Monday, December 27, 2021



BAND NAME: Wothanskreuz
GENRE: Atmospheric Unblack Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Montreal, Québec, Canada

Jewel - Voices, Prayers
Michael Mosher - All Music


Embarking Upon The Path (album, December 8, 2021, Independent) (Digital)

1. Preliminary Renouncement / Affirmation 2:12
2. Dusket 3:18
Now... I wait
For... the day
When I will be in Hel...
When I will be in Hel...

3. I 12:53
With the Hammer at my heart
And the Cross around my neck
A hail to the clouded skies
Where God the Sovereign flies

Upon the wings of ravens
In crafts of Light through space and time
The cosmic wheel turns
Emitting ways of Dharmic Truth

Pervading all the Universe
Wothan and Christ as one
His essence Everlasting, all-encompassing
In spite of all the Names

All brothers were deceived
By the greediness of dwarves
Who for the love of gold
Enslaved the human race

But we shine forth as rays
From the Eternal Sun (Son)
To reclaim middle-world again
And join the race of Aelves...

4. II 15:12
The Lord shines forth
From the center of the Multiverse

A Blazing, Swirling Sunwheel
Pouring out all vital life

Energy of the infinite...

5. Evropa (Triarii cover) 3:18

The Old Ways (album, December 17, 2021, Independent) (Digital)

1. The Echoes Of Wothan's Call 5:22
Blasting forward
I see with glowing eyes of stone
Hasting toward the goal
Into the fathomless unknown

Hear the spirits
The Echoes of Wothans call

When the fire plagues the earth
All is washed in redemptive blood

Thrusting upward
The force of light has banished the obscure
Asgardian Celestëiea
Banish the Qlipphothick shards...

2. Victory Belongs To The Righteous In War 2:48
Victory belongs to the righteous in war
Poetry and death, to wield in our hand
Against the enemy, enslavers of us all
Holy Chants and prayers to disspell their feeble acts

God on High is watching
Giving strength and grace to us
With hammer, spear, and sword
We will conquer in His Name...

Seven thousand years we've had to deal with their shit
The time has come to seek the score, and to settle it
Let peace and mercy reign, but let justice be swift
All vengeance to our God, for it all belongs to Him!

Wothan, Allfather of us all
Yahuah, Divine Warrior
Yeshu, my King and my God

Raise up high
Come again...
Raise up high
Come again...

3. The Blood Of Our Xhrist 3:16
Rise, fallen
Slain for war
In fields of blood
And horror

Wothan in our upward thrusting
Pushing back the horde of darkness

Yhw, Tyr
In our sword-fare
Concepts merged within the frost

All is one, none is lost
In our blood, the Holocaust

Destruction by fire
From above
To rebuild and regain
What was lost

Purify every stain
Elixir of life
The Blood of our Xhrist...

The Blood of our Xhrist

4. Man As Tree 8:24
Trees mourn for lack of words
Many hear not their voice

Trees are beings in the sense
That they impart knowledge

When we reincarnate into a tree
It's so that we can learn the wisdom

But become more to the outside
Our past karma brought us here

As a tree
We live

Subjected to everything
A long and lonely life
Reaching forward
To the divine

Everything is okay
You are a man
You are alive!

You see the sun!
You are a man
You are a tree

5. Ice Of The Frozen Graves / Waters Of Our Ancestors 5:26
Ice of the frozen graves
Waters of our ancestors

Ice of the frozen graves
Waters of our ancestors

In the icy cold
Our forefathers bled

Alaska to Antarctica
The sun shines blue
On the frozen ocean
Of the world

Neverending sea
Of eternal Ice

Green Spirits
Dance in the sky
Green Spirits
Dance in the sky

The Sun Dog
My friend
And symbol

Shows the way
Shows Yeshu in Ice

6. Holy Xhrist-God, Who Hung From The World Tree 10:43
Holy Xhrist-God, who hung from the world tree
A sacrifice of Himself to Himself
For no holier sacrifice could be found sufficient
Save that of the High One alone

The Archetypes continue, revolving oroborous
Circle of serpentine light
Two serpents to choose from, one is transcendent
The other, the source of all lies

Twisting and writhing, snake of confusion
Choronzon, Abyssic babbler of chaos
External and within, the exorcism employed
To expel the manifestation of idiotic folly

In rivalry with God, through envy he fell
Corrupting with foolishness, vanity and pride
Christ-Wothan, true serpent of wisdom
Mangled the liars advance when He died

Holy Xhrist-God, who hung from the world tree
A sacrifice of Himself to Himself
His blood re-presented every day at Holy Mass
To counter the reprobates poison...

7. Sea Turtle Swims To The Sun 3:56
Winter winds wail
Snow blows so forcefully
The world blows away

Eternal blizzard
Snow suffocation

Glaciers and bears
Seals in the ocean

Majestic narwhal
Unicorn of the Arctic Sea

Sea Turtle
Swims to the sun
Sea Turtle
Swims to the sun

8. Song To The Ancestors (Acoustic) 6:38
9. Holy Xhrist-God, Who Hung From The World Tree (Acoustic Version) 10:43
10. O Come Immanuel (Acapella) 3:24
O come, O come, Emmanuel
And ransom captive Israel
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel

O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free
Thine own from Satan's tyranny
From depths of hell Thy people save
And give them victory o'er the grave
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel

O come, Thou Dayspring, from on high
And cheer us by Thy drawing nigh
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night
And death's dark shadows put to flight
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel

O come, Thou Key of David, come
And open wide our heav'nly home
Make safe the way that leads on high
And close the path to misery
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel

Gnostick Suicide (album, December 19, 2021, Independent) (Digital)

This album has been released a number of times, under various names, and in a number of alternate versions (for example, "Advanced Systematik Operations For Xristian Terrorism" by Rotting Serpent).
This is the 2008 original re-issue, exactly as it was recorded back then.

1. Decrepit Hope 6:46
2. Trauma 5:32
3. Anomie I 9:47
4. Loss 8:47
5. Your Corpse, My Closet 8:02
6. Anomie II 4:57
7. Hated, And Loving It 11:09
8. Forget Me 4:32

Sunday, October 24, 2021



BAND NAME: Preces Infandus
GENRE: Atmospheric Unblack Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: United States

Interium - Vocals
Helcaraxë - All Instruments



Secretior Ritualia Cultus (album)

March 10, 2016, Independent (Digital)
August 13, 2021, SkyBurnsBlack Records (Digital)

1. Preparation For Entrance To The Ritual: The Call For Submission Of The Heart To Immaculate Chaos 0:54
Ascendite ad me et chao,
Cadet in profundum, arcanae.

2. Step One Of The Ritual: Invoking The Presence Of The Ancient - The Path Into The Flame Where Cosmos Trembles 5:18
Thou hast brought us unto this hour,
To stand before implore Thee.
Thy mystic place, Thy mystic presence;
It doth expose us, it doth impose upon us...
This reality: our utter fraily;
Our eyes are covered by a veil of cosmic lies.
Thy glory is cloaked in Thy shadow realm,
Thy grace by ours...the false destroy.

The false destroy
(The false destroy)
Kyrie eleison
(Kyrie eleison)

May it please Thou to pardon us who dwell beneath;
Loose this chain - the mortal coil's mind.
Grant that Thy cloud descend,
And take us to Thy infinite dimensions.

Kyrie eleison
Christi eleison
Kyrie eleison
Christi eleison

You are released from pain of death;
Your sentence cancelled and cast away.
Embrace anew, tear the scales asunder,
Illusion fades from you; do not return
Walk the path beyond the stars,
Reject confinement to the cosmic shell.
Apprehend His limitlessness;
He is chaos' King.

Heed His call to rest where flame now burns;
Therein is life freed from corporeal sleep.
Lay hold of liberation; bliss unrestrained,
The time has come to grasp the sovereign plane...

His sovereign plane
(His sovereign plane)
Thy sovereign plane
(Thy sovereign plane)

There art Thy storms and Thy Begotten,
Through whom, to whom glory be...
In Thy Spirit, and now henceforth...

3. Step Two Of The Ritual: Transcendent Utterance - In Praise Of Fate's Upheaval 5:25
Of life, vital and unbounded, Thou art full,
And Thou casteth us into Thy fathomless depths.
We are transformed by purest shadow's blessing:
We are made "other" - the wholly unrestrained.
We offer Thou our somber sworn allegiance,
In praise of fate's upheaval...
Advance of endless realms.
Thou are the Hidden, the Mystic Unconfined;
Thou art the Master over emptiness and void...
Destroyer of the stars.
So destroy the stars,
Destroy this world of false light.

The Voice of blood,
Cries out to Thee: "Release"...
The pain and woes,
Of cosmic destiny retreat...

Thou, Unbinder...
We bless Thee...
Thou, Unbinder...
Thine is endless praise.
Thou, Unbinder...
We bless Thee...
Thou, Unbinder...
Thine is endless praise.

The Voice of blood,
Cries out to Thee: "Release"...
The pain and woes,
Of cosmic destiny retreat...

The Voice of blood,
Cries out to Thee: "Release"...
The pain and woes,
Of cosmic destiny retreat...

So destroy the stars,
Destroy this world of false light.

4. Step Three Of The Ritual: Ascending To Hidden Wisdom - Instructing The Cult In The Way Of Glory 6:35
Hear the words of the Master...
Hear and heed,
That dilution,
May be far from you:

It is not as you have thought it was;
It is not as you have heard it said.
My Law transcends your vision,
It eludes your grasp.

You're unworthy of the formless truths,
Shackled in this material realm.
There remains no hope of liberty,
If you will not understand.
Your desire must be for what lies beyond;
To this your oath must be.

You must be changed;
Yours must be a willing heart,
To give the sacrifice...
To bleed for Him.
Will you resolve not to waiver?
Will you be the unhinged reflection?
So now, cult of the faithful...
What is your confession?

We believe in the One in darkness,
In the Maker of all unseen.
We believe in Him Begotten,
He who was before all worlds,
He whom death has not conquered,
Who judges cosmos with the flame.
We believe in Him who goes forth,
Who has spoken through those before.
We will swear the oath.

Will you pursue devotion?
We will. Let it be done.

Will you evict all falsehood?
We will. Let it be done.

Will you expose the false light?
We will. Let it be done.

Will you press on til death?
We will. Let it be done.

May yours be a willing heart,
To give the sacrifice...
To bleed for Him.

5. Step Four Of The Ritual: Incantations Beyond Light And Time - To Beseech The One Who Hides In Shadow 6:47
O Thou who dwells in interminable fire,
Mystery of the infinite void;
O Thou who calls from the measureless deep,
From time before time...

Thou art "opposing" defined,
Thou art entirely not as we are,
Thou art the utter beyond set apart,
Thou art the vast and the unattained.

Bring Thy chaos of immaculate kind...

Chaos calls to chaos;
Bring Thy chaos to our ordered ilusion.

Thou art "opposing" defined,
Thou art entirely not as we are,
Thou art the utter beyond set apart,
Thou art the vast and the unattained.

Bring Thy chaos of immaculate kind...

Chaos calls to chaos;
Bring Thy chaos to our ordered ilusion.

Provide all that's required to ensure that we walk in Thy way to the overthrow of the mortal and false.

Pardon us from the bleak as we seek to be those who bring this order to naught.
Let us never again be the blind and the slave to the appearance of light.

Intervene, that all which resists us may die, and may Thy hand deliver us from cosmic lies.
Intervene, that all which resists us may die, and may Thy hand deliver us from cosmic lies.

O Thou who dwells in interminable fire,
Mystery of the infinite void;
O Thou who calls from the measureless deep,
From time before time.

6. Step Five Of The Ritual: A Sacrifice Is Made - Mortal Restraints Unbound Through Blood Offering 7:26
Cosmic shade rent,
The true release from all that binds.
For this to be our present truth,
Blood must be shed.

There must be death to break the spell.
There must be death to break the spell.

We must take life that we may find relief,
That there may be deliverance.

There must be death to break the spell...
There must be death...

Blade driven in to bring forth blood that flows afresh.
The severed flesh, the cause of death, cosmic fate sealed.

To be rid of the illusion,
Like the tearing of scales from the eyes...
The realm of His shadow is only found in death.

The severed flesh, the cause of death, cosmic fate sealed.

So take the flesh to be your feast,
And drink the blood for your relief.

Tear the flesh that you may die and drain the blood, there is His life.

So take the flesh to be your feast and drink the blood...

Here in this flesh and in this blood is our emancipation to the infinite dimensions.

May you remember liberation.
May you remember liberation.

Here in this flesh and in this blood is our emancipation to the infinite dimensions.

Here in this flesh...
Here in this blood...

Here in this flesh and in this blood is our emancipation to the infinite dimensions.

Here in this flesh...
Here in this blood...

7. Step Six Of The Ritual: The Final Dedication Rite - A Sworn Oath To Undo All Resistance 8:15
"Proptereh queye, ut vinceret, nos eh servi tui destruentes te."

In our final moments of this esoteric bliss we consider our place in the world where false light has paraded as life,
And we assume upon ourselves this solemn vow:
That the temporal realm shall fall as the truth of Thy shadow takes hold.

We are of those who shall not yield;
We won't shrink back and be destroyed.
We shall believe and shall proclaim,
The utter downfall of the false.

We embrace the serpent, wisdom that will be the undoing of mortality's masquerade.

We shall militantly oppose all who oppose Thee;
We shall break apart this false Promethean tyranny.

We shall break apart this false Promethean tyranny.

We shall subdue this finite enemy,
We shall see him burn and be consumed.
His forces shall share his fate with him;
Consigned to flame in Thy undying pit.

We embrace the serpent, wisdom that will be the undoing of mortality's masquerade.

We shall militantly oppose all who oppose Thee;
We shall break apart this false Promethean tyranny.

We shall see release for those held captive by deception.
We shall praise Thee,
Adversary of the false;
Thou art victorious...

This is his end,
His days are numbered;
He shall not stand against Thy Kingdom.
We shall be Thy voice and hands,
We shall take part in his destruction.

Through our advance and our devotion we shall witness and shall be his utter ruin.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021



GENRE: Unblack Metal / Noise / Lo-Fi
STATUS: Split-up

Kenneth Holsen - Everything


Power Of God (album, October 6, 2021, Northern Forest Productions) (Digital)

Tracks 1-8 are originally from the Nattesorg album "Power Of God".
Tracks 9 and 10 are originally from the Nattesorg album "Born Again".

All tracks are slowed down and mastered differently.

1. Power Of God 9:06
2. For Victory 6:39
3. In The Clouds 5:43
4. Glory To Our God 6:33
5. Serving The Lord 8:27
6. Temple Of Heaven 5:26
7. For Our Sins 6:34
8. Hallelujah 6:38
9. Follow Him 5:29
10. The Samaritan Woman 6:21

Saturday, September 18, 2021



BAND NAME: Forestnorth
GENRE: Unblack Metal / Noise
STATUS: Split-up

Kenneth Holsen - Everything


My Forest Home (album)

September 18, 2021, Northern Forest Productions (Digital)
September 5, 2022, Annihilated Pentagram Productions (Digital)

Tracks 1-8 are originally from the Nattesorg album "Great Catch Of Fish", but at a higher speed and a lower pitch, and a noisier mastering.  Also, tracks 1 and 6 switch places.
Tracks 9 and 10 were originally from the compilation "Cold Winter Night" and were also remixed for the Ambianicnoise EP "Transilvanian Hunger".  The same mixing/mastering effects from tracks 1-8 are applied to 9 and 10.

1. My Forest Home 4:28
2. Mighty Darkness 3:51
3. Battles In The Mind 4:28
4. The Walking Living 3:37
5. Daylight Night 3:53
6. Come To Pass 4:39
7. Forest North Battles 4:28
8. Hatred Gone 5:28
9. Cold Winter Night 6:05
10. Transilvanian Hunger (Instrumental) (Darkthrone cover) 5:52

Friday, September 17, 2021



BAND NAME: Naglesorg
GENRE: Unblack Metal / Crust
STATUS: Split-up

Kenneth Holsen - Everything


Sannhet (album, September 17, 2021, Northern Forest Productions) (Digital)

Originally the Naglet album "Nailed To A Cross", now with different tracks names, different order, and different mastering.

1. Sannhet 4:06
2. Korsnagel 2:41
3. Sønneofer 2:32
4. Lidelser 3:47
5. Fortapt 3:19
6. Varigheter 2:35
7. Tårer 3:28
8. Hender 3:33
9. Hjertero 4:34
10. Mareritt 2:41

Wednesday, September 15, 2021



BAND NAME: Frostsorgnatt
GENRE: Raw Unblack Metal
STATUS: Split-up

Kenneth Holsen - Everything


Morbidtrial (album, September 15, 2021, Northern Forest Production Productions) (Digital)

Originally the Naglet/Nattesorg album "Tilgivelse For Synder", sped up and mastered differently.

1. Morbidtrial 3:10
2. Anticistigore 3:01
3. Morbidiroth 4:13
4. Ragethor 2:46
5. Lavaworld 4:22
6. Norgerius 2:43
7. Throneground 3:34
8. Endithorn 4:15
9. Rearendicism 3:30
10. Cutterend 3:08

Friday, September 10, 2021


BAND NAME: Beksvart
GENRE: Raw Unblack Metal
STATUS: Active

Kenneth Holsen - Everything


I Den Beksvarte Skog (album)

August 20, 2019, Independent (Digital)
October 6, 2021, Northern Forest Productions (Digital)
April 19, 2023, Northern Forest Productions (Digital)

1. I Den Beksvarte Skog 12:35
2. I Blodmånens Tid 10:51
3. Fortapt I Mørket 13:22

From Fear Of Evil (album)

September 2, 2021, Independent (Digital)
September 19, 2021, Northern Forest Productions (Digital)
February 14, 2021, Annihilated Pentagram Productions (CD-R, Digital)

1. From Fear Of Evil 4:44
2. The Transgressors 5:11
3. From The Earth 4:50
4. Rooted Out 8:11
5. Understanding 5:45
6. Sudden Fear 4:43
7. The Oppressor 6:08
8. Never Knew You 5:09
9. To Fall 5:54
10. Without Instruction 10:22

Cross Of Suffering (album, January 9, 2023, Northern Forest Productions) (Digital)

1. Cross Of Suffering 8:31
2. Road To Eternity 7:18
3. Greater Warnings 8:30
4. Heartless And Cold 8:27
5. World Will End 8:20
6. Brutal Truth Killer 8:33
7. From Above They Come 10:16
8. Wounds Of Forgiveness 8:33

Hjerteløs Og Kald (album, October 5, 2023, Coleiosis Records) (CD-RDigital)

Tracks 1-8 are from "Cross Of Suffering".
Tracks 9-11 are from "I Den Beksvarte Skog".
All tracks are sped-up.

1. Lidelsens Kors 5:40
2. Veien Til Evigheten 4:52
3. Større Advarsler 5:40
4. Hjerteløs Og Kald 5:38
5. Verden Vil Ende 5:33
6. Brutal Sannhet 5:42
7. Kommer Fra Oven 6:51
8. Tilgivelses Sår 5:42
9. I Den Beksvarte Skog 8:23
10. I Blodmånens Tid 7:14
11. Fortapt I Mørket 8:55

Monday, September 6, 2021



BAND NAME: Greatchrist Opengrave
GENRE: Death Metal / Unblack Metal
STATUS: Split-up

Kenneth Holsen - Everything


Bound For A Thousand Years (album)

September 4, 2021, Independent (Digital)
September 18, 2021, Northern Forest Productions (Digital)
November 22, 2021, Annihilated Pentagram Productions (CD-R, Digital)

1. Bound For A Thousand Years 6:26
2. Sword In The Open Fields 5:53
3. Bounds Of The Inheritance 4:15
4. Afflicted By Satan 6:36
5. They Shall Return 4:17
6. Not Yet Conquered 6:34
7. How We Are Bound 6:23
8. Satan Prepares To Betray 6:06
9. Of The Daily Sacrifice 3:58
10. Satan Attacks 5:18
11. Conspires Against 6:31
12. Years Of Captivity 5:06
13. Satan Let Loose Again 5:19

Saturday, August 14, 2021



BAND NAME: Nattehorn
GENRE: Unblack Metal / Grindcore
STATUS: Split-up

Kenneth Holsen - Everything


Became A Serpent (album, July 30, 2021, Northern Forest Productions) (Digital)

Originally the Noisgoroth album "From The Power Of Darkness" but remixed and slowed down to be more downtempo.
On March 17, 2022, the album was given back its original speed like the Noisgoroth album it used to be.

1. Became A Serpent 6:15
2. Cast It On The Ground 5:22
3. With A Strong Hand 5:11
4. Evil To This People 4:50
5. Upon Us With Pestilence 5:32
6. Rod Of God In His Hand 5:43
7. Throughout All The Land 6:26
8. Returned To The Land 4:01
9. Bowed Their Heads 4:49
10. Blood Upon The Dry Land 6:26
11. Out Of His Land 5:30
12. With Their Enchantments 5:22
13. Wise Men And The Sorcerers 6:34

1. Became A Serpent 4:08
2. Cast It On The Ground 4:01
3. With A Strong Hand 4:06
4. Evil To This People 3:37
5. Upon Us With Pestilence 4:41
6. Rod Of God In His Hand 4:17
7. Throughout All The Land 4:49
8. Returned To The Land 3:01
9. Bowed Their Heads 3:37
10. Blood Upon The Dry Land 4:49
11. Out Of His Land 3:53
12. With Their Enchantments 4:00
13. Wise Men And The Sorcerers 4:55

Friday, July 23, 2021



BAND NAME: Armageddonian Wrath
GENRE: Downtempo Unblack Metal
STATUS: Split-up

Kenneth Holsen - Everything


Golden Vials Full Of Wrath (album, July 23, 2021, Northern Forest Production) (Digital)

Originally the Nattesorg album “Alltid En Utvei” but remixed and slowed down to be more downtempo.
On March 17, 2022, the album was given back its original speed like the Nattesorg album it used to be, but with a softer mastering.

1. Golden Vials Full Of Wrath 8:54
2. Victory Over The Beast 8:01
3. Glass Mingled With Fire 8:11
4. Over His Image And His Mark 8:34
5. Having The Seven Plagues 8:33
6. One Of The Four Beasts 6:45
7. Plagues Of Angels Were Fulfilled 8:11
8. Enter Into The Temple 7:08

1. Golden Vials Full Of Wrath 6:40
2. Victory Over The Beast 5:59
3. Glass Mingled With Fire 6:08
4. Over His Image And His Mark 6:24
5. Having The Seven Plagues 6:23
6. One Of The Four Beasts 5:03
7. Plagues Of Angels Were Fulfilled 6:07
8. Enter Into The Temple 5:20

Wednesday, June 2, 2021



BAND NAME: Tunge Byrder
GENRE: Unblack Metal
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: Trondheim, Trondelag, Norway

Max Kevin Oelstoeren - Everything



A Cold Spiritual Warfare (EP, December 15, 2018, Independent) (Digital)

Tracks 3-5 were removed on September 28, 2022, due to copyright issues.

1. Intro 1:08
2. A Cold Spiritual Warfare 4:00
The time has come to change the world
To bring the light into the darkness
Obstacles on my path
Your mercy moves them away
Now I fight for the righteous word of yours
To let the whole world see your glory

The light will prevail over the darkness
To fight for the righteous in this world
The earth will be once renewed in the righteous
To let the light shine through

For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world
Because greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world

The light will prevail over the darkness
To fight for the righteous in this world
The earth will be once renewed in the righteous
To let the light shine through

3. Vår Gud Han Er Så Fast En Borg 4:53
Vår Gud han er så fast en borg,
Han er vårt skjold og verge.
Han hjelper oss av nød og sorg,
Og vet oss vel å berge.
Vår gamle fiende hård,
Til strid imot oss står.
Stor makt og arge list,
Han bruker mot oss visst.

Vår egen makt er intet verd,
Vi vare snart nedhugne,
Men én går frem I denne ferd,
For ham må allting bugne.
Vil due hans navn få visst?
Han heter Jesus Krist,
Den høvding for Guds hær,
I ham kun frelse er.
På jord er ei hans like.

Om verden full av djevler var,
Som ville oss oppsluke,
Vi frykter ei, vi med oss har,
Den mann som dem kan true.
Er verdens fyrste vred,
Og vil oss støte ned,
Han ingenting formår,
Fordi alt dømt han går.

Vår egen makt er intet verd,
Vi vare snart nedhugne,
Men én går frem I denne ferd,
For ham må allting bugne.
Vil due hans navn få visst?
Han heter Jesus Krist,
Den høvding for Guds hær,
I ham kun frelse er.
På jord er ei hans like.

4. To Him Be The Power 3:26
Be alert and of sober mind
Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion
Looking for someone to devour
Resist him
Resist him
Resist him
Resist him

And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ
After you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong
To him be the power forever and ever

Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care
Not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock

And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ
After you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong
To him be the power forever and ever

5. Psalm 44 4:00
We have heard it with our ears, my God, our ancestors have told us what You did in their days
With Your hand you drove out the nations and planted our ancestors

You are my King and my God, who decrees victories for Jacob
Through You we push back our enemies; through Your name we trample our foes
I put no trust in my bow, my sword does brings me no victory
But You give us victory over our enemies, You put our adversaries to shame

It was not by their sword that they won the land, nor did their arm bring them victory
It was Your right hand, Your arm, and the light of Your face, for You love them
In God we make our boast all day long, and we will praise Your name forever

You are my King and my God, who decrees victories for Jacob
Through You we push back our enemies; through Your name we trample our foes
I put no trust in my bow, my sword does brings me no victory
But You give us victory over our enemies, You put our adversaries to shame

A Cold Spiritual Warfare Pt. II (EP, January 16, 2019, Independent) (Digital)

This entire EP was deleted on September 28, 2022, due to copyright issues.

1. Interlude 0:57
2. A Cold Spiritual Warfare Pt. II 3:16
The dark army attacked us and now we are seeking shelter
Under the wings of God we are protected by His mighty Holy Spirit
Darkness does not stand a chance against the light
A light that only Jesus can prevail

So we ride for war, but not by our own flesh
The Holy Spirit of God who will grant us power
Remember the days you were blessed
Those days you were put to the test
You are worthy to carry His name on the chest

So we wait in silence and patience till His return
We are gonna change the world by His word
He has not come to judge us, but to save us
To give us a better destination towards His kingdom

3. Almighty Father 3:36
You're my mighty Father who released me from this prison
You granted me Your freedom and overwhelming joy
You're the light that has not been defeated
Your Son crushed Satan
Now we rejoice in Yeshua

You have given me a joy, an overwhelming joy
The chains have been unchained and I have been set free
To tell all creatures of earth the truth of the gospel
The gospel that will change the world towards salvation

4. My Stronghold 3:17
Praise be to the Lord my rock
Who trains my hands for war
My fingers for battle
He is my loving God and my fortress

My stronghold and my deliverer
My shield in whom I take refuge
Who subdues peoples under me

For the Word of God is alive and active
Sharper than any double-edged sword
It penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit
Joints and marrow
It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart

My stronghold and my deliverer
My shield in whom I take refuge
Who subdues peoples under me

5. Zechariah's Prophecy 4:01
Blessed is the Lord, the God of Israel
Because He has visited
And provided redemption for His people
He has raised up a horn of salvation for us
In the house of His servant David

And you, child, will be called a prophet of the Most High
For you will go before the Lord
To prepare His ways, to give His people knowledge of salvation
Through the forgiveness of their sins
He has dealt mercifully with our fathers and remembered His holy covenant
The oath that He swore to our father Abraham

He has given us the privilege
Since we have been rescued
From the hand of our enemies
To serve Him without fear

And you, child, will be called a prophet of the Most High
For you will go before the Lord
To prepare His ways, to give His people knowledge of salvation
Through the forgiveness of their sins
He has dealt mercifully with our fathers and remembered His holy covenant
The oath that He swore to our father Abraham

Cold Hearts (EP, February 26, 2019, Independent) (Digital)

Tracks 2 and 4 were removed on September 28, 2022, due to copyright issues.

1. Cold Hearts 4:16
The cold is spreading through the heart of the human being
A black shadow with the absence from the light
Darkness and the depression has spread throughout his mind
Lost he will be find, there is no rewind
When we die our soul leaves our body, to the eternal judgement
We are given the everlasting chance to live forever through our Lord Jesus Christ

Our Heavenly Father cares much about us
He don't want us to suffer eternity in Hell
He wants us to love each other as He have loved us
And in the end see all His glory for eternity

Actions in this life will get consequences in the afterlife
We are eternal forgiven by the holy blood of the Son
Hearts will be melted of the free grace
That He did in your place
The way out of the maze

Our Heavenly Father cares much about us
He don't want us to suffer eternity in Hell
He wants us to love each other as He have loved us
And in the end see all His glory for eternity
And in the end see all His glory for eternity

2. Never Again 3:15
The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth
And that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time

The Lord regretted that He had made human beings on the earth
And His heart was deeply troubled, for He regretted that He have made them

The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in His heart...
"Never again will I curse the ground because of humans
Even though every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood
And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done."

The Lord regretted that He had made human beings on the earth
And His heart was deeply troubled, for He regretted that He have made them

The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in His heart...
"Never again will I curse the ground because of humans."

3. Letter Kills 4:06
You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry
Written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God
Not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts

Such confidence we have through Christ before God
Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves
But our competence comes from God
He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant

Are we beginning to commend ourselves again?
Or do we need, like some people, letters of recommendation to you or from you?
You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts.

Such confidence we have through Christ before God
Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves
But our competence comes from God
He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant

Not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life

4. Lord's Prayer 1:13
Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done;
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
The power and the glory,
Forever and ever.

Narrow Is The Road (compilation, November 14, 2019, Independent) (Digital)

Tracks 1-5 are from "A Cold Spiritual Warfare".
Tracks 6-10 are from "A Cold Spiritual Warfare Pt. II".
Tracks 11-14 are from "Cold Hearts".
Track 15 is a bonus track.

This entire compilation was deleted on September 28, 2022, due to copyright issues.

1. Intro 1:08
2. A Cold Spiritual Warfare 4:00
3. Vår Gud Han Er Så Fast En Borg 4:53
4. To Him Be The Power 3:26
5. Psalm 44 4:01
6. Interlude 0:57
7. A Cold Spiritual Warfare Pt. II 3:16
8. Almighty Father 3:36
9. My Stronghold 3:17
10. Zechariah's Prophecy 4:01
11. Cold Hearts 4:16
12. Never Again 3:15
13. Letter Kills 4:06
14. Lord's Prayer 1:13
15. Din Vokter 3:48
Jeg løfter mine øyne opp mot fjellene
Hvor skal min hjelp komme fra?
Min hjelp kommer fra Herren
Han som skapte himmel og jord
Han lar ikke din fot bli ustø

Din vokter blunder ikke
Og sover ikke
Israels vokter
Herren er din vokter
Herren er din skygge

Han er ved din høyre hånd
Solen skal ikke stikke deg om dagen
Og månen ikke skade deg om natten
Herren skal bevare deg fra alt ondt
Og verne om ditt liv
Herren skal bevare din utgang og inngang fra nå og til evig tid

Din vokter blunder ikke
Og sover ikke
Israels vokter
Herren er din vokter
Herren er din skygge


BAND NAME: Spiritual Strength GENRE: Unblack Metal STATUS: Active LOCATION: Norway (Holkeheim) / USA (Cole) Lineup: Holkeheim - All Instrume...