Monday, December 27, 2021



BAND NAME: Wothanskreuz
GENRE: Atmospheric Unblack Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Montreal, Québec, Canada

Jewel - Voices, Prayers
Michael Mosher - All Music


Embarking Upon The Path (album, December 8, 2021, Independent) (Digital)

1. Preliminary Renouncement / Affirmation 2:12
2. Dusket 3:18
Now... I wait
For... the day
When I will be in Hel...
When I will be in Hel...

3. I 12:53
With the Hammer at my heart
And the Cross around my neck
A hail to the clouded skies
Where God the Sovereign flies

Upon the wings of ravens
In crafts of Light through space and time
The cosmic wheel turns
Emitting ways of Dharmic Truth

Pervading all the Universe
Wothan and Christ as one
His essence Everlasting, all-encompassing
In spite of all the Names

All brothers were deceived
By the greediness of dwarves
Who for the love of gold
Enslaved the human race

But we shine forth as rays
From the Eternal Sun (Son)
To reclaim middle-world again
And join the race of Aelves...

4. II 15:12
The Lord shines forth
From the center of the Multiverse

A Blazing, Swirling Sunwheel
Pouring out all vital life

Energy of the infinite...

5. Evropa (Triarii cover) 3:18

The Old Ways (album, December 17, 2021, Independent) (Digital)

1. The Echoes Of Wothan's Call 5:22
Blasting forward
I see with glowing eyes of stone
Hasting toward the goal
Into the fathomless unknown

Hear the spirits
The Echoes of Wothans call

When the fire plagues the earth
All is washed in redemptive blood

Thrusting upward
The force of light has banished the obscure
Asgardian Celestëiea
Banish the Qlipphothick shards...

2. Victory Belongs To The Righteous In War 2:48
Victory belongs to the righteous in war
Poetry and death, to wield in our hand
Against the enemy, enslavers of us all
Holy Chants and prayers to disspell their feeble acts

God on High is watching
Giving strength and grace to us
With hammer, spear, and sword
We will conquer in His Name...

Seven thousand years we've had to deal with their shit
The time has come to seek the score, and to settle it
Let peace and mercy reign, but let justice be swift
All vengeance to our God, for it all belongs to Him!

Wothan, Allfather of us all
Yahuah, Divine Warrior
Yeshu, my King and my God

Raise up high
Come again...
Raise up high
Come again...

3. The Blood Of Our Xhrist 3:16
Rise, fallen
Slain for war
In fields of blood
And horror

Wothan in our upward thrusting
Pushing back the horde of darkness

Yhw, Tyr
In our sword-fare
Concepts merged within the frost

All is one, none is lost
In our blood, the Holocaust

Destruction by fire
From above
To rebuild and regain
What was lost

Purify every stain
Elixir of life
The Blood of our Xhrist...

The Blood of our Xhrist

4. Man As Tree 8:24
Trees mourn for lack of words
Many hear not their voice

Trees are beings in the sense
That they impart knowledge

When we reincarnate into a tree
It's so that we can learn the wisdom

But become more to the outside
Our past karma brought us here

As a tree
We live

Subjected to everything
A long and lonely life
Reaching forward
To the divine

Everything is okay
You are a man
You are alive!

You see the sun!
You are a man
You are a tree

5. Ice Of The Frozen Graves / Waters Of Our Ancestors 5:26
Ice of the frozen graves
Waters of our ancestors

Ice of the frozen graves
Waters of our ancestors

In the icy cold
Our forefathers bled

Alaska to Antarctica
The sun shines blue
On the frozen ocean
Of the world

Neverending sea
Of eternal Ice

Green Spirits
Dance in the sky
Green Spirits
Dance in the sky

The Sun Dog
My friend
And symbol

Shows the way
Shows Yeshu in Ice

6. Holy Xhrist-God, Who Hung From The World Tree 10:43
Holy Xhrist-God, who hung from the world tree
A sacrifice of Himself to Himself
For no holier sacrifice could be found sufficient
Save that of the High One alone

The Archetypes continue, revolving oroborous
Circle of serpentine light
Two serpents to choose from, one is transcendent
The other, the source of all lies

Twisting and writhing, snake of confusion
Choronzon, Abyssic babbler of chaos
External and within, the exorcism employed
To expel the manifestation of idiotic folly

In rivalry with God, through envy he fell
Corrupting with foolishness, vanity and pride
Christ-Wothan, true serpent of wisdom
Mangled the liars advance when He died

Holy Xhrist-God, who hung from the world tree
A sacrifice of Himself to Himself
His blood re-presented every day at Holy Mass
To counter the reprobates poison...

7. Sea Turtle Swims To The Sun 3:56
Winter winds wail
Snow blows so forcefully
The world blows away

Eternal blizzard
Snow suffocation

Glaciers and bears
Seals in the ocean

Majestic narwhal
Unicorn of the Arctic Sea

Sea Turtle
Swims to the sun
Sea Turtle
Swims to the sun

8. Song To The Ancestors (Acoustic) 6:38
9. Holy Xhrist-God, Who Hung From The World Tree (Acoustic Version) 10:43
10. O Come Immanuel (Acapella) 3:24
O come, O come, Emmanuel
And ransom captive Israel
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel

O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free
Thine own from Satan's tyranny
From depths of hell Thy people save
And give them victory o'er the grave
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel

O come, Thou Dayspring, from on high
And cheer us by Thy drawing nigh
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night
And death's dark shadows put to flight
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel

O come, Thou Key of David, come
And open wide our heav'nly home
Make safe the way that leads on high
And close the path to misery
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel

Gnostick Suicide (album, December 19, 2021, Independent) (Digital)

This album has been released a number of times, under various names, and in a number of alternate versions (for example, "Advanced Systematik Operations For Xristian Terrorism" by Rotting Serpent).
This is the 2008 original re-issue, exactly as it was recorded back then.

1. Decrepit Hope 6:46
2. Trauma 5:32
3. Anomie I 9:47
4. Loss 8:47
5. Your Corpse, My Closet 8:02
6. Anomie II 4:57
7. Hated, And Loving It 11:09
8. Forget Me 4:32


BAND NAME: Spiritual Strength GENRE: Unblack Metal STATUS: Active LOCATION: Norway (Holkeheim) / USA (Cole) Lineup: Holkeheim - All Instrume...