Every night we'll fight with the king
Every night we'll fight against demons and then we defeating the enemy

9. Señor Con Tu Poder Haz Temblar A Los Demonios 3:54
Senor mi amo, la noche se ha levantado y en tinieblas peleo yo

Oh mi senor con tu poder haz temblar a los demonios
Oh mi Jesus con tu nombre haz huir a satanas

Satanas Destronado / Hortor (split, 2008, Exhortametal Distributions) (CD-R)

Hortor tracks taken from their 2004 demo.

6. Hortor - Preludo Del Getsemaní 1:20
7. Hortor - Sentence Of Death 4:16
8. Hortor - Blasfemo Rito Satánico 6:03
9. Hortor - Birkat Hacobenim 2:08
10. Hortor - Inmunda Ceremonia Satánica 4:53
11. Hortor - Luto Del Falso Profeta 2:32
12. Hortor - A Sovereign Fortress (Antestor cover) 5:16

Ancient Satanic Rituals Are Crushed In Dust (album)

2009, Open Grave Records, Sullen Records (CD)
December 8, 2009, Exhort Metal Distributions (CD)

1. In Nomine Nostri Deus Excelsi YWHV 2:51
In nomine Nostri Deus Excelsi YWHV
In nomine Nostri Deus Excelsi YWHV
Crux sancti patris Jesu
Non draco sit mihi dux
Crux sancti patris Jesu
Non draco sit mihi dux

(Vade) retro satana
(Numquam) suade mibi vana
(Vade) retro satana
(Numquam) suade mibi vana
Sunt mala quae libas
In nomine Nostri Deus Excelsi YWHV

Vade retro satana
Numquam suade mibi vana
Sunt mala quae libas
Vade retro satana
Numquam suade mibi vana
Sunt mala quae libas

2. Ancient Satanic Rituals Are Crushes In Dust 4:04
Ancient Satanic rituals, in the ancient forest
Embraced the night in blasphemy
Circles of death, spells of hate
The path of darkness, the nocturnal winds
Unholy voices rise up to chant
But in the name of Jesus
Satan, you are defeated!
Beyond in the distance
Satanic rituals are crushed in dust
The ritual, it is nothing for the sons of God
Our spirit bathed in sacred blood
The only blood that makes us free

3. Blasphemy Of The Old Pagan Times 4:17
In the old mystic lands
A kingdom of pagans and death
Many were those who died
By the deceit of the ancient serpent
Joined their meat magic circles
Fire burning forever
The flames consumed his eyes
The promise of Satan was broken
They blasphemed to the eternal God
And gave his life to Satan
Seduced by his words of hope
Were brought to the abyss
Cold winds of punishment
Never end their torment
For having believed in the deceiver
Forever burn in eternal fire

4. ¿Quién Podrá Contra El Poder Del Dios Eterno? 4:18
Vientos de odio soplan en el horizonte
Legiones malvadas se levantan desde ahi
A través de los cielos ennegrecidos
Huestes del infierno aparecen
Legiones de Angat, legiones de Marduk
Legiones de namaah de los cielos del sur
Pero bajo la espada del Dios podersoso, son aplastados y decapitados
Espiritus del infierno ahora huyan
En el nombre del rey eterno tiemblen
Angat, Marduk, Goab
El nombre del Jesús los despedaza
Abigor, nergal, naamah
La sangre del cordero los reprende

5. The Triumphant Voice Of The Jesus Hordes 4:59
The sound is triumphant
Of millions of voices
From the northern mountains
To the forests of the south
Voices that make the earth tremble
To the depths of the abyss
Voices that demolish the walls
And filled with pain to the same hell
It is time to pay the punishment
So many centuries of sin and death
Tyrant god, unholy lord
Daylight burn his eyes
In the depths of the abyss
In the mouth of hell
There forever pay the punishment
Those who did not believe in God

6. Our Wrath Is Against Satanism And Blasphemous Symbols 3:29
Symbols of Satanism, occult representation
Pagan secrets, blasphemous and perverse
Symbols of Satan, ancient hexagram
Goat uncleanness, blasphemous pentagram
Impure ceremony, Baphomet symbols
Circles of fire, embrace death
Against Satan, against their symbols we tread
We downtrodden, leaving nothing to them
Spells, occult, witchcraft
In the name of Yahweh rebuked
Let go Your wrath against Satan
Let go Your wrath against his blasphemy
Wash with the blood of Jesus
Sanctify with His precious blood
Drink from the blood of the Lamb
Bathe with His precious blood
Today we are free, we bathed with the precious blood
That spilled from the Lamb in the cross of Calvary

7. Unholy Forces Of Belial 3:20
Forces of Belial, listen to my voice
From the almighty army of God
Belial listen to the almighty army of Christ
Hordes of Jesus, take his swords
From the almighty army of God

8. Thine Hour Hast Come (Horde cover) 4:07
At the dawning of time
Thine heart didst proclaim
Thy throne shall arise
Beyond the stars of God
And be enthroned on the Northern sides
Of the Great Mountain
Far above the clouds
Didst thou aspire to
But alas

This was not to be
So fallen thou art
As lightening to the earth
Having once angelic splendor
Now the vilest abomination
An abode for maggots thou art
A shame

That once so beautiful
All is lost to become nothing
Son of the morning
Thine hour has come

Thou will be stripped of power
And be lowered into the very depths of hell
Thy fate is worse than death
Eternal suffering and damnation

9. The Darkness Will Be No More 2:00

Dios De Dioses (album)

October 2, 2013, Bombworks Records (CD)
October 2, 2013, Exhortmetal Records (CD)

1. Salmo 2:38
2. Me He Bañado Con Una Preciosa Sangre 4:21
Magia sobre círculos, sobre cada punto
Llamando a las huestes, dioses paganos del norte
Los cuernos del chivo brillan, Símbolo blasfemo y profano
Que adornan el ritual, de hechiceros y magos

Satán tus engañados miran hacia el sur
Lucifer tus seducidos miran hacia el este
Belial tus confundidos miran hacia el norte
Leviatán tus derrotados miran en el oeste

Tus cuatro nombres unidos como uno mismo...para alcanzar el éxtasis del rito
Bebiendo el cáliz rojo y sobrio, para terminar un profano culto
Pero nada temerá mi corazón, pues conozco un poder mayor
Ningún hechizo ningún rito, podrá ni siquiera hacerme daño alguno
Así que cada nombre demoniaco es quebrantado y destrozado
Amon, sekhmet, behemoth, Huyan en el nombre de Jesús
Balaam, Fenriz, melek, Devorados son por fuego ardiente
Shama, rimmon, ishtar, La mano del eterno los devora

Me he bañado con una preciosa sangre
La cual limpio cada uno de mis pecados
Y por esa preciosa sangre te reprendo
Satanás, en el nombre de Jesús

3. A Través Del Pensamiento Vano 4:41
Cuando el pensamiento humano se vuelve vano
Y la razón se vuelve orgullo
Entonces la sabiduría no es nada
El hombre está vacío, así como sus palabras

Es cuando la separación esta cercana
Entre el hombre y su creador
Trasgresión tras trasgresión olvidando sus senderos
Y sus veredas se encuentran retorcidas

Caminando bajo espinas
Sobre el polvo de falsedad
Dejando sus pisadas
En medio de vanidad
Orgullo, hipocresía
Sus pasos son de maldad
Pensando que lo correcto
Se oculta en su necedad

Cuando llegue el último respiro
Cuando sea el momento final
La ilusión de otro mañana
Quizá jamás volverá

4. Cerca Viene Libertad 5:49
5. Antiguas Llamas Arden 2:37
6. Altísimo Señor 4:54
7. México Tierra De Dios 4:57
8. Dios De Dioses 3:42
9. Majestuosa Infinita Creación 3:14
10. Nombre Que Es Sobre Todo Nombre 4:58

1. Psalm 2:38
2. Cleansed With Precious Blood 4:21
Magic circles, magic everywhere
Calling the bones, pagan gods from the north
Goat's horns glow, blasphemous and profane symbols
That adorn the ritual of warlocks and wizards

Satan, those you've fooled look to the south
Lucifer, those you've seduced look to the east
Belial, those you've confused look to the north
Leviathan, those you've beaten look to the west

Your four names become one in ritualistic ecstasy
Drinking sacred wine to end this profane cult
But my heart fears not for I know a stronger force
No spell nor ritual can do me harm
Every demonic name is broken and useless
Amon, sekhmet, behemoth, run at the name of Jesus
Balaam, fenriz, melek, devoured in burning flames
Shama, rimmon, ishtar, the eternal hand devours you

I've been cleansed with precious blood
That's washed all my sins away
And this precious blood repels Satan in Jesus' name

3. Beyond Vain Thoughts 4:41
When human thought becomes vain
And reason turns to pride
Then wisdom means nothing
Man is as empty as his words

It's when separation is near
Between man and his creator
Transgression after transgression losing the path
And the truth is twisted

Walking under thorns
Over the dust of falsehoods
Leaving footprints in the middle of vanity
Pride, hypocrisy
Their steps are evil
Thinking what's right is hidden in stubbornness

When the last breath comes
When it's the final moment
The illusion of another tomorrow
That will never come

4. Freedom Is Near 5:49
5. Ancient Fires Burn 2:37
6. Lord Of High 4:54
7. Mexico, Land Of God 4:57
8. God Of Gods 3:42
9. Majestic, Infinite Create 3:14
10. Name Above All Names 4:58

Enthroned XI (compilation, 2014, Eternal Records) (CD)

Tracks 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, and 12 are from "Dios De Dioses".
Tracks 2, 4, 7, and 9 are from "Ancient Satanic Rituals Are Crushed In Dust".
Tracks 6 and 11 are from "Decapitación Absoluta Al Falso Profeta".
Track 13 is from "By The Sword Of The Almighty Emperor".
Tracks 14-15 are from the 2004 demo.
Tracks 16-17 are previously-unreleased demo tracks from 2011.

1. Salmo 2:35
2. Ancient Satanic Rituals Are Crushed In Dust 4:03
3. Mexico Tierra De Dios 4:55
4. Quien Podra Contra El Poder Del Dios Eterno 4:17
5. Altisimo Señor 4:52
6. Decapitacion Absoluta Al Falso Profeta 2:55
7. Blasphemy Of The Old Pagan Times 4:17
8. Me He Bañado Con Una Preciosa Sangre 4:19
9. Our Wrath Is Against Satanism And Blasphemous Symbols 3:28
10. A Traves Del Pensamiento Vano 4:39
11. Desgarra La Vestidura De Bafomet 2:21
12. Cerca Viene Libertad 5:47
13. By The Sword Of The Almighty Emperor 3:28
14. Sentence Of Death 5:16
15. Blasfemo Rito 4:14
16. Dios De Dioses 4:01
17. Las Fuerzas Del Mal No Pueden Entrar 3:41

Dharma Esencia De Impureza (album, June 22, 2018, EM Label & Distro) (CD)

1. Canticum Asaph Fortis Deus 2:16
2. Viejos Portales De Abominación 5:59
3. Unción En Tu Presencia 5:22
4. Dogma De Toth 3:30
5. La Belleza Y Perfección De Tu Creación (Oh Maestro) 4:42
6. Culto A La Serpiente Antigua 4:52
7. ...Y Legiones Vienen 3:43
8. Caígan Todos Los Reinos 3:32
9. Ecos De Magnificiencia 4:50
10. Dharma Esencia De Impureza 4:30
11. Antiguos Himnos De Victoria 4:08
12. Bajo El Signo De Lo Oculto 5:03

1. Canticum Asaph Fortis Deus 2:16
2. Old Gateways Of Abomination 5:59
3. Anointing In Your Presence 5:22
4. Dogma Of Toth 3:30
5. The Beauty & Perfection Of Your Creation, Oh Master! 4:42
6. Cult To The Ancient Serpent 4:52
7. ...And Legions Come 3:43
8. All The Kingdoms Fall 3:32
9. Echoes Of Magnificence 4:50
10. Dharma Essence Of Impurity 4:30
11. Ancient Hymns Of Victory 4:08
12. Under The Sign Of The Occult 5:03

The Unreleased Demos (April 9, 2019, EM Label & Distro, Limited Edition) (CD-R)

1. The Glory
2. The King
3. The Bless
4. The Extol
5. The Light
6. The Path
7. The Strenght
8. The Fortress
9. Dharma

Hortor Box Set (April 9, 2019, EM Label & Distro, Limited Edition) (8 CD)

Disc 1:
Inmunda Ceremonia Satánica
Disc 2:
Demo 2004
Disc 3:
By The Sword Of The Almighty Emperor
Disc 4:
Decapitación Absoluta Al Falso Profeta
Disc 5:
Ancient Satanic Rituals Are Crushed In Dust
Disc 6:
Dios De Dioses
Disc 7:
Dharma Esencia De Impureza
Disc 8:
The Unreleased Demos

From Depths Of Darkness 'Till The Eternal Path Of Light And Hope (compilation, 2019, Independent) (CD)

1. Decapitación Absoluta Al Falso Profeta 2:35
2. Unción En Tu Presencia 5:22
3. Dogma De Toth 3:30
4. Culto A La Serpiente Antigua 4:53
5. Ecos De Magnificencia 4:50
6. Dharma Esencia De Impureza 4:30
7. Ancient Satanic Rituals Are Crushed In Dust 4:06
8. Quién Podrá Contra El Poder Del Dios Eterno 4:20
9. Beyond Vain Thoughts 4:42
10. Majestic, Infinite Creation 3:14
11. Cleansed With Precious Blood 4:22
12. Lord Of High 4:54
13. By The Sword Of The Almighty Emperor 3:31
14. Desgarra La Vestidura De Bafometh 2:26
15. Decapitatión Absoluta Al Falso Profeta 3:00
16. The Extol 3:43
17. The Glory 3:25
18. The Strength 3:17

Hortor / Beeroth (split, 2021, EM Label & Distro, Limited Edition) (2 CD)

Disc 1: Hortor - The Almighty God / Beeroth - Enthroned King
1. Hortor - Kyrie Eleison - Señor Ten Misericordia
2. Hortor - The Darkness Not Prevail
3. Hortor - King Of Kings
4. Hortor - Who Against The Power Of The Almighty God
5. Hortor - We Are
6. Hortor - Tú Eres Mi Señor
7. Hortor - Renew A Right Spirit Within Me
8. Hortor - Our Lord
9. Beeroth - The Call Of War
10. Beeroth - Enthroned King
11. Beeroth - Rituals
12. Beeroth - Victory Is Mine
13. Beeroth - Ethernal Is Your Name
14. Beeroth - Glory Everlasting
15. Beeroth - Alpha & Omega
16. Beeroth - Accept To The Holy Lamb

Disc 2: Hortor - From The Depths Of Darkness 'Till The Eternal Path Of Light And Hope
1. Decapitación Absoluta Al Falso Profeta
2. Unción En Tu Presencia
3. Doma De Toth
4. Culto A La Serpiente Antigua
5. Ecos De Magnificencia
6. Dharma Esencia De Impureza
7. Ancient Satanic Rituals Are Crushed In Dust
8. Quién Prodrá Contra El Poder Del Dios Eterno
9. Beyond Vain Thoughts
10. Majestic, Infinite Creation
11. Cleansed With Precious Blood
12. Lord Of High
13. By The Sword Of the Almighty Emperor
14. Desgarra La Vestidura De Bafometh
15. Decapitación Absoluta Al Falso Profeta
16. The Extol
17. The Glory
18. The Strength

Decapitación Absoluta Al Falso Profeta / Ancient Satanic Rituals Are Crushed In Dust (compilation, 2021, Independent) (CD)

Tracks 1-9 are from "Decapitación Absoluta Al Falso Profeta".
Tracks 10-18 are from "Ancient Satanic Rituals Are Crushed In Dust".

1. El Asqueroso Imperio De Qlifoth 4:19
2. By The Sword Of The Almighty Emperor 3:30
3. Derribando Las Fortalezas De Satanás 4:34
4. Desgarra La Vestidura De Bafometh 2:25
5. Venciendo A Satanás Con El Poder De Mi Señor 3:19
6. The Darkness Disappears By The Godness 4:00
7. Decapitación Absoluta Al Falso Profeta 2:59
8. The King Is Seated In The Justice Throne 3:31
9. Señor Con Tu Poder Haz Temblar A Los Demonios 4:01
10. In Nomine Nostri Deus Excelsi YWHV 2:53
11. Ancient Satanic Rituals Are Crushes In Dust 4:06
12. Blasphemy Of The Old Pagan Times 4:19
13. Quién Podrá Contra El Poder Del Dios Eterno 4:20
14. The Triumphant Voice Of The Jesus Hordes 5:01
15. Our Wrath Is Against Satanism And Blasphemous Symbols 3:31
16. Unholy Forces Of Belial 3:22
17. Thine Hour Hast Come (Horde cover) 4:09
18. The Darkness Will Be No More 2:00

Cassette Box Box (2021, Independent, Limited Edition) (4 Cassette)

Tape 1:
Decapitacion Absoluta Al Falso Profeta / Demo 2004
Tape 2:
Ancient Satanic Rituals Are Crushed In Dust / By The Sword Of the Almighty Emperor
Tape 3:
Dios De Dioses / The Unreleased Demos
Tape 4:
Dharma Esencia De Impureza


BAND NAME: Spiritual Strength GENRE: Unblack Metal STATUS: Active LOCATION: Norway (Holkeheim) / USA (Cole) Lineup: Holkeheim - All Instrume...