Sunday, August 25, 2024


BAND NAME: Spiritual Strength
GENRE: Unblack Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Norway (Holkeheim) / USA (Cole)

Holkeheim - All Instruments, Vocals
Cole Bezotte - Lyrics


Christ Is Perfection (album, August 25, 2024, Coleiosis Records) (CD-R, Digital)

1. Lord And Savior 10:04
My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Remind me You are with me every day of my life
When I wake in the morning
When I walk through the day
When I need a reminder to simply breathe
You go before me and prepare the life ahead of me
You have plans for me
Help me not to fear those around me
Help me not to stumble so easily
You are my protector
You are my light in my darkest times
Whom then shall I fear?
You are my cure, my health, my everything
Keep me calm
I wish to find rest in your presence
When night falls and I grow tired
Bring me peace as I drift to sleep
You are there in the stillness of the night
Watching over me

2. Christ Is Perfection 10:16
Once again I find myself frustrated with the world
People both inside the church and out seem to have no grip on right and wrong
They do not know what is best for them
Wasting themselves on what they believe will make them happy
Father forgive them for they know not what they do
No one is perfect, not even me
Only Christ is perfection
Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect
In the world, not of it
The human mind is vulnerable
It can easily be led astray by the pleasures of this world
Heavenly Father, fix my thoughts on You
Lead me along the path of righteousness
Help me live a life pleasing to You
Destroy my anger and calm me
Bring me tranquility and peace

3. Behind The Mask 10:48
There are days when I feel everything is going wrong
I cannot find peace
I look for tranquility
I wait for a change
I feel I am getting nowhere
Perseverance seems to slip from my hands
They say the man behind the mask will be at his lowest
The mask is coming off
I am ready to admit to everything
My heart constantly aches
My spirit is often crushed
I feel I have no one to talk to
Depression weighs me down
I keep feeling like the end is near
I feel like I am completely useless
In these times of hopelessness, turn to Christ
He will give you sanctuary and security
He will carry you all the way
Put your trust in Him
He loves you more than you ever know
He will never leave you or forsake you
His peace surpasses all understanding
The human body is fragile, but He will make you strong

4. Throwing Away Reality 11:12
Those who claim to follow God but twist His Word are serpents
They expect you to be more like them instead of whom they claim to represent
Brood of snakes!
They are poised and ready to take you
Their words are poison to the mind and soul
They want to shape you into their ways
Throwing away reality
Do not be deceived
The truth lies in God's Word
Not in the mouths of the serpents
When you are wise to them, they slander you
They are shameless
They curse you and claim to have the right to judge you
There is no judge as righteous as God
The one true God of the heavens and the earth
When Jesus returns and the people are judged
The blasphemers will know their place
When they find themselves at God's left hand
They will plead with him
When they find themselves in the bowels of Hell
They will wonder where they went wrong

Sunday, August 18, 2024


BAND NAME: Christ's Sword
GENRE: Raw Unblack Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: United States

Alex Goatman "Bloodsucker of Demon Corpse" - Everything


Mourning The Nazarene (EP, August 18, 2024, Coleiosis Records) (Digital7" Vinyl)

The CD-R has two different cover variants, one in black and white, and one in color.

1. The Stench Of Myrrh 2:56
2. Draped In Black Blood 1:40
3. Mourning The Nazarene 2:38
4. Beast Of Nocturnal Guise 2:42

Thursday, August 15, 2024


BAND NAME: Unevil Forces
GENRE: Death/Unblack/War Metal
STATUS: Active

Kenneth "Unevil" Holsen - Everything



From Whence Thou Art Fallen (album)

August 15, 2024, Independent (Digital)
August 28, 2024, Coleiosis Records (CD-RDigital)

1. From Whence Thou Art Fallen 4:22
2. Will Remove Thy Candlestick 2:29
3. Spirit Saith Unto The Churches 3:16
4. The Paradise Of God 2:53
5. Angel Of The Church 2:04
6. I Know The Blasphemy 2:59
7. Give Thee A Crown Of Life 2:53
8. Not Be Hurt Of The Second Death 3:20
9. With The Sword Of My Mouth 3:07
10. Things Sacrificed Unto Idols 3:11
11. Not Known The Depths Of Satan 4:09
12. Hast Not Denied My Name 2:14
13. Out Of Heaven From My God 3:42
14. If Any Man Hear My Voice 4:09

Thursday, February 29, 2024


BAND NAME: Unblack Chaosnoise
GENRE: Blackened Noisegrind (early) / Unblack Metal (later)
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Bergen, Hordaland, Norway

Kenneth Holsen - Everything


Danger Of Eternal Damnation / Eternal Damnation (album)

Danger Of Eternal Damnation:
March 13, 2019, Naorg Production (Digital)
April 14, 2023, Northern Forest Productions (Digital)

Eternal Damnation:
June 25, 2021, Turn To Christ Productions (Digital)

The name of the album and its tracks were shortened when re-released by Turn To Christ Productions.
Track 3 of the Northern Forest release is mistakenly given the same name as track 2.

1. Danger Of Eternal Damnation 5:45
2. To Cast Out Devils 5:54
3. Cutting Himself With Stones 4:03
4. At The Point Of Death 6:04
5. Took Up His Corpse 3:43
6. The Devil Is Gone Out 4:29
7. When He Cometh In The Glory 6:20
8. Lose His Own Soul 5:20

1. Eternal Damnation 5:45
2. Cast Out 5:54
3. Cutting With Stones 4:03
4. Point Of Death 6:04
5. Took Up His Corpse 3:44
6. Gone Out 4:29
7. In The Glory 6:20
8. His Own Soul 5:20

Flaming Torches (album, March 1, 2024, Coleiosis Records) (CD-RDigital)

1. Flaming Torches 5:07
2. Wicked Counsellor 6:05
3. Bonds In Sunder 5:45
4. Wicked Shall No More 5:31
5. Day Of Preparation 5:19
6. Rage In The Streets 4:32
7. Shall Be Prepared 5:07
8. Dwelling Lions 4:51
9. Holes With Prey 5:07
10. Bound In Chains 6:16

Friday, February 16, 2024


BAND NAME: HolyWar Unblack
GENRE: Unblack Metal / War Metal
STATUS: Active

Holkeheim - Everything



Holy Lamb Worship (album, February 16, 2024, Independent) (Digital)

1. Holy Lamb Worship 7:23
2. Prayer From The Heart 7:42
3. To God Be Glory 5:01
4. Focus On The Lord 6:24
5. Powerful Jesus Christ 7:40
6. Only Way To God 7:38
7. Pure Worship 5:06
8. Worship In Spirit And Truth 6:51

Friday, January 26, 2024


BAND NAME: Hematohidrosis
GENRE: Unblack Metal / Death Metal / Grindcore
STATUS: Active

Kenneth Holsen - Everything


Inexcusable (album)

January 20, 2024, Holkeheim Productions (Digital)
April 3, 2024, Holkeheim Productions (CD-R)

1. Inexcusable 2:09
2. Longsuffering 1:52
3. Repentance 2:18
4. Immortality 1:51
5. Unrighteousness 1:58
6. Tribulation 1:30
7. Justified 1:58
8. Instructed 1:47
9. Confident 1:22
10. Dishonourest 1:58
11. Abounded 1:51
12. Slanderously 2:05
13. Damnation 1:27
14. Righteous 2:09
15. Bitterness 1:35

Saturday, January 20, 2024


BAND NAME: Todesklaue
GENRE: Black Metal (early), Unblack Metal (later)
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Rock Spring, Georgia

Tyler Johnson - Everything



Non-Christian releases:
Rising Of A Midnight Moon (2018)
Lyngbakr (2018)

Incinerate The Sacrificial Grounds Of Moloch (EP, January 16, 2024, Independent) (Digital)

1. Torrents Of Wretched Oppression (Intro) 1:30

2. I, Theocrat 3:31
To hell with red and blue
With earthly ways I am through

All parties ran by the same puppeteers
Manipulating our minds and conjuring our fears
Catering to blasphemers to make extra cash
What will these cowards do when Jesus Christ comes back?

A nation under theocracy
Under our God, not you and me
To hell with democracy
Divine rule is what I seek
Burn down the idols, stop degeneracy
Biblical teachings to spread the seed
One nation under theocracy
Say goodbye democracy

No more predators going after our children
No more satanists establishing rule
No more zionism ruling our media
Place the government under he who is true
Replace the greedy cult which is now in control
I want the rule of he who makes me whole
Let this nation prosper once more
On this plague of evil I close the door

I stand for theocracy

3. Incinerate The Sacrificial Grounds Of Moloch 2:37
Modern temples of worship
To a perverted god
They sacrifice their own offspring
Leaving them to rot
Burn these forsaken temples down
Show them no mercy
All false gods must suffer and die
So the innocent will cease to bleed

Incinerate, burn these grounds of child sacrifice to the ground

There is nothing unvirtuous about the destruction
Of satanic idols and their means to destroy us

We shall burn you to the ground

If a child is only a clump of cells
Then your clinics are just a clump of bricks
Now reduced to a pile of filthy rubble
Fire and gasoline should do the trick

4. Christ Supremacy 5:33
Confined to this flesh
My personal righteousness is nothing
Creator of the universe
Conqueror of all

No nation's leaders
In place without his doing

Every nation's leader
Will submit to Christ's supremacy

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Non subservient to the other
Three persons as one
Reign over the universe
All existed all of time
None of them created
God's essence infinite
Reigning supreme

No false god or devil
Can topple Christ's supremacy
Creator of the universe
Shedding divine blood for me
Only a fool would deem Satan
An evenly-matched foe
This prisoner of the world
Destined to suffer below

Your own will is selfish
Submit to Christ's supremacy
Our own wants will kill us
My own flesh my enemy
Your own will is selfish
Submit to Christ's supremacy
Our own wants will kill us
My own flesh my enemy


BAND NAME: Spiritual Strength GENRE: Unblack Metal STATUS: Active LOCATION: Norway (Holkeheim) / USA (Cole) Lineup: Holkeheim - All Instrume...